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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

These are all boring yes, and a chore even

But they aren't menu chore

I think that could be fixed by just cleaning up UI stuff. Menu transitions, menu cursor speed, etc.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What would a soldier do with their personal salary? Extra food/drink? Extra weapons/armor? Gamble? Hookers? Remittances sent home? It'd feel kinda weird even as the invisible player's hand directing soldiers to buy this stuff, not "natural" in FE as we know it. If you could give out treasury funds as "bonuses" atop the unseen salary paid to the soldiers, which the soldiers randomly spend (probabilities weighted according to their personal inclinations) for various benefits, then maybe that'd work? Eh, still feels off to me.

Personal Salaries for support bonuses!

16 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I think that could be fixed by just cleaning up UI stuff. Menu transitions, menu cursor speed, etc.


It can not be fixed aslong as the pawn shop exists. It will stay a chore because that middle man adds like 10 extra steps just to trade an item. No amount of fixing can fix this

Not to mention all the balance problems the system brings

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Thracians are officially canonically ass at staff usage.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They knew how terrible archers are in FE, and wanted to give the best impression of them they could.

If we go by the time period, I don't know if archers had enough of a reputation of being mid yet. Especially since Gaiden was only two games ago and archers were incredibly based in that game.


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Archers have been pretty blessed since Fates

Fates with high MT bows, nerfed javelins/handaxes, weapon triangle and dual attacks made bows great

Echoes and 3H bow range & combat arts go brrrr

Engage, probably the one where bows are at their weakest in the modern era, are still pretty good there thanks to heavy PP focus, Radiant Bow and Lyn

Has been a while since "Bows bad"

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It can not be fixed aslong as the pawn shop exists. It will stay a chore because that middle man adds like 10 extra steps just to trade an item. No amount of fixing can fix this

Not to mention all the balance problems the system brings

Generally speaking, wont you be going to a castle to repair weapons regardless? 

I dont know if that could be classified as a balance issue. 

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4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

wont you be going to a castle to repair weapons regardless? 

But that's just like normal shopping, why make trade a chore as well instead of 2 clicks

4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

dont know if that could be classified as a balance issue. 

It is

And a big one at that, since strong units can trade no problemo due to arena money while weak units can't even get bread crumbs

It widens the gap between strong and weak quite a bit

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But that's just like normal shopping, why make trade a chore as well instead of 2 clicks

It is

And a big one at that, since strong units can trade no problemo due to arena money while weak units can't even get bread crumbs

It widens the gap between strong and weak quite a bit

Likely so you can't trade the Holy weapons away?

Isn't that more of a "we should actually try to make every unit usable instead of breaking specific ones." Issue? 

Trading won't really help the units left behind 30 spaces. XD

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7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

so you can't trade the Holy weapons away?

Those without holy blood can't use them due to weapon rank restrictions anyway?

7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Trading won't really help the units left behind 30 spaces. XD

Atleast using weaker units diesn't become more of a chore/grind. Trading strong weapons to them could help them

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8 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Likely so you can't trade the Holy weapons away?

Why would you do this anyways? Only those with Major *insert name* Holy Blood can use those weapons. It's not like the Crest Weapons in 3H where technically anyone can use them.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Why would you do this anyways? Only those with Major *insert name* Holy Blood can use those weapons. It's not like the Crest Weapons in 3H where technically anyone can use them.

The same reason players feel the need to toss out all of their door keys/gold/lockpicks in the GBA era. I have no clue, but people feel the need to do stuff like this. Or weapons for that matter, which is likely why Falchion became infinite use right to begin with in Awakening. Cause players couldn't take things seriously enough like always. XD

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12 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Or weapons for that matter, which is likely why Falchion became infinite use right to begin with in Awakening

Stuff like that started with Ragnell in PoR

And good, Legendary weapons shouldn't break in 20 hits

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20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Stuff like that started with Ragnell in PoR

And good, Legendary weapons shouldn't break in 20 hits

I did say "right to begin with", if you missed that.

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44 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

The same reason players feel the need to toss out all of their door keys/gold/lockpicks in the GBA era.

Who does this genuinely? Throwing away lockpicks too is wild because that's why thieves are good (Lockpick skill didn't exist until FE8).

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40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Who does this genuinely? Throwing away lockpicks too is wild because that's why thieves are good (Lockpick skill didn't exist until FE8).

In FE6 lockpicks are 30 uses. You really only need a couple, and even that might be overkill, I'm not sure if there's more than 60 places to use a lockpick in the game. Not only that, the game showers you with lockpicks, you get one from Chad, one from Astolfo, at least three from Cath if you steal hers as she appears (and you should, that way she can't take your stuff), and there's even one in a chest in 12x, and this isn't even counting generic thieves who might have even more. Keeping them all is completely useless, and the convoy isn't that big. Much better to sell the rest for cash.

Later they nerfed them to 15 uses, of course, but even then, FE7 is pretty generous with them, as long as you can steal them off of enemy thieves, and you really don't need more than like, three or four for the entire game, and even that might be too much considering keys. In FE8 they become entirely useless once you get a rogue, and even without a rogue keys are buyable in that game so you might as well forego thieves entirely and get rid of the lockpicks. Not that you get many lockpicks in that game anyway - the only one that's obtainable outside of secret shops is Colm's default one lol

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Interesting CD cover, different from the ingame style. But why do they still make soundtrack CDs when disk drives are on the verge of extinction?

Artist was listed as Emika Kida, should check GrimGrimoire and see which, if any, of the new art there is her's. See if I can notice common traits that would define the artist's personal style.


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Has been a while since "Bows bad"

Awakening totally was, without massive grinding to make the game PP-oriented instead of lopsidedly-EP. Virion was one awful earlygame archer, and the next unit to join with bows at base (so no E-rank hell)... was Basilio (or, Noire, possibly). Noooo Sniper with nice bases to be at least an adequate bow user.

Prior to Awakening, Anri's Way liked bows, and Maniac/(Reverse) Lunatic made them very good in New Mystery. Shadow Dragon... bows are okay? Low enemy density, high quality, auto-C Bows when reclassing into Sniper, might be alright?

...But then we get to the Bows Are Bad Era. Tellius is too much EP, and PoR is especially bad because Shinon has competent bases in RD but not PoR (and only 2xMt bow effectiveness in PoR). Blazing Stones are too easy and hence EP-friendly. Binding is a reprieve where bows are good -it's just not friendly to the two archers; the two Snipers, three Nomads, and one Bartre are all much more capable at base. Thracia 776 is where I'd say bows started being bad. Tanya, Ronan, Dagda, Selphina, Robert, Xavier, a pretty awful selection of bow users (Marty and Dalsin are lacking as prospective users too), Selphina and Dagda aside. The four bow-locked of the above are uniquely the only units with zero capturing ability, and fliers are pretty rare.

Prior to Thracia, I wouldn't say bows were bad, if perhaps a little lackluster. (And Febby Boy can -unless you were playing blind and missed something fairly obvious- have a minimum of 50 Atk, which is funny for the character with the worst usable holy weapon.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Who does this genuinely? Throwing away lockpicks too is wild because that's why thieves are good (Lockpick skill didn't exist until FE8).

Those that wish to prove that you can lock yourself out of beating the game in any way. 

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Who does this genuinely? Throwing away lockpicks too is wild because that's why thieves are good (Lockpick skill didn't exist until FE8).

FE3 actually.

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@Interdimensional Observer Funny little Culture-without-Aesthetics game as Kasimir. I initially thought that, because I was somewhat boxed in by two city states, this would become a warmongering game, but I happened to get a rather decent faith income (you can see Uluru in the top center of the picture, plus Stonehenge) and both Pagodas and Mosques, so I went with a religious tourism game instead. This screenshot is from before Airports; I think Warsaw went up to ~200 with one. Victory on turn 266 and without any wars necessary to cut down any culture runaway, which I think is pretty decent.

My closest neighbor was Suleiman, who was a bro for the entire game (until he got eaten by his closest neighbor, Harald). Biggest culture civ was Hiawatha on a second continent, who ate Ashurbanipal. Always funny how one of the worst civs tends to be one of the strongest AIs. Meanwhile, me and Ramses both chilled on three cities each.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Awakening totally was, without massive grinding to make the game PP-oriented instead of lopsidedly-EP. Virion was one awful earlygame archer, and the next unit to join with bows at base (so no E-rank hell)... was Basilio (or, Noire, possibly). Noooo Sniper with nice bases to be at least an adequate bow user.

Prior to Awakening, Anri's Way liked bows, and Maniac/(Reverse) Lunatic made them very good in New Mystery. Shadow Dragon... bows are okay? Low enemy density, high quality, auto-C Bows when reclassing into Sniper, might be alright?

...But then we get to the Bows Are Bad Era. Tellius is too much EP, and PoR is especially bad because Shinon has competent bases in RD but not PoR (and only 2xMt bow effectiveness in PoR). Blazing Stones are too easy and hence EP-friendly. Binding is a reprieve where bows are good -it's just not friendly to the two archers; the two Snipers, three Nomads, and one Bartre are all much more capable at base. Thracia 776 is where I'd say bows started being bad. Tanya, Ronan, Dagda, Selphina, Robert, Xavier, a pretty awful selection of bow users (Marty and Dalsin are lacking as prospective users too), Selphina and Dagda aside. The four bow-locked of the above are uniquely the only units with zero capturing ability, and fliers are pretty rare.

Prior to Thracia, I wouldn't say bows were bad, if perhaps a little lackluster. (And Febby Boy can -unless you were playing blind and missed something fairly obvious- have a minimum of 50 Atk, which is funny for the character with the worst usable holy weapon.)

I'd say this is a good summary, yes. Nothing to add other than bringing up the ol' Sagas as per usual.

TRS has kind of a lack of good bow users. Raquel is amazing, Leonie is a fun project, Lionheart is competent and Raphael is Raphael, but the other bow users range from unremarkable to Luca. The bow selection isn't fantastic either, there's a rare drop bow that's great, Raquel's brave bow and the rest isn't all that memorable. But at least you can use them indoors.

Berwick Saga isPortrait_sylwiss_trs02.png/10

The two Vestarias... Eh. Unremarkable. There's not really a Terrible Archer, but flier utility isn't all that. There's a bunch of brave bows, but there's brave everything in these games. Dune gets a broken prf, but that's everyone in that game, and other prf bows like Sheela's, Cyltan's, Amlute's and Penneloupe's are actually pretty lackluster by Vestaria standards. They have it better than spears, though.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Those that wish to prove that you can lock yourself out of beating the game in any way. 

That's not even true in any game other than like, Thracia lol. There's arguments to be made for weapons, statboosters, promotions and stuff, but lockpicks? That's a 100% observable, objective resource. There's X amount of openable locks in any given game, and that is that. Having any more lockpicks than what you need for those locks is a waste of convoy space. Especially in FE6 where you can get like, 10 lockpicks from stealing and they have 30 uses a pop lol. You'll never need them all, it's better to keep two and sell the rest.

31 minutes ago, ping said:

#KagaDidItFirst wins again!

It's always Kaga!

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

TRS has kind of a lack of good bow users. Raquel is amazing, Leonie is a fun project, Lionheart is competent and Raphael is Raphael, but the other bow users range from unremarkable to Luca. The bow selection isn't fantastic either, there's a rare drop bow that's great, Raquel's brave bow and the rest isn't all that memorable. But at least you can use them indoors.

I think you forgot to name somebody, need I enlist a fictional British detective to sleuth it out?🔎

-Okay, Watson ain't marvelous really. If he weren't a bow-using at base lord when FE has never had one (in your opinion there hasn't ever been one, right?😛), then he'd be nice, but not actually anything of a standout?

And as for Raphael, he can "use" bows like he can "use" axes. Or like 4Leif can "use" bows and axes, or Hannibal/Xavier -except rather badly in the generals' cases. Got some nice spares nobody is using? Toss it on them Raph/Leif if they have the inventory space.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Berwick Saga isPortrait_sylwiss_trs02.png/10

In a world where I got back to BS, hypothetically speaking, the whole Expert skill and my understanding of how non-magic personal weapons work, the sniper lady could, with the reasonable-ish? endgame level of 23, use Istohval's and Klesteeni's exclusives, right?


1 hour ago, ping said:


@Interdimensional Observer Funny little Culture-without-Aesthetics game as Kasimir. I initially thought that, because I was somewhat boxed in by two city states, this would become a warmongering game, but I happened to get a rather decent faith income (you can see Uluru in the top center of the picture, plus Stonehenge) and both Pagodas and Mosques, so I went with a religious tourism game instead. This screenshot is from before Airports; I think Warsaw went up to ~200 with one. Victory on turn 266 and without any wars necessary to cut down any culture runaway, which I think is pretty decent.

My closest neighbor was Suleiman, who was a bro for the entire game (until he got eaten by his closest neighbor, Harald). Biggest culture civ was Hiawatha on a second continent, who ate Ashurbanipal. Always funny how one of the worst civs tends to be one of the strongest AIs. Meanwhile, me and Ramses both chilled on three cities each.

Nice!😀 Surprised Culture was viable with Egypt the AI wonderhog (or at least, should be) in the game.

Aesthetics I've heard argued isn't really amazing for Culture. Opener is nifty, but otherwise you have to basically finish the tree to get much of a benefit from it. Rationalism is arguably better some would say b/c faster Internet matters more for a quick win than what Aesthetics provides.

I haven't played any Civ5 so far this year -because I put waaaay too many hours into it at the end of the last. And I'm afraid of putting on more now.😆 Pretty much all unfinished games. I tried Hiawatha (the one good map had Pacal applying too much religious pressure on my camp food & Work Ethic religion), I tried several Aztec, one Portuguese, a couple Poland, a Morocco, some Dutch (I need to mod a map to have a perfect place worthy of being called Polderia or Kasbahistan), Sweden + the seven of the friendliest civs (difficult to befriend them all for +70% GPP actually, should've picked something like small continents to reduce AI vs. AI border tensions).

Then, I did an Austria continents where the Aztec got an early Polynesia kill, which Morocco helped slightly with. I proceeded to use my two wonderful starting cities and one diplo-marriage to take the almost-undefended Aztec capital just before he got a real force there. Were it not for the fact the game felt "not Austrian" enough for me, I would've continued and razed another Aztec city to give its tiles to my new second capital, then taken the captured Polynesian capital. Not sure if there were two Aztec cities left, but maybe at that point I'd be better off just eradicating the Aztecs and then vanquish Morocco before someone came sailing over and realized I committed continental eradication. If they see the act of murder, the AI has no naval invasion talent at all so I could just Trad-Order to a science win.

The only game I played to completion was an Oval with India vs. the seven lowest growth-emphasis civs for contrast. Won via Culture, as I like it. Had the east end with just enough room for four wonderous cities.:


Biggest city I've ever had I think. I managed to get America to ideology flip from Order to Freedom. Should've taken Order myself with that boundless Indian happiness.

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