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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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19 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Could be lmao

But everyone who played it swears by it

And i am kinda interested, so why not?

Have fun with TMS. I find that game really captures the feel of playing a magical girl anime, and I mean that in a good way.

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Alright boys. this month officially become the biggest month in gaming announcement/info (at least for me).

now even GTA6 has a very big leak coming out. and it actually too good to be fake. just like our dear FE series leak. OH BOI


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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...F for Albertus, I think. The way I've designed him, he's just a budget Duessel that isn't promoted and has a rad palette.


But then, it is a rather rad palette, if I do say so myself... Dang it, I can't run into this problem, I'm supposed to be playtesting, not playing normally.

I'll just be praying in the corner over there.

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1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

So i just checked my local gamestop and i can literally trade in my 3 houses for TMS

I think imma do that tomorrow. Unless i get a better deal on ebay.

Sadly can't do that with hopes tho

Go for it! Better than 3H anyways so might as well! Xd

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15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Have fun with TMS. I find that game really captures the feel of playing a magical girl anime, and I mean that in a good way.

Magical girls with Emblemsonas? *excited*

7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Go for it!

*thumbs up*

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2 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

So i just checked my local gamestop and i can literally trade in my 3 houses for TMS

Awesome, let's get a fourth TMS fan in here.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

How is there a new copy of TMS just sitting there?

It's TMS bro.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:


Me, Observer and i was thinking you because i know you aren't as big on it but i don't think you've outright disliked it either like you have with Houses.

But then that makes fifth because of Eltosian. Assuming Shrimpy likes it.

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46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It actually looks worse.


1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Better for sure. But there is no way to make that crosshair look good, no matter how you paint it.

The duality of man.

Eh, it's not bad, but Pepsi-hair is more memorable.

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51 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Me, Observer and i was thinking you because i know you aren't as big on it but i don't think you've outright disliked it either like you have with Houses.

But then that makes fifth because of Eltosian. Assuming Shrimpy likes it.

Just cause the gameplay sucked on Lunatic mode doesnt mean I didnt like it. The design around Lunatic just massively burned me on the gameplay, as battles last for some time.

The story I really liked till the last chapter (which i wont spoil if Shrimpy is gonna play it)

Outfit designs for the lead performers were unique and fun overall. 

So overall I would say i have a positive reception of the game (just pls no Lunatic mode) xd

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Pepsi-hair is more memorable.

Don't get me wrong, Alear's design is very stupid.

But it's also very funny. I can't hate it.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Outfit designs for the lead performers were unique and fun overall. 

TMS designs go hard.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

So overall I would say i have a positive reception of the game (just pls no Lunatic mode) xd

Well thankfully Lunatic mode is after you beat the game so Shrimpy won't suffer (i think Hard would be fine for him).

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I guess the biggest issue with Lunatic in TMS is: 

It isnt difficult. At all. Just time consuming cause the player deals little to no damage and the enemies are sponges. So option choosing became kinda a drag after a while of playing on that difficulty.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

TMS designs go hard.

Well thankfully Lunatic mode is after you beat the game so Shrimpy won't suffer (i think Hard would be fine for him).

*high fives*

Well, he might enjoy it, who knows? All i know is it sure as heck didnt (the pain was too painful)

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I guess the biggest issue with Lunatic in TMS is: 

It isnt difficult. At all. Just time consuming cause the player deals little to no damage and the enemies are sponges. So option choosing became kinda a drag after a while of playing on that difficulty.

See that's just every "mega difficulty" in every JRPG ever.

Do not bring up CS, i already know what you're gonna say.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Well, he might enjoy it, who knows?

One of the biggest praises i can give it is i normally hate idol shit and i didn't hate idol shit in this game.

Tbf, it's entertainment industry as a whole, not just idols.

And after playing Persona 5, my appreciation for TMS has skyrocketed.

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

See that's just every "mega difficulty" in every JRPG ever.

Do not bring up CS, i already know what you're gonna say.

Haha fair enough.

I didn't bring it up but now that you mention it... 

There not to be an "isn't" between CS and difficult at all times. (Applies to Reverie as well since it technically isnt CS so no loopholes) xd

There, I had to appease all those expecting the CS difficulty trashing somewhere. Lmao

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahaha... Oh, that's great. The unglamorous side to Egypt.

I posted the Bent Pyramid a little while before.🤨

The pharaoh who had it built was named Sneferu, of the Fourth Dynasty (Pharaonic Egypt had about thirty of these over almost 3000 years prior to the Greek-Macedonian Ptolemies taking over, so the Fourth Dynasty is fairly early). Sneferu built three full-sized pyramids, although the first at Meidum was kinda a failure and collapsed in on itself halfway up. The Bent Pyramid might have become bent because the architects realized the angle they built at was too steep to avoid collapse, they had to narrow it to keep the structure stable up top. Only Sneferu's third, the Red Pyramid, was a complete success.

That doesn't sound too bad -except building one pyramid was already a significant demand on Ancient Egypt's resources. Furthermore Sneferu very likely started work on the Bent Pyramid before the Meidum Pyramid was canceled, and continued work on the Bent Pyramid as work on the Red Pyramid began. Meaning, Sneferu needed two armies of: stonemasons, architects, laborers hauling the giant rectangles of rock, river boats and all the people and supplies needed to sustain the workers at the separate construction sites. That would have required a flourishing Egyptian civilization with a fairly efficient bureaucracy.

As for why Sneferu would work on two pyramids at once? Well, he probably really wanted a good-looking smooth-sided pyramid, a bit of an obsessive perfectionist. Although it would also likely be for religious reasons. Whenever Sneferu kicked the bucket, well the mummification and ritualized mourning process would've taken like 70 days, but once that's over, he needs to get shoved in a tomb ASAP! Continuing work on the Bent while moving on to the Red might have been afterlife insurance, assuring he would have a good -though not perfect- place ready for his body. As it turned out, Sneferu was very very lucky, he reigned for ~30 years, at least slightly less, possibly more, the records aren't good. You need a long reign and thus long life to built this kind of monumental architecture two-three times, that wasn't at all common in Pharaonic Egypt.

Unfortunately, Sneferu's name would not be the most famous associated with Egyptian pyramid building. As his successor to the Fourth Dynasty's throne- Khufu, would go on to built the Great Pyramid at Giza (the two smaller ones near it were built by his descendants), which -built ~2570 BC- would be the tallest manmade structure ever built until at least the 14th century AD. Although in Khufu's case, the Great Pyramid (and a boat for the afterlife buried near it) is about all we have to remember him by, no confirmed sculptures of the pharaoh himself endure, with possible exception of a tiny statuette just 7.5 cm/3 inches in height.

After Khufu, Egypt's pyramid building-rulers realized there was no point in trying to go even bigger, or even attempting to match the Great Pyramid. It was simply too expensive, and took too much time, so they gradually got smaller and smaller. Once the "Old Kingdom" ended with the end to the Sixth Dynasty and Egypt entered its "First Intermediate Period" -which means disunited with weak pharaohs, a dark age- pyramid building (in stone at least, cheaper and less enduring-for-all-of-human-history mudbrick pyramid construction endured) went away in Egypt.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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