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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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29 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


That's all the motive Brazil need to win the thing in this, the most anime of World Cups

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

JoJo on the other hand said "nah, you're gonna see the whole thing" and this happens in two different Parts. And yeah, both times it caught me off guard cause i wasn't expecting it to be shown.

I'm sorry what? Like, you get a full body shot of a character and their "stand"?

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Side note, i know you or anybody here didn't do this but i remember the arson attack on KyoAni that happened a few years ago and there were dumbasses on the Internet going like "haha yes he killed the pedophiles". There's a special place in hell for people like them. There's a certain subsection of the anime stigma where people think "oh anime is just for people who want to touch kids".

Moral puritanism when it comes to Media needs to be purged from the internet

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15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm sorry what? Like, you get a full body shot of a character and their "stand"?

In Part 3, Polnareff (and later Jotaro) gets turned into a kid by a Stand that regresses people's ages the longer one stands in their shadow. A kind Egyptian young woman finds him (oh yeah this is the Egypt arc of the Part) and decides to look after him until his parents are found (Polnareff's entire family is dead but obviously she has no way of knowing that). She gives him a bath and we are shown kid Polnareff's entire naked body from the front.

Bath doesn't last long tho cause the Stand User of the week turned the woman into a fetus (she's fine, don't worry tho, the bad guy gets defeated and the Stand ability wears off, reverting everyone back to their normal ages).

In Part 4, it's more sinister. Hayato finds out his "dad" is actually Kira and he runs home after witnessing him murder a couple. He decides to take a bath but it turns out Kira saw Hayato run away and becomes paranoid that he may have found out. So he confronts him in the bathroom because "it's nothing wrong, i'm your dad" but Hayato already knows that's not his dad. This kicks off the Bites the Dust arc.

I'm not entirely sure of the Dragon Ball one other than it involves naked kid Goku but i'm not gonna look up "naked kid Goku" cause i think i get put on a list if i do.

5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Moral puritanism when it comes to Media needs to be purged from the internet

Imagine celebrating people's deaths because they animated that one anime with fanservice that you don't like.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Couldn't anyone argue the opposite on those that find Females that are drawn/designed to be attractive just being "silly"? In the end everyone can like/dislike whatever design they like, just like the people who actually create said character/design.

Just cause they have something that doesn't coincide with your (generalising) morale views doesn't mean the design is inherently bad. I mean, in the end making something that appeals to most people is kinda a part of the job, isn't it?

I dunno, it feels like judging one side with standards on not the other isn't very fair.

OK, so...

  • I specified "children (or "technical adults" or 1000 year old dragons, of course 🙄)". Important distinction.
    • One could include the subpoint that criticism of this sort is never (well, OK, one should be careful with absolutes like this, there's obviously some strange people on the internet) "attractive female characters are bad". The usual argument is "It is bad that (non-villainous) characters, especially women, are expected to be young and conventionally attractive". You see this in Fire Emblem, where I believe Niime is still the only playable old woman and where this is supposedly an ugly young woman. You see this in Hollywood, where women above 40 have a much harder time finding big roles than men of the same age. You see this in the Capital-G-Gamers discourse, where a screenshot of a female character not looking ~absolutely flawless~ is cited as self-evident proof of how awful "western games" have become.
  • "Attractive" / "good-looking" / "visually striking" / ... does not implicitly mean "sexy". Tellius, for example, has (in my humble opinion) awesome character designs, most of the time without being particularly suggestive. And yes, some of the girls wear very short skirts and there's Largo and Tibarn on the male side showing off their muscles - but notice how I don't complain because OH NOES, HUMAN SKIN. I'm also a big fan of the Darkest Dungeon aethetic, and its vampires certainly don't sparkle sexily.
  • Basically everybody in this very thread keeps judging media (predominantly games), using their own views on game design, storytelling, and whatnot. Why is it "not very fair" in this specific instance?
  • I do not buy into absolute moral relativism (see what I did there?). I have certain values that I don't consider to be "just a personal point of view". Nazis are bad. Slavery is bad. Child labour is bad. A romantic/sexual relationship in which one party is clearly underage and much younger than the other is bad. A story defending or romanticising stuff like that will raise some red flags for me.
  • You didn't bring this up, but I've seen it often enough that I want to answer prematurely: "It's just fiction!" - Well, yeah, and I'm just criticising fiction.

This is, to be honest, the kind of evasive manœuvre that I think @Saint Rubenio was noting previously. I was talking about ""sexy" drawings of children", but your response is about attractive designs of female characters and you then go even more Big Picture with the subjective nature of criticism.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, though. Let me be very clear: I do not suspect anybody who just like anime in general, or that Dragon Maid one in particular, of anything untoward. What I wish - and this is not even specific to the big block of anime fans and fanbases - is for people to be more ready to accept that people can criticise or even attack an aspect of that thing you enjoy, without that being an attack on the whole of the thing.

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11 minutes ago, ping said:

I was talking about ""sexy" drawings of children", but your response is about attractive designs of female characters and you then go even more Big Picture with the subjective nature of criticism.

Yeah cause its common here that apparently skin = bad. 

12 minutes ago, ping said:

and this is not even specific to the big block of anime fans and fanbases - is for people to be more ready to accept that people can criticise or even attack an aspect of that thing you enjoy, without that being an attack on the whole of the thing.

This... Is not gonna happen. As someone who LOVES XC2 to death, i will say its faults straight out.

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19 minutes ago, ping said:

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, though. Let me be very clear: I do not suspect anybody who just like anime in general, or that Dragon Maid one in particular, of anything untoward. What I wish - and this is not even specific to the big block of anime fans and fanbases - is for people to be more ready to accept that people can criticise or even attack an aspect of that thing you enjoy, without that being an attack on the whole of the thing.

I agree but i would also like for people to be at least a little bit more familiar with what it is their critiquing rather just be like "oh i saw this this and that but i have no context".

It's like the same sort of shit Xenoblade 2 fans have to deal with when someone who hasn't as much touched the game sees one scene of Rex waking up on Pyra's lap and deciding it's emblematic of the entire game.

Or like, there's a Doctor Who episode that's anti-abortion, which is weirdly odd for a show that's been progressive since the 60s. And yeah, that episode is really bad. Now imagine someone only hears about that episode, not even watches it, let alone literally any other episode in the series, and then decides "Doctor Who promotes right-wing ideas".

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Let’s go, End of Saga time boys. (Ordinarily I’d post myself selecting nightmare mode but that screen could be considered a spoiler this time.)

And holy shit, the title screen theme is so good. It’s such a great tone setter, it sounds pretty different from the last three.

The art of all the characters when you first not up the game is hype.

Edited by Sooks
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40 minutes ago, ping said:

is for people to be more ready to accept that people can criticise or even attack an aspect of that thing you enjoy, without that being an attack on the whole of the thing.

Sure, but they should also be ready to accept that many may not share their views and to not force it down other people's throats or to insult them for liking that stuff. 

Fanfic authors and fanartists get harassed for writing/drawing what could be unmoral or even straight creepy stuff (as it's their right to do, they aren't hurting anyone by doing that), and it's not just criticism. It's ok to say you don't like it or find it creepy.

It's not ok to harass people or insult/namecall them over it. 

They should also be more knowledgeable about the media and/or the work in general.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Let’s go, End of Saga time boys

my condolences

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's like the same sort of shit Xenoblade 2 fans have to deal with when someone who hasn't as much touched the game sees one scene of Rex waking up on Pyra's lap and deciding it's emblematic of the entire game.


It sounds kinda accurate to the one thing I know about XB3 if I'm being honest. 😛

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


Okay, who's the second guy? A Spencer Wilding who acted as Vader in that scene in Rouge One? Cool, Cool.

I read into the thread and hearing Prowse's voice as Vader was funny.

More Dark Helmet to me

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37 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Let’s go, End of Saga time boys. (Ordinarily I’d post myself selecting nightmare mode but that screen could be considered a spoiler this time.)

And holy shit, the title screen theme is so good. It’s such a great tone setter, it sounds pretty different from the last three.

The art of all the characters when you first not up the game is hype.

Heres to hoping you enjoy it more than I did! 

If you can ignore the balance... If thats what they call it, then have fun! Xd

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2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I love how Steins;Gate is something we can agree on XD

Okarin besto.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I don't think you know what the ahegao face is...cause that's not it.

Believe me, i fucking hate the ahegao face but like that's not it here.

That's arguing semantics. It may not be exactly the ahegao face, but it's definitely a very questionable face and it's close enough. I didn't have a better name for it, so I used ahegao as a close comparison.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I was asking if those three cases were advocating for pedophila, which i don't think they are otherwise the entirety of Central and Latin America is a pedophile i guess.

On a side note, all these cases involve a bath scene (not sure about the Dragon Ball one tho) and i think we just file this one under the culture folder, just given how Japan is more open about bathing with someone else. Obviously in real life there's probably more rules about it but i don't think it would've been allowed to air on TV over there if it was truly an issue (especially since there are other anime that do get censored on Japanese TV). In the case of JoJo, the dub censors it because that wouldn't actually fly over here.

Ironically enough, the scene where Shouta is naked, his body is submerged so you only see his head and shoulders. JoJo on the other hand said "nah, you're gonna see the whole thing" and this happens in two different Parts. And yeah, both times it caught me off guard cause i wasn't expecting it to be shown.

Yeah, but... Do the kids in JoJo and DB get harrassed by an older character? Because otherwise you're just arguing a different point than me here. Shota being naked under his clothes is not the problem, I never even talked about that at all. The problem is Lucoa's behavior and how it's just played for quick laughs.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The thing is, she's not even like, intentionally harassing him either. She legitimately tries to be nice but she has big fucking titties and this flusters him and he runs away because he thinks she's a succubus. She doesn't chase after him.

But there are other scenes where they are legitimately getting along, she's basically his adopted big sis.

Okay, maybe there times when she's not being a massive creep, but when I see shit like this, how else am I supposed to react? Like c'mon, where's the accidental part here? She straight up offered her body to him and promptly pressed her boobies onto his face. You can argue she doesn't know "human customs" or something like that, but ultimately, she's a fictional character, written into doing this by a real person with a very clear intent.

You can't expect me to see something like that and the twister scene and the Saikawa shit and not write the entire thing off. Sure, maybe there are parts of it that aren't creepy. Doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of creepy parts, enough to make me feel it's a pretty fucked up piece of media that I would not enjoy.

And this brings us back to my original point - it's not the fact that you like this that irks me, not at all. I'm not putting anyone's morality into question for enjoying this show or other things I think are kinda effed up in parts. It's the fact that you seemingly try to deny those parts of it exist and pin the blame on the people who can't just overlook it. It's okay, you can admit that Dragon Maid is sus sometimes and still enjoy it for the legitimately good parts. Some people can do that, others can't so easily, that's about it. But don't tell me that these things aren't a thing and that it's my own fault for perceiving them as such, because they very much are a thing and it's painfully obvious.

Anyway, I think I've said what I wanted to say at this point. Everyone knows where everyone stands and no minds are going to be changed, anyway. I shouldn't have gotten into this, these arguments are always so exhausting. But it got Quetzal not to play PoR for a day so I'm proud of me

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yeah this didn't show in the anime and while i have read the manga, i've only read the chapters post-S2 and i didn't see anything like that either.

This one is kinda sus i'll grant you. At least it's not a PoV shot.

And thank goodness for all that, at least.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Side note, i know you or anybody here didn't do this but i remember the arson attack on KyoAni that happened a few years ago and there were dumbasses on the Internet going like "haha yes he killed the pedophiles". There's a special place in hell for people like them. There's a certain subsection of the anime stigma where people think "oh anime is just for people who want to touch kids".

No yeah, I agree, that's not right. If there are pedophiles in this company, they should be investigated, prosecuted and forbidden from coming anywhere near children, not burned to death by some guy. Whether there's any chance they will be investigated at all is another issue. Vigilantism like this is not the solution. Assuming the arsonist even had that motive in mind and wasn't just burning places for fun.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

(Ordinarily I’d post myself selecting nightmare mode but that screen could be considered a spoiler this time.)

Wow this game's got 13 Sentinels beat. I recall the spoiler zone in 13 Sentinels being the gameplay, the story, the visuals, the soundtrack and summaries longer than the words "play it", but as far as I remember, you could show the main menu!

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I think I’m gonna have to make an executive decision to stop posting every single screenshot that gets me seriously hype already. Because otherwise I’ll be doing that for the entire game, flooding the thread, and I’m not sure if anyone even reads these.

But anyway, I knew they would be here, but I did not expect all these characters to show up in the first 30 minutes, and all together! Hype!


Renne and KeA getting their respective last names is great, even if I already knew about it.

Estelle and KeA’s interaction is great.

I have a kind of hard time picturing Estelle sounding like she does, but Joshua and Elie are decent.

Renne going to Jenis Royal Academy seems… incredibly random, but I’m sure it’ll be cool.


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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but when I see shit like this, how else am I supposed to react? Like c'mon, where's the accidental part here? She straight up offered her body to him and promptly pressed her boobies onto his face

But did you see the whole clip or was it literally just that one bit? Cause that was just her "last resort", she offered a whole bunch of stuff before that.

You make it sound like she just went straight to that.

Still didn't even chase after him.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but ultimately, she's a fictional character, written into doing this by a real person with a very clear intent.

Damn I guess the guy who writes The Punisher thinks killing people is cool then...

I'm sure we all know this but what an author writes and what he actually believes in are two different things. Araki isn't a Nazi just because he made Stroheim a bro in Battle Tendency.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's the fact that you seemingly try to deny those parts of it exist and pin the blame on the people who can't just overlook it.

There's a difference between "I find this uncomfortable" and "this is pedobait". That's what I'm trying to say.

I've even admitted the parts that I think are actually kinda sus. 


I think we've reached the zenith of the argument here.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Assuming the arsonist even had that motive in mind and wasn't just burning places for fun.

iirc he thought KyoAni stole his ideas or some shit like that.

I don't know what happened to him after he was arrested. But given the nature of the attack and how many people he killed, I wouldn't be surprised if he got sent to the gallows (yes Japan still hangs people, obviously not publicly tho).

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wow this game's got 13 Sentinels beat.

Yes actually. Culmination of 8 games.

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I recall the spoiler zone in 13 Sentinels being the gameplay, the story, the visuals, the soundtrack and summaries longer than the words "play it", but as far as I remember, you could show the main menu!

This game decided to put the ending cliffhanger of the last game in the main menu. So yes.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Damn I guess the guy who writes The Punisher thinks killing people is cool then

This is how i see things! If that were the case, then all FE story is trash cause "killing is okay haha" 

They arent saying its okay to kill, they are just trying to write a story that sounds interesting, thats all.

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