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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

That's not Elliot, that's his long lost twin brother Elliott. Instead of being a musician, he likes painting.

Elliott’s suspiciously good at the violin. Hmm…

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

06 no! Not that I know who that is.

The one benefit of not having played Crossbell.

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So I've yet to try Sacred Stone's skirmish maps. I know in Awakening and Fates the skirmish maps are some of the most relaxing parts of the game, smooth music and brainless gameplay to just grind away, so I'm quite excited to see what SS has in store for-




What the fuck


Alright, attempt number two on the incel generals


Unfortunately, I couldn't get to Rennac in time to talk to him. I don't know if he'll appear again but if not then I guess I'll have to try again next run.

But anyhow, after almost an hour of running around with four separate teams and going around a second time to open all the chests, I finally landed in the boss room.


Jesus fucking Christ.


One thing I missed a lot from Three Houses was hard hitting attacks. TH attack sound affects and animation didn't have quite the impact that the games before had.


I'm going to be here for the rest of my life


Okay, after two days a few minutes of attacking this guy and missing, I finally landed some hits.


This word has been ruined for me.


Lyon out here going through the plot of Fates Conquest in the background.


I like how L'Arachel has taken place as Erika's righthand woman for no reason what so ever.


This is actually a good ending because now the two will be reunited.


That was a long one, I wonder how much more we have left. It's still the standard 26 chapters I imagine?







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5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

was talking about Persona 4: Dancing All Night actually. Apparently it portrays the idol industry as bad and objectifying but I haven't played it so I'm not sure

Wait the dancing games have plot?

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

shouldn't have introduced my brother to the series through it, no other game is going to match Three Houses' level of world building and grounding, even if they will surpass it in gameplay.

Tellius might be a match. In particular Radiant Dawn due to shifting perspectives.

3 hours ago, Benice said:

Am back from band camp! What did I miss?

I beat Daxter and it was textbook definition of mid.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

What the fuck

41% oof.

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45 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

How is saying its "ugly" not rude? 

How is it rude? Honest question here.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Doesn't have to be a strict desert, just has to have a lot of exposer so sunlight, which seeing there is at least a desert nearby, would suggest intense cloudless days as a land with low precipitation. 

I would say the pyramid but...we already talked about that.

It is absolutely a lose inspiration, and I heavily doubt the devs thought about it much when creating it, but that shouldn't stop us from analyzing it how it is, because tropes, be it they were intended or not, are worth looking into.

Well... won't say more due to spoilers. Should it still be relevant, I'll bring it up when you reach it. Unless you do see it too then.

Hah, never let be said we fans don't analyze everything to the point of obsession.

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

...Please tell me that Daxter is a game and not a person.

It is indeed a game. XD

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The fact that the Pokemon Company doesn't like romhacks rekindled my desire to play this game. Mega evolution, here we go

Pokemon Unbound 1.0.1 [Completo]

5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Constructive criticism 10/10 would recommend. 

Seriously, there is no need to be so harsh about it, he was just putting himself out there, no need to be so rude about it.

I wasn't being harsh or being rude. I just said I thought the sprites were ugly and didn't match the characters. It would be rude if I said that Ruben's ideas were awful and that no one would play his hack if he didn't change or something.

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

06 no! Not that I know who that is.

Blame her

Azula gif 10 | Avatar azula, Avatar legend of aang, Azula

If it wasn't for her, I would never risk it

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What is praise. What is criticism. In the end, we all leave this world and it matters not, for we are not around anymore to see and hear what future generations have to say on the matter.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

How is it rude? Honest question here

Ugly is a negative term, is it not? Most anyone would perceive that as negative. Clearly it was taken that way overall.

14 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

wasn't being harsh or being rude. I just said I thought the sprites were ugly and didn't match the characters. It would be rude if I said that Ruben's ideas were awful and that no one would play his hack if he didn't change or something

I dunno, It just doesnt seem very supportive to say its ugly. 

Like sure its fine not to like its, but i think theres a less negative way to phrase something like that.

I think that would be far past rude, personally. 

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Ugly is a negative term, is it not? Most anyone would perceive that as negative. Clearly it was taken that way overall.

Negative? Yes. Rude? I'm not so sure. The intent behind the usage of the word is important.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Negative? Yes. Rude? I'm not so sure. The intent behind the usage of the word is important.

Maybe to you, thats not how everyone feels though. 

Twisting words to justify them is just silly.

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"Alright, the Wind Temple in Wind Waker. Let's learn the Wind God's Aria"

>You can't actually enter the temple yet, you gotta find the plot-relevant Korok and play him the song

...oh. I actually just completely forgot about this.

Well i wasn't gonna start the Wind Temple today anyways.


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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, but like, more. And I really did think it made more sense for people from a desert country. Except it turns out it's not entirely a desert country, so... Fuck me, I guess.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh yeah, since you're already at that point.

Chapter 13 is already Jehannan land. Despite what we're told, the country isn't entirely desert. Just something to keep in mind.

No desert country is entirely a desert. Not only are deserts fairly inhospitable, but almost everywhere has an at least slightly diverse climate, and terrain. Does the entire country of Spain have all the same terrain as that around Madrid? Of course not, sure there are trends, but Spain has beaches, mountains, forests, relatively flat lands, hilly lands, etc. Multiple of the real world "desert" countries from the middle east are literally in a region called the fertile crescent. Just look at what vibrancy, greenery, and life the Nile brings to Egypt (literally just google the Nile...). That whole complaint about Jehannan not being uniformly desert is just plain dumb to begin with, and don't let it dissuade you from adding brown people to your hack if you like.

Ugh...I can't believe I let myself be roped into Sacred Stones talk. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound I guess. Be warned, despite recommending it, I think it is my least favorite Fire Emblem for how generally boring its gameplay is, and how boring the bladula twins make the story.


 5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I shouldn't have introduced my brother to the series through it, no other game is going to match Three Houses' level of world building and grounding, even if they will surpass it in gameplay.

Just wait til you get to Jugdral...


4 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Anyone here played shining force? The super old srpg games?

I played a bit of the first one, on Genesis, and its remake, but I never got that far into it, despite trying to a couple of times (I want to say the furthest I got to was around...map 10? honestly I don't quite remember).


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's a conundrum of a different sort before I go to bed.


When you see this very handsome man, what class comes to mind? I had him settled for wyvern lord, but there's another one and I can't come up with a way to make him unique. I also have a class called wrangler that I feel could suit him, but it uses these animations, and uh... Well, I know this is the same game with Dozla and his generic zerker sprite, but... The dissonance here might be too much of a stretch.

So, I'm open for ideas. Any suggestions?

For some reason he just feels like a summoner to me. He seems the kind of creepy type that would enjoy watching his creations repeatedly die (which is what Summoners are best at...)


 1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:




What the fuck

That is some terrible luck right there...


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:



I like how L'Arachel has taken place as Erika's righthand woman for no reason what so ever.

Should have taken her place as the main character of this game instead.


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


That was a long one, I wonder how much more we have left. It's still the standard 26 chapters I imagine?

Naw, 20+Endgame. Although if you add in the maps that are entirely unique to each route you hit 26, so good guess.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Wait the dancing games have plot?

The first one (Persona 4 dancing) definitely does, although I don't think the other two do.


1 hour ago, Punished06 said:

The fact that the Pokemon Company doesn't like romhacks rekindled my desire to play this game. Mega evolution, here we go

Pokemon Unbound 1.0.1 [Completo]

That is a rather fun hack, especially with the level scaling on enemy trainers, although the gym battle gimmicks wear on me a little. That does remind me, I was doing a nuzlocke of this that I might want to get back to at some point...


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6 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I agree with this, but i think Tellius and Jugdral might make you rethink

25 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Just wait til you get to Jugdral...

Oh yes, I am looking forward to them, but for now I'm content learning about the charming little land of Magvel. It's future me that gets to decide which game I'll play next.

28 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Should have taken her place as the main character of this game instead.

Well do I have a poorly constructed meme for you!


Resized because my god it was way too big last time.

31 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Naw, 20+Endgame. Although if you add in the maps that are entirely unique to each route you hit 26, so good guess.

Oh perfect! This plus Ephraim's route makes a full Fire Emblem run for me.

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As I stated before, I'll now put up the story here on Serenes too. Though not tonight... maybe. I may have the time actually. That said, I don't think I'll make a separate feedback thread. They never received posts anyway.

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21 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And done.


Final chapter and epilogue. Cavern of the Fae is officially finished.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As I stated before, I'll now put up the story here on Serenes too. Though not tonight... maybe. I may have the time actually. That said, I don't think I'll make a separate feedback thread. They never received posts anyway.

I'll have to read your stuff when I've actually played through the games, I still only got a quarter through SoV.


Edited by Edelguardiansing
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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'll have to read your stuff when I've actually played through the games, I still only got a quarter through SoV.


If you want a benchmark, the story takes place between Acts 3 and 4, basically. So you can consider that a good point to start reading it. Although... hmm, did I put up stuff that would be found out later on or in the DLC? Well, some things for the latter, but not like something that'd matter to the main story itself. Anwyay, would need to recheck the whole thing now. XD

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Decided to play a little more Zestiria before heading to bed. Spoilers even I don't really need to in this topic:


So that is why there were two notable wind seraphs.

Tales hadn't done "kill (or permanently retire) a character, pass all their gameplay abilities to a replacement who joins immediately after" before according to my limited knowledge of the franchise. I'm aware of other JRPGs that have done it, just not Tales. There are two "replacement" instances Tales has done that spring to mind, but neither is exactly story death + story & gameplay replacement.

Do I like this? Well it isn't done so frequently that I can predict it all the time, that's a good thing. I kinda like it since it lets people die and rotate hero team membership. Yet I don't want to see happen all the time, once in a while is good, if it is well-written of course.

As for Dezel's death. I didn't feel much from it. While he had opened up somewhat (implied to be a good at sweets chef, liking dogs), Dezel remained obsessed with revenge deep down. I didn't see this coming, his actions at the wind trial were suggesting he was opening up, which one might think would've kept him from doing something brash like this.

The bigger issue however, was that I still even after his sacrifice don't quite understand the details behind his desire for vengeance. How did two wind seraphs end up getting involved with a mercenary group? And I completely misunderstood how old Rose was when her father died and the Windriders became "merchants"/assassins, I mistakenly thought it had happened when she was a little child, it was only five years it sounded like. And how was this Dezel's fault or his seraph pal's if the evil seraph lady was telling a kernel of truth? The scene was too confusing for me. 

Now Zaveid has joined, and casually drops a serious -speculative but prolly true b/c game- revelation in the aftermath of Dezel's death. Maotelus didn't well with me exactly as a name, "Ma" has a certain evilness to it in English, thanks to the Latin "malus"- bad. Sounds fitting for a true evil.

Zaveid as a character is... different. Egotistical, very laid back, a free spirit, and sorta the "old man" of the group as Tales not infrequently has. Whilst his flaunted physique is unique and appealing, I can't say I love his personality, although I don't dislike him.


8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ugh...I can't believe I let myself be roped into Sacred Stones talk.

It's just a game, nothing worth getting revulsed over. Save that for injustice in the lives of humanity.

3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That whole complaint about Jehannan not being uniformly desert is just plain dumb to begin with

Although we don't really get any praise of Jehanna's landscape in SS. Usually it's "this country is all sand and it's terrible!" and that is the explanation given why there are so many mercenaries, because no other jobs exist and mercenary work lets people escape the barren country.

Which says something about a failure of IS in SS to understand how a functional country with a great deal of desert works IRL. Not that I have a perfect understanding of the matter, I sure don't.

Ultimately, the foundation of all pre-contemporary civilizations was agriculture supplemented by fishing and hunting, except for nomadic societies more dependent on livestock. No amount of mercenaries can pay for enough food imports to sustain a country on a daily basis. And luxuries aside, I doubt premodern transportation methods could send scarcely more than salted fish, livestock, and olive oil huge distances (although Rome and then Constantinople were dependent on Egyptian grain to keep the lower classes of the capitals happy, although that was more a mid-range distance I guess and had the major benefit of water transport). If Jehanna doesn't have a lot of highly productive arable land, then it has a corresponding smaller population, simple. Doesn't mean it stops having a reputation for mercenaries, but then it isn't quite the hellhole people ingame make it out to be. People don't have to live in shifting sand dunes, and they don't, because they can't without sufficient food and water.

Although FE doesn't like touching on demographics, understandable given how easy it is for amateurs to "unrealize" numbers. -And yet I do think FE could establish a general idea of population size without the dangerous mess of specific numbers. That being, declare a country "X", and define all other country population sizes as fractions of X. If Genealogy declared Agustria was X, Grannvale -assuming it is more populous- could be defined as X*1.25, while Issach -less populous than Agustria- could be defined as 2/3s of X.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's a conundrum of a different sort before I go to bed.


When you see this very handsome man, what class comes to mind? I had him settled for wyvern lord, but there's another one and I can't come up with a way to make him unique. I also have a class called wrangler that I feel could suit him, but it uses these animations, and uh... Well, I know this is the same game with Dozla and his generic zerker sprite, but... The dissonance here might be too much of a stretch.

So, I'm open for ideas. Any suggestions?

He looks like an alchemist, so any magic-wielding class will do. Maybe Druid?

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Ugly is a negative term, is it not? Most anyone would perceive that as negative. Clearly it was taken that way overall.

I dunno, It just doesnt seem very supportive to say its ugly. 

Like sure its fine not to like its, but i think theres a less negative way to phrase something like that.

I think that would be far past rude, personally. 

Aesthetically unpleasant then.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is a rather fun hack, especially with the level scaling on enemy trainers, although the gym battle gimmicks wear on me a little. That does remind me, I was doing a nuzlocke of this that I might want to get back to at some point...

This is what I thought as well. The second gym is especially obnoxious about it, though I did like the fourth gym's gimmick because it let my Ghost types shine,

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I didn't feel much from it. While he had opened up somewhat (implied to be a good at sweets chef, liking dogs), Dezel remained obsessed with revenge deep down. I didn't see this coming, his actions at the wind trial were suggesting he was opening up, which one might think would've kept him from doing something brash like this.

the problem with the story i guess. i didnt feel much too.  almost feel forced even. and the whole backstory just flew over me.

i actually kind of like zaveid better than dezel. maybe because he's like the "uncle" of the team with (lore-wise) strength to back it up. 

7 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Anyone here played shining force? The super old srpg games?

a little bit of newer game. but the old one no. kinda sad it never really took off like Fire emblem. they actually tries a bunch of things over the span of the series. and theres quite big number of installment already. 

also tony taka art is nice

10 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



M!Alear with those three heroine will produce kids with nightmare-inducing hair  

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