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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, the funny thing is that Nephenee is the most popular Tellius girl while Calill just... sort of exists.

I always thought that was Mia.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Leon's arc was so fucking weird.

This reminds me, when Aethin posted the raw files of the script, I did happen to stumble upon the letter written by Vidoro's wife for Leon.
Out of curiosity I ran the Japanese text through google translate. And it ended up being very close to Aethin's version. Except there was nothing that hinted at a reason for why Jean is trying to pass herself off as male. It said she does that and then just moved on from that.
Again, Google translate. And maybe Aethin was filling in the blanks with information from Kaga's blog. Just another thing to wonder about, I suppose.

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I completed Tales of Symphonia... again!

It was quite the ride even playing the second time.

To start with the good, the music was something from Symphonia i actually liked overall, alot of catchy music.

The puzzles were pretty well designed as well imo for their time at least.

The pacing was pretty good, no veering off track for far too long.

The skits. They were informative and fun when they needed to be.

The only okay category:

The gameplay. It has flaws that are hard to ignore, but was still a good core overall.

The guidance. Sometimes what they said to do and what i had to do didn't really line up.

The story. It was fair all things considered, but it was good enough.

Now for the bad:

The camera. This goes for both in battle and on the field. Didn't really follow all the well or turn all that well.

8/10 worthy game, not my favorite but still was very fun to replay.

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Think I'll release the ol' hack this week. I really don't want to release it on top of Engage, and my friends progress a bit too slowly. I guess I'll have to hope there's no massive gamebreaking issues in the lategame lol

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I love this guy. Without him this entire series would lose four or five points. What a lovely bumbling idiot.

Also, subtitles: Ahem.

Okarin: A C O J O N T O

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Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

> No Labo Memba 001

Worst worldline

Actually, I just realized


More than that; without Okarin Steins;Gate straight up doesn't happen. Everything is his fault lol


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I just realized

  Hide contents

More than that; without Okarin Steins;Gate straight up doesn't happen. Everything is his fault lol


I am pretty sure you realized that back then while you were going through S;G as well XD

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3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Who is Loogi tho?

3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I am pretty sure you realized that back then while you were going through S;G as well XD

I did, it had just slipped my mind during this conversation.

Thing is, I always called him an idiot, but... More specifically, he's just a big blabbermouth, isn't he? That's what everything comes down to, in the end. The man can't keep his mouth shut and it bites him in the ass time and time again. I'd hate to tell him a secret...

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thing is, I always called him an idiot, but... More specifically, he's just a big blabbermouth, isn't he? That's what everything comes down to, in the end. The man can't keep his mouth shut and it bites him in the ass time and time again. I'd hate to tell him a secret...

Okabe just told me you secretly like story games

You're Tsundere towards PoR to be exact

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7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Okabe just told me you secretly like story games

Well, he'd be right. It just depends on the story games.

7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

You're Tsundere towards PoR to be exact

See, now he's just being silly.

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I keep running into this super annoying camera glitch in Cold Steel 4 where it just keeps freaking out. I don’t think it has anything to do with my controller, did anyone else experience anything like this?

19 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:


"You've played for 185 hours would you recommend this game to other players?"

Ofc not i played that long cause i totally hated the experience! Wasn't that obvious enough? XD

Cold Steel 4

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So there's this manga, Ruridragon, which has the most accurate portrayal of NSMB Wii ever


>Mario on Wii



It's a new series on Shounen Jump but the author's taking a break because a poor health. Normally SJ would use that as an excuse to axe the series but the first volume blew up in sales so they're actually letting the guy have his break instead of holding a gun to his head and telling him to keep working.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fun fact I heard- Americans pronounce "herb" without the "h", British people keep the h.

Wait but....i've used the h before.....

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

And kind of Inigo.

Inigo's Support with Mozu in Fates is GOATED

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

as Fire does not resist Ice back then


I know Gen 1 is held together by duct tape but why didn't Fire resist Ice?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but she's just a very bog-standard tsundere instead.



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40 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Ofc not i played that long cause i totally hated the experience!


So.... my guy had roughly 1450 hours of playtime in 18 months (~540 days), which is about 2h40min per day after picking the game back up again. Three and a half hours per day in the past two weeks. So disappointed.

(In his defense, he made the review about a month after Leviathan DLC, which was an abysmal release)

17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


@ping Not to make light of the tourists' situation or the political situation in Peru, but this sound like a broken City Connection to me. At Machu Picchu.

Minus 20 gold per turn!

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I know Gen 1 is held together by duct tape but why didn't Fire resist Ice?

Gen1 had a couple differences in the effectiveness table. Fire didn't resist Ice; Poison and Bug were mutually super effective against each other; Ghost had no effect on Psychic. Only the last one was by mistake, I believe - it's not like all type interactions are self-evident, anyway.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The puzzles were pretty well designed as well imo for their time at least.

Having played Zestiria recently, I think one might be able to say that Tales still has puzzles, but they're more for the sake of being expected, not because they want to be slightly challenging? Maybe I'm overestimating the brainpower one needs for ToS puzzles, but it seem liked they were trickier than what has come since? I could very well be wrong. And teleport "puzzles" regardless of game tend to be trial and error that you can't think much about before you step on the warp, that I need to now acknowledge.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The skits. They were informative and fun when they needed to be.

The lack of skit voice acting when it has become standard for the series was a little off-putting I take it? I'm not someone who needs voice-acting in games, but once I have it, if it isn't bad, I like having it there. Going back to silence becomes odd.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The gameplay. It has flaws that are hard to ignore, but was still a good core overall.

Can't disagree with this, as many do not. First 3D Tales, but it's stiff compared to everything that followed. (And as a smaller nitpick, Raine and Genis having zero melee techs/artes is something no future Tales mage would be stuck with.) Kinda thankful it was my first all the way back in the day.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The story. It was fair all things considered, but it was good enough.

It does begin rather by-the-books, and like all Tales involve plenty o' cliches. But any genericism is done well? Honestly, this is the hardest category for me to assess without my bias getting in the way.😅

Symphonia might be a little overlong, I think that's a fair criticism? Nine heroes is a lot for Tales, maybe we didn't "need" Regal and Presea? Not sure how much fat that would trim. Perhaps we didn't need eight elements each with their own temple, nix two of them? Perhaps the post-Iselia Human Ranch pre-Tower of Salvation 3rd visit stuff could've been reduced slightly? Although I get that post-IHR is supposed to be "the heroes "failed", now they're incidentally while doing something else going to learn more of the important things they didn't know". I don't think the pacing is necessarily bad as you say, just that Symphonia had too much.


51 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I know Gen 1 is held together by duct tape but why didn't Fire resist Ice?

Did Game Freak leave any text in the game that suggests that should've been the case? Is it not the case that not every type resists the types it's effective against?

Fire and ice in video games in general can have an inconsistent elemental strong vs. weak relationship.:

  • Baten Kaitos EWatLO as you know had Water & Ice as one. And so was that it and Fire were effective on each other.
    • A very frequent merger as you should know this far into your JRPG career, SMT usually does the same.
  • Tales of Symphonia as Lightcosmo was talking of above, split Water and Ice. But for lore reasons Symphonia made Fire and Ice direct existential opposites, while Fire and Water don't seem to have this problem, there is even a Fire-Water hybrid spell. Water's opposite is Thunder.
    • Final Fantasy in general has the same relations as Symphonia. Although Water is a less frequently common element. 
  • Persona 2 went overboard with the element lineup, and made the "four core magic elements" Fire-Water-Wind-Earth, while Ice and Electricity existed as awkward non-Light & Dark magic elements. Though the story implication was maybe Ice > Fire, and they were technically intertwined being the elements of the lead hero & heroine.
  • Arc Rise Fantasia has Fire as a primary element, Ice is a secondary element composed of Water (the opposite of Fire) + Earth, its complete opposite is Light which is Fire + Wind.
  • Getting back to familiar territory for you, XC2 is Fire vs. Water and Ice vs. Wind. Ice and Wind sure as heck aren't opposites IRL, helloooooooooo windchill factor!
    • Speaking windchill, Fire Emblem's established a rather unusual trinity of Fire-Thunder-Wind. Water and Earth, two of the classical Greco-Indic elements, got left out.
      • Fire (volcanism) and Dark (Earth Dragons, TRS's Earthquake/SoV's Upheaval spells) seem to have integrated Earth to varying extents. Wind with stuff like Blizzard, Fimbulvetr, and Rexcalibur picked up Ice. While in Radiant Dawn maybe Light had a trace of Water. Fire in Jugdral & Tellius beats Wind, but probably not because of the Ice inclusion, more because winds "fanning the flames" is a real problem for fires IRL.

I think this is enough examples.😅

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25 minutes ago, ping said:

Only the last one was by mistake, I believe

Yeah cause in the anime, Ash catches a Haunter specifically to counter Sabrina.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fire and ice in video games in general can have an inconsistent elemental strong vs. weak relationship.:

That is true but Pokemon Typings *usually* try to be reasonable about it. Fire is weak to Ground and Rock for instance because those things are generally unaffected by flames. On the more supernatural side, Psychic is weak to Ghost, Bug, and Dark....all things that one could fear.

Ice is strong against Grass, Flying and Dragon because grass normally can't withstand cold temperatures, ice freezes wings and dragons are cold-blooded creatures. Ice is weak to Fire because it melts, Rock, Steel and Fighting because all those things can shatter ice pretty easily. Only thing I didn't really get is the Water and Ice relationship. Water deals normal damage to Ice but it's resistant to it (unless Freeze Dry).

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:
Yeah cause in the anime, Ash catches a Haunter specifically to counter Sabrina.

One of the trainers in Sabrina's GYM even outright says Psychic Pokémon only fear Bugs and Ghosts, just outright telling you their weaknesses. Fun fact, that line in Yellow was rewritten to remove mentioning Ghosts, the developers aware Ghost was not working as intended... yet apparently couldn't fix it, so they just "fixed" the dialogue to be more accurate to the current state of things.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

So there's this manga, Ruridragon, which has the most accurate portrayal of NSMB Wii ever


ah yeah this gud

sadly hiatus

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:


"You've played for 185 hours would you recommend this game to other players?"

Ofc not i played that long cause i totally hated the experience! Wasn't that obvious enough? XD


"It will get good eventually right?" is one hell of a drug

Especially when it's a series you (used to) love

Atleast i learned my lesson and didn'T waste more money after this. Time wasted can't be returned tho

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7 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

"It will get good eventually right?" is one hell of a drug

Persona 5 moment.

9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

ah yeah this gud

sadly hiatus

Surely it won't be as long as HxH.

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3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Would be a bally move with only 1 volume out xD

Well like I said, SJ is very impressed with the sales, which is why they didn't take the author's family hostage.

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40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That is true but Pokemon Typings *usually* try to be reasonable about it. Fire is weak to Ground and Rock for instance because those things are generally unaffected by flames. On the more supernatural side, Psychic is weak to Ghost, Bug, and Dark....all things that one could fear.

Speaking on defensive typings, I ponder what went into Dragon's. Fire b/c dragons often breathe fire, but Grass? Add in Water, and it has triggered the thought that Dragon was intended to be the "anti-Starter" typing. Electric resistance doesn't align with the anti-Starter angle however, as lol at Game Freak predicting the anime would be huge, and leaves me to think the four chosen resistances would have been to show the "elemental mastery" of dragons in general.

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Only thing I didn't really get is the Water and Ice relationship. Water deals normal damage to Ice but it's resistant to it (unless Freeze Dry).

It should probably be the opposite, thinking off the cuff.

  • An Ice type should be able to emit a chilling atmosphere surrounding itself that flash freezes incoming Water into ice. What can a Water type do against ice? Water isn't inherently warm, see the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.
  • I'm also thinking of what happens if you leave a plastic water bottle for too long in a freezer- the bottom blows out because water expands as ice. Which is also a reason why cryostasis for humans doesn't work yet, turning cellular water into ice creates devastating tears in those cells that wouldn't be able to heal once unfrozen.
    • Maybe Ice should always be effective against Water for this reason? Fairy was invented to nerf Dragon was it not? Water is already considered one of the best typings, and Ice... it already has 4 effectivenesses and its weakness as a type has been defense, not offense.
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48 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Only thing I didn't really get is the Water and Ice relationship. Water deals normal damage to Ice but it's resistant to it (unless Freeze Dry).
9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It should probably be the opposite, thinking off the cuff.

  • An Ice type should be able to emit a chilling atmosphere surrounding itself that flash freezes incoming Water into ice. What can a Water type do against ice? Water isn't inherently warm, see the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.
  • I'm also thinking of what happens if you leave a plastic water bottle for too long in a freezer- the bottom blows out because water expands as ice. Which is also a reason why cryostasis for humans doesn't work yet, turning cellular water into ice creates devastating tears in those cells that wouldn't be able to heal once unfrozen.
    • Maybe Ice should always be effective against Water for this reason? Fairy was invented to nerf Dragon was it not? Water is already considered one of the best typings, and Ice... it already has 4 effectivenesses and its weakness as a type has been defense, not offense.

My understanding is that it's due to how heat transference works. Put an ice cube in a glass of water at room temperature. The ice will cool the water, but sooner or later it will melt. Because heat goes from the water into the ice. In essence, water melts ice, while ice fails to freeze water. Hence the resistance.

That's my guess.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

My understanding is that it's due to how heat transference works. Put an ice cube in a glass of water at room temperature. The ice will cool the water, but sooner or later it will melt. Because heat goes from the water into the ice. In essence, water melts ice, while ice fails to freeze water.

That's my guess.

That is true. And placing something frozen under running water, even cold water, will unfreeze it faster than if you left it in the open -but not particularly warm- air in the same room. Because air is less effective at conducting temperature than liquid -at least in some circumstances. Water doesn't have to be "warm", but just warmer than ice -which it usually is (it might not be with enough antifreeze/alcohol/salt/sugar)- and more abundant and persistent than it.

Physics and video games can be complicated.😆

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