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Just now, Shrimperor said:

...Yggdra becomes what Wraith always dreams of? Emperor or Humanity and stuff.

I think I remember reading up that Yggdra and company actually are never seen again in Endings C/D. It's not stated if they won or not. Just... never returned.

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Sting released a couple books with more info after the PSP release.

So whether you accept their contents would be up to you I guess, but they do contain info not stated in any of the games.

If you want a non-canon result to an already non-canon ending, technically Ending D follows into Yggdra's cameo in Knights in the Nightmare.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Headcanon: There was no way for Yggdra to go down to the ground again.


The real reason they never got a permanent flying unit. lol

... RIP Kylier...

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So Yggdra Union


It was a sudden and surprising pick up, ngl, happened after in a discord server people convinced me to try it. I ended up enjoying it quite a bit more than i expected, honestly. Maybe because i expected to be frustrated to no end like in Gungnir, but that wasn't the case, at all. I had alot of fun with the game.

''FE9 like Story told in a FE4 way with a unique fun gameplay, with a bit of anime silliness'' is how i would describe the game.

Story & Characters

Runaway Princess getting her kingdom back with the help of thieves and conquering the world and Asgard along the way. Basically Fire Emblem with a few extra steps. Cult-kun included even if he was right in the end.

Although  i did like the part where the Emperor almost had universal appeal in his country.  I expected something along the lines of ''SAVE US FROM OUR SUPER BAD DARK DRAGON EMPEROR''.

Reality was that the whole country was willing to follow him to hell. Even the civilians weren't innocent and were approving of his conquest.

Once you conquer the world, that's where the game pretty much ends. The last 3 maps, if you are going for the good ending, are pretty much story stuff that's probably for the lore connection to other games and for Yggdra's resultion. 

Characters are pretty much what you'd expect from classic FE. Yggdra falls in line with the aggressive FE male lords, and most characters not named Yggdra, Milanor, Kylier and sometimes Durant get some scenes when they are needed and some lines here and there.

One thing i don't find good is how the whole Backstory for the Empire is left to another game, and an untranslated one at that. I don't expect all the details here, but they should've been explored a bit more in YU. Especially Aegina's plot point.


The gameplay system itself is pretty unique. You have cards which you can each use once in a map section, each with it's one unique ability and some being class/character exclusive. Combine that with the Union system and the player only getting one attack per turn, and it becomes a game of figuring out how to use your cards, characters and positioning to take out the most enemies at once. Also status effects the player can actually use! Not just for the enemies to spam and the player to get annoyed at them forever.

It's fun, and mostly was a bit challenging as well...

Well, challenging until Yggdra's promotion (which happens around 70% into the game). After she promotes she makes Ike look like Roy.

Tbf, i was playing on Normal mode, and one could argue that once the counter attack starts and you become stronger Yggdra should be super strong, gameplay story integration and stuff.

Still, going from working together, union attacks and stuff to


Angel of Destruction Yggdra kinda goes against the point of the game, doesn't it?

Still tho, even with OP Yggdra, Housewife and Thiefy Boy on hand there were some Bosses late on that were a bit tricky to figure out, but a bit on the easy side maybe.

Still fun tho!

My biggest gripe with the gameplay however has to be...


what a freaking annoying mechanic, especially when even mobs have it. Like i can sometimes see why i shouldn't kill the Boss before Story advances, but even mobs? That was annoying.

Also, Kaga secrets have nothing on these games secrets lol. Or some of the requirements.

Like, in one map you won't get anything from villages if you have a certain item in your inventory. Like, how's anyone even suppossed to know that??? Stuff like that is all too common, but not in the way that ruins the game thankfully.


S-Tier, easily. It's so freaking good. I am sure it helped quite a bit in me enjoying the game as much as i did


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Played FFIX a little more, arrived in Lindblum now. I knew what name to expect when they called it the land of airships, didn't take very long to be shown it. I was wondering how long it'd take for the game to address Vivi's relevancy, didn't take too long, and they drip fed enough for now. Twas a touch sad. Will Steiner ever stop being comically out of the swing of things? I would like if this fumbling "veteran" got a moment for a serious showing of his skills. I've plenty of game to see that, so I'm not concerned. Use of movie clips is better than it was in the prior two PS1 FFs, they seem more plentiful and dynamic; maybe it's evidence that Square had mastered the inner workings of the console.

Not liking the loading times when battle starts, nor some of the load times in battle itself. These are the aging aspects that I think hurt the experience the most, I wanna go 2021 fast, not 2000 slow.


3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I like exploring different what ifs, hence i love them.

But it's usually only really done well in VNs tho, not games.  Exceptions exist tho

I'd presume to attribute this to VNs being pure story, all resources get invested into that. With more standard video games, you have factor in gameplay. FE Fates did okay, they obviously ran out of creative juices at a point, but it could've been worse- see 3H. And then there is SMT, which is known for distinct endings, but barely bothers to differentiate things.

Mr. SRW here would likely want me to mention those, since they've long had route splits. Though I'd think that a kajillion games, it wouldn't obsess over differentiating the gameplay. So whilst I wouldn't say "SRW is presentation over gameplay", maybe there isn't the drive to make each game super-creative the way some FE fans want their franchise to be. 


3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Here's to hoping that Monolith focuses a game on Malos as a character. Awesome villain underused and I'd like to learn alot more about him. Make it happen, Monolith!

Eh, can't say I would. It's unrealistic from a sales perspective. And there isn't anywhere in the 500 possible years where I think it'd be feasible. Do we really need more on him?


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Seems like the Asgardians in this game (or the Dept. Heaven games) are assholes.

The whole experiments and 7 Magi thing is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth

There hasn't been a single game in Asgard actually. It is underdeveloped besides what seems to be the occasional being from above who mucks around with the world below. Ein is a nice boi though, and Rose is fine.

It's unholy opposite, Utgard (not Hel in this case), seems to be mostly random monsters and darkness, nothing organized. Chaotic and undirected evil doesn't attract distaste the way organized insidiousness does.

SMT has a similar problem, for all the talk of waging war against heaven, heaven is practically never seen. IV and IV Apocalypse seem to be the closest things.


2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm going to play Pac-Man 99 for the first time to celebrate Pac-Man's 41st birthday. Now if only it had a Xenosaga theme so KOS-MOS can be chased around by a quartet of Gnosis...

If there is any Monolith game that deserves a theme in Pac-Man, it's Baten Kaitos. Full stop. Ideally four Pac-Men breaks out of their Magnus and get hungry for Sagi himself.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

he get's a Castle in the Sky now!

Except that would mean he canonically became the Overlord after clearing out Asgard of all it native inhabitants. Obsessing over the one thing he with all his stats couldn't defeat- death, he relentlessly pursued research into eternal life. Sacrificing his body for machinery, he created the Grail of Kings, which, as it is not perfected yet, when drank from, turns people into hideous sanity-deprived monsters. Meanwhile Yggdra descends to the Earth, rejecting her former comrade's goals, yet not turning against him, opting instead to lead a united humanity through the environmental catastrophe on the surface that was Asgard's last act of hatred against Yggdra and the people she ruled. 

-None of this is actual YU. With a few modifications, it was airlifted from this game.:


The Heavenly Keep being described ingame as a castle in the sky. I couldn't resist.


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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Eh, can't say I would. It's unrealistic from a sales perspective. And there isn't anywhere in the 500 possible years where I think it'd be feasible. Do we really need more on him?

Fair enough, alot of it simply stems from my XC2 bias and wanting more content, haha.

Cant blame me for hoping though, right?

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 Will Steiner ever stop being comically out of the swing of things?

He grows on you! And besides, his character growth is on the better side of IX if you ask me.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Eh, can't say I would. It's unrealistic from a sales perspective. And there isn't anywhere in the 500 possible years where I think it'd be feasible. Do we really need more on him?

Yeah, plus Xenoblade 2 has done everything it wanted to. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting a surprise new DLC Blade *cough* Guillo *cough* but the game's done and I'm more than satisfied.

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I came back to save Leo because fuck it, no one gets left behind.

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Idk that twitch has an age restriction.

Wanted to show Kirby Star Allies's bossrush on highest difficulty on twitch, but some people can't watch it because they're too young to create an account.

Youtube is no option since the stream quality is way worse than on twitch (mainly freeze frames).

Edited by Zan Partizanne
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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

He grows on you! And besides, his character growth is on the better side of IX if you ask me.

He isn't bad right now, I get his age and naive sense of loyalty throwing him out of these unusual times, and it is getting a laugh out of me. It's for his own sake I want to see him move past it. And you imply he'll be getting that, which is good.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, plus Xenoblade 2 has done everything it wanted to. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting a surprise new DLC Blade *cough* Guillo *cough* but the game's done and I'm more than satisfied.

*Spends like an hour throwing this together on the spot.*:


Weapon: "Sophia"- Borrows the Knuckle Claws' auto-attack animations.

Element: Light or Ice (it's their fundamental nature vs. their ultimate Special Attack's element). Light might be oversaturated with the DLC characters, but it does make weaving in Guillo's full arsenal easier, add you have to do is add some sparkles of light.

Stat Bonus: Ether, Guillo is magical after all.

Arts: ...Not going to assemble these! They're minutiae I'm not going to touch ATM. They require thought on how to distribute them, even if I make a generic male set and a generic female set so I have less work than making them unique for all four Drivers.

Specials- Not going to come up with the secondary effects for these. I can't find a list of those effects and won't make up my own on the spot.

  • Level 1: Heavenlapse 
  • Level 2: Goddrake's Thunderblast- An adaptation of Levinsnake's Rise + Lightendrake's Drop
  • Level 3: Fellstar Trebuchet- An adaptation of Ghostarrow + Spiritlight Quiver + Fellstar Gleam
  • Level 4: Frigid Queen's Festival- I have to include the ultimate Ex Combo of Icefan + Sigil Cry + Zenvier Cascade + Aphelion Dustwake no matter what.

Blade Arts:

  • Back Attack Up
  • Accuracy Up
  • Absorb Damage (Doesn't absolutely fit, but it's rarely assigned. Who really cares about Blade Arts anyhow?)

Battle Skills- I can't find a list of these to see what effects have been used. So IDK, but... .:

  • Shining Arms- Increases damage dealt to Enraged enemies (b/c Guillo glows and reacts with efficient deadliness when faced with dark monstrosities).
  • Magic Transfusion- Blade Switching to Guillo while at Max Affinity increases the next Art's damage. (A magic transfusion is apparently what brought Guillo to life, two simultaneous transfusions to be exact, hence the voices. In this gameplay case, the dual-transfusion is alluded to via the Blade Switch, Guillo is made stronger through a bit of another Blade's essence still fresh in the Driver passing into it.)
  • Special Burst (A renaming of MP Burst)- Using a Level 4 Special fills the Special gauges of both allies (capping at maybe 1 1/2 levels for each ally). MP Burst lets you carry out a wave of successive Special Attacks once you reach MP Level 5. Same idea.

Field Skills:

  • Entomology- Guillo mostly knows animals judging from their use of expressions, bug knowledge is the closest thing we have in XC2, that or Ichthyology.
  • Ancient Wisdom- Guillo's exclusive use of the Book of Mana card is stated in the description to be because only he can read the ancient language it's written in.
  • Superstrength- No paid DLC character gets this, other than Poppibuster. It might not suit Guillo perfectly, but I want to represent their physical capabilities. And no DLC character has a useless personal Field Skill, KOS-MOS has Mental Arithmetic, but she isn't DLC, NG+, or added in a later patch- her darker half.

Favorite Pouch Items:

  • Pouch Item Types:
    • Vegetables- The Stewed Mud Potatoes Quest Magnus says he finds them to be his favorite. The Snowbaby Potato Salad is a Vegetable dish.
    • Drinks- Mountain Apple Wine quotes Guillo as saying "Life is not worth living without it!". Sadly for him, no alcoholic beverages seem to be Pouch items in XC2, blame Rex, Guillo will have to settle for something sober.
  • Specific Pouch Items- Copying Elma, I'll have Guillo pick things referencing his friends. Although in this case, I am talking a separate XC2 Guillo the same as XC2 Kossy and T-elos, but I can't help myself. Pretend they were former Drivers of theirs and left their imprint on Guillo.
    • Steamed Bluegill- Sagi apparently like Glubberfish Filets, and thinks the guts are the best part, it's his only favorite Quest Magnus (besides Gena's Pinion). Might as well pick the steamed fish, because they ought to best preserve the guts.
    • Three Cheese Puran-  Milly's favorite Quest Magnus are Love Syrup, Pow Milk, Pow Yogurt, and Pow Cheese. Of the last of these, she says "The stinkier the better!". Maybe the Cherry Cheese Mousse instead.

Core Awakening Trailer:

  • Stands dormant, eyes turn red with awakening from its sleep.
  • Immediately uses fires off the golden orb of Heavenlapse. Then jumps straight up into the air.
  • Camera turns upwards to where Guillo should be, but Heavenlapse rains down and we cannot see Guillo.
  • The moment Heavenlapse finishes, Guillo dives at the camera arms striking forward with its arms, as if it was going to pierce through the screen and rip out our beating heart.
  • Camera zooms out to ground, Guillo having struck regains their standing composure.
  • Having "scored their kill", Guillo utters "I am...", does their end of battle victory backward somersault (or whatever it is called), and then finishes with "...Guillo". 
  • And it ends with Guillo uttering another short line, I could look for a good old one to reference.

Blade Quest:

  • Primary setting- Judicium. (Chosen because it reminds me of a certain location in BKO.)
  • Plot Start- Ardainian researchers in Judicium have taken an interest in some peculiar creatures found in Judicium. Help them locate these.
    • Simply visit several locations to obtain the first few specimens, nothing to talk about. When looking for the last, the heroes can't find it where it was reported to be in the general vicinity of. Cue a roar nearby, and the appearance of a large monster, which after winning against still continues to press on, activate Guillo's mysterious awesomeness.
    • Visit Ardainian camp in Judicium, be informed of what happened, get told about a sudden monster attack that happen, which caused some specimens to go missing.
    • Search for freed specimens, find one, it fears you, gets trapped in a corner, aura of darkness develops around it, you know what that means, fight, win, Guillo does it again.
    • More chatter with the Ardainian researchers, realization it was the specimen turned into that big monster last time, and very likely the time before.
    • Something happens, go to next spot, fight multiple nasty beasties. Win, yet more arrive as if in response to the others' defeat, Guillo puts in their full power to subduing each and every one of them.
    • Return to Ardainian researchers, they vow to handle the specimens with greatest hazard risks from here on out, they will carefully discard of them if safety demands it. Guillo is left to ponder in pain at why it reacted to them so sharply, were they created to destroy them? Driver tells Guillo not to think too much about it, that's in the past, they're here now with them. Guillo agrees, and thinks on the bright side that the inner power they've become conscious to will help them protect their Driver. The end.

Blade Heart-to-Heart:

  • Not sure what to do for the topic. Perhaps a "What is Guillo?" because of how eccentric they are. But that feels like I'm lingering excessively on Guillo's mystique. Something not about anything related to Guillo itself would be better.
  • No matter what the topic is, I want Mythra to show up. Her Torna self was confrontational, and while her maingame personality has matured past that, I'd like it to resurface here for one minute. Milly was "Shelter Girl" because Guillo joked she had been raised in a bomb shelter, Shining Arrows makes for explosions raining from above- Mythra is "Bomber Girl".

You could do better than me. This ain't perfect. It needs few more things filled in to be finished as you can read.😁

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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

...Yggdra becomes what Wraith always dreams of? Emperor of Humanity and stuff.

What heresy is this Shrimp-kun? I have no such delusions of grandeur and I’ll let you know there is only one true Emperor of Humanity. Also I’m glad you liked the game. It’s a shame we never got a translation for Blaze Union.


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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not liking the loading times when battle starts, nor some of the load times in battle itself. These are the aging aspects that I think hurt the experience the most, I wanna go 2021 fast, not 2000 slow.

We should've gotten this instead of FFVIIR

Honestly, I probably should've noticed this when I was playing, but I must just be dumb because I don't remember being bothered by it. Which makes no sense when this was far from my first.

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