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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Also Shrimpy, what do you think of the choreography in TMS so far?

I personally thought it was pretty good myself!

yeah tis good

Honestly, the game seems to be going for a "Fun, wacky" atmosphere.

And we all know FE fans hate fun

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17 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Ever is our resolve tested, endlessly by the streaming madness which comes screaming forth from the Immaterium. We must place our faith in the Emperor, for He and his avenging angels are the only bulwark against the terror.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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Severa is in this game?


Monica from Three Houses too?!


We need more side moments where the regular soldiers just chat.


Increasing Lyon's of discomfort.


I'm gonna be honest with y'all.

I really really dislike long ranged mages.

It's even worse because the GBA doesn't telegraph if they'll stay still or not so I actually have to do the math out to figure where is safe and where isn't.


And in mid-battle, Colm becomes our first unit that I promoted.

Mostly because I ran out of lockpicks and wanted to get the extra treasure in this chapter.


I love when Fire Emblem characters talk about their mounts in an admiring way. There are so many times where a mount is pretty much just a prop character wise, especially in class changes where a horse or pegasus will just spawn out of nowhere for the character to rise, so it's great to see characters that an actual bond with their mount.


And hey, lore relating to non-story relevant things in this world are great to see.

Even if that lore makes no goddamn sense.


If this is what actually what pegasus means, I take back everything I've ever said bad about Intelligent Systems.


See now that Moulder is dead I'm going to unironically defend L'Arachel with my life because she is the only healer left on this team




Hooray for more creepy moments in Fire Emblem.

Seriously, this gave me chills. The fact that they never show what she looks like combined with how she is referred to is terrifying.


Damn, they must have really eaten up that Renais propaganda.


@BrightBow Good quote choice.


Speaking of horses spawning out of nowhere

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Failed run, reset from the beginning.

My god, healers just don't get experience fast enough...




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15 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Ever is our resolve tested, endlessly by the streaming madness which comes screaming forth from the Immaterium. We must place our faith in the Emperor, for He and his avenging angels are the only bulwark against the terror.


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1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

yeah tis good

Honestly, the game seems to be going for a "Fun, wacky" atmosphere.

And we all know FE fans hate fun

Yeah I thought it was amazing till like i said, the last chapter where the game became FE 1/3 2.0 edition. Xd

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40 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



We need more side moments where the regular soldiers just chat.

Wait til you play some of the Kaga Saga games


40 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Mostly because I ran out of lockpicks and wanted to get the extra treasure in this chapter.

I respect the logic behind this promotion decision.


41 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I love when Fire Emblem characters talk about their mounts in an admiring way. There are so many times where a mount is pretty much just a prop character wise, especially in class changes where a horse or pegasus will just spawn out of nowhere for the character to rise, so it's great to see characters that an actual bond with their mount.

It does get kinda weird when it happens after you class change them out of a class that uses that kind of mount.


54 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



If this is what actually what pegasus means, I take back everything I've ever said bad about Intelligent Systems.

...kinda. Pegasus is the personal name of a specific winged horse from Greek mythology, but he was the son of Poseidon god of the sea (and the Gorgon Medusa), and there were myths about how springs would form where he touched the earth.


46 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My god, healers just don't get experience fast enough...

Even among the promote at level 20 crowd, a lot make an exception to healer, so they cans start fighting.

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59 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Hooray for more creepy moments in Fire Emblem.

Seriously, this gave me chills. The fact that they never show what she looks like combined with how she is referred to is terrifying.

It's one of the highlights of Sacred Stones. This moment is brilliant. Really, what they manage to accomplish with Orson in so little time is great. I kinda wish he had a wee bit more screentime, or at least wasn't so blatantly obvious, but I'm happy with what we got with him.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Speaking of horses spawning out of nowhere

Also known as the biggest animation downgrade in these games.

Seriously, these two are so much cooler on foot. I get it, they have to change and improve somehow, but it's just so sad...

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My god, healers just don't get experience fast enough...

Grind poison

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Presumably, many of our heroes across the franchise have consumed the stuff at some point

I'm trying to imagine the characters who love to eat trying to eat hardtack. Would make for a funny scene.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've been seeing theories/hopes that there'll be a matching villain ring for each of the hero rings

Strongly implied since bootlegged Z has his own rings.

I could conceivably see it as his come back tactic. He lost in the backstory because of heroes from other worlds so now it's time to tip the scales.

.... canonically, Engage is an Isekai game.

1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Honestly, the game seems to be going for a "Fun, wacky" atmosphere.

That's pretty much the vibes the entire game has. From the concept to the attacks to some of the character interactions.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Seriously, this gave me chills. The fact that they never show what she looks like combined with how she is referred to is terrifying.

If it ever gets a remake, they better not show us then either. 

At most a PoV from the corpse.

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I love when Fire Emblem characters talk about their mounts in an admiring way. There are so many times where a mount is pretty much just a prop character wise, especially in class changes where a horse or pegasus will just spawn out of nowhere for the character to rise, so it's great to see characters that an actual bond with their mount.

The thing is, since the invention of reclassing, characters either can't, or if they do and you've reclassed them, it comes off as kinda weird.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


And hey, lore relating to non-story relevant things in this world are great to see.

Even if that lore makes no goddamn sense.

I mean, as long as the air flowing under the wings > air flowing over the wings, you get flight, do you not?

As for "kicking the air", well we just have to go with "it's magic" there. Which more than what can be said of the common yet nonsensical gameplay mechanic known as the double-jump.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's even worse because the GBA doesn't telegraph if they'll stay still or not so I actually have to do the math out to figure where is safe and where isn't.

Not to mention this map has siege tome reinforcements from the east, I've found that really gets me on this map. I can proceed forward so effortlessly at first, but then once the Purge!Sage appears, I'm awkwardly forced back hoping nobody dies.

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In other news, I've noticed I have exactly two character slots left - exactly enough for the bald man and the other character that's going to be mutually exclusive with the bald man. That's right, there'll be two Arran/Samsons. Why? Because why not, I have the power.

...Problem is, that leaves me with no Gotoh.

Oh wait, in the middle of the playable character list - specifically, slot 1B, right between Dozla and Rennac - there's an unused, entirely unimplemented enemy named "enemy". Hah, well, that's incredibly weird, but it works for me.

Still undecided on who's going to be the Gotoh. Obvious answer is Mansel, a bishop would be perfect for Gotoh duties in this game and he's close enough that he could plausibly take a little time off from ruling duties to go smite a couple demons. But then, that's the obvious answer, and I've tried to avoid those where I've been able...

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Strongly implied since bootlegged Z has his own rings.

I could conceivably see it as his come back tactic. He lost in the backstory because of heroes from other worlds so now it's time to tip the scales.



1 minute ago, Armagon said:

.... canonically, Engage is an Isekai game.

No, how could you say such a thing? Now I can't buy it, or else I become an anime man.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The thing is, since the invention of reclassing, characters either can't, or if they do and you've reclassed them, it comes off as kinda weird.

I still remember how in FE12, having completely ran out of ideas for characterization when they got to Beck, they decided to make his horse his entire character, up to and including lamenting the fact that his horse dies with him in his death quote.

Except the pony might not even be with him when he kicks the bucket. Amazing.

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also known as the biggest animation downgrade in these games.

Seriously, these two are so much cooler on foot. I get it, they have to change and improve somehow, but it's just so sad...

It reminds me of how in the 3DS titles everybody's outfits are unique in their base class but as soon as you promote them or class change them they wear the same getup everyone else in that class wears. Their portraits remain the same as well.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Grind poison

Is that an actual technic I can do?

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If it ever gets a remake, they better not show us then either. 

At most a PoV from the corpse.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's one of the highlights of Sacred Stones. This moment is brilliant. Really, what they manage to accomplish with Orson in so little time is great. I kinda wish he had a wee bit more screentime, or at least wasn't so blatantly obvious, but I'm happy with what we got with him.

It's crazy to think that this is what they did to Takumi in Conquest as a plot point and that is not even half as unsettling as this short scene in Sacred Stones.

It's the subtly that makes it work.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The thing is, since the invention of reclassing, characters either can't, or if they do and you've reclassed them, it comes off as kinda weird.

I'll take it feeling weird over them pretending the horse doesn't exist.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, as long as the air flowing under the wings > air flowing over the wings, you get flight, do you not?

As for "kicking the air", well we just have to go with "it's magic" there. Which more than what can be said of the common yet nonsensical gameplay mechanic known as the double-jump.

I can get behind them flying because of magic, it's just that the animations of pegasi in all Fire Emblem games directly contradicts this conversation, and I think that's just funny.

Obviously the animators aren't going to pay much mind to a short support cutscene that can easily be missed but still.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not to mention this map has siege tome reinforcements from the east, I've found that really gets me on this map. I can proceed forward so effortlessly at first, but then once the Purge!Sage appears, I'm awkwardly forced back hoping nobody dies.

I'm on easy mode so I didn't get those but I can imagine.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, how could you say such a thing? Now I can't buy it, or else I become an anime man.

Nobody tell him that Fire Emblem's been that way forever.


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Ah yes, I had almost forgotten. Ewan in Eirika's route shows up, guides you to the filler monster map where Dozla and L'Arachel exist even though they explicitly went the completely opposite way back at Port Kiris (three guesses as to where they end up in the hack, with the route split gone and all), and then he just... sort of doesn't join the team so he can be a little more bad of a unit by missing out on the filler monster map where he can be trained.

...Then again, the map has fog. But fog isn't a thing in Ruben Stones. So I'm giving him another chapter to exist. Hurray.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It reminds me of how in the 3DS titles everybody's outfits are unique in their base class but as soon as you promote them or class change them they wear the same getup everyone else in that class wears. Their portraits remain the same as well.

There are mods for that, luckily. For Fates, at least.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Is that an actual technic I can do?

1 HP injury is still an injury, meaning you can heal it and get experience.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's crazy to think that this is what they did to Takumi in Conquest as a plot point and that is not even half as unsettling as this short scene in Sacred Stones.

That's because Deadkumi gets a portrait. A really silly portrait with horrible-looking bags under his eyes. Monica gets nothing more than a single word, while post-5x Orson is one of the most legit unhealthy-looking characters in the series. He actually does look like he's straight up starving to death and doesn't even care because he's that far gone.

I love everything about Orson. To this day, one of my favorite villains in the entire series. Incredible how effective he manages to be with his like, three scenes. Though to be fair, he does also have like six battle convos. And he honestly deserved more, going by the timing Garcia probably either trained him or served alongside him.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm on easy mode so I didn't get those but I can imagine.

Honestly though, I'm fairly certain easy mode is just normal mode but with some extra hand-holding in the first couple of maps. So you probably will see siege tomes, actually. Oof.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Nobody tell him that Fire Emblem's been that way forever.


I can't unhear the janky-ass "I will LET THEM GO" from my one FE1 meme video anymore

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There are mods for that, luckily. For Fates, at least.

I was about half way through modding my 3DS actually until I messed something up and locked my SD card out of commission, and when I was looking for a new SD card I come back to see that the 3DS got a new update, meaning that I'll have to start the whole process over again at some point.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

1 HP injury is still an injury, meaning you can heal it and get experience.


Now I just need to poison someone

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's because Deadkumi gets a portrait. A really silly portrait with horrible-looking bags under his eyes. Monica gets nothing more than a single word, while post-5x Orson is one of the most legit unhealthy-looking characters in the series. He actually does look like he's straight up starving to death and doesn't even care because he's that far gone.

I love everything about Orson. To this day, one of my favorite villains in the entire series. Incredible how effective he manages to be with his like, three scenes. Though to be fair, he does also have like six battle convos. And he honestly deserved more, going by the timing Garcia probably either trained him or served alongside him.

Agreed. Always love a good tragic villain.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



I asked this the last time you sent me this video but seriously, why do they say easy mode in English?

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly though, I'm fairly certain easy mode is just normal mode but with some extra hand-holding in the first couple of maps. So you probably will see siege tomes, actually. Oof.

Oh it is?


See you guys laugh but I do this because I don't ever trust Fire Emblem with difficulty, I'd rather have the game be too easy than too hard.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't unhear the janky-ass "I will LET THEM GO" from my one FE1 meme video anymore

I've held back watching the anime until I've played the game it's based on but I am super looking forward to the trainwreck.

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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Now I just need to poison someone


4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Agreed. Always love a good tragic villain.

Always nice to see some Orson appreciation.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I asked this the last time you sent me this video but seriously, why do they say easy mode in English?

You're asking me? This was sent to me in the first place!

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh it is?


See you guys laugh but I do this because I don't ever trust Fire Emblem with difficulty, I'd rather have the game be too easy than too hard.

Nah yeah, I get it. To each their own.

4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've held back watching the anime until I've played the game it's based on but I am super looking forward to the trainwreck.

I hear it's only two episodes, sadly. But they're filled with memery.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, how could you say such a thing? Now I can't buy it, or else I become an anime man.

We all become anime men eventually Ruben.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except the pony might not even be with him when he kicks the bucket. Amazing.

His pony is linked to him spiritually. When one of them dies, they both do.


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