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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because you definitely missed this raw exchange, here it is


To my credit, I would've missed this exchange either way because I at no point even considered using Say'ri.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's also another line in the DLC where I believe he speaks to evil Hardin. Or was it Raydrik? It was one of the two, they look the same. Anyways, Walhart asks the other guy what he plans to do after his conquest is done and when the other guy can't respond because they didn't think that far ahead, Walhart says that "a conquest without reason cannot be called a conquest" and I thought that was a cool exchange.

Walhart in general has rule of cool in his favor imo. 

So basically what you're telling me is, Walhart is like Gangrel: He should be nothing special, but because 8-4 writing he's actually awesome. Good to know. Maybe I really should've given him a chance.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Or was it Raydrik? It was one of the two, they look the same

Okay, this is going too far. Hardin has a dashing stache and Raydrik has a grizzled beard that is probably greasy. I will not accept such slander of Hardin just because he's in a game that Kaga made!

Also, if it was Hardin, no wonder he couldn't respond to Walhart's question - he didn't even begin his conquest of his own accord!

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, I know there's no chance in hell that you'd enjoy TMS.

I'm just shilling the game because it is vastly underappreciated.

I don't get you, Armagon. What sense does that make? You come here and shill to me this completely unrelated game that has absolutely nothing to do with Fire Emblem, just because it shares a name with FE. I don't give a shit, man! Nobody does! It has nothing to do with Fire Emblem, so keep it out of the Fire Emblem forum! You truly expect me to give half a shit about it just because it has a name in common with FE and nothing else--

Cdexuh1b o


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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good call. It's not worth getting heated about something like this.

That being said, let me defend myself a bit here, because I don't think it's fair to just brush it off as "yeah it's Ruben's fault for skipping." I didn't skip anything until Gangrel died. My reward? Like 8 chapters of a medieval-themed slice of life anime where the characters had exactly one character trait that the game loved to use in unfunny gags. There wasn't even a story for those 8 chapters, we were just moving from place to place to see the next dumb joke at the expense of the next rando. And if you like that, that's fine, but I don't. Just my honest opinion.

Then the story just suddenly got serious out of nowhere, and somehow that was even worse, because aside from Gangrel being super well written, everything else was either completely forgettable or memorable for all the wrong reasons. Like, seriously, I know I keep nagging about this one point, but... The hierarch, man. The hierarch is one of the worst bits of writing I've seen in any story ever. You can't fuck up that badly and expect me to give you many more chances. Emmeryn's sacrifice is a great plot point, but at that point the story had lost me, because it had screwed up one too many times.

Is Walhart a good villain? Is the Valm arc great? Are the time travelling shenanigans secretly amazingly written? Perhaps. I won't deny, the chance exists. But I value my time at least a little bit, and if the 12 first chapters of the story are nothing but a waste of time anytime Gangrel isn't present, well... I'm sorry, but I'm going to start skipping, because the story just failed to hold my interest. And once again, not trying to claim that I am 100% right about everything, these were just my honest impressions.

Look, my goal was never to blame you and to imply "This all happened only because you are a dumbass". What I wanted to say was that the characters were more than the first impression you have of them, you just have to go after it and discover more about them. But as you said, you don't have time to grind, unlock 47270724 supports and whatnot. Thus, many of the good things that the cast (and the game) can offer you are not accessible to you (although the fact that the game doesn't give you much incentive to do all of that is a problem in itself). For example, when you let Lissa die, you missed the chance to see her best supports, and you missed the chance to recruit Owain, who is one of the best characters in the game. And before you say "Ah, but he is already in the cast of Conquest", Owain is much better characterized in the original, to the point that his version in Fates almost looks like a parody.

In the end, Awakening is simply not your type of game, and it is fine.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm not going to get through to you and neither are you, so let's just agree to disagree and move on. However, I'd just appreciate it if you could accept that maybe my opinion is as valid as yours, and not merely the result of self-fulfilling prophecies and not having enough faith in the game to give it a 17th chance.

Calm down, man. I was not trying to invalidate your opinion, nor to say that my taste > your taste. I don't want any bad blood between us, so I want to it clear that I was not trying to disrespect you in any way.

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like 8 chapters of a medieval-themed slice of life anime where the characters had exactly one character trait that the game loved to use in unfunny gags. There wasn't even a story for those 8 chapters, we were just moving from place to place to see the next dumb joke at the expense of the next rando.

Then the story just suddenly got serious out of nowhere

Have you heard of Muv-Luv? It is a VN that initially presents itself as a light-hearted romantic comedy in Muv-Luv Extra, but changes into an alternate timeline coming-of-age story in Muv-Luv Unlimited, and then into an alien invasion war epic. The game basically forces you to play the romantic comedy, because then when the shit hits the fan and everyone starts to die, you start to miss the simplest times. This may be oversimplification, but I believe that was the goal of the devs when they made the game. Of course, if you don't like that sense or think it wasn't done well, that's okay, each one has their own type of story that they usually like.

And yeah, the Hierarch thing is dumb. Honestly, Awakening needed at least 10 more chapter in order to better flesh out its plot points.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is Walhart a good villain?


49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is the Valm arc great?


49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Are the time travelling shenanigans secretly amazingly written?

There's barely anything involving time travel outside the children or Grima, so I can't say for sure.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Let’s go fight the evil empire while nothing happens and then there’s a dragon/dark god?

Yes. Whatch this about Binding Blade:


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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So basically what you're telling me is, Walhart is like Gangrel: He should be nothing special, but because 8-4 writing he's actually awesome. Good to know. Maybe I really should've given him a chance.

While I don't think the Valm arc is great in greater scope of things, its important because its where Chrom put his newfound ideals to the test.

Walhart boss convos are great.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So basically what you're telling me is, Walhart is like Gangrel: He should be nothing special, but because 8-4 writing he's actually awesome. Good to know. Maybe I really should've given him a chance.

A lot of the DLC interactions are really cool in general. Off the top of my head

  • Cherche has a moment with Minerva since she has always admired her (you probably missed this but Cherche's wyvern is named after Minerva).
  • Tiki has interactions with both her younger self and Gharnef iirc. Marth too i think.
  • The aforementioned Walhart convo.

That's all i remember right now. There's a lot. Of course, all of it is non-canon but it's still a really cool piece of content.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I will not accept such slander of Hardin just because he's in a game that Kaga made!

Mystery of the Emblem is cool tho.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't get you, Armagon. What sense does that make? You come here and shill to me this completely unrelated game that has absolutely nothing to do with Fire Emblem, just because it shares a name with FE. I don't give a shit, man! Nobody does! It has nothing to do with Fire Emblem, so keep it out of the Fire Emblem forum! You truly expect me to give half a shit about it just because it has a name in common with FE and nothing else--

Cdexuh1b o




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29 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


So we were living in FE 17 all along

Shrimpy just cursed fe17.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So basically what you're telling me is, Walhart is like Gangrel: He should be nothing special, but because 8-4 writing he's actually awesome. Good to know. Maybe I really should've given him a chance.

Walhart is unironically FE’s best take at a conqueror villain, hands down. He was the only memorable part of the horrible, stupid, dull and boring Valm arc.

12 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Yes. Whatch this about Binding Blade:


I’ve played Binding Blade. The only games you listed I haven’t played are Shadow Dragon and Path of Radiance.

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1 hour ago, Maof06 said:

Happy birthday!🎂


1 hour ago, Benice said:

Happy birthday @Zan Partizanne!



Was kinda a wasted day tbh. Weather became dramatically worse, a drop of more than 10°C within 24 hours and rain ruined my plans to go out. Well, at least it was a comfortable lying in the bed and gaming day.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Reached the Roaring 20's in Vic2.

So long no big war happens, this might just be a pleasant ride to the end.

Now the war is gonna happen a year before the end year.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Walhart is unironically FE’s best take at a conqueror villain

I can agree with this.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Now the war is gonna happen a year before the end year.

Well, the joke's on them, because I don't have HoI4 yet, and even then, I don't think the mod is supported by the Vic2 to HoI4 fan converter.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ve played Binding Blade. The only games you listed I haven’t played are Shadow Dragon and Path of Radiance.

The joke is the comparation he makes with SD. Binding Blade has basically the same plot beats as Shadow Dragon.

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21 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Look, my goal was never to blame you and to imply "This all happened only because you are a dumbass". What I wanted to say was that the characters were more than the first impression you have of them, you just have to go after it and discover more about them. But as you said, you don't have time to grind, unlock 47270724 supports and whatnot. Thus, many of the good things that the cast (and the game) can offer you are not accessible to you (although the fact that the game doesn't give you much incentive to do all of that is a problem in itself). For example, when you let Lissa die, you missed the chance to see her best supports, and you missed the chance to recruit Owain, who is one of the best characters in the game. And before you say "Ah, but he is already in the cast of Conquest", Owain is much better characterized in the original, to the point that his version in Fates almost looks like a parody.

In the end, Awakening is simply not your type of game, and it is fine.

Yes, all right. Fair enough. That does makes sense. Perhaps I should go and read some supports online. Like, I've heard there's a Henry support that gives characterization to the Plegian throwaways, of all people. That sounds legit great! Plus, Libra/Tharja actually did grab my interest, I was just unable to get it to A because the game became Panne Emblem right afterwards. Hmm...


Calm down, man. I was not trying to invalidate your opinion, nor to say that my taste > your taste. I don't want any bad blood between us, so I want to it clear that I was not trying to disrespect you in any way.

My apologies. I got too riled up, I'll admit. I misinterpreted your intentions and assumed you were trying to dismiss my opinions. I shouldn't have done that. Sorry.


Have you heard of Muv-Luv?



It is a VN

Yes, that explains why I've never heard of it and why I'll never hear of it, so let me just... skip.

...Haha, okay, sorry, I couldn't resist. Forgive me. Carry on.


that initially presents itself as a light-hearted romantic comedy in Muv-Luv Extra, but changes into an alternate timeline coming-of-age story in Muv-Luv Unlimited, and then into an alien invasion war epic. The game basically forces you to play the romantic comedy, because then when the shit hits the fan and everyone starts to die, you start to miss the simplest times. This may be oversimplification, but I believe that was the goal of the devs when they made the game. Of course, if you don't like that sense or think it wasn't done well, that's okay, each one has their own type of story that they usually like.

Yes, at this point it's probably just a me problem. I have little patience for romantic comedy. For what it's worth, I do think it's a good idea to mask a story as a dumb little thing and then unleash its true nature on the unsuspecting viewer. Problem with Awakening is that it goes from drab anime comedy to regular-ass FE story, so it doesn't have quite the same impact.

Also, Hierarch. The Hierarch is the first thing that happens in the serious part of the story. Honestly, I wonder if I would've started skipping as much as I did if that thing hadn't happened and left me staring wide-eyed at the screen thinking "wow, no way. Did people actually write something like that?"


And yeah, the Hierarch thing is dumb. Honestly, Awakening needed at least 10 more chapter in order to better flesh out its plot points.

Well, for the Hierarch in particular, I don't think they needed more time as much as they needed to make better use of the time they had. Hierarch could've been fine - heck, even great - if they just introduced him alongside Emmeryn and gave him some scenes that properly showed him as her close advisor.

You know... kinda like (fuck I completely forgot her name I'm not even trying to diss Awakening here I genuinely have forgotten) that one blue-haired pegasus knight was. Honestly, they should've just axed that guy out of the plot and made her the traitor. She was far more of a presence, but at the same time she did absolutely nothing and served little purpose to the plot. Making her the traitor and revealing it at the point where she dies in the original story (as opposed to just randomly in a filler battle) solves every problem, gives the game another cool villain and makes Emmeryn's sacrifice even more admirable (she was just betrayed by her closest confidant, but she still remained steadfast in her convictions).

17 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

While I don't think the Valm arc is great in greater scope of things, its important because its where Chrom put his newfound ideals to the test.

Right, gotcha.


I have to agree.

...Also, I like how one of the top comments in that thread is this:

"Awakening and great character moments getting overlooked. An iconic duo."

Not gonna lie, I feel personally called out.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

you probably missed this but Cherche's wyvern is named after Minerva

I didn't, actually. I saw it in her supports with Virion. Cool little detail.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mystery of the Emblem is cool tho.

It isn't because I said so. I put it below Awakening, that's how you know it's an affront to mankind.




There's barely anything involving time travel outside the children or Grima, so I can't say for sure.

All right, thanks.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Your mistake was assuming the Teehee Thread is a FE thread!

You're right, it's actually a Xenoblade thread.

...What am I even doing here!?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

What is anyone doing here? Let's all go home and play Berwick Saga instead.

Gotta play HSoS first. Can't go backing out on your deal!

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Just now, Spara said:

Gotta play HSoS first. Can't go backing out on your deal!

You kiddin' me? Hell no I'm not! I've been itching for a real SRPG.

...Now's when I end up liking Awakening better. Imagine that. it wouldn't be the most cursed bit of character development that I've undergone in this thread...

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

...Now's when I end up liking Awakening better. Imagine that. it wouldn't be the most cursed bit of character development that I've undergone in this thread...

That would be a sight xD

I do particularly look forward to how you'll react with story stuff, hehe

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