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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well yes but did anything cool or interesting happen with the dialogue as a result?

You'll meet Edel, so I think Fie's the right choice. She can also fish.

Sara has funny dialogue at the brewery

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6 minutes ago, Green06 said:

She can also fish.

I would assume she can anyway since she was fishing in the first rest day.


Sara has funny dialogue at the brewery

Clearly the superior choice.

Edited by Sooks
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Alright, time to fight the 


Download Window!

Oh, this will be cathartic. I'm a 90's kid, I remember all too well... not that it has ever stopped, but still...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Cold Steel 4’s OP is weird because the first minute of it is bad and the second minute of it is good. Like the track just starts off weirdly, and then we get a 15 second shot of a bunch of airships while we wait for the beat to drop. After that, all the characters look like preteens drew them and we get random zoom ins on all of them that just look dumb. But then the background turns purple and the Ouroboros logo appears and suddenly the music and visuals are good.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alright, time to fight the 

  Reveal hidden contents

Download Window!

Oh, this will be cathartic. I'm a 90's kid, I remember all too well... not that it has ever stopped, but still...

A classic fight. Congrats on beating it!

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7 hours ago, ping said:

Good luck with the Arabia game!


The Russian Expeditionary Force sent to prop up the Swedes, cute. It thankfully meant I hardly met any resistance getting to the Russian homeland itself.


Mali looks to have been considering some kind of sneak attack on me through the really narrow mountain pass. Samarkand acted as a heatsink and killed a few that approached, and I bribed Suleiman into attacking Askia (and they're still at it). As a result, minor pillaging aside, two XBs dealt with the token force he sent, and I here I feared for Berlin.


Russia is no more. That's three down, four to go!😁 All on Camels. Truly incredible indeed.

Ignore the Unhappiness and fiscal deficit, that's what I get for taking three cities in short order. I needed to take St. Petersburg and Moscow in the same turn to prevent any Russian Caravels I couldn't see from liberating my freshly conquered coastal city. I can kill a few rebel barbs. That Science is truly pitiable though.

Everyone but me has entered the Industrial Era at this point, and Suleiman has Riflemen, but no aircraft yet. He hasn't declared war on me yet, and he has the Great Wall, plus a navy that could take Moscow, Mecca or Stockholm if it tried. The Bursa exclave is annoying me though. Askia is at war with me though. I've hardly scouted his territory as you can see, but I did spawn a Great Merchant and used it plus some of its funds to ally with Byblos at the entrance of his lands. I'll gamble and turn north to seize Mali's Wonder-laden capital. Maybe Suleiman will have aircraft by then, but if I have five capitals I ought to be able to catch up with Order for the wide bonuses or Autocracy for the faster tech stealing.

7 hours ago, ping said:

I never open Honor or Piety, since the lack of economic bonuses is just too painful

First- Piety. I tried Byzantium for Itinerant Preachers + Religious Texts + Unity of the Prophets + Pilgrimage on an Inland Sea Emperor map. The positive was that my religion was spreading almost everywhere and gave me a nice Faith income, but the intent behind this play- using the Shared Religion Tourism bonus to assist with a Cultural Victory, is flawed. Without Tradition's growth and +15% Wonder production, I couldn't possibly get the Wonders I needed to generate high base Tourism in the first place, more than negating the usefulness of the Shared Religion bonus.

Piety's complete lack of Culture besides the lackluster finisher, and nothing for Happiness and the very limited Production bonus really kills its usefulness. Maybe mix it with Tradition or Liberty with the Mayans, since half-price Mayan Pyramids for one Social Policy ought to be a nifty boost for early Science and guaranteeing a religion.

7 hours ago, ping said:

but Honor is honstly a tree that I never even consider for that.

Honor seems viable as a secondary tree, or even a first on Immortal/Deity perhaps. Although Tradition would be better the longer you delayed on the beginnings of war.

If you get enough barbarians, it can provide some early Culture. Military Caste is three policies in, but it does provide +1 Happiness and +2 Culture, which is later than the Tradition and Liberty openers, but not too bad, keeping a garrison unit ain't a huge ask.

For economics, it's all about the Honor finisher. Getting Gold per enemy killed ain't so bad when the AI churns out an unending sea of units. It ought to add up.

-Though when I reloaded by above Arabia game after I posted that, it was before I opened Honor, and I decided to continue down Commerce instead.😆 I'm almost at my next policy as the screenshot above indicates. After which is the final one- Protectionism and that +2 Happiness per Luxury, I need that.

While my economy looks atrocious from the above screenshot due to the triple conquest, the fact you get over 100 Gold per city taken, and another hundred or so from selling buildings in whatever you raze adds up. And there are the tiny profits of pillage- which you can abuse with two policies in Liberty and the Pyramids (Bismarck thankfully built them for me), as it lets a builder rebuild a pillaged tile -even one in neutral or enemy territory- in one turn. Running in the red isn't a problem for a wartime economy if you can keep the conquest going and or keep or get some money buildings in the secured homeland. 


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ah yes, the Alien sidequest. Xenoblade X is so good.

I wasn't exactly aware of the parody was at the time, but it was weirdly interesting having that kind of tone shift thrown into the game.😄


5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's a true fact that European settlers held the belief that the world existed for humans to exploit, a philosophy that continues to hurt our world to this day, while the indigenous belief was that humans were just one part of the larger ecosystem.

Although isn't there a danger of associating Native Americans too much with nature-loving. That's it's an offensive cliche?

Also, speaking from a historical perspective, I ponder if, had the Western Hemisphere invented metallurgy and had major beasts of burden comparable to what the Eastern Hemisphere had, would the Americas have been so pristine? We can't have a real answer for this hypothetical, because it's not how history actually played out, but are the lack of a forged iron axe and a bull to carry the logs the only things that prevented North America from being deforested prior to European arrival? Would the right tools have made the Western Hemispheric peoples of Pre-Columbian world more exploitive? Did they only see themselves as part of the ecosystem because they couldn't overpower it? And what of the Mayan cities now in ruins covered by forest? Weren't those areas clearcutted when the Mayans actually lived there? If so, that'd be a strike against them.

I'm not trying to place everyone on the same level of base human nature. I not insisting the proper equipment would redirect all human cultures to the same devastating result. I mean no offense to the indigenous peoples who have and continue to exist to this day, and neither do I mean offense towards their traditional livelihoods, beliefs, or sacred natural sites. I'm merely making an academic inquiry.

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46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although isn't there a danger of associating Native Americans too much with nature-loving. That's it's an offensive cliche?

Stereotypes have truth to them, the importance is to see beyond them. With the Noble Savage trope, you can understand that Natives of the Americas, particularly those in smaller tribes, would live in a general culture surrounding nature and develop a sense of animism along with it, without also assuming that all Natives were grass eating mythical creatures who danced with wolves and swam with salmon. That's the main issue surrounding the trope as it romanticizes Native American culture and portrays us as myths of a bygone era that no longer exists and not as actual human beings.

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, speaking from a historical perspective, I ponder if, had the Western Hemisphere invented metallurgy and had major beasts of burden comparable to what the Eastern Hemisphere had, would the Americas have been so pristine? We can't have a real answer for this hypothetical, because it's not how history actually played out, but are the lack of a forged iron axe and a bull to carry the logs the only things that prevented North America from being deforested prior to European arrival? Would the right tools have made the Western Hemispheric peoples of Pre-Columbian world more exploitive? Did they only see themselves as part of the ecosystem because they couldn't overpower it? And what of the Mayan cities now in ruins covered by forest? Weren't those areas clearcutted when the Mayans actually lived there? If so, that'd be a strike against them.

Yeah probably. I'm not saying Europeans are inherently evil creatures who were created by god to destroy nature, just that it is a culture raised in a wealthy yet small continent that created a lot of focus on the gathering of wealth for individuals at others expense.

I mean the animism I mentioned earlier isn't unique to Indians even if we developed it in a unique way, it's present all over the world, even Europe. What created such evil colonial powers in Europe could've happened anywhere had the right land and resources been present.

So trust that while I may do some teasing here and there, I don't dismiss Europe as just being the evil continent, I actually think western individualism is a really great concept when combined with other ideas as it allows people to stay true to themselves while also standing up for their community.

It's a lil' hard to comment on the situation with cities in Mesoamerica since we have so few sources on the matter but yes, they were a bit more exploitative of the natural world and your theory that power grabbing wasn't done because of lack of resources is true, so perhaps I should've said American Indian instead of the far too inclusive indigenous.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not trying to place everyone on the same level of base human nature. I not insisting the proper equipment would redirect all human cultures to the same devastating result. I mean no offense to the indigenous peoples who have and continue to exist to this day, and neither do I mean offense towards their traditional livelihoods, beliefs, or sacred natural sites. I'm merely making an academic inquiry.

No no no, you are correct and I think it's incredibly important that we all are placed on the same level of human nature because in a real sense we are all humans who are capable of good and evil.

It was and is a common fantasy among a lot of Native Americans, usually in their younger years, that "What if we had the resources to become as powerful as the Europeans! We could've repelled them and lived in peace!" something that I myself have pondered as it's a classic process when going through colonial trauma as a young teen.

But the truth of it is that if such a thing was true and we had the resources to repel colonial powers, we probably wouldn't have been that much better. One needs only look at that era's Asia to see that non-European places were capable of creating large Empires that did horrible things.

That's not to say I think the genocide of Native Americans was just how things were meant to be and have it be brushed aside because we could've done the same thing, God no. More that understanding the nature of humanity helps grow closer to each other and figure out ways we can be better.

Not to sound like a noble savage but our connection to nature is a part of our culture and identity and I think those old beliefs really need to be brought back when looking at the world we live in now. I can't change the past, as much as I wish I could, but I can hopefully change the future.

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9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Must be one of those Indians who sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War.

He is an opportunistic dick at his core...although the sequel will do its best to retcon him into a nicer person than he is.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



It's kind of interesting how in Fire Emblem they'll usually have a Goddess as the highest authority but still have their empires be ruled under a patriarchal society with the men leading and the women staying behind. Most real patriarchal societies have it span all the way up to the top with an explicitly stated male god or creator, it's why in churches you'll have nuns (Who are supposed to be the wives of god himself by the way in case you were ever curious) be referred to as just sisters while priests (Who are only allowed to be male) get to be fathers.

To be fair, Monks get called Bother, and Abbesses called Mother Superior. Those honorifics are simply pointing out how highly they are placed in the church hierarchy, although there are a lot less high positions for women.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Pretty sure that's just cursive, Naesala.

You aren't that far off, as it is just a font. You can look up on the main page for translations, or to  download the font yourself to use...


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Says the dude who immediately inherited his father's company after he died.

And the hypocrisy went right over his head.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



You ever play through a map and then you realize "shit I forgot to deploy my thief to get the chests"

Oof, yeah been there before, its an annoying reason to have to reset...or just go without.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Astrid update.

Now that is a nice levelup to see.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Ike may very well not need the strength booster.

Do it anyway, a strong Ike will help a fair bit for reasons.


9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Dammit, I really liked him.

Oh well. On the bright side he  is a popular pick for parts of the next game, so you will have a chance to use him again there.


3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Also, speaking from a historical perspective, I ponder if, had the Western Hemisphere invented metallurgy and had major beasts of burden comparable to what the Eastern Hemisphere had, would the Americas have been so pristine? We can't have a real answer for this hypothetical, because it's not how history actually played out, but are the lack of a forged iron axe and a bull to carry the logs the only things that prevented North America from being deforested prior to European arrival? Would the right tools have made the Western Hemispheric peoples of Pre-Columbian world more exploitive? Did they only see themselves as part of the ecosystem because they couldn't overpower it? And what of the Mayan cities now in ruins covered by forest? Weren't those areas clearcutted when the Mayans actually lived there? If so, that'd be a strike against them.

If you haven't read it already, I bet you would like Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel.


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Why does this work?

24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Haaa, Hans is finally in FEH.

Looks at the video

FEH is knocking off Prince of Persia (Sands of Time)? With Kiran thirst?

Also, IPPEI THUMBS Let's go

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Immediately starts with t-posing Corrin.


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11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Those feel on the more tanned side of things though.

Yeah, at first I was going to say "yep, he's the first", but then I read Armagon's post and thought "weeeell they count I guess"? As Dayni said, Devdan is the first who looks decidedly black, but the others could be argued for.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh I do, don't worry.


11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

...Sometimes, not all the time.

Bad! Expect your toasts to be slightly burned!

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

My team as a whole isn't very consistent but I'll post about it next session because I can't be bothered to remember all their names right now.

Hmmm... Fine, I will hold off until then.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Well my first impressions aren't great as his way of speech puts me in mind of the "African speaks like a caveman" trope but I'll give IS the benefit of the doubt as Devdan is not the only character to have spoken in the third person like that in FE.

Yeah, that's about as I expected, for now. We'll see if he gets any better.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Malice didn't exist until New Mystery though, right?

She was in Archanea Saga, a really obscure little side-game on a SNES accessory, the Satellaview. It had only four chapters, and Malice debuted alongside her dad in one of them. She was then put in a regular title in the Mystery remake.

As a side note, Archanea Saga was also remade and included in New Mystery, as a cute little bonus.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's ok, she's still hot.

Rare Armagon W

8 hours ago, Green06 said:

Your justifications are flimsy at best.

Of course, 06. Of course.

8 hours ago, Green06 said:

Seliph would destroy her with Sigurd's inheritance and Tyrfing.

I mean, that was a pretty easy vote for me to make. Seliph is a character whose existence I often forget from a game I only tolerated enough for one run, while Caeda is a character I'm all right with from two of my favorite FEs. What did you want me to do? Besides forged Wingspear kills Seliph before he can even get one attack in and you know that as well as I do

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


More retread ground? Didn't we know all this already?

I guess it's fair, they want to leave some emblems to be surprises when the game comes out lol. I see Corncob is Engage's gambits. Fair enough. I feel like the fact that there's only one of each ring is going to be what keeps them from being completely busted. Just about. They still look really strong, but since there's only one of each...

Anyway, when Alear is showing off the list of terrain, you can see them in another outfit. Either promoted or alternate outfit. Whatever it is, I like it. The plumes and overcoat are cool.

36 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Also, IPPEI THUMBS Let's go

I mean, who else was gonna draw Hans?

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17 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Battle preps sneak peak

We've seen this map before, but good to confirm that it's a pincer map.

This seems like an early map with brigands alri-

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


That too.

You are going to be part of the engage mod scene aren't you?

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@Sooks this is usually the minor kinda stuff that gets changed in scenes:


Sara's lines: 58ea6dcae9e30d39a55ae9d8b00883ed.png

Fie: 7dd2e0f86165a54a5f12b4ad91d7aea5.png


Elliot: 5954f4ccdbc689768cda127335ac3d51.png

That's the Distillery scene when you first arrive.

Edited by lightcosmo
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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

That too.

You are going to be part of the engage mod scene aren't you?

I need Fates capture in this game. I need it. Like, unironically, all hornee jokes aside, she looks better than like, 90% of the playable character that have been revealed. It's Fates all over again, I need generics in my team.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

He will mod Horny Garon in

Engage, but everyone is Garon

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:



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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I need Fates capture in this game. I need it. Like, unironically, all hornee jokes aside, she looks better than like, 90% of the playable character that have been revealed. It's Fates all over again, I need generics in my team.

Imagine if Emblem Leif has capture, but you can only use it in full in NG+

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