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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, joevar said:

appreciate the tier list, but im not a fan (yet) so cant recognize any of it except maybe ryza which i dont know which one is ryza 1 or 2 😕

Ok down the list:

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll read the microfilm for you

Oh you did it for me. Thanks 👍

6 hours ago, joevar said:

Arland series is all over the place huh

Mmhmm. A lot of it is due to how I personally like to play. Atelier games before Shallie had time-limit and there were two ways it went about: you were given a new goal to complete every three months or you had an overall goal that you had a few years to complete. Failure to do so results in a bad end (it's Atelier so bad ends are just "they closed down the shop" or some shit). Now I personally found the segmented approach to time-limit (the tri-monthly goals) way more manageable. This is Rorona and Escha & Logy.

The continuous approach (where you have an overall goal over the course of a few years) tended to be vague and, in the case of Totori, really unforgiving. Meruru and Ayesha were like a better version of Totori but still suffered from the same problems (although Ayesha suffers in particular from being the one Atelier game where I could not make heads or tails of the crafting at all). The only game that really did it right imo was Firis and Firis only has a time-limit for the first half of the game.

And then Lulua, being a post-Shallie game, abolished time-limits forever and the series has been better off since. Escha & Logy is only as high as it is because the characters are really good.

6 hours ago, joevar said:

sophie 2 put in between ryza 2 and escha " so thats a 9. from 5 to 9 for sophie 1->2. thats huge bump

Sophie 1 isn't bad if you're a newcomer but I personally found it's characters really lacking and the OST wasn't all that either. Progression is also kinda slow.

Sophie 2 being a 9 was expected in hindsight, Mysterious got better as it went.

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For some reason I ended up getting a cat out of a tree today.

  It was too high at first so the person beside me encouraged it to leap down and it fell down near 2 metres and frankly was lucky to catch the thinner branch it landed on with minimal harm, where I could then reach because she still didn't want to get down.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Today's main thing. I actually can't believe I had to do that. I would've assumed there'd be a dancer casting magic animation on the repository, but nope. Not for Tethys, at least.

So, I had to take matters into my own hands.

I am having way too much fun with this little project, I swear.


Is that Dark Mage 5 now?

12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Close to finishing Daxter.

Man this game was way better when i did not have the mental capacity to find out why i liked things.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Even the story is simply just something that happens and complaining about the plot in a platformer feels strange but everything you're doing in this game up until the end is completely disconnected from the original goal. Daxter says he'll save Jak and then just fucks around for two years. He literally ignored the main plot because of sidequests.

This is the only Jak & Daxter game i've played (that's a lie, i played Jak X once) and it is a spin-off so it's not like i'll judge the series with this game. But man, sometimes games really are better when you're just a little kid who simply likes things.

We actually have Daxter too, much as I never got into it.

He of course ignored Jak because the plot demanded it.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tethys spinning somehow crashed my mobile Youtube app.

Tethys spin is too powerful, what have I done.

Speaking of Tethys, you know one little oddity about FE8 that I've always wondered about?


This cursed-ass wink. Tethys does it a number of times throughout the game. How'd they do that? Blinking doesn't work like that, there aren't separate blinking frames for each eye. The text editor just says [Wink] and leaves it at that. Fascinating.

Is Jehanna taking more cues from Arabia/ME more broadly in the hack? Or is that me jumping to conclusions?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have made Pablo way too fast.

He doubled with Purge didn't he?

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1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

For some reason I ended up getting a cat out of a tree today.

You are a hero.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

  It was too high at first so the person beside me encouraged it to leap down and it fell down near 2 metres and frankly was lucky to catch the thinner branch it landed on with minimal harm, where I could then reach because she still didn't want to get down.

Still a hero.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:


Is that Dark Mage 5 now?

Uhhhhh... Four, actually, counting Nosferamoulder and his dad. Then... Another three join later.

In my own defense though, I had a better idea for Dark Mage 7, so she's no longer a mage at all (uh sort of). And Tethys fighting is a meme like any dancer fighting. It's still good, it's still good.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

Is Jehanna taking more cues from Arabia/ME more broadly in the hack? Or is that me jumping to conclusions?

Ehh aside from the skin tones I don't think I'm going to make changes that big to the Jehannans. They're going to be wearing much of the same things.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

He doubled with Purge didn't he?

No lol, I'm still in Carcino proper. But he gave me Leygance flashbacks. Even Innes couldn't hit him reliably. Better lower that speed.

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Only in the sense it could help to retain body perspiration to cling on the body itself, thus serve as a cooldown and temperature regulator on the desert. It'd probably help more if they weren't black colored, since black absorbs the entire light spectrum, and thus heat.

Then again, the heavy full-body robes actually wore in real life do a similar job without looking flashy, so... uh huh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Suikoden announces a rerelease, Eiyuuden pulls out gameplay (Well, a bit anyway, could have shown more there) and says next year.

How long has it been since Eiyuuden was announced? I have to give credit, these character models are great.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still a hero.

She wasn't ready to climb down it even on the lower branch, but she wasn't a baby kitten so chances are she just hasn't much experience with trees.

She ran off afterwards and I didn't see her later.

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uhhhhh... Four, actually, counting Nosferamoulder and his dad. Then... Another three join later.

His dad?

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ehh aside from the skin tones I don't think I'm going to make changes that big to the Jehannans. They're going to be wearing much of the same things.

I understand, making more significant edits would be another time consuming piece to work on.

26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No lol, I'm still in Carcino proper. But he gave me Leygance flashbacks. Even Innes couldn't hit him reliably. Better lower that speed.

You made a Leygance in SS?


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No lol, I'm still in Carcino proper. But he gave me Leygance flashbacks. Even Innes couldn't hit him reliably. Better lower that speed.

Now do Henning and Gel

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1 hour ago, joevar said:

what part of that is authentic smh

Nothing. Nothing at all.

But I've seen people repeatedly arguing it fits because she is from the desert, even though that just makes it worse.

I mean, where to even start? High heels on sand? Or maybe keeping easily heated metal close to your unprotected crotch?

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Yesterday I learned that Sacred Stones was released in 2005 in the west, the same year I was born

 It's my Fire Emblem zodiac.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eirika watching Ephraim and L'Arachel flirt

Eirika remembering her prf weapon is effective against L'Arachel

One of my least favorite tropes in media is the "older brother keeping the younger sister from any romantic interests" and even when the genders have swapped it still feels equally as creepy.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So do I. Though, to be fair, she always fell firmly in the "forgettable dancer I bench because I'm not an efficient player and my team is already built at this point" camp, alongside every other dancer in the series except like, Azura. So that's not too hard to pull off.

I've done the same with Olivia and Nils but Tethys made such a good impression that I just had to use her.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Quite frankly, my thought process was a lot simpler than that. Jehanna is a desert nation, so I made everyone that comes from there dark skinned. Just so I could spend an afternoon recolloring portraits and battle sprites. Still, nice to see it's sparked such an interesting discussion.

In any case, I really do feel like the darker skin suits Tethys a lot better, to be honest. And Ismaire, but that may just be me.

Well that's certainly more thought put into it than the devs ever did

It's a shame to see how anime, and extension Fire Emblem, sort of forgets black and brown people...exist? There's an unfortunate cultural context of living in a much less diverse country with roots of racism that paint this idea of darker skin being attributed to troublesome or delinquent behavior (Which is a prejudice still alive to this day) and how that can seep into the minds of writers and artists. It creates odd moments like this Fire Emblem where they create a place that is so obviously meant to be a specific place with a specific people that wear specific clothing but end up still being white as milk.



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To be fair, Plegia isn't 100% desert. Even the maps with sands have non-sand portions. Chapter 8 in particular has a mostly dirt road connecting at least two of the three villages. And maps like Chapters 10, 11, 13, and Paralogues 13 and 18 are completely desert free. It seems only the eastern half of Plegia is desert, while the western one is just forests, rocky/dirt wasteland, and verdant mountains.

Also, Awakening still employs "mages are not hindered in desert", so Tharja laughs at the notion that sand is rough, coarse, irritating, and gets everywhere. She's an independent strong woman that no sand will tell her what to do.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yesterday I learned that Sacred Stones was released in 2005 in the west, the same year I was born

 It's my Fire Emblem zodiac.

Oh Emperor, I’m so old!!!


A hypothetical pitch for my own FE game if Nintendo ever let me make one:

You see my brigands would be badass.

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Bringing this video up because it posits at the end that SP mightn't be for spending to attain skills, but instead to use to activate combat abilities, hence Vander having 500 as opposed to the 300 for unpromoted guys we've seen. Now the issue is we haven't seen it be used like that, but maybe that is an explanation and one that'd definitely justify early promotion. Interesting theory.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

 It's my Fire Emblem zodiac.

Mine's Gaiden 😧

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Alright you assholes, I didn't want to do this until way later but you forced my anthropologist hand.

Tethys - Fire Emblem Wiki

Tethys is a belly dancer with loose inspirations from the Arab world. She is from the fictional desert country of Jehanna, a place with pyramids, oasis' and many sandstone buildings.

The country from this information was likely based off of Egypt.

Belly dancing is an ancient tradition from the middle east dating back to the early Ottoman Empire. The Greeks referred to it as "The dance of the quivering thighs", however belly dancing as we know it today (And the one that is most present in Fire Emblem) originated in Egypt from the mid to late 19th century, and features the iconic dress shown here.

Spaniard Dalilah, 1957

The dance is called Raas Baladi in Egyptian Arabic which translates to folk dance.

This costume is called a Badlah, and is worn by lots of women and men in Egypt for dances, weddings, parties and other such events. The custom typically keeps to a simple combination of a long wavy dress (one that often leaves room for the legs) and a bra and headband. Just like Fire Emblem, the long piece of cloth held at each ends by the hands is common as well though not standard.

This male belly dancer is demanding just one thing from his audience ...

The pantaloons or "Harem pants" Tethys is wearing is not common in Egypt as they are often ditched in favor of flowing dresses that move with the music. While you could that "Oh, she's on the battlefield so she needed more movement options" it doesn't quite land as the Badlah isn't nearly as restrictive as your typical western dress.

Unless of course Tethys was making sure her bottoms weren't visible, which if you've watched many belly dances you'll know isn't really a main concern of the dancer.

Pantaloons exist in belly dancing mostly outside of Egypt though even then aren't nearly as common as regular dresses.

And yeah, as someone who's participated in a bit of belly dancing, dresses are way more fun to work with.

Any other elements of her dress are also elements of the Badlah, such as the rings and guard around her lower arms, the small vail on her head and the sandals she wears with the wraps.

Two things I wanted to touch on though, first her hair. 

Tethys hair is braided to the back in a long whip like style which takes from Germanic and Celtic style braids, so there is one major culture discrepancy.

However, our team just came from the mountains between Carcino and Jehanna, which are home to vaguely Germanic people. With these two people living so close together there's bound to be some cultural exchange.

So bish bash bosh, it makes sense

That was a stretch, I know.

The second thing however can't be excused, and it's the little crystal on her forehead.

Belly dancing has found a place all over the world, in Brazil, Turkey and India and each have brought upon their own take on the Raas Baladi. This comes with it the unfortunate side effect of certain countries associating one thing with another, and in comes the classic mistake of merging Arabic and Indian culture as if it's the same thing, and it's my only real complaint of Tethys' design aside from her skin color.

And last but not least, the music that plays when she dances.


There we go, this is a taste of an entire forum thread I may make sometime in the future.

Also sorry for calling all of you assholes in the beginning, I love you all *Smooch*


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The Bindi is meant to represent the Third Eye, or Sixth Chakra.

So unless they believe in that in Magvel, don't assume it carries the same connotations as on Earth. Also, it's not that exclusive. Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and China also use the Bindi, since it's more associated with Buddhism and Jainism as much as it does with Hindus. Granted, it was likely India who brought it over to some of those areas historically in the first place, but still.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The Bindi is meant to represent the Third Eye, or Sixth Chakra.

So unless they believe in that in Magvel, don't assume it carries the same connotations as on Earth.

Yes but until some directly mentions it in game, I choose to remain salty about it

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, it's not that exclusive. Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and China also use the Bindi, since it's more associated with Buddhism and Jainism as much as it does with Hindus. Granted, it was likely India who brought it over to some of those areas historically in the first place, but still.

That is very true, but I mentioned India specifically because of how often the two cultures of Hindu and Arabs are mistaken as one. Disney's Aladdin is a pretty good example of an outside media that puts them all into a melting pot yet pretends it's strictly Arab.



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7 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That is very true, but I mentioned India specifically because of how often the two cultures of Hindu and Arabs are mistaken as one. Disney's Aladdin is a pretty good example of an outside media that puts them all into a melting pot yet pretends it's strictly Arab.

To be fair, that's kinda the fault of the original story itself. Original Aladdin took place in China. A very Arabized China (which admittedly did had some Arab presence back then, thanks to merchants in port cities and by what is now Western China), but China nonetheless.

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52 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This costume is called a Badlah

fyi, Badlah is arabic for suit. Your typical, normal boring ass suit.

For dancing i think it's called  Badleht El-Ra'as (Dancing suit)? Not sure.

52 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

worn by lots of women and men in Egypt for dances, weddings, parties and other such events

Correction: There's usually a hired dancer/group wearing such clothes. Guests and invited people do dance and party, but with normal/casual/formal clothes (depending on party)

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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14 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The dance is called Raas Baladi in Egyptian Arabic which translates to folk dance.

So, I call belly dancing folk dancing from now on, got you.

22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Spaniard Dalilah, 1957

This costume is called a Badlah, and is worn by lots of women and men in Egypt for dances, weddings, parties and other such events. The custom typically keeps to a simple combination of a long wavy dress (one that often leaves room for the legs) and a bra and headband. Just like Fire Emblem, the long piece of cloth held at each ends by the hands is common as well though not standard.

This male belly dancer is demanding just one thing from his audience ...

Is the badlah a specific article of clothing or are the outfits somewhat broad in scope?

45 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The pantaloons or "Harem pants" Tethys is wearing is not common in Egypt as they are often ditched in favor of flowing dresses that move with the music. While you could that "Oh, she's on the battlefield so she needed more movement options" it doesn't quite land as the Badlah isn't nearly as restrictive as your typical western dress.

Unless of course Tethys was making sure her bottoms weren't visible, which if you've watched many belly dances you'll know isn't really a main concern of the dancer.

Pantaloons exist in belly dancing mostly outside of Egypt though even then aren't nearly as common as regular dresses.

And yeah, as someone who's participated in a bit of belly dancing, dresses are way more fun to work with.

Would these loose enough pants be less of a concern going through a thicket or bushes than more traditional badlah? That's probably the one context I could think of at the minute that makes sense and even then it's not much better if at all.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The second thing however can't be excused, and it's the little crystal on her forehead.

Belly dancing has found a place all over the world, in Brazil, Turkey and India and each have brought upon their own take on the Raas Baladi. This comes with it the unfortunate side effect of certain countries associating one thing with another, and in comes the classic mistake of merging Arabic and Indian culture as if it's the same thing, and it's my only real complaint of Tethys' design aside from her skin color.

Looking at the heroes art, it's definitely more like a bindi.

Then again I don't think I've come across associating belly dancing with India from my limited exposure, so *shrug for me personally. Now belly dancing getting associated with certain behaviours, that I've seen.

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