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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

This mfer should burn in hell for saying that in that section




I love these little shitheads lmao

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

How would you rate Wonder?

Definetly the best 2D Mario yet...and the only one up there with the 3D ones, and even better that alot of them (i'd only put Galaxy 2 above it). Game is super creative and fun....but some stuff does hold it back from perfection

  • Boss fights are trash, except the final bowser one, which was peak
  • Badges are not utilized as well as they should've been. Some badges were straight up unnecessary, too. Imagine if you could change them mid level and levels were designed with that in mind...we could've had some amazing puzzle/dungeon like levels.
  • Would be cool if we had an extra special world. Even some rehashed levels made to be harder (ala 3D world) would've been cool
  • where Tsundere Flowers?


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Need to see more neat ideas such as this:



Just a neat enemy attack to bait the player into making a hasty action. XD It got me so many times! Of course, there is a tell when the attack is coming, but it's hard to see in the moment sometimes. 

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I still can't get over the fact the Japanese word for Bread is... Pan. Just that, Pan. Took it straight from the Portuguese (yes, them, they used to call it, or write it at least, as Pan during those times before changing it, apparently) and didn't made up a word for it later on. No, just kept using Pan.

Fun fact, the name "Japan" itself is supposedly the Portuguese bastardization of the Malaysian word for Japan, (Jipong) which in itself is a bastardization of the Chinese word for Japan (Jih Pun)

But also this makes sense and happens to all languages. Likewise in English we have borrowed words like Tsunami and Emoji from Japanese that are the most common words used to describe the thing that they are describing in English.

Also in double checking, I found that apparently there's a word for stuff like this in Japan. Wasei-eigo words that are from English and were borrowed into Japanese, usually given a Japanese flair like sukinshippu being from the English Skinship.

...I don't know if Portuguese has any Japanese borrowed words but I wouldn't put it past a colonial empire to have a lot of foreign words in it's home language. it is where the name Japan came from.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>See ya

>invisibility Section

>No check point

Only reason I even cleared it was because I went online and got lucky that someone set up a standee before the blimp portion.

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I actually did buy Mario Wonder which should be arriving today. I know I've gone on about not liking Mario games but from the way people have been talking about it and since Mario Odyssey has so far been like the only Mario game I really liked and completed, I wondered if mainline Mario games from here on out would be more my speed. I definitely vastly prefer the look of it compared to previous games, and you can play as Daisy which is great! Even if she's still whitewashed.


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20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Only reason I even cleared it was because I went online and got lucky that someone set up a standee before the blimp portion.

i died so fucking much at the blimp portion lol.

And since i didn't play online, i had to go back 3.5 sections. Fun Ü

Honestly, invisibility is the worst.

12 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually did buy Mario Wonder which should be arriving today.

Enjoy 😄

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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53 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Fun fact, the name "Japan" itself is supposedly the Portuguese bastardization of the Malaysian word for Japan, (Jipong) which in itself is a bastardization of the Chinese word for Japan (Jih Pun)

Jih Pun, huh. I take it it is related to ジパング/Zipang.

53 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

But also this makes sense and happens to all languages. Likewise in English we have borrowed words like Tsunami and Emoji from Japanese that are the most common words used to describe the thing that they are describing in English.

Also in double checking, I found that apparently there's a word for stuff like this in Japan. Wasei-eigo words that are from English and were borrowed into Japanese, usually given a Japanese flair like sukinshippu being from the English Skinship.

Mhm, and that's one of the reasons why Katakana is a thing.

53 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

...I don't know if Portuguese has any Japanese borrowed words but I wouldn't put it past a colonial empire to have a lot of foreign words in it's home language. it is where the name Japan came from.

I know Biombo (folding screen) is one. Which we also use in Spanish.

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

I actually did buy Mario Wonder which should be arriving today. I know I've gone on about not liking Mario games but from the way people have been talking about it and since Mario Odyssey has so far been like the only Mario game I really liked and completed, I wondered if mainline Mario games from here on out would be more my speed. I definitely vastly prefer the look of it compared to previous games, and you can play as Daisy which is great! Even if she's still whitewashed.


One day we'll get tan Daisy back. One day.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One day we'll get tan Daisy back. One day.

My personal theory is that the Mushroom Kingdom annexed Sarasaland 23 years ago and has been keeping Daisy as a political hostage to the point where she lost her melanin in the cooler climate of the Mushroom Kingdom.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Jih Pun, huh. I take it it is related to ジパング/Zipang.

I can't find a good source that details what exactly it might be about but in looking through wikipedia I learned that apparently Quechua has it's own word for Japan (Nihun) which is just absolutely lovely.

Long live the Japano-Incan Empire of the Rising Sun. Bless it be to Amaterasu and Inti.

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Approaching the end of GrimGrimoire, interested in seeing how it'll conclude. Although I think I'll save the final section for another IRL day. Playing on Easy is actually too easy.😅 So things go by fast. Although even on a higher difficulty this game would be short.

The original GrimGrimoire was in development at the same time as the original Odin Sphere, and of the two, this does feel like the lesser of Vanillaware's first two completed projects.

*Checks Wikipedia and skips to the development section of GG.*

"Niikawa wanted to collaborate on a game, and gave Vanillaware complete creative freedom. Due to this, the team did not restrain themselves and designed the game without considering its long-term commercial viability.[1] Kamitani and many Vanillaware staff were fans and avid players of the real-time strategy game StarCraft. Due to this shared passion, they decided to create a fantasy-themed side-scrolling RTS.[1][13] Kamitani later said his state of excitement over the project led to many of the decisions abound the story, deriving thematic cues from the universes of Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg and the Harry Potter series. Time and budget constraints lead to the number of characters being kept very low,"

With regards to development timespan, NIS set the deadlines and GrimGrimoire took between six months to a year to complete. Whereas Odin Sphere's development began in 2004, finished sometime in 2006, and Atlus forced its release to be delayed into February, causing OS to release after GG. So yeah, GG was very much the junior project.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

I can't find a good source that details what exactly it might be about but in looking through wikipedia I learned that apparently Quechua has it's own word for Japan (Nihun) which is just absolutely lovely.

Long live the Japano-Incan Empire of the Rising Sun. Bless it be to Amaterasu and Inti.

I take it's just Nihon adapted to their language? Since that can also happen. Looking at the list, Cornish also uses Nihon.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I take it's just Nihon adapted to their language? Since that can also happen. Looking at the list, Cornish also uses Nihon.

I just love that it's literally the only American language on that list, I'm curious what prompted the Quechua community to adopt the Japanese original word for Japan that it would be put on such a list, especially since Spanish uses Japón.

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28 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I just love that it's literally the only American language on that list, I'm curious what prompted the Quechua community to adopt the Japanese original word for Japan that it would be put on such a list, especially since Spanish uses Japón.

I was curious, since I remembered the Spanish brought Native auxiliaries to East Asia.

So I did some search, and found this:


Which talks about soldiers from Peru also crossing the Pacific to the Phillippines. Maybe, like with the Tlaxcala before them, some Quechua were among them. Thus they heard the use of Nihon, and decided to use it.

I mean, who knows if it's true, but I feel it could be plausible.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

died so fucking much at the blimp portion lol.

And since i didn't play online, i had to go back 3.5 sections. Fun Ü

Honestly, invisibility is the worst.

I only swapped to online after dying like a billion times there and in the spring jump section.


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12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I still can't get over the fact the Japanese word for Bread is... Pan. Just that, Pan. Took it straight from the Portuguese (yes, them, they used to call it, or write it at least, as Pan during those times before changing it, apparently) and didn't made up a word for it later on. No, just kept using Pan.

I wonder if @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- will have a similar breakdown with how Japan uses the German word for work to mean part time job (admittedly Arbeit becomes Arubaito, so he might not have noticed before).


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I only swapped to online after dying like a billion times there and in the spring jump section.


admittedly, i found spring one of the easier parts lel.

But i would've also went online if i game over'd again.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I wonder if @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- will have a similar breakdown with how Japan uses the German word for work to mean part time job (admittedly Arbeit becomes Arubaito, so he might not have noticed before).


when i first heard it in anime -looooooong ago- i had to chuckle

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Probably about time to tackle Book 2 in earnest. It's been a long time coming.

When people first played the game in 1994 not realizing that Book 1 is just a remake, it must have been weird going into Book 2. I mean, in Book 1 houses mostly just tell you things like "Use money to buy stuff". Then in Book 2, the first half dozen houses are all just lore and records of the many war crimes the occupation army is doing.
The war crimes are all very sanitized, though. Like, Malliesia's grandma tells Marth not to kidnap her daughter because she is just 10 years old. I guess the occupation army is nice enough not to kidnap minors? Whaa...
At least Lang makes it clear that the plan is to just kill everyone, and all the bullying is ultimately just an attempt to provoke the civil populace into creating a pretense for going all the way.
Still, it doesn't quite hit as hard as that whole "Lock all the elderly, women and children into a house and burn it down" levels of organized cruelty against civilians seen in Larentia's backstory.

But it's still a really powerful setup. I mean, going from fighting Grust to having to defend it against your former allies? That hits hard. I also love how your alignments result in Lang being depicted as an allied blue unit while literal children are depicted as enemy red units.
And I know Book 2 does this multiple times too. There is this thing with the priests in Khadein. And later when you fight Gra, you fight a mix of Gra and Akaneian soldiers. Both are red, but the Gra soldiers will never actually attack you. So you can just decide to... you know... not kill them.
I'm sure some people would dismiss this as bad design. If you are not meant to kill them anyway, don't put them on the map. Or make them green or something.
But it encourages thought. To see more in those soldiers than just piles of exp waiting to be salvaged. To think about why they are fighting and if they really need to die for whatever cause you are after.
I'd say it's all pretty nice for a 1994 Famicom game. Most certainly prefer it over the Awakening and beyond approach of portraying murder as a fun bonding exercise for the whole family. That the lives of those you don't personally know are meaningless beyond the entertainment you get from ending them. Then those same fucks act like the people of Plegia being used as fuel for the resurrection of a dark god was the result of an almighty fate, and not the result of their own indifference towards it's people after they threw the country into chaos by killing it's leadership, filling their bags with stolen riches and then just leaving those who supported them against Gangrel at the mercy of zombies and evil cultists.
Like, at least don't blame fate for your own sociopathy and stupidity biting you in the ass. Goddamn these guys did nothing to deserve coming out on top in the end.

I also love how all the recurring characters generally come back with some fanfare. Ogma is shown working against Lang quite a few maps before becoming playable. Navarre gets so much buildup that you actually end up meeting an off-brand knockoff before him. Then Astram chases you across several maps... It makes those characters feel like they are really part of the world. It's super nice.
Makes the starting squad unfortunately stand out for not having anything going for them. But it most certainly was a huge step forward and it's easy to see how this lead to larger chunks of the cast getting more involved in the Saga games. Story arcs for everyone! Except Shirou.

There is so much stuff to love here. But goddamn, do some parts early on require a lot of walking. Ballista are really annoying because attack ranges are not displayed yet and 10 range is way too high anyway. The hit display is capped at 100%, which is really freaking weird. Dismounting stat differences are also really annoying to deal with. No surprise I never quite managed to beat this sucker.

On the bright side, I do like that the game actually displays the effective damage your weapon would do against the proper targets, instead of you having to always do the math itself. Very convenient and I wish it was kept in Thracia. Though I suppose they did squeeze a lot of information into the Thracia status screen.

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Chapter 3 might actually be less annoying than I always thought. Matthis has a Javelin. So maybe he can be lured without aggroing the rest of the cavalry. Then I can just lead him around the mountain. Let's see if this works.

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