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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Majima's a boomer.





"As opposed to the times when he's talking about his dick".

And i'll post some other interactions from this play session i liked in a spoiler box to save space





Nice seeing Reiji playing along with the antics.




Game mechanics.

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I hadn't realized your favorite boss would be the weird combination of things possible

It was satisfying.

Interesting thing about Prime so far is that, aside from the Parasite Queen, a lot of the bosses so far don't feel like bosses. Heck, they don't even feel like mini-bosses.

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Remember how Xenogears was made at Square by the people who would go on to become Monolith? Same deal. Princess Crown was made at Atlus by the people who would go on to become Vanillaware.

Although Vanillaware, unlike Monolith, hasn't tried to retell parts of the same story four times since leaving their parent company. 

Atlus has continued to do some publishing for Vanillaware, including 13 Sentinels, so they were kind enough to let Vanillaware bundle its unofficial first title with their latest game. After all, it's officially Atlus's, to the point of them copying the titular Princess Gradriel's name and general appearance for an unrelated character in Etrian Odyssey II. (Meanwhile, Vanillaware took Gradriel's basic design and made some adjustments for Odin Sphere's Princess Gwendolyn.)

Yeah, i did read about that but like, it just feels so weird that they'd have this completely different kind of game as DLC for another completely different kind of game.

26 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

For the record, Kamiya said no because he wanted to be the one to make the game where Dante and Bayonetta finally meet, since he created them both. He has since regretted that decision, so maybe we'll get the nun trio if PXZ3 is ever made.

Yeah, that's probably this game's biggest missed opportunity.

Would've also been neat to see interactions between Bayo and Valkyrie. 

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Also, I've been playing on my phone so I haven't taken pictures, but there's this one character in AE that just loves to spout Teehees in her dialogue, haha...

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If you “lose” the tank boss fight to its self destruct thing it does when you kill it (explosion when it dies that damages everyone in the vicinity), you still “win” the battle and progress to the next fight… and lose immediately because your party , but because they wait til the next fight for everyone dying to actually kill you… you have to restart the entire sequence of fights from the beginning.

Are you actually kidding me? Just when I thought this section couldn’t get any worse.

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18 minutes ago, ♠Soul♠ said:

Somebody tell Julian/TheGuyThatAlwaysChangesHisDisplayNameToFemaleCharacters to actitivate his comment section.

It'd be more helpful, if you tagged me directly.

You can be lucky it's on the top page, so I could read that.


Also what do you mean?

You can send me PMs as comment my status, although I don't think I have a status.

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

If you “lose” the tank boss fight to its self destruct thing it does when you kill it (explosion when it dies that damages everyone in the vicinity), you still “win” the battle and progress to the next fight… and lose immediately because your party , but because they wait til the next fight for everyone dying to actually kill you… you have to restart the entire sequence of fights from the beginning.

Are you actually kidding me? Just when I thought this section couldn’t get any worse.


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1 minute ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Ok...maybe I will set one...after I have done work where I'm heading to rn.

hey man I was playing FE10 and I stopped at 1-E like a month ago I should get back to it, really fun

I really like Ilyana but she is honestly pretty bad.

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Just now, ♠Soul♠ said:

hey man I was playing FE10 and I stopped at 1-E like a month ago I should get back to it, really fun

I really like Ilyana but she is honestly pretty bad.

I could stream my FE10 run for you (from part 2), if you want.

Though we can talk later, have to go to work now.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


So there’s three battles for the boss part of this chapter, one against some generic intelligence division people, once against a tank, and then 


Amalthea and a couple intelligence division generics

all back to back to back, and when you defeat the tank it explodes, damaging everyone, and if this attack kills the rest of your party, you don’t get a game over, the game sends you to the next battle and then ends it immediately but since your options are only retry or return to title screen, you have to return to the title screen and do the first fight again, because retrying just has you watch yourself get an automatic game over.

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1 minute ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I could stream my FE10 run for you (from part 2), if you want.

Though we can talk later, have to go to work now.

is okay just put them on Youtube. Might be nice.

I suggest you put them up as individual chapters, that way it's easier to make them apart.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

So there’s three battles for the boss part of this chapter, one against some generic intelligence division people, once against a tank, and then 

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Amalthea and a couple intelligence division generics

all back to back to back, and when you defeat the tank it explodes, damaging everyone, and if this attack kills the rest of your party, you don’t get a game over, the game sends you to the next battle and then ends it immediately but since your options are only retry or return to title screen, you have to return to the title screen and do the first fight again, because retrying just has you watch yourself get an automatic game over.

....this seems like a series of very unfortunate events. Like, this is just straight-up misfortune.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So there’s three battles for the boss part of this chapter, one against some generic intelligence division people, once against a tank, and then 

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Amalthea and a couple intelligence division generics

all back to back to back, and when you defeat the tank it explodes, damaging everyone, and if this attack kills the rest of your party, you don’t get a game over, the game sends you to the next battle and then ends it immediately but since your options are only retry or return to title screen, you have to return to the title screen and do the first fight again, because retrying just has you watch yourself get an automatic game over.

That totally had to have been done on purpose. Surely someone had to have noticed this scenario during playtesting...

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I had such a good attempt, I was really making progress … AND I ACCIDENTALLY CLOSED THE GAME!!!!

Pain. Suffering. Torture. Agony.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Close the game?

Man, you're cursed right now.


I know, right?

The universe thought I wouldn’t stay up til 1 in the morning fighting a boss battle when I had class at 9 am.

It was mistaken.

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Wait… what? I got to the end of the second boss again and the explosion didn’t damage the two units next to it?

Considering the fact that the game also didn’t register my units as dead until the next battle… was it a glitch that killed me at the end of that prior attempt? What is my luck tonight…

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