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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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12 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

There are like, no good capturable generic on Rev

Need I remind you, Shrimpy?

Need I remind you?

12 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

and i didn't do any Nohr paralogues yet

You had better give the Nohr bosses a shot.

...Honestly though, Senno is a meme and Zhara is rather mundane (though a merc with Pass is pretty neat), but Nichol is Camilla lite and Gazak is unironically kinda amazing.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Well, the best part is that it isn't instant death on either side, just makes for a boring game that way.

I prefer the idea that they are a nice little extra boost.


Just now, Shrimp γ said:


It's all RNG in Berwick. If they get max Crit. Roll you are as good as dead.

I like how crits aren't on every weapon on Berwick, that's good, but i really really hate the crit damage formula. +20 damage is no joke

Better than FE, where they either instakill or don't even matter, no middle ground.

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18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Well FE6 swordmaster with +30 crit rate is instant kills all of the time, easily.

I will take Literally anything over FE6 😛 

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but Nichol is Camilla lite and Gazak is unironically kinda amazing.

I used Nichol before. He good. And you can even get him before you get Camilla on Conquest

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Better than FE, where they either instakill or don't even matter, no middle ground.

eh. I'd rather have fixed damage over more RNG variables.

Now i agree FE crits should be nerfed, and we talked many times about this before. RNG variable damage is not the way

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I'm on day four of some bug, not sure whether it's the common cold, or a mild form of the all-too-common-cov'. Feels like it's getting better, mostly a sore throat, and I hope it clears up in two days. I want to be able to enjoy the sprinkle cake we're picking up as dessert for American Thanksgiving.

On the last battle against the DC Remnants in OG1. Once this is past, it'll finally be an end to all the Lions, Guarlions, Barrelions, Sealions, Cosmolions, Landlions, Killer Whales, Peregrines, Rhinoceros, Storks, and all their chatty human pilots. I was a tad disappointed yesterday when I saw the Type 0 Zankantou in action at last, it needed more jets-on-a-giant-sword showcased. Oh well, let's end the human vs. human conflict, and move on to the war with the Aerogaters and their silent AI-controlled machines.


14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Change BGM is always a based feature.

It really is here. Given how much love battle themes get in SRW. Most of the stuff here is recycled and remixed from prior SRW games, but it's still all good. Basically everyone or at worst pairs of characters gets their own battle theme. So each pilot (and or giant robot) finds themselves uniquely expressed in music.

Back in the day, I liked it when Radiant Dawn gave Caineghis, Naesala, Tibarn, the Black Knight, and Oliver their own own fighting music. I don't see FE as being able to sustain such an enormous musical load as giving everyone a theme  (OG not having permadeath and being one world with most characters returning limits how many new tunes are necessary to add in each game). Plus a lot of FE fans nowadays prefer dynamic map themes to dedicated battle tunes. But, I wouldn't mind group BGMs, if a bunch of a characters in a particular game are so closely associated as to warrant a tune. 3H would've had it easy- give each house its own fighting theme, plus another for the Church & Knights of Seiros.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Atelier games are slife-of-life but then you get endgame areas like this


Says "Asphodel Meadows" to me. The bleak (or possibly more benevolent in later interpretations) place neither paradisal like Elysium nor torture like Tartarus, that the vast majority of humans- the average and the mediocre- go to in the afterlife. Bland, inoffensive, boring, as empty and unremarkable as the shades who fill it.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I'm on day four of some bug, not sure whether it's the common cold, or a mild form of the all-too-common-cov'. Feels like it's getting better, mostly a sore throat, and I hope it clears up in two days. I want to be able to enjoy the sprinkle cake we're picking up as dessert for American Thanksgiving.

I hope it clears up too, take care!

Dessert at Thanksgiving sounds nice, we’re usually way too stuffed to have one though. Although this year we’re eating with a bunch of family, which is great since it isn’t something I’ve gotten to do in a while, so things might be different.

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50 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

Now i agree FE crits should be nerfed, and we talked many times about this before. RNG variable damage is not the way

Well it doesnt have to be, but I think its more 'balanced" than FE's way, easy. 

*sees Thracia's dumb FCM system that premotes free kills* 

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Instead of RNG, I really consider it more of a 10+ bonus damage if I use them and +20 bonus damage if the enemy uses them.

If you need more beneficial values to succeed, you should adjust your strategy so that you don't.

Edited by BrightBow
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So the endgame of Atelier L&S does have some goodies. First off, you can visit the world of Nelke, the 20th anniversary celebration game


This was not in the original release of L&S btw..

You can also visit the worlds of Blue Reflection and Nights of Azure, something I'm sure @DragonFlames would appreciate



Blue Sentiment Land also has it's own superboss


Take a guess as to how this went lol.

Besides this, you can also visit Claduel Prairie from Atelier Firis, which was the biggest area in that game. Firis will even reminisce about it.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

RD being the worst out of all of them for crits being broken since they have #1 priority over any skill activating, the RNG for getting them is absurdly high pretty much all of the time.

Not sure why the activation % interferes with Skills, as it isn't a skill, but hey.

You say that like half the skills in RD aren't just glorified crits.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Plus a lot of FE fans nowadays prefer dynamic map themes to dedicated battle tunes

It could be because of the constant interruption of the music.

Btw, the PxZ games also have Change BGM......on NG+.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Says "Asphodel Meadows" to me.

It does, doesn't it?

The reason it's like this is because it's a world inside a painting (this game's main gimmick) that's been corrupted and drained of all it's color. There's no fixing a Mysterious Painting once that happens.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I meant like Continue, Ambush, etc.

Honestly I didn't even remember those.

Tbf, Tellius skills don't really matter like 80% of the time. If it's not directly affecting combat like Luna or Astra or whatever, it doesn't exist.

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1 hour ago, Shrimp γ said:

I used Nichol before. He good. And you can even get him before you get Camilla on Conquest

Hopping on DLC to grind support points, I'm guessing?

1 hour ago, Shrimp γ said:

eh. I'd rather have fixed damage over more RNG variables.

Now i agree FE crits should be nerfed, and we talked many times about this before. RNG variable damage is not the way

To be fair, it's only 10 points of variance. The limit of 20 ensures crits are plenty survivable, as opposed to FE where a 1% crit is a 1% chance to lose the game.

Though I'll admit what I like most about Berwick crits is that they pierces defenses. It's not optimal, I know, but watching Reese shred through tanks with Gram never gets old. That, and... Just the fact that they're rare. That's so nice. Crits on enemies in Berwick is a big deal and the game expects you to handle them with care (made very clear by the HUD changing color to highlight the existence of a crit chance), unlike FE where if you don't reach the luck thresholds you face the lose chance all the time.

59 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

*sees Thracia's dumb FCM system that premotes free kills* 

Ah yes, FUCC. That one's... eh. I don't mind it that much. It only serves to make a select few units overpowered, which is Kaga/10, really. SGW used it better than Thracia. But then again, SGW is basically Thracia 776: The Good Edition. Man I trashtalk Thracia a ton for someone who enjoys it.

55 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Instead of RNG, I really consider it more of a 10+ bonus damage if I use them and +20 bonus damage if the enemy uses them.

That's the way it always goes with the RNG, isn't it...

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly I didn't even remember those.

Tbf, Tellius skills don't really matter like 80% of the time. If it's not directly affecting combat like Luna or Astra or whatever, it doesn't exist.

That would be Adept and Vantage in US. Vantage blows in RD, thats why.

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hopping on DLC to grind support points, I'm guessing?

or My castle fights on a legit console*


23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man I trashtalk Thracia a ton for someone who enjoys it.

I mean i do the same to many FE i enjoy

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Not the continuous revolution I might have asked for, but good for you.

(Also they're remastering AoE3 now? They must feel confident about it's chances.)

It already was. The Definitive Edition has been out for a while now. Mexico is a DLC addition to the DE.

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Finally! After all of these hours, I finally managed to bring my vision to fruition.

Qjbwsnd6 o

"My vision" is putting water on the pyramid and then have waterfalls feeding into the oasis. I'm pretty happy with how this ended up. Please ignore the half-stained-half-painted glass in the middle. I'm working on it, but I need amber for the stained glass and it is extremely annoying to get.

38 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

or My castle fights on a legit console*

Yes, well, I have something better than a legit console.

38 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

I mean i do the same to many FE i enjoy

Truly FE fans hate FE more than anyone.

16 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:


But she's not naive and she doesn't get kidnapped or tricked all the time, she can't be a female FE lord.

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Tfw only 8 deployment.

Game pls


Let me use some of the many units i get lol. Rev gives me like 50 units (not counting kids) and then limits deployment to like 10 why.

Well, i am not doing the boring option and going all Royal, at least. Only half Royal, so only half boring

36 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:



Edited by Shrimp γ
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Vestaria Saga crits are just x2 damage.

Not that this alone would make Fire Emblem crits less stupid. Like in Berwick Saga, there is no crit chance without select weapons and skills.

Edited by BrightBow
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20 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

But her mother is still alive, so not really.

To be fair, mothers being dead isn't a requirement. They just need to not exist.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Eliwood be breaking stereotypes hard.

He's the dad that doesn't die and the son with the existing mother. Truly a man ahead of his time.

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6 hours ago, Shrimp γ said:

They can be easily nullified by Dragon veins tho and then they are easy pickings

I was in a retreat mindset with the first wave, trying to deal with the first fliers and not feeling like I could wall the falconknight pair.

Worse, me using a dragon vein poorly is why someone got killed anyway.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, mothers being dead isn't a requirement. They just need to not exist.

Well, she has been in the show, so I don't know if that counts.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

You can also visit the worlds of Blue Reflection and Nights of Azure, something I'm sure @DragonFlames would appreciate




Oooh! Awesome!~

The first picture shows the Happiness Zone of the Common from Blue Reflection, and the second is Eurulm, the second area you visit (and revist the most) in Nights of Azure 2! It even has the broken fountain and the church (incidentally also the area where you fight the boss that took me like 40 tries on Extreme difficulty)! Neat!~

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Blue Sentiment Land also has it's own superboss


Take a guess as to how this went lol.

So they picked the hardest boss in Blue Reflection for this?
Yeah, superboss checks out. XD

Incidentally, what music played when you fought it? Was it this?

Because that's that thing's battle theme from the game!

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Watching the Fates opening, I just realized I've played the entire game and I still have no idea why Azura's necklace breaks in the intro. Or why the thing exists in the first place.

Anyway, fuck it, Fates time.

L5lnrhr8 o

Avatar exists as a vehicle to get a child unit with green hair. Didn't put much effort into the name, it's just Spanish for Emerald and her hair is green, so there you go. Deep character writing.

It's go time once again.

11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Well, she has been in the show, so I don't know if that counts.

Ehhh barely. Eliwood's mom existed for exactly one cutscene. That checks out.

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