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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Wish I could remember a lot of all the build-up time for Awakening here on Serenes, since I was there to see all the news pour in, all the hype... Awakening is even one of two games I've pre-ordered. Sadly, I don't remember much. Though well, all those threads are still there in the forums for anyone to see.

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20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Happy 10th to the game that not only got me into FE, but also is directly responsible for me being part of the online communities I'm on today, along with all the friends I've made since joining them.

Awakening means a lot to me for being an awesome game alone, but also for that too. Damn I'm getting sappy.

It's time to let all emotions out

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fearing Nomura's FFVII Remake Time Ghosts? Worried that Monolith asked IS if they could borrow a kilogram of evil dark dragon?


Like when i saw it first thought was "It's gonne be some curse bullshit making them see each others as monsters"

Hopefully not the case

and well

Xenoblade gameplay is usually pretty damn fun imo, so even if i end up dissapointed in the story gameplay is there (as was the case imo with XB1, where i didn't vibe with the Story at all, but bought XB2 because i enjoyed the gameplay)

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I know, i'm just memeing.



25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


You love to see it.

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41 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


The one thing that has me worried in the trailer ngl

I do wonder why the Nopon aren't affected. Maybe only those with the power of Ouroboros are seen like this. If so, the war against the two nations could still be genuine.

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not gonna lie, a sliver of my soul awaits the day Armagon is finally disappointed with the totality of a Xenoblade game. Eventually a title has to bomb, XS Ep. II can't be the only dud in the entire franchise once it's gone on long enough. A flawless and lengthy record is inhuman.

I do think it'll happen eventually, tho i hope not.

I don't think it's this game either.

Episode II was only a dud because Takahashi wasn't involved, maybe when he leaves, i may start to worry a little bit. And then i become a Takahashi elitist, becoming the very thing i swore to destroy. 

31 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Like when i saw it first thought was "It's gonne be some curse bullshit making them see each others as monsters"

At the very least, a member of the true big bad shows up at the start so at least we'll be knowing what we're up against from the get go instead of spending 30 hours beating around the bush.

But then again, i think the fact that the Nopon are seemed nornally makes me think it's just Ouroboros that is seen as monsters.

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There's no escape

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Maybe only those with the power of Ouroboros are seen like this. If so, the war against the two nations could still be genuine.

yeah that could work.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then i become a Takahashi elitist, becoming the very thing i swore to destroy. 

Armagon when he becomes Xenolitist

"I now understand FE and Trails fans"

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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:


There's no escape

I have no idea what this is going on about.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Episode II was only a dud because Takahashi wasn't involved, maybe when he leaves, i may start to worry a little bit. And then i become a Takahashi elitist, becoming the very thing i swore to destroy. 

Well, you are what you hate.

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10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

3 is very awkward with his pacing, but he was the first to portray the Templars with nuance, returning the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars to the complexity established in 1 and which was absent in Ezio's trilogy.

Connor's story is underrated and the fanbase has not given it its due. It doesn't help that they cut his speech out of the game.


Interesting. I always dismissed Ratonhnhaké:ton as the "Stoic Indian" or "Noble Savage" stereotype that most Native American characters default to. Yeah I'll definitely have to play this game soon to get a better view of it all, after I finish Brotherhood and Revelations of course. 

Though I still blame this game for starting the trend of Assassin's Creed games doing super commercialized historical time periods that the average person would know about rather than more niche places.

It's been more than 10 years, yet only 1 out of the 8 statues in AC 2 have been given their own game! I wanna shoot Genghis Khan off of his horse, dammit!



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That moment when the teacher keeps making you watch PragerU videos in class, so now your Youtube page is filled with politics.


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Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

You won't have a shitty ending haunting you everywhere you go

Too late, tRoS exists

Just now, Benice said:

That moment when the teacher keeps making you watch PragerU videos in class, so now your Youtube page is filled with politics.


Why? Seriously, why?

(Also, yeah, just.... logging out would be preferable just for not having algorithm alterations like that.)

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

yeah that could work.

It also got me thinking about Melia's "rescind all orders, attack Ouroboros" line. I feel like to do this, you need to be able to make a distinction between the enemy nation and the group of teenagers that can turn into tokusatsu.

There's another theory but it uh.....well let's just say major Xenosaga lore spoilers.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, at least that's a bright side.

Lord Of The Rings Lotr GIF - Lord Of The Rings LOTR Viggo Mortensen -  Descubre & Comparte GIFs


Honestly, i do hold enough faith in Monolith Soft where a dud will only happen once every few games. Not just Xenoblade but in general. I don't think i will ever reach "Monolith Soft fell off" stage of grief. 

1 minute ago, Benice said:

That moment when the teacher keeps making you watch PragerU videos in class, so now your Youtube page is filled with politics.


PragerU is alt-right propaganda, that is not a good teacher you have. 

Unless the teacher is showing you that to teach you what alt-right propaganda looks like and why it's wrong, in which case, that's good.

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Cool, new computer is here.

I just seem to have the strangest problem: Serenes, of all things. I cannot log in. I am certain I put the right email and password, but it simply refused. Then after a few tries, my account was locked. It said 15 minutes. It's been 20 since the 15 and I still can't do anything.

I'm still logged in on my phone, but if this keeps up I'll have to ask the mods for help. Oh, well...

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9 minutes ago, Benice said:

That moment when the teacher keeps making you watch PragerU videos in class, so now your Youtube page is filled with politics.




8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's another theory but it uh.....well let's just say major Xenosaga lore spoiler

Conduit stuff?

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Okay, fixed. Had to reset my password, but eh, no matter.

1 hour ago, Robert Stewart said:

> Awakening 10th anniversary


Feels like it was only yesterday...

Oh, I was not aware that I had begun my second run so close to the anniversary. Gregor is 10 years old! How neat.

12 minutes ago, Benice said:

That moment when the teacher keeps making you watch PragerU videos in class, so now your Youtube page is filled with politics.


Again? What the hell is wrong with them?

Well, on the bright side, perhaps you'll find a YTP of Prager in your reccs now. Prager YTPs are great, at the very least. Where else could you find an old man saying with a straight face "the left supports urine and feces-- Yes, urine and feces!"?

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It's Fire Emblem Awakening's anniversary is it? 

The first Fire Emblem game I ever completed, and currently my favorite out of...like the 2 FE games I've played. How grand.


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