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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, ping said:

BEHOLD! Wraith's greatest fear:

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Open at your own risk, this is weally scawwy!

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for 12 cookies

  • ½ cup granulated sugar (100 g)
  • ¾ cup brown sugar (165 g), packed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup unsalted butter (115 g), melted
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour (155 g)
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 4 oz milk or semi-sweet chocolate chunks (110 g)
  • 4 oz dark chocolate chunk (110 g), or your preference
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That's a ridiculous amount of sugar, holy shit. I'd probably use like half of that.




No Ping, just no. You’ve also been lost to the Ruinous Powers as well as Rubenio.

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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It always amazed me how unlike Kaga Alvina is. Her role is Camus-like except she uses her brain, she has a romance that doesn't encompass her entire character, she's never victimized for no reason, her design is tasteful and she's established as a great warrior and admired leader and the game actually sticks to its guns all the way through. With time she's become lowkey one of my favorite characters in the game. If only Kaga could have the restraint to write more of his girls like this.

This reminds me, it does really surprise me Ruby never got kidnapped. I mean, she is basically blond Merida in terms of her Leeroy Jenkins tendencies.
Consequently it also avoided sorting out complicated relationship problems with a random rescue, which is generally not all that interesting.

There was definitely someone in Berwick's development team that I really want to salute to. Well, a lot of people, no doubt. Game is amazing. But especially them.

Edited by BrightBow
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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

.You did it in 15 words or less, so I didn't get tired waiting for the joke to get good lololololololol

Wait… you thought that joke was good!? That was just the precursor to the precursor to the precursor to the precursor to the REAL stuff. Now that you’ve finished that one you’ve got to go through the introductory 15 page essay, then read my novel, then my collection of short stories, finishing with tomorrow’s issue of the New York Times before you get to the actually good stuff.

Wait… I think I ended up on the wrong side here…


Now go and play the game. I can guarantee the spoilers, massive as they are, will still leave a smidge of enjoyment left to be had. Just a tad.

The game must be quite good if there’s still good stuff outside of those mind blowing reveals.

Edited by Sooks
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18 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I have nothing, but phone Serenes won't let me remove this.

Damn you, phone Serenes.


The game's really this good, huh?

Medieval's plot takes one hell of a turn. I'll say that much.



Sure, why not. Don't care.

15 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

I'll work on Masaru before sleeping then, that'll be quick enough.

Yeah, Masaru hardly takes 30 mins. You're probably almost done by now.

10 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

This reminds me, it does really surprise me Ruby never got kidnapped. I mean, she is basically blond Merida in terms of her Leeroy Jenkins tendencies.
Consequently it also avoided sorting out complicated relationship problems with a random rescue, which is generally not all that interesting.

Yeah, her too. And let's not forget Sylvis. Plain, flawed badass all the way through.

Berwick's girls are generally great. Even the ones that do get kidnapped feel a tad more dignified and purposeful than usual. Reese's sister-in-heat aside. She's... An anomaly in that she's much more Kaga lol

10 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

There was definitely someone in Berwick's development team that I really want to salute to. Well, a lot of people, no doubt. Game is amazing. But especially them.

I cannot come up with any other explanation. Berwick is too different. 100% someone at Tirnagog was holding Kaga back. They settled for chapter 14 as a compromise.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait… you thought that joke was good!? That was just the precursor to the precursor to the precursor to the precursor to the REAL stuff. Now that you’ve finished that one you’ve got to go through the introductory 15 page essay, then read my novel, then my collection of short stories, finishing with tomorrow’s issue of the New York Times before you get to the actually good stuff.

I will now quit and go watch Garon's T-posing scene again instead.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The game must be quite good if there’s still good stuff outside of those mind blowing reveals.

I mean, you still don't know the hat's backstory......

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, Masaru hardly takes 30 mins. You're probably almost done by now.

I hadn't yet. And.... go!

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Quick, someone recommend me a game so I can find a character to change it to!

Another Eden?

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Black Hole Disruptor? *Jumps through the rest of the video.* So they did invent a new attack for him. Given what you've said of DD gatcha-ing the attacks, not the units themselves, makes sense. The magic circles remind you that Shu has worked some La Gias tech into the Granzon. I like it.

Based from one of his Alpha attacks, but yeah.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Best thing about XC3's combat to me so far: how teamwork is integraded into strategy and general combat. 

I always love it when games have the party working together and honestly, this game is the pinnacle of that philosophy.

55 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

There's no soloing this shit and the game is challenging and fun in a way i haven't felt in yearsssss!

The realization of Perfect Works Episode 6 is firing on full cylinders, Monolith Soft is absolutely outdoing themselves with this.

47 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Since I'm on Chapter 3 now, the Hero system is going to be available soon, right? Riiiiiiight?

You can get a bunch of Heroes once Ch.3 starts.

Don't go after Alexandria yet tho, don't know why they make that questline available early on.

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Bruh Xenoblade 3 got me crying over a Tirkin.

Gonna humbly request Monolith Soft to stop putting in these guys as enemies. Not after that sidequest.

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His name is teach, seriously?

Byleth confirmed?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Bruh Xenoblade 3 got me crying over a Tirkin.

Gonna humbly request Monolith Soft to stop putting in these guys as enemies. Not after that sidequest.

Tirkin hero when

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I always love it when games have the party working together and honestly, this game is the pinnacle of that philosophy

When it works it's kino, when not it's cringe

Xbc3 kino department so far

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy said:

His name is teach, seriously?

Yeah I thought it was a nickname but no his name really is Teach.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy said:

Tirkin hero when

When all hope seems lost, the one who will defeat the final boss is a Tirkin. He'll do it with his sword, the Tirkinblade.

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Xenoblade 3 Ch.5 spoilers (I'm actually on Ch.7 but it's a quest you could've done from Ch.5 onwards).


Bruh there's an old man NPC literally named Boomer lmaoooooo


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 3 Ch.5 spoilers (I'm actually on Ch.7 but it's a quest you could've done from Ch.5 onwards).

Do you know how many chapters there are?

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Just now, Awoken Dayni said:

Do you know how many chapters there are?

I quickly glanced at a guide to find out where Lanz's side-story is (I'm not doing this yet tho, on another thing) and on the tabs it said 7 chapters. So yeah, I am on the final chapter as I thought. 

Honestly I did kinda figure I was on the final chapter, just based on recent developments and the pic they used for the chapter's entry on the quest log.

But I've got two Heroes I haven't recruited yet+Lanz's side-story to do and I think I may just get the side-stories for everyone before heading off to tackle the big bad once and for all. Save the rest for after.

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I slapped the shit out of Hulk Hogan. Sorry, need to be legally distinct, It's Max Morgan. I guess.

But the slapping was very effective.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I quickly glanced at a guide to find out where Lanz's side-story is (I'm not doing this yet tho, on another thing) and on the tabs it said 7 chapters. So yeah, I am on the final chapter as I thought. 

The speed on you.

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1 minute ago, Awoken Dayni said:

The speed on you.

I may or may not have fucked my sleeping schedule for the past week after months of keeping it consistent.

I still get my morning jogs in tho.

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I got called a motherfucker.

Oh you, Livealive.

Oh, some ending spoilers for Masaru's scenario:


So, turns out he says lines in battle while he's using techniques he learned from the other fighters as he's beating the tar out of Odie O'Bright. Welled up a little the first time.

(sidenote, the name's hilarious and implies some Irish bollox has gone around committing these murders).

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, that's a fair take and I agree with it too. Play Berwick Saga to see more?

Mmmm, maybe after Rev.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, how long is this gonna go on for…

The fact that there are, supposedly, several ninja clans in Hoshido but that fact is swept under the rug outside of a few support conversations represents how people in the United States view the Middle East and the people who live there as a monolithic hive mind, where every practicing Muslim unequivocally thinks terrorism is pretty cool and everyone living in the general area has zero cultural differences, despite the fact that this is untrue.

Alright, I'm calling it here. We have officially deconstructed Fates' story telling as a master-class of political commentary that shall be praised forever. The End.

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22 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Alright, I'm calling it here. We have officially deconstructed Fates' story telling as a master-class of political commentary that shall be praised forever. The End.

Who would have thought that Fates’ depictions of morality, warfare, and international conflicts were so horribly written that they circle all the way back around to peak fiction and is just a depiction of real life? Truly genius.

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28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Who would have thought that Fates’ depictions of morality, warfare, and international conflicts were so horribly written that they circle all the way back around to peak fiction and is just a depiction of real life? Truly genius.

My brother is a fan of political strategy games (As am I) and he's been slowly inching his way towards playing Fire Emblem, and when he plays Fates I'm gonna tell him that this is what the story is about.

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32 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Who would have thought that Fates’ depictions of morality, warfare, and international conflicts were so horribly written that they circle all the way back around to peak fiction and is just a depiction of real life? Truly genius.


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from 11 to 3:30 huh

11 am to 3:30 am that is lmao

When was the last time i no lifed a game this much

My brother was like: "don't you get bored" and i am like "nope"

That said, i am craving a bit more on the character interaction front

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