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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well, there's only one thing to do. Persuade your politicians

Noo, don't you know that it's important to protect the fabulously wealthy who can afford university anyways? It is simply a skill issue if your parents aren't rich, and the lower class just needs to git gud.

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You are complaining about people using the words everyone knows, and uses to talk about this trope, for the sake of a word which isn't used in any other context anymore. The only thing  that accomplishes is preventing people from discuss the trope by removing our common language for it.

At this point you're the one clinging to the fact I do. It was already long stablished I don't follow the norm here, already stated I have no intention to change others into doing the same, and that's that. It's telling how no one else really is participating here, outside some comments from ping. Only you remain badgering me here.


What are you even commenting on here? The point of bringing up the jail scene is point out how easily the ones that captured her are defeated, which in turns shows how staggeringly dis-empowered the story has to make her for her capture to even occur.

That you're wrong. Only Ryukke's captor-to-captive gloating can qualify, and that speaks more about him than Minerva. You're the one who wants to bend what little the game gives us in order to paint Minerva's situation into being worse than what it already is.


Then why are you trying so hard to argue that it is?

I don't. You tell me why you're trying to make it seem that we don't agree the game is bad at telling/showing us details.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I see I've been missing some arguing.

I'm just.. Gonna move away.... and get talking besides.

Parts of this post also keep disappearing, if that happens after posting let me know.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Some folks use their coffee break to go and buy a pack of cigarrettes for the rest of the day.

I bought a pack of color pencils for my time-killing sketches.

I'm a working adult!

  Hey, you know what you want to be doing in your breaks, you do you.

4 hours ago, Benice said:







4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh yeah, that's some good shit right there. With all the pretty colors you almost cannot tell the hair are blobs of slime and there is no shading.

Moulder was the pringles guy all along!!!!!

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Do you folks think I should just mark my favorite FE as whatever the game I'm playing currently to confuse people?


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

They're beautiful indeed, I'm happy to be named after them.

I find the head feathers forming a sort of mohawk pretty appealing honestly.

Plus you have the red and green contrast of it's feathering and the colours while contrasting don't clash in an egregious way. All in all, nice bird.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If any of you would like to play Ruben Stones now, please send me a PM and I'll throw the patch your way.

Alright, doing it.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The final hurdle. I must figure out how to force Elaine and Harriett to get a paired ending even without an A support. Then I just have to do a couple of little tweaks and I can create the patch and start dishing it out.

Just give them an A lol /s

1 hour ago, ping said:

it's that Fire Emblem (and, let's be real, fantasy media in general) very clearly introduces and/or uses female characters far, far more often as Damsels in Distress than dudes are used as Junkers in Jeopardy.

I know I'm skirting around talking in this, but I have to acknowledge the Junkers in Distress as pretty cute.

Also, I can't help but think of an example: SD Ch 12, Boah and his entourage, though of course Midia is there too (Feck sake with her too right? She gets it there as well!)



Not to mention Book 2/NMotE. Hostage in the same place to Hardin specifically.

Sheesh she gets done badly.

7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I am pretty sure i am drunk


Hold on, what is it? And if you're actually drink what is it so I know if I go bother you in person?

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2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

My crazy energy have been off the charts and i have been dancing for mroe than an hour non stop

Did you have caffeine or something...?

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13 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Also, I can't help but think of an example: SD Ch 12, Boah and his entourage, though of course Midia is there too (Feck sake with her too right? She gets it there as well!)

It's clear Kaga liked to put people in distress since Day 1. The difference is that he at least had the sense of putting as many men in them as he did women. For Shadow Dragon, it's an almost 1:1 parity there. Gaiden had a warning flag in that he kept as many women in distress the same... but had far less men in the same situations. At the same time, Celica was a big step from Nyna, so overall it was like... a step sideways.

Then enter Mystery and we enter Mr. Kaga's Wild Ride...

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I just accidentally managed to delete stuff in Phone Serenes

The one time I didn't want to.


17 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hey, you know what you want to be doing in your breaks, you do you.

See, the thing is, it's not just breaks, we just have some REALLY uneventful days sometimes

This job is amazing, too bad it ends in May

17 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Moulder was the pringles guy all along!!!!!

Oh my fucking Christ, Dayni why, you're right and now I can't unsee it

17 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Just give them an A lol /s

Eh, I decided to give them regular endings anyway. I made it so they leave if either dies, so I have freedom to bring them up in each other's endings, thankfully. And supports... You know, the one support that doesn't involve both I've written.

I realize I forgot to include a list of finished supports. If anyone wants to target them, let me know and I'll tell you. There's very few so it'll be easy.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

At this point you're the one clinging to the fact I do. It was already long stablished I don't follow the norm here, already stated I have no intention to change others into doing the same, and that's that.

When you say things like "That speaks more on you more than the game" it certainly paints a picture of passive-aggressiveness that looks down at those who do follow whatever norm you're talking about.

Think of it this way. Trope names are like slang, they aren't supposed to be taken literally. Saying that it's raining cats and dogs doesn't mean it's literally raining house pets, just that it's pouring rain.

Likewise, "damsel in distress" isn't meant to refer to a literal damsel it's just when a character gets kidnapped and needs to be rescued. Damsel'd is just a shortened version of that, like saying a character got fridged as a way to convey that this character was killed off with no plot purpose other than to make more important characters feel bad.


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8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

When you say things like "That speaks more on you more than the game" it certainly paints a picture of passive-aggressiveness that looks down at those who do follow whatever norm you're talking about.

If it comes off that way, then I apologize. I don't intend that when saying it.


Think of it this way. Trope names are like slang, they aren't supposed to be taken literally. Saying that it's raining cats and dogs doesn't mean it's literally raining house pets, just that it's pouring rain.

Actually, I don't use that phrase either.


Likewise, "damsel in distress" isn't meant to refer to a literal damsel it's just when a character gets kidnapped and needs to be rescued. Damsel'd is just a shortened version of that, like saying a character got fridged as a way to convey that this character was killed off with no plot purpose other than to make more important characters feel bad.

Feels better to just they're in distress or just distressed, if you want to shorten it. Like I said, just saying damsel comes off different to me. But that's just me, as I've also said.

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Like, maybe it's just due to what the word in itself is.

To my mind, it's like saying: "She has been woman'ed", "He has been teenager'ed", "It has been table'd". Is it weird? Won't deny that. It just... how my mind sees it.

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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Everyone i know is telling me Kuro 2 makes Sen 4 look good. And these are people i know ultra hated Sen 4 

Idc either way, since i will never play it even if it's a 10/10 game, but the popcorn satisfies me

What is the biggest issue in your opinion? Besides the story ofc.

Gameplay wise I mean. What hurts the CS series the most?

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, yeah. It's so bad that I celebrate the fact that a secondary character is so secondary, Kaga forgot to make her into a damsel.

Kaga with his female characters


3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

honestly one of the best parts about beating XC3 is being able to look up music w/o worrying about spoilers

been paranoid about it for a while now

Twilit what did you think of The Picture


Well I mean you haven't played Xenoblade 2 but still...


3 hours ago, ping said:

The complaint isn't that it's unrealistic for a woman to be incapacitated in some form, it's that Fire Emblem (and, let's be real, fantasy media in general) very clearly introduces and/or uses female characters far, far more often as Damsels in Distress than dudes are used as Junkers in Jeopardy.

I will say that a female character needing to be rescued by anyone isn't automatically a "damsel in distress" moment. But it's moreso frequency and how they're treated and whatnot. Minerva gets captured in FE3 but that's not really that bad because the game doesn't have a whole lot of it-*remembers the four maidens* hmmm you know what never mind.

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Me too, old timer.

Now that the main game's done, on to finishing the ascension quests and other post game shenanigans.


Xenoblade 3 endgame spoilers


Melia and Nia are now available for recruitment.



1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Idc either way, since i will never play it even if it's a 10/10 game, but the popcorn satisfies me

You gave up on Trails long ago anyways.

Xenoblade is your friend now.

11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

What is the biggest issue in your opinion? Besides the story ofc.

Gameplay wise I mean. What hurts the CS series the most?

"Ah, who is he asking this to-*asking for Shrimpy's opinions on Cold Steel*"



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One more sidequest and I'm moving to Black Mesa. I would express anticipation for Yoko's fifth string of musical madness, but I know how she rolls. She's going to wow me with insanely epic tuned that barely fit the game's lackadaisical, lightearted tone, and that's it.

In a way she's very predictable. The best kind of predictable.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

because the game doesn't have a whole lot of it-*remembers the four maidens* hmmm you know what never mind.

Just counting those who were imprisoned:


Yumina and Yubello


Est (which also ties Abel)


The four priestesses.

Could we count Horace in the remake?

There's a bunch more who are rescued from close shaves with death by Marth showing up at the right time.

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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Actually, I don't use that phrase either.

Yes, nobody under the age of 40 says it, that doesn't mean you don't know what it means.

It's something we also do in our very own community, we refer to certain types of units as Jagens, Ests or Oifeys knowing full well we aren't talking about those specific characters.

17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Feels better to just they're in distress or just distressed, if you want to shorten it. Like I said, just saying damsel comes off different to me. But that's just me, as I've also said.

Perhaps but as it turns out, the majority of people on this planet don't refer to women as "damsels" and the majority of women wouldn't want to be referred to as "damsels"

It's an old and frankly objectifying term, much like our modern day "chick" and it slithering in as a trope name is a much better place for it I say.

Words are what we make them, and I've not heard anybody unironically use the word "Damsel" or "Dame" to refer to a young beautiful woman in my entire life, and it has instead been a way to convey this tropes for years. Most words we use in our day to day life don't mean what they originally meant, whether or not it's a good thing is another debate, in fact a little tid-bit of tribal gossip I have says that there is a disagreement among indigenous folks on if the term "Indian" is okay, but that's not the point of this conversation.

The point is that by most accounts, Minvera was damsel'd, and even if you don't see it that way it does not change the fact that it is a sexist shallow story beat that diminishes the importance and agency she had in Shadow Dragon.

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The point is that by most accounts, Minvera was damsel'd, and even if you don't see it that way it does not change the fact that it is a sexist shallow story beat that diminishes the importance and agency she had in Shadow Dragon.

I agree on the "damsel'd". I only objected to being called "damsel'd". That's all.

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31 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Gameplay wise I mean. What hurts the CS series the most?

all of it

And i mean all of it. Nothing can fix this.

I won't go in detail because i don't feel like talking trails especially since i was in a good mood with the dance and stuff.

As for Kuro i can't say anything because i didn't play the games nor do i ever intend to.

I know the music is complete and utter shit because i gave it a listen, other than that i only know what people say and that is not my opinion, but that of other people.

Just today someone else told me that Kuro 2 was a mistake, someone who i know loved Kuro 1 xD

But again, not my opinion, and you will never hear my opinion on it

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You gave up on Trails long ago anyways.

Xenoblade is your friend now

Then Takahashi does school than i get PTSD

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*asking for Shrimpy's opinions on Cold Steel*

dw will not speak xD

I am way too in a positive mood to think about that

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Twilit what did you think of The Picture


damn Rex been busy

I'm sure they're not all his kids ofc


Well I mean you haven't played Xenoblade 2 but still...

I'm thinking about it

though X looks more interesting ngl





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