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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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@Interdimensional Observer

Oh you little teasers!

So the gist of it is...

Sanger and Ratsel know the SRX Team... but the latter don't. Which means:

> They don't recognize the Dygenguar and Aussenseiter.
> They aren't familiar with Elzam's Ratsel disguise.
> But most importantly... they don't seem to know who Sanger is at all either.

The first two are not that surprising since we know the SRX Team can't be from Alpha 3. That last one... well, that's a big revelation.

Sanger and Ratsel can still be either from OGverse or Alphaverse, that doesn't change. HOWEVER... The SRX Team... they can't be from beyond the end of the first Alpha game. Otherwise Ryusei would at least recognize Sanger, having seen him in Alpha Gaiden. So my guess that they were from the time of Alpha 2 has just been disproven without a shadow of a doubt.

Something similar is happening here:

Gilliam knows Irm... but Irm doesn't know him. Gilliam is still an enigma over when he comes from, but Irm is probably just fresh from having gotten the Grungust (he did say he was in Colorado, where the Tesla Reich Institute is). Gilliam in 4 was always an allied NPC (or playable but then left) who showed up every now and then (he never joined the party, in fact)... and I think he actually doesn't cross paths with the Player Character early on (though some of them are like route dependent so maybe this is telling us something about the canonicity here). So that could explain why Irm doesn't know him... yet.

Overall, quite fascinating...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

A shame Shinkalion Movie is only Expansion Pack only, meaning not likely to have much story representation... because imagine then this happening:

The movie was already a crossover of sorts already, hahaha.

Why did I watch this video I was going to have no idea of the context for?

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Well, it was for me who had only started playing /s

1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:



War Crime+

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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

All of these were maps where I could at least see that some effort was made, just trivialized because of the fact that nothing does any damage and all my units are gods. But this map, it’s like they didn’t even try. There’s barely any enemies, no room to move around, no side objectives, no hard recruitments to go for (Jill just recruits herself)… it was such a nothing map.

Yep. That's Path of Radiance for ya.

And, you know the best part? You're still in the bit of the game that I'd say was ever-so-slightly challenging a couple of times. Yeah, it gets worse.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Units that are under leveled? Marcia, Rolf, Mist (but she’s a staff unit so she’s not relying on as limited exp), Nephenee, Zihark, and now Jill.

Half your team is bad units and still the game is this easy for you?

There truly is no hope for this game, is there.

8 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:


I might've actually used her if she was like this.

6 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


The latest trend in ani tiktok and twitter Ü

I dunno how they see sexualization in Spy x Family, but they have some mystic eyes or something

Are you surprised? It's the Trendy Anime of the Season. First, people start clamoring about the TAtS all over the internet like it was the best thing to have ever happened to anime. Then other people start angrily calling the TAtS out for sexualization of minors, sometimes exaggeratedly. Then the fans of the TAtS become enraged in turn, call them Twitter users and complain that they're holier-than-thou idiots and that they're trying to take the TAtS away. Then absolutely nothing happens because as it turns out, Twitter users don't have the power to cancel an anime. The season then ends, the anime is completely forgotten and fades into obscurity. Before long, another takes its place as the new TAtS, and it all starts again. Such are the Five Stages of Anime.

It's a cycle as old as night and day. The only constant, the porn of the TAtS that is commissioned all throughout the season in the dark reaches of the internet. The only variable, whether or not the accusations of Twitter are justified. In Kobayashi's Dragon Maid's case, for example, they 100% were. With the one with the short hair and the big ballons, they were not, I think. This one? I don't know. At first glance, I'd say no. It looks more wholesome than usual, for the average TAtS. But then, I'd have to watch the anime to find out for sure. Something I'm not going to do.

tl;dr: Human beings are fickle things.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Gilliam is still an enigma over when he comes from

The real enigma is, how does he keep his hair like that? He's fabulous.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It looks more wholesome than usual,

Spy x Family is basically as wholesome and fluff as anime gets.

Actually, no. As wholesome and fluff as TV shows in general get.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The first two are not that surprising since we know the SRX Team can't be from Alpha 3. That last one... well, that's a big revelation.

Sanger and Ratsel can still be either from OGverse or Alphaverse, that doesn't change. HOWEVER... The SRX Team... they can't be from beyond the end of the first Alpha game. Otherwise Ryusei would at least recognize Sanger, having seen him in Alpha Gaiden. So my guess that they were from the time of Alpha 2 has just been disproven without a shadow of a doubt.

Thank you!

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Gilliam knows Irm... but Irm doesn't know him. Gilliam is still an enigma over when he comes from, but Irm is probably just fresh from having gotten the Grungust (he did say he was in Colorado, where the Tesla Reich Institute is). Gilliam in 4 was always an allied NPC (or playable but then left) who showed up every now and then (he never joined the party, in fact)... and I think he actually doesn't cross paths with the Player Character early on (though some of them are like route dependent so maybe this is telling us something about the canonicity here). So that could explain why Irm doesn't know him... yet.

I've glimpsed the 4th & F flow charts more than a few times. I did notice that he is only playable for basically the final battle of F, and only then if you made the questionable choice of not picking a lover. I wasn't able to discern Gilliam's full presence in the Classicverse from so barebones a source of information. 

4th I know is seemingly almost fully translated, but that might be a little too old for me to go enjoyably back to. And it'd feel "outdated" knowing F & F Final are the definitive end to Classicverse.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Overall, quite fascinating...

"Gazing up on a different world... or perhaps a distant future."

One where he is going to end up? How wonderful, yet also pitiful.

Banpresto is taking real care to say nothing resolutely. No room for 100% assumptions. You can't call their tiptoeing around chronology "lazy", as it'd be easier not to keep things tantalizing ambiguous. I like it.😆


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The real enigma is, how does he keep his hair like that? He's fabulous.

Gilliam has always looked like that. When you find yourself an eternal drifter, being dragged from one parallel world to yet another, I suppose you devote your attention to the few things you can always control in your existence.

"Drifter who winds up metaphorically washing ashore in a new place, and finds himself participating in yet another struggle between good and evil". Being here on SF with Shrimpy in my mind, I've suddenly realized I need Gilliam to have a crossover with Adol.🤣


20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Path of Radiance anniversary lesgo

It's been 17 years now. A nonliteral toast to my old childhood favorite.🍻

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35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

t's been 17 years now. A nonliteral toast to my old childhood favorite.🍻




spoilering this one since I'm pretty sure Sooks isn't to that map yet

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The legend of General Bolt Axe will never die.

Btw, happy 32th anniversary to Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light.

Now if only Nintendo felt inclined to celebrate by putting the game back on the e-shop.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I might've actually used her if she was like this.

She might as well be without the whole looking like Morshu thing.

11 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:



The latest trend in ani tiktok and twitter Ü

I dunno how they see sexualization in Spy x Family, but they have some mystic eyes or something

I can't wait until My Neighbor Totoro gets cancelled for that one bath scene.

All and all I'm pretty convinced these type of things are only said to get a reaction.

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All right, then. That's been The Phantom Menace. They said this game's story lasted between 10 and 15 hours, but I spent 6 on this episode just running around exploring. Honestly, the story is really secondary, this game's a collect-a-thon at heart.

On to episode 4, then.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

All and all I'm pretty convinced these type of things are only said to get a reaction.

Considering how hilariously easy it is to get that reaction... I wasn't kidding when I described it as a cycle. I've been seeing the same exact process with all of the trendy animes for a good few years now. At this point I would've thought both sides would've grown tired of the routine, but apparently not.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thank you!

No problem!

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've glimpsed the 4th & F flow charts more than a few times. I did notice that he is only playable for basically the final battle of F, and only then if you made the questionable choice of not picking a lover. I wasn't able to discern Gilliam's full presence in the Classicverse from so barebones a source of information. 

4th I know is seemingly almost fully translated, but that might be a little too old for me to go enjoyably back to. And it'd feel "outdated" knowing F & F Final are the definitive end to Classicverse.

4 was basically the first game that was SRW as we know it, more or less. Option to Attack/Defend/Evade, equipment parts system, familiar upgrade system, etc. Yes, it's certainly very basic at this point... but well, that's how they all start, heh.

Wouldn't say that F/FF are the definitive end. Best I recall, it's treated like an alternate ending to Classicverse. Well, I mean, there's a reason they're choosing to reference Irm and Gilliam with SRW 4, and not SRW F/FF.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

"Gazing up on a different world... or perhaps a distant future."

One where he is going to end up? How wonderful, yet also pitiful.

Banpresto is taking real care to say nothing resolutely. No room for 100% assumptions. You can't call their tiptoeing around chronology "lazy", as it'd be easier not to keep things tantalizing ambiguous. I like it.😆


There's certainly been something of an approach change with these latest OG additions. After all, one easy way to determine from where Sanger and Ratsel come from would be if they recognize the non-OG guys... yet there doesn't seem to be an acknowledge of such if they do or not. Will be interesting to see if there's some confirmation somewhere.

That said, regardless of where they come, I almost expect now Pferd Mode to be a thing in 3rd OGs.

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2 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:

As usual, I don't have much to say so here's a meme.Image

Girlboss owning the fact that she's rotten scum of the earth.

I mean, fair enough on Arvis and Travant, but what was Ishtar's deal exactly? She had like three scenes and as far as I remember there wasn't much to her. She's just relatively decent while still helping out the child hunting empire and then lets herself die for no reason. A lot like Reinhardt, come to think about it.

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

War Crime+

Yeah i dunno how to deal with that map lol

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

All and all I'm pretty convinced these type of things are only said to get a reaction.

Nope they are pretty serious

42 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Best Lord :3

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but what was Ishtar's deal exactly?

People like Camus for some reason. And she's a waifu thunder Camus

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Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

People like Camus for some reason.

But... She was so empty! I don't think I commented on it back then, but I was baffled by her when I played FE4. She was a complete nothing character. She had even less screentime than Hilda, she had no motivations, no background, no redeemable deeds to her name, no reason to be particularly sympathetic... Was I supposed to perceive her as "a tragically good woman in the wrong side" just because she wasn't as overtly rude as everyone else? And then she just dies like any random boss. She's literally just Reinhardt but somehow even worse.

Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

And she's a waifu thunder Camus

Buuut yeah, true. She's Camus waifu, therefore good.

...Ahh well, what do I know. I'm the madman that thinks Alvina is the best "Camus" precisely because she subverts the whole nonsense of the Camus archetype.

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I've begun OGs 2.5 to get it out of the way.:

First person encountered is...


Kouta! I see this fan translation isn't fond of Japanese silent "u"s. Looks quite different without the armor on, the hair sure looks better.

Now to jump into spoilers for the first fight clutter the forum page less.



The writing is the same as before. A light lighthearted, a little serious, a delightfully pleasant blend. 

Using Lat & her "family" to provide some initial integration of Kouta into the OGverse, I like the approach. Though I am slightly surprised to find Giada & Garnet willingly calling Seolla & Arado their kids as well, a bit fast for people you've only met for the first time.




Distinctive appearance.💀 I've detected who you belong to now.

Battle means I need a unit


...and I got one. Didn't take long for you to become recognizable to me.


The only SS-sized unit in OGs. His Fire Dragon attack I recognize, as I do his battle theme.

Though it lasts only for like three turns.


Compatikaiser deployed! Weaponry is typical SR faire, fists, chest beam, eye laser. Something with an E Field that isn't a battleship for once is great. Kaiser Tornado has a severe lack of spinning though.

Akurasu also pointed me out to an item hidden on a nondescript tile here.:


*Checks where Banpresto is headquartered*

...Shinagawa. Not Asakusa where this battle is happening. Unless they, a toy company whose name I saw on an online ad for Kirby merchandise, relocated out of this section of Tokyo sometime after OGs.


Superhero-y and cartoonish describes the Kota/Fighter Roar stuff. And I'm totally fine with it. A pinch of contrast from the usual OG stuff, more in line with what I assume is the spirit of the more Super Robot-ish franchises of mainline SRW.

And then the battle abruptly ends with enemy reinforcements.

On to the second episode. ...


Who actually turn out to be allies!



I finally get to meetcha! Predecessors of the Nash! 

Quality machines for shura (pun forced), but armed with only the same two attacks each, I can tell these aren't hanging around. The Ialdobaoth and Valefor have legwork and energy projectile dragons like Alady's, but none of his attacks are a perfect replica of the big machine stuff. The elements of the choreography are mostly the same, yet arranged differently.


"Haki"? Took me three seconds to realize this must be what the Exceed translators called "willpower". 


Start of character development confirmed. Similarity to that of the 17-years-old male Shura whose group wound up in a separate dimension- 100 percent.

As if the white jacket and the severely darkened for "mystery" red hair didn't make the resemblance transparent enough. Not to mention...

...same character theme. Higher quality here of course, though I do like the DS rendition's soundfont.

I don't actually mind at all Alady being something of a pseudo-copy of a prior OG/Compact 3 character. Even if I had met Folka first, as I would've had I played these when they first released but didn't b/c Japanese. I've got room to appreciate both of them if it comes to that.


Fernando here then turns on the guy he was helping and treats Kota to a beatdown with a beautiful sunset backdrop -like somebody's 2nd Overdrive- and end its with a kick straight outta their 1st Overdrive.

I had the Shura bros under my control for not even two turns before they left. What a tease! Now I'm gonna have to wait at least a year until I can control them again, most likely even longer.🙁

...I can see 2.5 is a tantalizing bridge to OG Gaiden. I'll need to commit it to my long-term memory then. Or take half-a-gazillion screenshots, that works too.

Oh, and after the Shura ran off.:


"Funny hair"?


I thought you of all people would be nondiscriminatory towards hair, Major Kitamura.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But... She was so empty! I don't think I commented on it back then, but I was baffled by her when I played FE4. She was a complete nothing character. She had even less screentime than Hilda, she had no motivations, no background, no redeemable deeds to her name, no reason to be particularly sympathetic... Was I supposed to perceive her as "a tragically good woman in the wrong side" just because she wasn't as overtly rude as everyone else? And then she just dies like any random boss. She's literally just Reinhardt but somehow even worse.

Buuut yeah, true. She's Camus waifu, therefore good.

...Ahh well, what do I know. I'm the madman that thinks Alvina is the best "Camus" precisely because she subverts the whole nonsense of the Camus archetype.

Thracia fleshes her more, but yeah, with just Genealogy alone, you only really have her whole "saved the children" thing.

This reminds me, that one Ishtar-fanfic I'm writing, I went for a personal interpretation of the whole thing (as it takes place around that time of the game's events).


I went with making her be a bit suicidal. Torn between her loving Julius but not supporting what he does and having to sabotage his plans behind his back. Then the stress and despair of having lost her family. Either killed or because they joined the enemy. That her pride of being Thrudd's descendant and wielder of the Mjolnir clashes with her current fate of becoming the Empress of the revived Loptrian Empire. So simply put... she wants out, willing to take the coward's way out even because she doesn't want to choose between keep supporting Julius or defy him openly. She already saved the children, that was the one thing willing to see through to the end, but after that, it's time to die. By dying at the Liberation Army's hands, she doesn't get to live to see the outcome and neither she defied Julius in the end. If Julius wins, now she doesn't have to become his Empress. If Seliph wins, then she won't see the man she loves being killed. So all in all... she's running away from the problem, but by that point she didn't care.

But well, I haven't written much on it yet.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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