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Make one typo with a package and it ends up getting sent to three different sorting centres.

Here's hoping it gets here today, cutting it a little close.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is everyone so convinced of this? I feel like I'm the only one who has missed the confirmation. Or are we just preparing for the worst?


51 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Genocidal Ashnard draws the line at (vaguely implied) inbreeding.

The "fun" of genetic bottlenecks caused by ecological disasters.

Or attempted genocide here.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Which I'm hoping doesn't depend on the Emblem's own weapon of choices, otherwise axes and fists are going to be kinda shit outta luck lol

I guess that is why they arbitrarily gave Lief an Axe weapon...


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


"Unfortunately, the commander only allows 12 soldiers per battle"

Ah the problem between individual units that are reasonable to use in a tactics game, and the implied army they are representing.


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Wtf do you mean "Route map" I thought Soren explicitly stated that the strategy should be to rush up there as fast as possible and kill the commander but instead you give me a clear condition that forces me to take my time.

This is also the map where the boss can literally be killed by his ally's rock trap, so stupid was in its blood to begin with. He is also a big Japanese Meme

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And the easiest you'll ever play

I feel like FE4 and 8 are easier, but ymmv

I wonder tho how i would feel if i played FE9 nowadays. As much as i liked it back then, it was also my 3rd FE.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I feel like FE4 and 8 are easier, but ymmv



Genealogy has a few nasty encounters and bosses, and SS has select maps that are surprisingly tough. PoR has nothing. Not that any of them are all that, difficulty wise, but I think PoR wins by just a bit.


I wonder tho how i would feel if i played FE9 nowadays. As much as i liked it back then, it was also my 3rd FE.

I had the exact same experience with SS. It was my third FE, and back then it seemed decently challenging and fun. Nowadays? I cannot come back to vanilla, it's too brainless.

I feel like these easier FEs hinge greatly on how early you play them. When you aren't as good at these games, don't know their ins and outs as well, the lack of difficulty makes them, if anything, more accessible and palatable.

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I'm now seeing something different: people are interpreting reclassing as, you have your base weapon ranks from your class, and when engaging you can build up others by using the emblem weapons.

...but that leaves... So many swords, so little everything else. No knives or fists at all, even! Ah well, we'll have to see how this works in actuality. I'll be happy just to downgrade Vandad haha

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Genealogy has a few nasty encounters and bosses, and SS has select maps that are surprisingly tough. PoR has nothing. Not that any of them are all that, difficulty wise, but I think PoR wins by just a bit.


I remember having a harder time with PoR than FE4, with FE4 as my 2nd FE. 

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm now seeing something different: people are interpreting reclassing as, you have your base weapon ranks from your class, and when engaging you can build up others by using the emblem weapons.

...but that leaves... So many swords, so little everything else. No knives or fists at all, even! Ah well, we'll have to see how this works in actuality. I'll be happy just to downgrade Vandad haha

Also it seems like weapon Ranks work more like FE4? You promote/class change and then you get the weapon rank or something?


I doubt getting from C to S is just a promotion bonus XD

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I remember having a harder time with PoR than FE4, with FE4 as my 2nd FE. 

To be fair, I did go for the worst units I could for gen 2. Still, that's the thing, there's no such thing as a sub run in PoR to spice things up. Even units like Sothe eventually become unbeatable, as Sooks's run proved, because the enemies are just that terrible.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also it seems like weapon Ranks work more like FE4? You promote/class change and then you get the weapon rank or something?


I doubt getting from C to S is just a promotion bonus XD

But then, how would you level ranks with Emblems?

...man this has done nothing but raise more questions lol

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, I did go for the worst units I could for gen 2. Still, that's the thing, there's no such thing as a sub run in PoR to spice things up. Even units like Sothe eventually become unbeatable, as Sooks's run proved, because the enemies are just that terrible.

Even in a normal run, I think what you said about Genealogy still stands.


31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 SS has select maps that are surprisingly tough.

Although I find that basically all of the "tough" maps in SS have a clear strategy which rather trivializes them, so I end up seeing it a lot more as a tossup whether FE9 or FE8 are the easiest.

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12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I think the aptitude thing might be different from weapon ranks then.

You inherit the aptitude to unlock classes -> Weapon ranks

or something

Still worried that learning aptitudes is going to be super lopsided, with a thousand ways to learn swords and precious few for the rest. That, and level being reset makes me afraid it's going to be a repeat of Awakening's broken system. But again, we'll see.

Inb4 outfit customization really doesn't affect combat and I start reclassing folks for the fashion

4 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although I find that basically all of the "tough" maps in SS have a clear strategy which rather trivializes them, so I end up seeing it a lot more as a tossup whether FE9 or FE8 are the easiest.

They aren't too far apart, no, but PoR doesn't even have that. PoR is trivialized by playing it.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Hey look, VincentASM translated the awards screen:


I'm curious about the system awards. I think the allies one is about unlocking supports. It saying total achieved also means that this Alear has done a bunch of supports..... Or there's multiple levels to each, which I doubt. We can also assume Céline and her retainers are among the first recruits we get?

Also, I am not talking reclassing before the game comes out, sorry but reading the talk here has not cleared things up.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah. Well, I cannot deny that it's the most prudent. I started at "Fire Emblem is dead" and it's only brought me joy.

Excuse me:


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When you aren't as good at these games, don't know their ins and outs as well, the lack of difficulty makes them, if anything, more accessible and palatable.

This doesn't have to be a bad thing

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37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hey look, VincentASM translated the awards screen:


Unlock a support with each character? Those are the cheevos?


Perhaps my best hopes are true. Perhaps that 40 really means what I want it to mean.

...still, best be prudent. There could be some generic "view a support with everyone" or "recruit everyone" or "get an A support" cheevos in there.

37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'm curious about the system awards. I think the allies one is about unlocking supports. It saying total achieved also means that this Alear has done a bunch of supports..... Or there's multiple levels to each, which I doubt. We can also assume Céline and her retainers are among the first recruits we get?

Everything indicates Alfred and his retainers are the first, with Celine likely coming not too long after when we go into Firene.

37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Also, I am not talking reclassing before the game comes out, sorry but reading the talk here has not cleared things up.

Yes, IntSys pretty much just confirmed it exists and left it at that.

37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Excuse me:


Gwahahaha! Oh that's so true.

37 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

This doesn't have to be a bad thing

It isn't. It just means it's likely you won't enjoy them as much if you happen to get around to them later, as I did with PoR, whereas someone who played them early will have far fonder memories of them, as I do with SS.

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6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

"Unfortunately, the commander only allows 12 soldiers per battle"

Might as well just call them the vanguard.


For the easiest Fire Emblem I've played thus far, this game sure loves giving me a shitload of units to expend.

And you've seen nothing yet until you reach RD.


Wtf do you mean "Route map" I thought Soren explicitly stated that the strategy should be to rush up there as fast as possible and kill the commander but instead you give me a clear condition that forces me to take my time.

Ah, the Rolling Stones, home of General Neo Bolt-Axe.

Has subtitles.

Artist: Daisuke Izuka Source: Twitter

One of Japan's memes, he's one of the few minor bosses that got a Cipher card.


Ohoho I see. When you assume the absolute rule of a land based purely on physical power it's cultural and traditional meritocracy, but when a demon god decides to assume the rule of a land based purely on physical power he's evil and a tyrant.

Is it truly meritocracy when the requirement is simply physical prowess and not actual ruling prowess?

I would think in this case it's your typical "destroy the land through force, not rule it through force". Though it's telling it's spoken because the war is involving more and more of the continent's players.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Meanwhile 2 of Berwick Saga's 3 electric axes are actually really good.

Yes there are indeed 3 different types of electric axes. Why wouldn't there be?

If only magical bonus damage was doubled by Pulverize.

Edited by BrightBow
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FE9 easiest FE.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or, inherit different aptitudes from emblems. Which I'm hoping doesn't depend on the Emblem's own weapon of choices, otherwise axes and fists are going to be kinda shit outta luck lol

IS when they make people buy the DLC for emblem Edelgard so players can reclass their characters to axe classes

If emblem Tiki lets you make anyone into a dragon (highly unlikely) I’m buying it immediately tho

Edited by Sooks
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gwahahaha! Oh that's so true.

Did you notice the easter egg?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And you've seen nothing yet until you reach RD.

NMotE's added units: Allow us to introduce ourselves

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, the Rolling Stones, home of General Neo Bolt-Axe.

Has subtitles.

Imagine if Resolve boosted Magic too

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Just now, Punished Dayni said:

NMotE's added units: Allow us to introduce ourselves

Units that didn't come back for Book 2 or were removed in MotE: Allow us to reintroduce ourselves.

Just now, Punished Dayni said:

Imagine if Resolve boosted Magic too

Come to think of it... why does it not? Makes Resolve less of a worth investment for Mages.

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49 minutes ago, Sooks said:

FE9 easiest FE.

I can believe Sooks continues to be based.

49 minutes ago, Sooks said:

IS when they make people buy the DLC for emblem Edelgard so players can reclass their characters to axe classes

Assholes... I don't need to reclass anyone to axe classes, though. Vandad is there.

49 minutes ago, Sooks said:

If emblem Tiki lets you make anyone into a dragon (highly unlikely) I’m buying it immediately tho

Vandragon? Eh. 30 bucks still... Ehhh.

18 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Did you notice the easter egg?

Gahaha! I did now. Awesome touch.

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