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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Seriously though, Ike is one of the better FE protags imo, even if he tends to be very stoic and dull.

I quite like him in FE9-he has a pretty decent character arc even though Kaga did it first, and is at least interesting, even if he is too stoic and unfeeling for my tastes sometimes. Still, overall quite good.

In FE10...

2 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

As for Ike as developed he is in FE9, as much he fell in this regard in 10. The only thing which developed were his muscles. Ike is the only "weakness" FE10 had.

This sums up my feelings very well-I feel like there were different ways the story could/should have gone, (even if the gameplay stayed literally exactly the same) but instead Ike takes up a lot of screentime and just isn't very interesting in his part. I feel like it should have focused much more on Sanaki or elaborated on Laguz culture a lot more, but the game focuses on Ike instead. I feel like he didn't need as many chapters as he did-I would have rather that he took a role to be something more like what Skrimir is, then shows up in Endgame as a Gotoh-This also prevents him from getting stat screwed and softlocking on the BK duel/Ashera. At the very least, halve the amount of chapters that are totally Ike-centric and toss in more Laguz Alliance/Sanaki.

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hard is challenging in the beginning, evens off up to the timeskip, and then seems to be progressively getting more difficult. I just follow the standard promo path for each unit, although I've had issues with Ingrid getting enough strength to kill as a peg knight.

Ight, maybe it'll be okay. Maybe I should skip all the paralogues too, just to minimize all exp gain...

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah. Musou games are hack and slash games where you fight hordes of enemies and complete objectives on an interconnected map (that's not the best explanation but it sums up a typical gameplay scenario). FE Warriors, for example, had you guide your units towards certain destinations to complete objectives while you did other tasks, usually taking out enemies and claiming bases. I'd recommend it, although you may want to check out videos of other Musou games to make sure that you'll like it.

I'll check some out, then! Thanks!

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Don't grind and hard should be fairly challenging. Only do Story/Paralogues missions

OK! Hopefully at least a few people die. (I intend not to use the Turnwheel at all.) Or at least I get close to killing off a lot of people. Then again...Three Houses ain't the most ironman friendly game...

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeesh, the debt thing is getting worse.


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7 hours ago, Benice said:

Ight, maybe it'll be okay. Maybe I should skip all the paralogues too, just to minimize all exp gain...

You probably don’t want to do that. The paralogues are like the support convos (although more brief cutscenes) in that they help the characters develop even more outside of the main story. There’s also fewer paralogues in comparison to auxiliary battles, so skipping the aux battles should be more than enough.

7 hours ago, Benice said:

OK! Hopefully at least a few people die.


Why do you want your units to die? This isn’t Shadow Dragon, where there’s actual benefits to letting your units die.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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"May this sword of blue flame be your light."
- this guy

I unlocked three more Servans in Nights of Azure 2. This guy is one of them.
Personally, the Greatsword is a little slow, so I don't use it too often. Especially on Extreme difficulty, I'll get hit more times than I would like, and it doesn't feel much stronger than the standard one-handed sword form either.

The other two Servans are much more useful, however. First off, there's Feuille, who can toss around spores that lower damage to your party:

And second, there's Scharf, whose Servan ability lets you remove electric barriers. He also uses very fast, long-range lightning attacks in combat, and is thus quite useful to have around:

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5 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Actually, it is even without Divine Pulse. Three Houses may not be Thracia 776 difficult, but it’s no cakewalk. You can easily get your units killed if you’re not careful, especially on hard and higher.

Is that to say it is ironman friendly? Because if so, I don't see it.

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4 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Is that to say it is ironman friendly? Because if so, I don't see it.

Eh, I wrote that at 4 in the morning so yeah...it sounds a bit weird.

I meant that 3H is ironman friendly since the risk of losing your units isn't as high as other FE games like FE5, FE6, or FE10, for example.

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True, but the amount of effort you have to put in to get them might be too much, depending on how far into the game you are (and of course all of this assumes no New Game Plus), because you need to have a specific weapon/skill rank to be able to recruit other students.
This requirements lowers if your supports are high enough, sure, but you still can't scrape by on an E-rank, so you need to spend a lot of time getting tutored in ranks you might not even use for anything other than recruiting (not to mention it takes some time to get even a single rank increase, since you can only get tutored by the same person once a week, and not everyone is available at all times), which means less time to build supports, and potentially being unable to change Byleth's class at all until the Enlightened One comes in. Not to mention you have to spend much more effort on people you want to recruit than on the people you already have, which might result in them being weaker, thus more likely to die, than they would be had you focused on them instead.
This is another reason why I rarely, if ever, recruit students outside the house I picked.

And woe to you if you lose someone important post-time skip, where you have no replacements whatsoever.

Compare that to a game like, say, FE7 or 6, where you get new characters to replace lost ones all the way until the engdame with the only caviat being that you need someone to recruit them. Or even Shadow Dragon, where stuff just joins you automatically and you even get generic replacement units in the unlikely event that you run out.
And that's not even going into the fact that past games have very massive casts in general, so it's much easier to replace someone you've lost.

Sorry for getting a bit wall-of-texty there, I just wanted to explain why I personally think Three Houses isn't a very Ironman-friendly game.

Edited by DragonFlames
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16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Eh, I wrote that at 4 in the morning so yeah...it sounds a bit weird.

I meant that 3H is ironman friendly since the risk of losing your units isn't as high as other FE games like FE5, FE6, or FE10, for example.

That... doesn't make much sense knowing that you don't have too many options for replacements, and you actually have to put in effort to recruit most units.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

True, but the amount of effort you have to put in to get them might be too much, depending on how far into the game you are (and of course all of this assumes no New Game Plus), because you need to have a specific weapon/skill rank to be able to recruit other students.
This requirements lowers if your supports are high enough, sure, but you still can't scrape by on an E-rank, so you need to spend a lot of time getting tutored in ranks you might not even use for anything other than recruiting, which means less time to build supports, and potentially being unable to change Byleth's class at all until the Enlightened One comes in. Not to mention you have to spend much more effort on people you want to recruit than on the people you already have, which might result in them being weaker, thus more likely to die, than they would be had you focused on them instead.
This is another reason why I rarely, if ever, recruit students outside the house I picked.

And woe to you if you lose someone important post-time skip, where you have no replacements whatsoever.

Compare that to a game like, say, FE7 or 6, where you get new characters to replace lost ones all the way until the engdame with the only caviat being that you need someone to recruit them. Or even Shadow Dragon, where stuff just joins you automatically and you even get generic replacement units in the unlikely event that you run out.
And that's not even going into the fact that past games have very massive casts in general, so it's much easier to replace someone you've lost.

Sorry for getting a bit wall-of-texty there, I just wanted to explain why I personally think Three Houses isn't a very Ironman-friendly game.

No. That makes perfect sense. My bad for giving information that was apparently incorrect or just not helpful in general.

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

No. That makes perfect sense. My bad for giving information that was apparently incorrect or just not helpful in general.

Ah, don't worry about it! That wasn't the intention of what I wrote at all.
Sorry if it came across that way!

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Ah, don't worry about it! That wasn't the intention of what I wrote at all.
Sorry if it came across that way!

No, it didn't at all. No worries. I just don't want to give advice to others that won't be helpful or is inaccurate.

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6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:


Why do you want your units to die?

'Cause it means I'm not stomping the game, or at least I get punished for goofing up. Like, where would my ironman be if I hadn't killed off 80% of the cast? (Discluding Lords, Merlinus and characters who can't be recruited depending on route, my ironman has had a Twelve percent survival rate. 12. TWELVE.) It sure would have been a lot simpler, and I like having to improvise. (I am sorta weird though.)

6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Actually, it is even without Divine Pulse. Three Houses may not be Thracia 776 difficult, but it’s no cakewalk. You can easily get your units killed if you’re not careful, especially on hard and higher.

Ah, I think you misunderstand me. By Ironman friendly, I don't mean "Kill 80% the cast" difficult, I mean, "I can kill 80% cast and still have a few options."

Taking FE6 for example. There are three in the fighter classline, three in the 'Zerker class line, five fliers, two mages, three (Technically, but Sophia hardly counts) dark mages, Seven cavaliers, three armor knights, two mercenaries, five archers, three nomads, etc. I'll have lots of options, since everybody is somewhat replaceable. A game where I have one of each class isn't very ironman friendly, because if I lose, say, a berserker, I'll never have another chance to get one, and the cast is very small.

In three houses, it ain't exactly this case, as every deployed unit is a labor of love. At the same time, it'll make it very interesting, which I am looking forwards to. I always am looking to use the underdog, so when I inevitably kill off 90% the cast because I expect the game to be easy, I'll be able to try to do stuff on the fly!

47 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Eh, I wrote that at 4 in the morning so yeah...it sounds a bit weird.

Ey, I can relate! Well, not today. But sometimes.

45 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

unlike past FE games that throw replacements at you faster than you can kill people off.

Unless you're me and have killed off 85% the cast. I had to Hector solo about three chapters...

18 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

No, it didn't at all. No worries. I just don't want to give advice to others that won't be helpful or is inaccurate.

Nah, it's good. Besides, different people have different takes on what Ironman friendly means.

For example, I don't think that FE7's that ironman friendly, as it basically has a few good growth units then a billion godlike prepromotes like Harken. (Some of whom I've managed to kill anyways.) The recruits really dry up in the midgame, and there are a few times where I'd wished that there were more options.

Edited by Benice
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I just did a 200 IQ play in Xenoblade 2. I swapped Shulk and Fiora's Drivers (in other words, Fiora was now bonded to Rex while Shulk was bonded to Nia) because the Morag boss fight in Ch.4 is a lot tougher than when you fight her in Ch.2. When i saw that Morag's HP was close to Enrage threshold, i decided to do a Light Blade Combo starting with Mythra. After the first stage, Nia would switch over to Shulk and she had the second stage of the Blade Combo ready. I didn't use it right away however. I waited until Morag Enraged. When she did, she would go on to use her Rage Strike but because Rage Strikes are so potentially devastating, Shulk's Vision skill activated, allowing me to completely evade Morag's Rage Strike, thus keeping everyone alive and my Party Gauge in check. The fight was mostly smooth sailing after that.

Later, i wanted to test something. The story takes you to the Old Factory in Mor Ardain but there's really nothing stopping you from actually going there before you're supposed to. I went down to the Fief of Forgetfulness to find the key to the lower gate (which you don't have to do to access the main section of Mor Ardain's lower level) and passed by the Chansagh Wastes to get Kasandra's Core Crystal (which i'll use on Morag once she joins). I turned off enemy aggression temporarily for this test btw. I got to the entrance to the Old Factory and noticed a few things. 

  1. The Landmark in front of the Old Factory did not register. It seems that if you try to "skip" Landmarks in front of story locations won't actually register.
  2. The ladder you need to climb to enter the Old Factory from above (because the main door is locked from the inside) can't be lowered. Meaning you can't enter the Old Factory no matter what. Or can you?
  3. The tide was high so i swam until i reached the Old Factory's harbor where you fight the final boss of Ch.4. And by doing so, i was able to register the Old Factory onto the map.


But i still can't actually explore this part of the area yet.

9 minutes ago, Benice said:

'Cause it means I'm not stomping the game, or at least I get punished for goofing up. Like, where would my ironman be if I hadn't killed off 80% of the cast? (Discluding Lords, Merlinus and characters who can't be recruited depending on route, my ironman has had a Twelve percent survival rate. 12. TWELVE.) It sure would have been a lot simpler, and I like having to improvise. (I am sorta weird though.)

Isn't the whole point of an ironman to do everything you possibly can to keep everyone alive?


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13 minutes ago, Benice said:

Unless you're me and have killed off 85% the cast. I had to Hector solo about three chapters...

Well, you're still doing a lot better than I did in my attempted Ironman of FE7 a few months back, where I got Hector killed to what essentially amounted to a mislick.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Isn't the whole point of an ironman to do everything you possibly can to keep everyone alive?

Yep! But it's no fun if I succeed at keeping everyone alive! I like having to do things I'd never imagined I would, such as using the best units in the game.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, you're still doing a lot better than I did in my attempted Ironman of FE7 a few months back, where I got Hector killed to what essentially amounted to a mislick.

I mean...












                                          Wil x 6


                                          My honor












Defeated as enemy



% Unrecruitable


Discharged/killed pre-reset.

Dishonorably spared

RESET COUNT: Hector x 4

                                        Lyn x 7

                                       Jaffar x 2

                                        Bandit x 2

                                        Eliwood x 7

                                        Merlinus x6

                                        Being a coward x 1

Merlinus deaths as merchant: 7


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1 minute ago, Benice said:

I mean...

  Reveal hidden contents











                                          Wil x 6


                                          My honor












Defeated as enemy



% Unrecruitable


Discharged/killed pre-reset.

Dishonorably spared

RESET COUNT: Hector x 4

                                        Lyn x 7

                                       Jaffar x 2

                                        Bandit x 2

                                        Eliwood x 7

                                        Merlinus x6

                                        Being a coward x 1

Merlinus deaths as merchant: 7


That is quite the sizeable death counter you have there.
My death counter only had Hector.
In Chapter 13.
Of Eliwood Hard Mode.

I went with the "if the Lord dies, it's game over" rule.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I went with the "if the Lord dies, it's game over" rule.

I would have, but then the run would have ended in the first chapter of HHM. (Which is also how Matthew died!)

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

My death counter only had Hector.
In Chapter 13.
Of Eliwood Hard Mode.


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