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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I keep forgetting that. Somehow it doesn't feel right that your favorite videogame is anything other than Berwick Saga. Heck, PoR was made by IntSys. It just doesn't fit your, uh... profile, so to speak.

Until Awakening, I felt the series was doing fine without him. Sure, on their own IS seemed to really struggle with making the gameplay interesting, but I felt like they were able to do well enough.

...though in retrospect, the fact that IS intentionally dumped down the script of Radiant Dawn should have been a warning sign that things were going downhill fast..

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12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

How old do you think they actually are? They're around Corrin's age!

I have no idea. I would've guessed at least a handful of years older, given they've been Corrin's retainers since the good avatar was a child.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's sort of age difference is for stuff like OrochixTakumi, who outright says was like his nanny...


10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You know, the number of maps you complain about in Fates leaves me to ponder how exactly you can love it. Kitsune Hell, Ninja Hell, Ryoma's Inexplicable Shuriken Lunges, Takumi's Hallway of Doom, any others?😛 You were complaining about Hinoka's Airborne Assault once, though it was the Hoshido cast swap version. Reads like it's a relationship where shouting "Now get out of my life! *chucks a shoe at you*" every Thursday is a feature, not a flaw.

I mean, I've had a number of complaints about Conquest and New Mystery myself. Ultimately, the point is that the flaws don't quite measure up against the strengths. Admittedly, I do seem to have less maps I hate in Conquest than Shrimpers... Though I find the lategame to be far more exhausting and disheartening than he does.

And then there's Berwick Saga, where my complaints amount to "snow map kinda bad," "capture system a bit annoying" and "chapter 14 weird writing because Kaga's fetishes." Full stop. Everything else is just "yeah no this good." Even the friggin' RNG durability doesn't bother me.

9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You might be surprised, and even if it isn't better than latter games (debatable for sure, and despite my preference it isn't a clear-cut case) that doesn't mean it isn't worth playing. There is something strangely charming and brilliant about the upside-down castle, with the way it lets doors and platforms just be where they end up being because the game knows you have the movement abilities to deal with that by now, and I don't think any of its successors really captures that same feel. Also its willingness to just let you miss half the game if you don't fulfill obscure conditions you probably need a guide to discover makes me strangely nostalgic for a bygone era, but your mileage may vary on that one.

Yeah, no doubt it's a good game, but I'm kinda weird about starting games. I need to get the feeling of wanting to play them, and for Symphony it's just not happened yet.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Kinda sounds like the same deal as Bloodstained tbh.

Symphony is basically just Bloodstained but old. You liked Bloodstained, you'll probably like Symphony. They're a similar deal, from what I know. Ecclesia's a different beast.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Also @Saint Rubenio, how’s this design for you?


He's 100% a villain and/or irrelevant. That's my whole input. I mean look at him, he even has an evil look in his eye.

3 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Until Awakening, I felt the series was doing fine without him. Sure, on their own IS seemed to really struggle with making the gameplay interesting, but I felt like they were able to do well enough.

...though in retrospect, the fact that IS intentionally dumped down the script of Radiant Dawn should have been a warning sign that things were going downhill fast..

Oh yeah, I also keep forgetting you're mainly a story guy. In that case, it absolutely does fit your profile to be a PoR fan, doesn't it.

I mean I still find Berwick Saga to be the best FE story by a rather long shot, but I'm weird, I know that.

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I said that, but then I realized, "hey I was feeling like replaying Ecclesia anyway, so why not play Symphony? Yeah, let's go." So I quickly obtained a legal copy of the game from the official legit games subreddit and got to work on the Sony PC.

I've played a whole 10 minutes. I have no idea how to bring up the map, but otherwise... Ehh, it's as I thought. It's Bloodstained but old. The game's age shows. But it's not bad by any means.

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Usually, the good one requires some measure of exploration, though not necessarily as much as Bloodstained, that's in its own league. Symphony comes kinda close, but I don't think it's as long. While Portrait of Ruin requires fairly minimal backtracking if you know what you need.

Yeah, Bloodstained pretty much sent you to the other end of the map if you wanted the true ending. Add in some "you have to use this specific weapon" too shenanigans.

38 minutes ago, Father Shrimpas said:


Imma be real with ya Kondo, no amount of edgy marketing will actually make me think the game will be edgy until I see the whole thing with my own two eyes.

(Use of a subtitle makes it seem like it's this arc's finale so maybe it's just two games after all. Or maybe subtitles are just gonna be a thing now).

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To be quite honest, more than anything, playing ten minutes of Symphony of the Night has made me feel like playing Vandal Hearts.

...Completely out of left field, I know, but well, unlike my PS2 emulator, the PS1 emulator isn't a KagaSaga machine. Using my Sony PC has reminded that I had another game aside from TearRing. I played a good chunk of Vandal Hearts way back in the day, before I quit for... reasons that I do not remember. Maybe I could give it another try, since I'm still not feeling the urge to continue Terraria. I remember it was quite fun. Perhaps a bit on the easy side? Is that why I quit? Gosh, I can hardly remember anything other than the blood geysers...

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, Bloodstained pretty much sent you to the other end of the map if you wanted the true ending. Add in some "you have to use this specific weapon" too shenanigans.

The game was very clear about it, though. The only kinda cryptic parts were the dumb RNG shard and having to get a passport from OD (although perhaps that wasn't helped by the fact that I completely forgot OD existed lol). Everything else was clear enough.

Ecclesia also has a bad ending, but the game straight up tells you what you need to look for if you get it. You have to do some exploration, but it's not too bad.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's 100% a villain


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and/or irrelevant.

Trails characters that show up before they need to and say a couple of very vague lines then immediately leave with you learning literally nothing about them while the whole party stands around going “that was really weird… Well, anyway” are never irrelevant.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The game was very clear about it, though. The only kinda cryptic parts were the dumb RNG shard and having to get a passport from OD (although perhaps that wasn't helped by the fact that I completely forgot OD existed lol). Everything else was clear enough

Tbf, it is very easy to end up on the "final area" before following the true path.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:



1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Trails characters that show up before they need to and say a couple of very vague lines then immediately leave with you learning literally nothing about them while the whole party stands around going “that was really weird… Well, anyway” are never irrelevant.

Don't need to tell me that. I had enough time to see that for myself before I dropped the game like a sack of bricks.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Tbf, it is very easy to end up on the "final area" before following the true path.

Yeah, so I did, remember? But it felt weird from the start, and after getting the bad ending, I went exploring and quickly found other ways I hadn't explored. It's easy to lose the way to the good ending, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because it's also easy to find it again.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, so I did, remember? But it felt weird from the start, and after getting the bad ending, I went exploring and quickly found other ways I hadn't explored. It's easy to lose the way to the good ending, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because it's also easy to find it again.

Yeah although in my case, it didn't feel like it was the "final area". Gebelt or whatever being there, I thought this was gonna be a midgame boss and then you rematch him in the end.

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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps a bit on the easy side? Is that why I quit? Gosh, I can hardly remember anything other than the blood geysers...

Vandal Hearts starts easy, but gets pretty hard right when you hit the point where Clint is in Prison and you get like no units to use. After that, most (without the use of the MC's hidden class that is) Is actually pretty hard.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah although in my case, it didn't feel like it was the "final area". Gebelt or whatever being there, I thought this was gonna be a midgame boss and then you rematch him in the end.

I guess that was your lack of experience with Castlevania. Not that I'm super experienced or anything, I've only played two other Igavanias, but I immediately realized the golden area and the Gebel fight felt oddly final for something happening so early on. So, it had to be the bad ending. It's something Iga just loves doing. Of course, I still fought him anyway, but I had a feeling about it.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Vandal Hearts starts easy, but gets pretty hard right when you hit the point where Clint is in Prison and you get like no units to use. After that, most (without the use of the MC's hidden class that is) Is actually pretty hard.

I think I made it to the point where Ash gets... sucked into an alternate dimension? Like I said, my memories are super fuzzy. I remember playing through the prison thing. I think I got to the point where Ash returned and the old bishop guy and... I think the drunk? were with the blond bossman fighting off enemy troops. I'm not sure at all.

Yeah, it's about time for another playthrough. The first time was while I was in college, which was a bit of a contentious time. Perhaps I wasn't feeling up to it at the time. Perhaps I simply got sidetracked by TRS, since I was playing it for the first time around that period as well. Oh well.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think I made it to the point where Ash gets... sucked into an alternate dimension? Like I said, my memories are super fuzzy. I remember playing through the prison thing. I think I got to the point where Ash returned and the old bishop guy and... I think the drunk? were with the blond bossman fighting off enemy troops. I'm not sure at all.

Yeah, it's about time for another playthrough. The first time was while I was in college, which was a bit of a contentious time. Perhaps I wasn't feeling up to it at the time. Perhaps I simply got sidetracked by TRS, since I was playing it for the first time around that period as well. Oh well.

Yeah the line where Ash says "i don't think we're in Kansas anymore..." lmao. 

You forgot Sara, she gets sucked in as well, and the old guy is Zohar, and the drunk is Grog. 😂

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah the line where Ash says "i don't think we're in Kansas anymore..." lmao. 

I completely forgot that.

I need to replay this game.


You forgot Sara, she gets sucked in as well, and the old guy is Zohar, and the drunk is Grog. 😂

Ohhh yeah Sara. Priest girl, right? I remember her, but not that she went on a fun adventure with Ash.

By "old guy", I mean Huxley, the priest man. I think he was Elena's caretaker too? Zohar is the one dark mage guy, he joins a bit earlier than the point where I'm pretty sure I quit. He was old? Coulda fooled me.

Grog is Grog.

Damn, I really need to replay this game...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ohhh yeah Sara. Priest girl, right? I remember her, but not that she went on a fun adventure with Ash.

By "old guy", I mean Huxley, the priest man. I think he was Elena's caretaker too? Zohar is the one dark mage guy, he joins a bit earlier than the point where I'm pretty sure I quit. He was old? Coulda fooled me.

Grog is Grog.

Damn, I really need to replay this game...

Yep, Sara is a priest indeed. 

Well, that's true, but Zohar is very old, way past humans years i'm pretty sure. I don't think Huxley gets sucked in, i think it's just those 3 and then you get Zohar while there. He is essentially your way "back" which puts you in a fight with the brigand from the very first battle again. Although much more difficult this time around of course.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Yep, Sara is a priest indeed. 

Well, that's true, but Zohar is very old, way past humans years i'm pretty sure. I don't think Huxley gets sucked in, i think it's just those 3 and then you get Zohar while there. He is essentially your way "back" which puts you in a fight with the brigand from the very first battle again. Although much more difficult this time around of course.

I'm fairly certain Huxley was back by the time I dropped the game, so I must've made it a bit further than that.

Well... No matter. I'll have time to find out in my second run, whenever I start it. Today, possibly.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm fairly certain Huxley was back by the time I dropped the game, so I must've made it a bit further than that.

Well... No matter. I'll have time to find out in my second run, whenever I start it. Today, possibly.

I think you have the games timeline mixed up a bit.

I'll be keeping up with it (along with being the only person to probably have any knowledge about it as well)

Fair warning, if you want MC's broken class, read it up, you'll never get it otherwise. It's one of those "hidden goodies" that you gotta earn.

Oh and the trials to complete to actually unlock it? pretty hard, actually.

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And keep your mages alive, they are field nukes and make alot of maps so much easier. they get EXP like no tommorow since it's based on damage dealt, enemy kill, so the more you hit, the more you gain. they can literally get 2 levels in one attack if placed right.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I think you have the games timeline mixed up a bit.

Probably. My memories are super fuzzy.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I'll be keeping up with it (along with being the only person to probably have any knowledge about it as well)

Feel free! I'll share my impressions. That's what the thread is for, anyway.

I am going to make the old man a ninja and there is no force in the heavens that can stop me

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Fair warning, if you want MC's broken class, read it up, you'll never get it otherwise. It's one of those "hidden goodies" that you gotta earn.

Oh and the trials to complete to actually unlock it? pretty hard, actually.

I am aware of this. I will not be going for it, as it is clear that it's supposed to be a cute little easter egg reward that isn't intended for any normal playthrough. Seriously, I've seen that class in action and it's ridiculous how much it breaks the game. It may technically not be my first run, but with luck it will be my first complete run, so I'd like to preserve the lategame's challenge, haha.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Feel free! I'll share my impressions. That's what the thread is for, anyway.

I am going to make the old man a ninja and there is no force in the heavens that can stop me

I am aware of this. I will not be going for it, as it is clear that it's supposed to be a cute little easter egg reward that isn't intended for any normal playthrough. Seriously, I've seen that class in action and it's ridiculous how much it breaks the game. It may technically not be my first run, but with luck it will be my first complete run, so I'd like to preserve the lategame's challenge, haha.

Good, hopefully i can assist if needed!

Huxley? Haha that will be interesting!

Yeah total field range with all around amazing stats and every class type in one, and he has inheret infinite items haha. It's pretty funny how crazy that is though.

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