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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

5. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

4. Super Mario Galaxy 2

3. Kid Icarus: Uprising

2. Xenoblade Chronicles X

1. Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Your list is missing Xenosaga Epsiode II. Fake list/10 xd

anyways @DragonFlames I'm awful at fe as well, I had a million resets playing Berwick Saga while others breezed through it. We just play at our own pace, is all 

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

  The existence of Inevitable End implies otherwise.
Granted, I've never experienced that myself, but just reading that skill's description is enough to make me go "nope!"

It only exists in one map iirc

And a Map that can be cleared pretty easily.

I wouldn't even call it unfair as it's just a anti bulldozer mechanic

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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So can i @Wraith 

But not everyone is a FE player

Then those people can eat cut their teeth one of the easier games (Scared Stones for example) to get a good understanding of the basic mechanics and then go from there. 

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

anyways @DragonFlames I'm awful at fe as well, I had a million resets playing Berwick Saga while others breezed through it. We just play at our own pace, is all 


Just now, Shrimperor said:

It only exists in one map iirc

And a Map that can be cleared pretty easily.

I wouldn't even call it unfair as it's just a anti bulldozer mechanic

Huh. Well, okay then.
As I said, I haven't experienced it myself, so I won't judge, but if that was an omnipresent thing, I would struggle to not call it the leavings of a male bovine.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

but if that was an omnipresent thing, I would struggle to not call it the leavings of a male bovine.

yeah i would agree, as Ninjas are super annoying in general

But i never saw it until ch20, and afaik it's only a thing in ch25 or 26

And it serves as anti bulldozing

2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Then those people can eat cut their teeth one of the easier games (Scared Stones for example) to get a good understanding of the basic mechanics and then go from there. 

Right. But even getting into that might be hard for many people.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah i would agree, as Ninjas are super annoying in general

... YEP!

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But i never saw it until ch20, and afaik it's only a thing in ch25 or 26

As if those chapters needed to be any more annoying.
Well, to be fair, the Ryoma chapter is only annoying if Corrin is too weak to kill him before the 25 turn limit (which I think is 20 on Lunatic, afaik)
But 26 has no excuse.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And it serves as anti bulldozing

I honestly think the rest of the enemy units do a fine enough job without that, but okay.
Good luck when you reach there! ^^

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shiki's design and select songs share a "I don't think I'd want to admit to playing this game to others" thing. They're not egregious I know, all Shiki needs is pull up the shorts a little, but enough that I would feel a bit off.

Don't have much to say here honestly.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, I'm not opposed to the disparate soundtrack, and it turns out it's not the last game I'd play that'd be like that I'd be fine with it, Xenoblade Chronicles X comes to mind. The soundtrack is fine on the whole to me, no issues. But again, this would be a little odd for others to hear in public.:

I meant more I could expect some tracks don't click for people based on their tastes. But I can see it, even if it's not something that bothered me much with this track.

The fact that the lyrics could be considered subtle compared to the current pop ternds in some circles is hilarious to me.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's that Nomura gets all esoteric in the world's details via the reports,. And the themes have go kinda esoteric too, and yet they really aren't that well developed or handled.

And partly, you can consider my regret a reaction to my overzealousness for the game when I was younger, I should forgive myself for that. 

I don't see the theming as being as esoteric, but the fact that some of this is clarified through the secret reports does not help. World details, yeah sure but that one doesn't really bother me much either.

I don't think it's something to stress on so much.

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If I didn't have casual mode as an option for Awakening, I'm not sure I would have stuck with the series, tbh.

Nowadays I wouldn't play anything but classic, but having the casual option was a great way for me to get accustomed to the gameplay while developing bad strategy habits.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Right. But even getting into that might be hard for many people.

Then play one of the newer games on Normal difficulty with Casual mode. The latest games with their difficulty selections has made the series a lot more accessible then it's ever been. 

Edited by Wraith
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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Then play one of the newer games on Normal difficulty with Casual mode. The latest games with their difficulty selections have the series a lot more accessible then it's ever been. 

This is true.
And that's a good thing, I think.
Though the harder modes may have suffered a bit for it, to be honest.
Between stat inflation and BS skills... well...
Though it's not like harder modes have ever been that good in FE, tbf.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Good luck when you reach there! ^^


3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Without my castle grinding?

That... shouldn’t be possible.

It's though

>Ch6 C support

>Ch7 B Support

>Mozu Paralogue or DLC for A support xD

2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Then play one of the newer games on Normal difficulty with Casual mode. The latest games with their difficulty selections have the series a lot more accessible then it's ever been. 

That's why i specified Classic mode in my first post xD

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I'm hearing a lot of neat things about Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin. It looks visually appealing and at least premise-wise, it seems to be like Rune Factory where on one hand you're fighting monsters and on the other hand, you're growing a farm. But the farming is so accurate that the Japanese Agricultural website is deadass a legitimate guide for growing some thing. Very interesting



15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Hence why I dropped it when Chapter 4 screwed me over no less than six times, the last of which I even restarted the entire game to get better inventory... only to lose my two most valuable weapons, because reasons.

You got one chapter farther than me haha.

12 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I have a lot of nostalgia for Awakening as my first FE game.

Same. I spent like 200 hours on it.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah i would agree, as Ninjas are super annoying in general

Ch.17 babyyyyyy! Yes yes, very nice, it was clear that chapter was play-tested.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

If I didn't have casual mode as an option for Awakening, I'm not sure I would have stuck with the series, tbh.

Also same. Although I actually did begin my first run on Classic Mode but I wasn't aware resetting was a thing so my very first playthrough of Awakening was an ironman run.

I uh.....ran into an unwinnable situation in Ch.6 because I lost too many units and had to restart the whole game.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You got one chapter farther than me haha.

Chapter 3 was okay. Nothing too special, honestly.
The Meteor mage was annoying, especially if you don't reach him before he actually GRABS the Meteor tome.
Which happened to me, but I managed to defeat him before he could cause too much harm.

The only other annoying parts is remembering which kid goes to which house. And to keep the houses safe from the Bandit reinforcements.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ch.17 babyyyyyy! Yes yes, very nice, it was clear that chapter was play-tested

Fuck that map xD

One of like 4 maps i hate in Conquest haha

although in Luna i was able to MVPMozufy it iirc since Bowzu has WTA over the whole map, and they are pretty big on high weapon ranks, which you should've at that point

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It's though

>Ch6 C support

>Ch7 B Support

>Mozu Paralogue or DLC for A support xD

That's why i specified Classic mode in my first post xD

Did you take out the support limit? xD

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1 minute ago, Wraith said:

I have my own private reasons for abhorring causal mode, but it has helped a new generation of players. 

That part after the comma is exactly why I can’t abhor it.

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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

I have my own private reasons for abhorring causal mode, but it has helped a new generation of players. 

The fact it really helps one learn bad habits? Kind of like save states. My first time through New Mystery was totally different because I was slack and used casual mode. Led to a lot of suiciding units on bosses to wear them down and so forth I'd never get away with in a classic mode game. Hard to imagine how far I've come in the last so many years. However many... 8 I think.

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Currently got left the task of cutting together old video tapes so that the stuff we recorded actually connects together.

Right now, it's a 55 minute holiday video. Which I'm pretty sure will take longer than the laptop has battery. That would be awkward if I didn't have the charger.

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