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*Watches the credits*


Wait, excuse me?

I mean, I know he did dabbled in video games at some point *looks at Sonic 3 and Space Channel 5*, but...

I'm pretty sure this one is a different guy.

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How old is Tita in this game?


I mean, it’s a little odd that they all agreed to bring her along immediately instead of just having Tita teach one of the other hundred orbal experts in Zeiss how to operate the device instead, if it’s that complicated.


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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Oh yes, the Wormssssssssssssssssssssssssss!


Probably the most infamous quest monsters in the series

here's a tip:

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They only use Earthshaker when you attack them. Take em out one by one if you can't take em out all at once.

Also they are weak to wind iirc


THANK YOU SHRIMPY! I didn't realise that, genius. Thank you so so much!

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm sorry

It's fine, you're cool. I can definitely relate to the feeling of feeling weird because you don't like the thing that everyone else likes as much (or you just don't like it at all). The last few months, everyone and their mother was praising Hades (not on here tho) and i played it and just thought it was fine but also found the roguelike structure to be frustrating.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

or we were back in school.

Yeah honestly, Cold Steel 3 kinda makes me agree that school settings are bad haha. I usually don't have a problem with them but man.

58 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Spiral of Erebos?

Funnily enough, that wasn't that long. It's just that the final chapter was so cutscene heavy, holy shit.

Felt like i was playing Xenosaga Episode I.

But yeah, the game is done now. Only Cold Steel 4 remains until like in two years when they decide to localize Hajimare.

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I WAS RIGHT! HAH!! I KNEW IT!! That colonel is an antagonist (or at least, with them).

1/2 correct so far. Dorothy, don’t let me down.


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Huh, so that chapter didn’t even have a climactic boss battle. And Zin joined for like two seconds, and was present in the story for like 3. 🤔 This was easily the best chapter so far, but those are questionable decisions.

I mean I guess none of the fourth characters really stuck around for all that long, but at least Olivier got a dungeon with us and Agate came back to be a major player in chapter 3. I mean, Zin joined for a dungeon too I guess but players who like to explore a bit will have already basically finished it (me), so it didn’t really feel like it. I mean I guess that’s not the game’s fault, but they could have at least put something to stop players from going in early.


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Cold Steel 3 review (spoilers)


Considering it's niche status, it is impressive that the Trails series has been managing to tell a continuous story for this long. However, this is definitely the game where the weight of that can be felt, both for better and for worse. On one hand, it was neat seeing all these different plot threads from across the series begin to converge. On the other hand, this causes a lot of issues with the pacing and makes the game feel much longer than it actually is and no doubt, the more the series has plot threads converging, the more this feeling of weight will be felt.

To start with the things i don't like, Cold Steel 3 really begins to show that Falcom is honestly pretty shit when it comes to writing villains, at least in regards to this series. At least as of this game, Cold Steel 3 is peak Ouroboros bullshit and for the first time in the series, i'm genuinely confused at what the hell is it they were trying to do because it doesn't really make sense. You have two sets of villain groups, opposed to each other, except for when they aren't because reasons. Background characters from previous games that were stated to be dead make their debut in this game as villains because reasons. And then there's the worst offender: George. A character who was shown to be super friendly in the last two games was actually with the bad guys all along. Because reasons. Ouroboros and everything tangled up with them is and always will be the biggest blemish in the series.

This game also suffers from essentially being a repeat of Cold Steel 1, right down to the story/gameplay structure. Yet it feels longer than Cold Steel 1 because of all the plot threads converging and whatnot and while i was fine with the school setting in the first game, it wore out it's welcome here.

Onto the things i did like, i did enjoy seeing the returning characters grown up here. I do quite like these characters and i do enjoy seeing characters "grown up" as it gives a feeling of "look how far we've come". I also did enjoy the new characters. New Class 7 being smaller than their original counterparts definitely helped in spreading out development more easily.

Gameplay-wise, it's a fairly solid turn-based RPGs, though i do wish the Brave Orders weren't so skewed. There's a ton of them but there's a very clear difference between the good ones and the ones you'd never use. Music is nice.

7/10 btw.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Uh...School! 'Sup?

Ah there you are! Nothing much, you just almost missed it. Beat chapter 1.

Gotta say, Rush style is completely fucking useless lol

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Shrimpy, is buying sepith for 3,000 mira worth it? I assume I dont really need it for much else.

You can buy Sepith in SC?? Great!

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Benice Did you happen to see this?

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$15 USD. Will not actually float in water.

-Just sharing.



1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah there you are! Nothing much, you just almost missed it. Beat chapter 1.

Yay! What did you think? I initially wasn't big on the first chapter, but upon playing it, I felt like it was a really good hook to the story.

I loved using Rush to-

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gotta say, Rush style is completely fucking useless lol

Seriously though, you'll probably be needing it. It gets some busted abilities. You do you, of course!

...Although if anyone would bother even trying to beat a Shakedown with Brawler, or, god forbid, Beast, it'd be you.

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10 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yay! What did you think? I initially wasn't big on the first chapter, but upon playing it, I felt like it was a really good hook to the story.

My biggest gripe is the save system. Imagine my horror when Kuze kept on murdering my ass and I realized I couldn't call it quits for a night because my save was like, 50 minutes and seven fights with the one ratface guy earlier.

Then I switched to brawler and curbstomped him in one attempt.

Otherwise? It's a fucking joy. The combat's amazing and satisfying, and while it's not my style, I can see the value in Rush as well as Brawler. I need to play around with the bindings, but otherwise, it's a hell of a lot of fun. Looking forward to getting more styles already.

Also, I knocked Nishiyima (I misspelled his name did I...) flat on his ass by running into him. That was just lovely.

11 minutes ago, Benice said:


I loved using Rush to-

Well, it's the honest truth! It relies on dodging, except Kiryu hits like a wet noodle in that style, and once he's throwing punches he's stuck and can't dodge, so the enemies just shrug it off and punch back.

Either that or I'm doing something wrong. For starters, I've completely disregarded the game's demands and gone with keyboard and mouse. I did try my switch controller against Kuze, but it wasn't detected properly, because the buttons were all over the place.

So yeah, I guess when you have to dodge with E, it's easier to just punch the enemy on the face before they can land a hit. That's where Brawler shines. Those big broad swings are wonderful for crowd control.

11 minutes ago, Benice said:

Seriously though, you'll probably be needing it. It gets some busted abilities. You do you, of course!

Imma be honest, in this kind of game, I favor big blows over swift strikes. I've given Rush its fair chance, but it doesn't click with me.

11 minutes ago, Benice said:

...Although if anyone would bother even trying to beat a Shakedown with Brawler, or, god forbid, Beast, it'd be you.

You know me too well.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Looking forward to getting more styles already.

Er, by the way, do you want me to tell you how to get the kind of secret/option fourth fighting style? Or fighting styles, I guess.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My biggest gripe is the save system. Imagine my horror when Kuze kept on murdering my ass and I realized I couldn't call it quits for a night because my save was like, 50 minutes and seven fights with the one ratface guy earlier.

Yeah. Especially when you finish a long portion of gameplay, followed by story...

You can at least re-watch the prerendered cutscenes, I think.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it's the honest truth! It relies on dodging, except Kiryu hits like a wet noodle in that style, and once he's throwing punches he's stuck and can't dodge, so the enemies just shrug it off and punch back.

You do get an ability that, if you guard, you spot-dodge and can attack whenever you want. You're basically invincible for about three seconds.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I knocked Nishiyima (I misspelled his name did I...) flat on his ass by running into him. That was just lovely.

Can't believe you did my boy Nishiki like that.

What do you think of the story so far, come to think of it?

Also, most important question: Which karaoke song did you choose?

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Cold Steel 3 kinda makes me agree that school settings are bad haha.

As much as i hate school settings, it's more how they are used.

Trails is absolutely not fit for school settings? One chapter in school can work, but 4 games around it? nope, not when even one game didn't do it well.

27 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Shrimpy, is buying sepith for 3,000 mira worth it? I assume I dont really need it for much else.

eh, dunno, never needed it

Maybe time if you lack it

27 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You can buy Sepith in SC?? Great!

very very late game


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