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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Sign me up!

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Of course, of course! Everybody's welcome! šŸ˜„

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Ey, got room for 4? Dumplings sound good.

...Guys you release you can have the dumplings without the whole ā€œsucks at FEā€ angle, right?

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7 hours ago, Benice said:

Unless you're me and have killed off 85% the cast. I had to Hector solo about three chapters...

Wow, that sounds like what Mangs would do.'

7 hours ago, Benice said:

Ah, I think you misunderstand me. By Ironman friendly, I don't mean "Kill 80% the cast" difficult, I mean, "I can kill 80% cast and still have a few options."

Taking FE6 for example. There are three in the fighter classline, three in the 'Zerker class line, five fliers, two mages, three (Technically, but Sophia hardly counts) dark mages, Seven cavaliers, three armor knights, two mercenaries, five archers, three nomads, etc. I'll have lots of options, since everybody is somewhat replaceable.Ā A game where I have one of each class isn't very ironman friendly, because if I lose, say, a berserker, I'll never have another chance to get one, and the cast is very small.

In three houses, it ain't exactly this case, as every deployed unit is a labor of love. At the same time, it'll make it very interesting, which I am looking forwards to. I always am looking to use the underdog, so when I inevitably kill off 90% the cast because I expect the game to be easy, I'll be able to try to do stuff on the fly!

Personally, I think FE6 is not ironman friendly. The issue, as I see it, is that if a unit is so shit thatĀ they struggle to contribute even then they first join, never mind if they were benched for a while because you already had another unit that could do what they could do and now you need them, it would probably prove to be easier to just continue to invest in the decent units left than to babysit a unit that probably won't pull their weight for a long time, if ever, and thus would likely wind up becoming a liability just to fill up a deployment slot. And this isn't even getting into the true ending requirements.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Personally, I think FE6 is not ironman friendly. The issue, as I see it, is that if a unit is so shit thatĀ they struggle to contribute even then they first join, never mind if they were benched for a while because you already had another unit that could do what they could do and now you need them, it would probably prove to be easier to just continue to invest in the decent units left than to babysit a unit that probably won't pull their weight for a long time, if ever, and thus would likely wind up becoming a liability just to fill up a deployment slot.

I mean, if Canas dies, literally nobody can fulfill his role until the final chapter, which is worse than Raigh dying and having the choice of using Sophia or living without a dark mage, since there is actually a choice. I'd say that the only truly unsusable units in FE6 are the armor knights and somewhat Sophia. The rest are workable enough to do the job they have to do. And in any game, should a good unit die, there is unlikely to be a better one replacing them. It's probably better to use Noah or Treck as meh-to-weak cavs than to have literally no cavaliers at all, isn't it? FE6 gives you options for this, and inferior doesn't mean useless. Look at Lilina-She's far worse than Lugh, but many people still use her and she does just fine.

In FE6, nobody is truly irreplacable, and they give you thieves before the chapters where you really need them-8 and 16, and Chad only really should be deployed in chapter 6, but there isn't actually anything necessary there.

Say, Kieran dies in FE9, and I haven't used Oscar. Oscar is now bad because I didn't use him. This doesn't make PoR ironman unfriendly, it means that I have to live without a cav or deal with Oscar's lower bases/use a ton of BEXP to catch him up a little rather than reinforcing another good unit like Jill or Marcia. That's the nature of ironmans. If someone dies, you improvise.

FE7's classes are a lot more limited in general, and it's fists are much tighter in terms of promotion items-Not the amount, but what it takes to get them. If Matthew dies, you miss out on so many promotion items with no way to get them without thieves. In the mid/early game, you have one light magic user. Also, if Florina dies before/during chapter 18, the only peg rider you get is Farina. Canas is the only Dark magic user, there are only two dedicated staff users, (and if Matthew dies before chapter 17, no other units can use staves-You have to wait for either ch. 20 or 24, for the earth seal.) Overall, your options are a lot more limited. Plus the fact that FE7 tends to have unpromoted unit join earlier, then godlike prepromote later-If Raven dies, no heroes for quite a long time.



5 hours ago, Ycine said:

@BeniceĀ thanks for yesterday. That's muchĀ appreciated.

No problem! Hope it was a good one!

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11 minutes ago, Benice said:

I'd say that the only truly unsusable units in FE6 are the armor knights and somewhat Sophia

Me, who uses Sophia in FE6 because she's cute and doesn't use Raigh or Niime at all


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4 hours ago, Wraith said:

...Guys you release you can have the dumplings without the whole ā€œsucks at FEā€ angle, right?

Haha, you haven't seen me run through FE then!

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

IMG_20200909_193157.jpgVision triggered on a weird frame.

Curious, but since your using NG+ cant you justĀ 


Swap in Pnuema to wipe most fights?Ā 

The 100% crit rate makes quick work of most enemies.


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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Curious, but since your using NG+ cant you justĀ 

Ā  Reveal hidden contents

In Bringer of Chaos mode, using Pneuma completely uses up the Party Gauge. And given that it takes longer for the Party Gauge to fill up again, using Pneuma is not really a viable strat in this run.


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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I mean, if Canas dies, literally nobody can fulfill his role until the final chapter, which is worse than Raigh dying and having the choice of using Sophia or living without a dark mage, since there is actually a choice.

Not to entirely invalidate your point, but this and Lucius being the only unpromoted Light user aren't so terrible in FE7. Practically speaking, Luna is niche and the rest of Dark besides Flux is useless, while Light is most of the time Worse Anima. Thus, all three of Canas, Lucius and Erk can all fill the same role without significantĀ differences stemming from their type of magic being used. And were it not forĀ some endgame Apocalypse action or maybe Nostanking (viable for Niime (with 1-3Ā buyable Robes) orĀ Raigh against all but fast things), you could likely say Lugh & Lilina are better than one of them + a Dark user.

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48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Practically speaking, Luna is niche and the rest of Dark besides Flux is useless,

While I do agree about Luna being Niche, Canas hard carrying me through Cog of Destiny made me realize how much worse it'd be without it-It was one of the only things that actually had good hitrates against the Valkyries. I think that despite the fact that Luna is overrated as a tool for the player, it is still an important niche to fill.

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

while Light is most of the time Worse Anima.

Okay, yeah this is true.

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And were it not forĀ some endgame Apocalypse action or maybe Nostanking (viable for Niime (with 1-3Ā buyable Robes) orĀ Raigh against all but fast things), you could likely say Lugh & Lilina are better than one of them + a Dark user.

Personally, I disagree-This is basically the only game where Nosferatanking is viable, and it can make Raigh or Niime veritable powerhouses. Aircalibur is an excellent boon to any unit, but I'd say it's only really helpful for chapter 21-Although by my earlier logic, it's still worth using them just for that niche role. I feel like Nosferatu having many good applications in FE6 makes investing in Dark Magic very worthwhile.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me, who uses Sophia in FE6 because she's cute and doesn't use Raigh or Niime at all


Ah, me too! I always use the underdog-Just that in a practical sense, she's no good. (Well, I like to use Raigh and Niime too.)

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:
Ā  Reveal hidden contents

In Bringer of Chaos mode, using Pneuma completely uses up the Party Gauge. And given that it takes longer for the Party Gauge to fill up again, using Pneuma is not really a viable strat in this run.


Huh, I thought the max critical rate would be very useful in BoC mode.

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30 minutes ago, Benice said:

Personally, I disagree-This is basically the only game where Nosferatanking is viable, and it can make Raigh or Niime veritable powerhouses. Aircalibur is an excellent boon to any unit, but I'd say it's only really helpful for chapter 21-Although by my earlier logic, it's still worth using them just for that niche role. I feel like Nosferatu having many good applications in FE6 makes investing in Dark Magic very worthwhile.

I only Nostanked for one chapter, 21. I though if I had trained Raigh or Sophia instead of relying on Niime, I can see how I would've gotten more out of it.

Also, FE6 isn't the only game where Nostanking can work.

  • Though it required a little work upfront, I did get Julia cleaning out some squads with Nos in FE4. Of course, the latter 1/3rd of Gen 2 can't have Nostanking because Julia goes bye.
  • The third and second to last battles of FE5 depended heavily for me on a Linoan who I had given the Wrath scroll to. Endless JormungĀ and Hel tomes are naught on the enemy phase against Linoan's 64 critical Atk. I didn't need rely on her dodging everything, which made most other characters for fending off the Loptians less attractive to me.
  • And then there's Awakening, the game where Nosferatu is easy cheese on the hardest difficultiesĀ if you have the stats. Add Vengeance to make it even better.
  • FE14 tried to rebalance Nostanking after AwakeningĀ made it too good. They did thisĀ by halving the HP absorption, not allowing proc skills to work with it,Ā andĀ byĀ banningĀ it from doubling to prevent enemy phase slaughters. But the doubling ban doesn't come in the form of Speed penalty, so it won't result in you getting doubled either. It can be viable to an extent.
Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Though it required a little work upfront, I did get Julia cleaning out some squads with Nos in FE4.

Ah, forgot that it's good in the games I haven't played too. My bad.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I only Nostanked for one chapter, 21

Really? Huh, I generally like to use it a lot- Raigh is very dominant in Ilia in my opinion, and Nosferatanking can really help bolster him. Of course, I'm not very good, so I probably don't have this right.

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Resire and wrath on Linoan are so much fun against the Loptian mages.

In 24x she could solo all the crap inside the cell after she had warped there in turn one.

I used to use Olwen with vantage before, but Linoan couldĀ save more weapon uses with having wrath equipped.

Edited by Julian Teehee
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Just now, Benice said:

Really? Huh, I generally like to use it a lot- Raigh is very dominant in Ilia in my opinion, and Nosferatanking can really help bolster him. Of course, I'm not very good, so I probably don't have this right.

Nah, it's probably me, For one, my lone FE6 playthrough had me in the mood where put a hot iron to almost everyone with the label "too much effort". Raigh fell victim to this, as did Shanna and Thea, and Fir too -I didn't understand why people say she's easy to train simply b/c Western Isles is AxeLand. And because Shanna and Thea were benched and Sin was used, I went to Sacae, which is probably very bad for Nostanking because Pegasus are AS-screwed by Con while Nomads can double Nos units much more readily.

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42 minutes ago, Benice said:

his is basically the only game where Nosferatanking is viable


You can pretty much Nosfetank in any FE.

Here's me Nosfetanking in FE4


FE5 has some of the strongest light mages in existence in Sara and Linoan

and you already saw me nosfetanking with Miccy in FE10


Even Fates with it's overnerfed Nosferatu you can Nosfetank

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I went to Sacae, which is probably very bad for Nostanking because Pegasus are AS-screwed by Con while Nomads can double Nos units much more readily.

Yeah, Sacae is tough on...Well, pretty much everyone not named Milady, Perceval, Swordmasters or Nomads.


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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

You can pretty much Nosfetank in any FE.

Nosferatu Nosferatu A Rank 7 Mt 70 Hit 0 Crit 12 Wt 1~2 20 1500 2 Restores userā€™s HP equal to damage done to enemy

Rhys's 20/20 stats.:

HP 38.65 Str 3.2 Mag 29 Skl 22 Spd 21.2 Lck 25 Def 11.35 Res 30

-9 AS from Wt issues. PoR enemies are mediocrity incarnateĀ true, but 12 AS at 20/20Ā and only 4 AS at 20/1 on average? Rhys is an uphill battle. Might be better than Knoll though.


13 minutes ago, Benice said:

Yeah, Sacae is tough on...Well, pretty much everyone not named Milady, Perceval, Swordmasters or Nomads.


Although, something in me likes Sacae, no offense to snowy forestsĀ and Pegasus, but the plains and nomads have a cultural appeal that took a little sting out of some of the battles.

And here's a historical paragraph on the horse archers of Scythia, as a factoid to compare with FE6 nomads.:


"The term ā€œSakaā€ may refer to the Persian and Sanskrit word for the Scythians, or it may refer to a specific tribe among those horse-barbarians to the north of Assyria. Most of the confusion seems to be the ambiguous usage of Saka among the ancient ā€œhistoriansā€ ā€“ Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny the Elder, and that lot. Herodotus states that the Saka were horse archers, riding without saddles or stirrups, and distinguished by wearing quilted trousers, open tunics and ā€œhigh caps tapering to a point and stiffly upright.ā€ These horse archers were feared in the open, mostly for harassing a moving column or raiding the baggage trains, but not very good in a stand-up fight. As Alexander the Great had shown at the battle of Jaxartes (329 BC) the Saka had no staying power, and could be readily driven off by massed infantry in depth supported by ample numbers of foot archers, whose greater range and rate of fire gave them a distinct advantage over the mounted ones."

AĀ modern, lightlyĀ cartoonish rendering of the above GreekĀ description of Saka horse archers.:


Saka with a few letters changed but the pronunciation the same gives us "Sacae".


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29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then there's Awakening, the game where Nosferatu is easy cheese on the hardest difficultiesĀ if you have the stats. Add Vengeance to make it even better.

Ā And Vantage makes it even more broken. And if your Skill stat is at 50, then Vengeance willĀ alwaysĀ activate, and it already had a very high activation rate to begin with.


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Nice, PoR with +25% enemy growths is actually fairly fun! (Or was it 20? I actually can't remember...) It's proving to be a very nice challenge thus far. I really have to think about where I use Titania, and investing heavily into player-phase units is gonna be important, since Soren deals about 3 damage to every enemy...

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