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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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"Yes, there are five of them--Argent, Sable, Gules, Azure, and Vert."

You don't know your history, Tiki. Those weren't their names at all.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Weren't the ambush spawns extra awful in this one?

Ah, yes, the reinforcements. Cervantes was quite smug about them. I was a bit afraid about them, actually. After the way everyone talked about this map, I expected to get bowmen dropped on me from every corner.

They appeared two turns after his warning, and they were all way at the beginning, far behind my team.

Then Panne and Sully kicked Cervantes's moustache out of the field and we won.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Then again you are streamrolling everything haha. You finish one awakening map while i am finishing a vestaria turn xD

I didn't even want this. It just happened because Awakening is a good game.

All snark aside, I understand the appeal of this. There is a certain satisfaction to wiping the floor with every enemy. Unfortunately, this is going to get boring really soon, so don't expect me to beat this game. Not because I couldn't, I mean, I certainly can, but I doubt I will have the willpower to do it.

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Now this is interesting.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaga once again proving that there's nothing he loves more than young girls in chains.

He loves this trope so much that he made it a part of TRS' endgame. They even got their own "battle" sprite.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, can somebody tell me why the Gangrel chapter is rout and not kill boss?

Awakening is almost always rout, even if it doesn't make sense.

I don't even dislike rout maps but even Echoes knew when to make it defeat commander.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So far, I must say, for as much as I'm shitting all over this game's story, I must respect one thing: It doesn't make bosses retreat. It would've been so easy to have Gangrel retreat and continue to be a useless pest for the rest of the story, but no. They stuck to their guns and killed him, early as though it may be. Kudos for that.

The first time i beat that chapter, i legitimately thought the game was over.

I thought the same thing about Kid Icarus Uprising where i was confused that the game only had nine chapters......and then Hades himself literally ripped apart the credits and said "no no no, now the real game begins".

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, map start. First things first, we recruit another psychopath. He doesn't have 20 defense, so he'll hardly be of any use.

Disrespecting my man Henry smh.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I've got to hand it to ya, Awakening - you did it. You finally made me laugh. The difficulty has gotten so ridiculously low that it's outright got me laughing at it. Path of Radiance, Sacred Stones, Mystery of the Emblem... All is forgiven. All is forgiven. I now know the true meaning of the word easy.

Now do Lunatic+.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Than again, so is like, most of the series. Only New Mystery, Conquest, 3 Houses, Berwick and now that i am playing it Vestaria have a more player phase focus. 

Yeah, gonna echo that Echoes (heh) is more player focus.

Tellius as well actually.

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unlike Vals, my dad's a legitimately good father, and he's also a decent person, overall.

It's just, he's also utterly insufferable.

Haha, that's understandable. 

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The original Star Wars trilogy. It is widely believed that the success of the trilogy stems from Lucas being surrounded by people who advised him and kept him from introducing some of his more ridiculous ideas. He dismissed all of them for the prequels and assumed full control, and that's why the dialogue sucks so bad.

That is what happened, yes.

In fact, George Lucas didn't even direct two of the three movies of the OT.

And then he did the Special Editions of those movies and everyone agrees they're stinky. Although SE Episode 6's ending is still the best in the series.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..Except for Say'ri. Say'ri managed to survive, even though I didn't even try to save her, and since I'm not going to deploy her ever, she'll join the bench with the few survivors: Vaike and Lon'qu. This has to be the first time that a Navarre has survived me because I don't like them. Everyone else I even slightly liked, I gave a chance, and they proceeded to die halfway into each chapter.

It's cause Lon'qu isn't edgy.


12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



Am i looking too much into it here?

I wonder what the favor could be............

Anyways, i like that the icon is just the portrait but cropped.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Yes, there are five of them--Argent, Sable, Gules, Azure, and Vert."

You don't know your history, Tiki. Those weren't their names at all.

2000 years is a lot of time to change names.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Yes, there are five of them--Argent, Sable, Gules, Azure, and Vert."

You don't know your history, Tiki. Those weren't their names at all.

The idea that their names could change over time is one thing, though they probably should have gone with names based off their old names rather than literally just their colour. And the Darksphere had changed colour too!

The real bother for me is that there's no powers given for them. As someone who played Archanea after Awakening, it bothered me quite sharpish.

Yeah it's interesting hearing you blitz through it. Me, I was of one mind: The slow raising of everyone. Certainly made things longer, I remember going through it originally in two weeks. On Normal. I was kinda bad.

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Let's just keep going for now, I mean, why not.

Inexorable Death, eh... I'll be the judge of that.

And so I was. Unfortunately, Cherche fell, because she had low speed and resistance, thus getting murdered. I can't say I care. At this point, if you're not invincible, you're dead to me. You're also dead, period.

I did find it quite funny how Say'ri warned me about reinforcements on the same turn that I killed the boss.

EDIT: Whoops, I was a bit hasty there. Edgy Kabba cannot reach the boss, so it'll take one more turn. I mean, sure.

9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I don’t remember that map being much trouble even on hard. The paralogues though?

Ha. Hahahaha.

Ah, yes. The paralogues.

Can you guess the amount of paralogues I've played?

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The first time i beat that chapter, i legitimately thought the game was over.

I thought the same thing about Kid Icarus Uprising where i was confused that the game only had nine chapters......and then Hades himself literally ripped apart the credits and said "no no no, now the real game begins".

It was a legitimately cool way to wrap up the arc. Gangrel once again proving he's the best character in Awakening.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

2000 years is a lot of time to change names.

But Tiki was there! It's one thing for the names to change when they're passed from person to person over time, but Tiki literally was there lol

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

The real bother for me is that there's no powers given for them.

It's consistent with the Falchion though. After two millennia, it's not surprising that it's lost it's power.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But Tiki was there! It's one thing for the names to change when they're passed from person to person over time, but Tiki literally was there lol

Yeah but she sleep.

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Huh. Maybe I should play Awakening again.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes, the reinforcements. Cervantes was quite smug about them. I was a bit afraid about them, actually. After the way everyone talked about this map, I expected to get bowmen dropped on me from every corner.

They appeared two turns after his warning, and they were all way at the beginning, far behind my team.

You either went way faster than you were meant to or actually skipped the atrocious reinforcements.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I didn't even want this. It just happened because Awakening is a good game.

Cervantes has facial hair.

9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I don’t remember that map being much trouble even on hard. The paralogues though?

Ha. Hahahaha.

I was curbstomped by hard because of ambush spawning, but the paralogues were a nightmare.

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38 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean if Sully died or if Chrom had more support points with Robin. Because Robin is the avatar, would the game still force her to marry? He was forced to marry Sully because at the end of chapter 11 he needs a wife for Lucina, and since you killed Sumia, Maribelle and Olivia it went with whoever had the highest support between Robin and Sully, or maybe just Sully because I don’t know if the game pairs them up.

Amusingly, if Chrom’s support value with his potential bachelorettes is all tied or if they’re all dead (or a mix of the two (and if Robin is female, she’s already married (unless the game doesn’t pair her))) the mother of the legendary Lucina, heir to the throne, wielder of Falchion and essential to the plot is... village maiden.

Yes, you can get Chrom'd against your will.


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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:
2000 years is a lot of time to change names.

Not in my Paradox Megacampaign. Constantinople will remain Constantinople for centuries to come still.

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Okay, Inexorable death over. With Cherche having suffered a tragic accident, Virion is now back to being the joke of the team, so he'll hit the bench. Not that we need him, or Cherche. Panne, Gregor, Sully and Kellam is all we need.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah but she sleep.

That only makes it make less sense. She was around back then, then she slept all the way until now. Shouldn't she still be using the same names, then, instead of making up new ones for no reason?

...Ah, who cares.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

You either went way faster than you were meant to or actually skipped the atrocious reinforcements.

Probably the former, considering my team is completely invincible and they move at full speed every turn.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Cervantes has facial hair.

All the beards in the world couldn't save this game from the gutter.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That only makes it make less sense. She was around back then, then she slept all the way until now. Shouldn't she still be using the same names, then, instead of making up new ones for no reason?

I mean, she obviously didn't sleep all 2000 years.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The first time i beat that chapter, i legitimately thought the game was over.

I thought the same thing about Kid Icarus Uprising where i was confused that the game only had nine chapters......and then Hades himself literally ripped apart the credits and said "no no no, now the real game begins".

Uprising is a freaking gem. Probably the single best script Nintendo has ever put out, especially with moments like that.

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Likely going with what's the new general consensus.

It's like being stubborn enough to still refer to France as Gaul. Ils sont fous ces romains!

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Today is a day for truth. If everything goes well and I am able to present my assignment, I will be free at last and will be able to start my blind Thracia LP.

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Well, Fred died, and then Chrom died. How I wish I could bench Chrom.

Ah, well, I suppose the power trip was nice while it lasted. Off to play Metal Gear Nanomachines now. I'll continue Awakening later. Maybe. Honestly, at this point I'm pretty sure I've seen about all I need to see. Panne and Gregor S is pretty much the only thing left.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's consistent with the Falchion though. After two millennia, it's not surprising that it's lost it's power.

 I will say that while it is many years between the First Exalt and Awakening, the lack of explanation for the spheres specifically is what I'm on about. They go on about Falchion having weakened in the years since, but it still has dragon effectiveness. The Sphere end up solely as keys, which is a disappointment in context to the series.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Someone who died for a reason?

RIP sturdy general Penvo

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There would be a massive decision to face though: pair Chrom with female Robin or pick male Robin and pair him with Sumia again?

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Probably the former, considering my team is completely invincible and they move at full speed every turn.

Did you not see four falcon knights spawn in the exact center of the map?

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Just now, Sooks said:

There would be a massive decision to face though: pair Chrom with female Robin or pick male Robin and pair him with Sumia again?

Pair him with Sully.

Just now, Sooks said:

Did you not see four falcon knights spawn in the exact center of the map?

Nope, just a group of warriors and heroes that appeared way at the beginning. Then Cervantes ceased to exist.

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Just now, Sooks said:

There would be a massive decision to face though: pair Chrom with female Robin or pick male Robin and pair him with Sumia again?

Definitely the latter.

ChromxF!Robin supports are just.... no.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Pair him with Sully.

Of course you'd pick the least optimal pairing.

I bet if you'd known about it you'd have gone for village maiden.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Of course you'd pick the least optimal pairing.

I didn't pick it. It happened by itself. Heck, her pair up partner was Kellam. The game just decided "nope, she's marrying Chrom because fuck it." Their support was at C!

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pair him with Sully.

I meant good supports.

Actually, though, I think the only Chrom x potential wife support I don’t really like that much is Maribelle, he and Sully have nice supports but Sully has other nice supports. Maribelle’s is just kind of eh.

But I can’t imagine Sumia with anyone other than Chrom or Robin.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nope, just a group of warriors and heroes that appeared way at the beginning. Then Cervantes ceased to exist.

So you skipped the atrocious ones. Lucky you.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Of course you'd pick the least optimal pairing.

I bet if you'd known about it you'd have gone for village maiden.

Wait, Sully is the least optimal? Village maiden is better?

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Definitely the latter.

ChromxF!Robin supports are just.... no.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Oh, yes. F!Robin x Chrom's supports.

They're just bad.

But the story.

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