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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Copes did her so dirty...

W-what did they do with her? Don't tell me I'm going to have to become a 3 Cops hater even without playing the game

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3 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Average 3H fan


Edelflair checks out

3 minutes ago, Green06 said:

W-what did they do with her?

Turned 95% of her into "i am not a child" character. Heck even her Support with Shez was all about that.

Forget experiments, sacrifice, her plans, her lack of time, loneliness etc.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

FE lord saying "enough about me let's kill you?"

Would Casual Mode delight them, or frustrate them? Short-term delight & long-term frustration, leading to ennui about existence and then they seek their own demise and in doing so, attain death during the final battle four thousand years later when the final boss LightHero/ine Van Good slays them? 

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Anna's going to have a Valentine's Day arc which is just her ripping everyone else off

Followed by her sequel arc- White Day. B/c Japan.

(...Reminds me that I'm curious how VDay and White Day is handled in RF5. Not sure why they needed to include both. With addition of s/s romance, the Friends of Mineral Town remake IIRC had the guys giving you stuff on White Day regardless of your gender, while you regardless of gender could give chocolate to the girls. Valentine's Day was the opposite, with the girls giving you stuff regardless of gender and you giving chocolates to the guys. If it was only one Singles' Awareness Day like the rest of the world, this wouldn't be causing any head-scratching. -At least they moved up the two days to Fall and not Winter where they technically belong, dragging my heels that long with this game before proposing (I want to do these events single, just once) seems unreasonable.)


@Armagon I'm mentioning you b/c I ain't quoting that edited smile to say this. It realllllllllll nightmare fuel.😨

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's actually not the first time either, Roc in Xenoblade 2 cannot be sent out on gendered Merc Missions because Roc is listed as "4" in the game's code. But i think Roc actually was referred to with he/him pronouns so idk.

Was Roc intended as NB? I have heard some NB can accept using some degree of binary pronouns, but that's a whole other discussion that'll kill me if I have to discuss it with family again.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Turned 95% of her into "i am not a child" character. Heck even her Support with Shez was all about that.

Forget experiments, sacrifice, her plans, her lack of time, loneliness etc.

Sounds like the Copening

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Would Casual Mode delight them, or frustrate them? Short-term delight & long-term frustration, leading to ennui about existence and then they seek their own demise and in doing so, attain death during the final battle four thousand years later when the final boss LightHero/ine Van Good slays them? 

They'd find a way to break casual mode.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Followed by her sequel arc- White Day. B/c Japan.

She needs to expand her enterprise, makes sense.

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1 hour ago, Green06 said:

Well, since no one wants Engage leaks, let's go back to normal programming


Ah, that Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn period was so short, yet so sweet.
Even if by the time of Radiant Dawn IS already made no secret of the fact that it considers good writing actively detrimental to their sales.

Also props to Echoes for deciding there was not enough brainwashing in the original game. And doing it to Celica of all the people they could have chosen.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Ah, that Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn period was so short, yet so sweet.
Even if by the time of Radiant Dawn IS already made no secret of the fact that it considers good writing actively detrimental to their sales.

Also props to Echoes for deciding there was not enough brainwashing in the original game. And doing it to Celica of all the people they could have chosen.

Gating 15% of the script behind the hardest difficulty for the sake of the "casual/newcomer" crowd... never again...

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14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

More like returning to good old fanbase during the Fates era.

The price we paid for ending the edelgard discourse


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm mentioning you b/c I ain't quoting that edited smile to say this. It realllllllllll nightmare fuel.😨


3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Was Roc intended as NB?

Well unfortunately, Roc has very minimal character to begin with. So honestly, probably not. The Rare Blade Sheba is explicitly lesbian in the JP version but wanting to form a harem of ladies is kinda her only character trait (which is fine for these sort of optional characters).

I think Juniper is the first character in the series that is LGBT that is actually met as a mandatory part of the story (even if most of their character is saved for the optional quests). 

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Gating 15% of the script behind the hardest difficulty for the sake of the "casual/newcomer" crowd... never again...

Pretty sure they did exactly the same thing again with the Shadow Dragon remake.

Anyway, while whole scenes are missing, above all else it seems to have been an effort to dumb down the script. This blog post is a good summation, I think.
Here is a little excerpt:


What does this version do? Well, to put it uncharitably, it pussyfoots around. It doesn't name the Begnion troops directly. It doesn't exposit that they're assholes who spend their resources chasing down the Dawn Brigade.

Instead, it better presents the relationship between these characters and the situation they're in. Edward, aware of Micaiah's power and what it can do, asks specifically if it can do more. Edward's fretting because Leonardo's late, but Micaiah's fretting because she knows something bad is about to happen. Edward wants Micaiah to know it's him, not her. The woman's first reaction is to be concerned for their well-being. Micaiah asking if the troops are actually gonna do their jobs is the biggest fucking joke the villager's ever heard--cue collective "ugh" at Begnion. Micaiah will deal with it, and she's concerned for the woman's safety too.

If you look back at the normal version of the script and think critically about it--Why does the woman tell Micaiah and Edward that the troops do nothing but chase the Dawn Brigade? Doesn't everyone in Daein know that? It's as if she's talking to people who aren't from around here.

You know. People like us, the gamer. It's called an infodump, and it's good for making sure that the reader's on the same page.

That's why I think the normal script originated as an edited, dumbed-down version of the extended script. I doubt anyone would write a direct video-game-y script, then successfully plead with the higher-ups to obtain the resources to make a more literary easter-eggy version for only hardcore Fire Emblem fans to see. I do think it is plausible that a higher-up saw a long subtle script and said, "Look, we're selling this game to everyone, including 12-year-olds and people who haven't played Path of Radiance. Can't you make it clearer for them what's going on? And make it quick, too. Kids have attention spans like goldfish these days. What, you want to keep the pretty script? Ok fine, you can put it in the mode for the people who are gonna spend a long time with the game anyway."

For what it's worth, the Japanese fans at PegasusKnight note a number of other differences that also seem to suggest this. For example, the normal script has more infodumps to supplement a lack of Path of Radiance knowledge. And fun moments in the extended script that rely on Path of Radiance knowledge are generally absent in the normal script. They also suggest that the writing style of the extended script is "more like Path of Radiance," by which I can only assume they mean that there's more life and comedy.


Edited by BrightBow
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3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Pretty sure they did exactly the same thing again with the Shadow Dragon remake.

Anyway, while whole scenes are missing, above all else it seems to have been an effort to dumb down the script. This blog post is a good summation, I think.

Best I know, no, it was only RD they did this with. As for why they did it:


Hard mode has more dialogue scenes for you to enjoy

─Are there any differences in the scenario between the Normal and Hard modes?

Editor’s note 1: The difficulty modes are labelled differently between the Japanese and Western releases of Radiant Dawn. In the Japanese version, the difficulty modes are named Normal, Hard and Maniac, while they are known as Easy, Normal and Hard in the Western releases.

Maeda: It’s not that they are different. Perhaps Fire Emblem enthusiasts would enjoy a long and deep scenario, but for more casual gamers this can make it harder to get into the game. On the other hand, fans of the series may feel unsatisfied with a lighter and shorter story. Therefore, we’ve modified the dialogue scenes to be a bit longer for the Hard Mode and a bit shorter on Normal.

Editor’s note 2: The dialogue differences are only present in the Japanese version of the game. In the Western releases, all three modes have the same dialogue, taken from the slightly shorter Japanese Normal Mode.

Tawara: Just so there’s no misunderstanding, the number of maps is still the same in Normal Mode.

Yamagami: The maps, the characters and the story are all the same.

Tawara: Although, of course to change the difficulty level, the number of enemies that appear in each map is different. The amount of dialogue between the modes has been changed in the same way. On Normal the dialogue scenes are put together more compactly. If there are about, let’s say, a 100 dialogue scenes on the Hard Mode, on Normal, it’s about 50-60% of that.

Editor’s note 3: Tawara’s estimate is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. From translating the Japanese Hard mode dialogue, I’d say 80-90% is a more conservative estimate.

Yamagami: Other than the dialogue scenes, which are integral to advancing the plot, there are also other scenes that, for example, reveal the kind of connection two characters have with each other. While these kind of scenes may be highly enjoyable for the Fire Emblem enthusiasts, for new players they might seem completely unnecessary, having no effect on how much they will enjoy the game.

In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story. We’ve heard from the more casual players that the storyline was too hard to follow in our previous games, so we’ve thought out this new structure and have found it to be the best solution to this problem.

We hope that each player will enjoy the game on the mode that suits them the best. If a player tries the Normal Mode, and finds the strategy aspect of the game to be lacking a bit, they can just try the game again on Hard. And should you find Hard Mode to be a bit too much for you, because the core story is the same, you can play on Normal Mode just as well.


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Yeah, most monasteries are.


Yeah she keeps saying "Darling" over and over again, it's really strange.


Buddy, you're creepy aura wont even hope to flinch the literal stone statue incarnate.


I feel like Shamir is just from a completely different game but is being held hostage to stay here.


As you can see, Byleth has a very weak grip on the fishing pole, despite this she reels in the fish anyhow, ergo this is definitive proof that Byleth is the strongest Fire Emblem character in the franchise

...Any objections, Mr Wright?

Building Character: Miles Edgeworth | oprainfall


Well, fuck gay couples I guess.


But...will you soar away?


What a nice way to say that an Adrestian few used to have absolute hegemony and dominance over all the people of Fodlan.


How topical.

Also I didn't take any screenshots but I went through Byleth's B support with Edelgard and I have to say, what the fuck.


Standard neurotypical vs neurodivergent conversation.


So summoning Fire on the stove out of nowhere is probably not unheard of in the FE world but still, Bernie pointing her hand at the fan and it instantly setting ablaze is so fucking funny.


"Pr-Professor what are you doing!?! Get that pegasus out of here!!"


Oh hey, peg sisters.

Eh, no not like that.


Damn it Edelgard! Stop leveling up even when you're not formally in this battle!


This is like one of those "feel good" stories where they tell a story about poor people surviving a blatant flaw in capitalism without analyzing the system itself.

"Sure we may live in a world where our families have absolute control on who we get to marry even if they're an awful person because this system relies on bloodlines to be passed down, but at least these teenagers escaped it by risking life and limb in a volcano with bandits!"



2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Parasect isn't as bad as watching an animal documentary and getting to the part where you see real cordyceps doing their thing.🤢

I can't tell what's worse, if I was zombified by a fungus would I rather just have it kill me and grow whatever it wants to grow on my fading corpse, or would I want it to keep me theoretically alive but It has complete control of my body and mind like some kind of twisted symbiotic relationship.

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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

As you can see, Byleth has a very weak grip on the fishing pole, despite this she reels in the fish anyhow, ergo this is definitive proof that Byleth is the strongest Fire Emblem character in the franchise

...Any objections, Mr Wright?

Building Character: Miles Edgeworth | oprainfall

What's her Str stat? XD

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

What a nice way to say that an Adrestian few used to have absolute hegemony and dominance over all the people of Fodlan.

Imagine Edelgard living in that time.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Also I didn't take any screenshots but I went through Byleth's B support with Edelgard and I have to say, what the fuck.

Hm? What's so shocking about it?

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I can't tell what's worse, if I was zombified by a fungus would I rather just have it kill me and grow whatever it wants to grow on my fading corpse, or would I want it to keep me theoretically alive but It has complete control of my body and mind like some kind of twisted symbiotic relationship.

If The Last of Us happened in real life... ... ... ... hmm...

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20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Best I know, no, it was only RD they did this with. As for why they did it:

Well, you can see how scenes have been completely rewritten to surgically remove the life out of it in the blog post. Leaving nothing but hamfisted infodumps.

And just think about what they are saying here:
In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story. We’ve heard from the more casual players that the storyline was too hard to follow in our previous games, so we’ve thought out this new structure and have found it to be the best solution to this problem.

Character development bad. Proper writing bad.

Besides, no matter how they try to dress this up, the reality is that the script proper was banished into Maniac Mode, where very few people would ever see it. And that version was not deemed as important enough to translate.
Presumably members of the staff had to fight tooth and nail to make sure that this version of the script was left in the game at all.

And as for Shadow Dragon, now that we have an official localization of the original it was easy to see that there is information in that script that was absent from the remake. Like Lena being engaged with Michalis, for example. And that this is the reason she escaped from Macedon. In the remake she is just running across the countryside for no reason.

Considering how they dumped down Radiant Dawn, it seems to me a logical conclusion to draw that IS did the same thing to the remake.


Edited by BrightBow
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8 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

And as for Shadow Dragon, now that we have an official localization of the original it was easy to see that there is information in that script that was absent from the remake. Like Lena being engaged with Michalis, for example. And that this is the reason she escaped from Macedon. In the remake she is just running across the countryside for no reason.

Considering how they dumped down Radiant Dawn, it seems to me a logical conclusion to draw that IS did the same thing to the remake.


Oh, I thought you were referring to "script changes depending on difficulty". Which yeah, Shadow Dragon didn't do that.

Hmm, I wonder. I'm trying to translate the script in PegasusKnight.com, but I can't seem to get the format properly, mostly due to the spacings. Anyway, looking at the fan translations of the script of the original game, Matthis only says Lena betrayed the King. The whole "you didn't love him" only shows up in the localized script.

Now, Shadow Dragon Japanese script actually removes stuff, so it's not really that version's localization's fault for that.

Original Game:

おまえが ミシェイルおうじを
  きらって くにをでてから

Shadow Dragon:


It seems the mention of Michalis was outright removed for the DS script. Now, I don't know if the Japanese script of the Switch rerelease got an update, but it's clear at least that the English one decided to add stuff revealed in later works, like the engagement to Michalis thing.

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Ok so i've been playing Harvestella for real now (this game's start is comparable to Twilight Princess', Jesus Christ)




Imagine being told by a time traveler that your kind just ceases to exist at some point. 

Reminds me of this moment from Doctor Who



Not for me, this one just feels like a Xenoblade grassy plains area but if low budget.

29 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I feel like Shamir is just from a completely different game but is being held hostage to stay here.

She is the best characters in the faculty yes.

I also really like her design and since faculty characters are easy to recruit, you should recruit Shamir when given the chance.

30 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is like one of those "feel good" stories where they tell a story about poor people surviving a blatant flaw in capitalism without analyzing the system itself.

"Sure we may live in a world where our families have absolute control on who we get to marry even if they're an awful person because this system relies on bloodlines to be passed down, but at least these teenagers escaped it by risking life and limb in a volcano with bandits!"

At the same time, i like it when characters tell their awful parents to fuck off.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok so i've been playing Harvestella for real now (this game's start is comparable to Twilight Princess', Jesus Christ)


I haven't replayed that many Zeldas or that often, but Twilight Princess is towards the bottom of the list. And I don't mean "just" Ordon Village and the first time you're cursed into a wolf. I mean everything up to acquiring the Master Sword. I don't remember it all too well, but the lack of even the veneer of the freedom Twilight Princess gives you for entire first half in retrospect is stifling. ALBW and BotW forever over that amount of chafing. Honestly if I want a dose of TP I'll boot up the Wii U and give Midna or Twili Midna a play in Hyrule Warriors.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not for me, this one just feels like a Xenoblade grassy plains area but if low budget

The arches/spikes jutting from the ground really do say that. Square Enix mustn't have brought out their impeccable realistic graphical mastery as they always do on the latest Playstation/PC Final Fantasy release.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't replayed that many Zeldas or that often, but Twilight Princess is towards the bottom of the list. And I don't mean "just" Ordon Village and the first time you're cursed into a wolf. I mean everything up to acquiring the Master Sword. I don't remember it all too well, but the lack of even the veneer of the freedom Twilight Princess gives you for entire first half in retrospect is stifling.

At least chapter 3 of Harvestella does give you some freedom. You're given three main quests that'll take a while and you can do them in any order.

But i still haven't unlocked cooking and this game has a stamina system so until then, i'm stuck eating simply what i grow out of the ground.

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It is so strange playing Dwarf Fortress with mouse functionality. I know it is probably an improvement, but it is difficult to get used from the old purely keyboard based controls...


21 hours ago, Armagon said:

Fair points. Although it does bring up the question of what the definition of inhuman is in the context. Because is it "not human" or "not people". Because given how much power imagination holds, making it so that representation is only for strictly human (as in Homo Sapien) characters is a bit....restrictive. 

Like, Nucti Gatwa is set to play the 15th Doctor, being the first black person to do so. So would the 15th Doctor not be black representation because The Doctor isn't biologically human? 15th Doctor is also set to be gay as well (13th was gay a little bit but from what i hear, Chinball fumbled it because of course he did).

It is a murky topic, although I think the better distinction is whether that perceived representation is a part of what makes them inhuman in the universe.


19 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Post image

This says it all for me really.

They would have a tumultuous relationship, with that underlying rivalry within it. I get the felling they would be that couple that is on-again-off-again...


19 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



This entire sequence was just incredible.

It is great. One of my favorite details is how Von Karma is clearly baiting Wright into calling the parrot, having set his trap with the bird...


19 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:




The bonus episode they added in the DS remake, which actually utilizes the unique features of the DS. There are a lot of thing I like about this case, but it goes on way too long.



8 hours ago, Loliko said:

I did it , dear lord. Chapter 16 is a fun map but they really don't pull back any punches if you want everything.

My strategy involved using two thieves on each side of the map. Since Cath is the goat , I gave her my boots so she could take everything on the left chest room , and be able to come back to Narcian with a bit of rescue dropping. As comical as it sounds , the angelic robe I gave her when I finally recruited her helped her not getting OHKO by the purge bishop , so yes , stat boosters on Cath are worth it.

It sounds like you have a fun style of play.


8 hours ago, Loliko said:


My one worry going into the secret shop of this chapter is that I may be a bit low on gold , and Hugh is on the map ; Now I could do basic maths and planning so I would have enough to get all I need. Or I could save up some money.



Oof, poor Hugh...you didn't deserve such a vicious end.


 4 hours ago, Loliko said:


What makes me sad now is that I have to do 16x. My only attempt ended in Wolt getting berserked and one rounding Roy I smell a betrayal arc. However , i'll get to promote Sue , Saul and Geese so that makes me happy , especially since Sue/Geese have hit lvl 20. I also finally found the way to make Sophia good.

The deadly powers of the Berserk staff, hopefully you luck with those things are better than mine.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've been thinking about trying Pokemon Black as part of my list of popular game franchises to give a shot, though It also might be good to balance the two anime story driven games I'm currently playing with something more gameplay focused, like more of Metroid or another game.

What do you folks think?

Have fun, Pokemon Black is one of the best Pokemon games, so it sounds like a good choice.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yeah Pokemon also strikes me as a game where for the most part I can play while listening to something else in the background, like a podcast or something, which is the type of

game I'm looking for.

...I kinda consider most games to fall into that category, as long as they don't have major voice acting, or critical audio cues.


3 hours ago, Green06 said:


And as for my Wing, well, I'm almost done with its upper body. My finger? It is recovering well, although it has seen better days. Turn up the brightness if you want to see a little bit of blood. I still pierced my finger three times after that.


Ouch...finger injuries suck thanks to how much you use fingers on a daily basis.


 1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Pretty sure they did exactly the same thing again with the Shadow Dragon remake.

Anyway, while whole scenes are missing, above all else it seems to have been an effort to dumb down the script. This blog post is a good summation, I think.
Here is a little excerpt:

40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, I thought you were referring to "script changes depending on difficulty". Which yeah, Shadow Dragon didn't do that.

More like the opposite really, as the whole prologue (and the story of it), are only on the lowest difficulty...


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Oh hey, peg sisters.

Eh, no not like that.



1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:



This is like one of those "feel good" stories where they tell a story about poor people surviving a blatant flaw in capitalism without analyzing the system itself.

"Sure we may live in a world where our families have absolute control on who we get to marry even if they're an awful person because this system relies on bloodlines to be passed down, but at least these teenagers escaped it by risking life and limb in a volcano with bandits!"

It really does capture that feel entirely.

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Engage classes skills



It seems enemies have them on Lunatic Maddening


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Turned 95% of her into "i am not a child" character. Heck even her Support with Shez was all about that.

Forget experiments, sacrifice, her plans, her lack of time, loneliness etc.

They ran out of good material in 3H. Rip

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I can't tell what's worse, if I was zombified by a fungus would I rather just have it kill me and grow whatever it wants to grow on my fading corpse, or would I want it to keep me theoretically alive but It has complete control of my body and mind like some kind of twisted symbiotic relationship.

Technically symbiosis is when the individuals in question are mutually benefiting, in this case Cordyceps is just parasisitism.

51 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ouch...finger injuries suck thanks to how much you use fingers on a daily basis.

At least I'm right handed

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3 hours ago, BrightBow said:

In other words, by taking out the scenes concentrating on character building, we hope that players new to the series will be able enjoy the game more by just concentrating on the main story. We’ve heard from the more casual players that the storyline was too hard to follow in our previous games, so we’ve thought out this new structure and have found it to be the best solution to this problem.



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9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I don't know what Sfoglia looks like yet, so I'll have to find out for myself why you find her appealing. Besides the fact that she has a hat, apparently.

We've only seen this image of her. That's it, that's all we know of her.

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Don't worry, Vander will get his redemption arc if Alear romances him.

Fair enough.

9 hours ago, Loliko said:

Absolutely , Dougy's loyalty is something to be admired , it's proportionnal to the size of his glorious beard and stache. In order to prove his undying faith in his king , he will not hesitate to run after the one thief that's been making him run around in circles for a good 30 minutes , because looting the royal vault is absolutely unforgivable.

You get it! Truly, Dougy is such a Dougyman.


Now all I can picture is Sophia pretending to be a ghost with all these robes and scaring the soldiers away. "Boo."

"They don't know I'm the weakest unit in the game."

9 hours ago, Green06 said:

Please. Give me a reason to leave this thread for good

I thought you loved a good reaction. Quetz playing one of you two's very Japan series would cause some of those.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding. I mean, I didn't particularly care for the DLC myself, I think the game is fine as is, but what the fuck?

Ubisoft Milan needs to jump ship. They deserve better than this.

EDIT: I misinterpreted the twit. I guess the DLC is being done, it's just there won't be a third game, no chance.

My second statement remains unchanged.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




It got leaked?

Time to take a plunge on the sea of information. Probably. Maybe I'll just ctrl+f "capture". And "Sfoglia."

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me willingly looking at the recruitment list and seeing "Shouzou Kaga: automatically at the start of Endgame"

I cannot wait to Engage Kaga with Corncob.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Yeah she keeps saying "Darling" over and over again, it's really strange

She is so alive.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


As you can see, Byleth has a very weak grip on the fishing pole, despite this she reels in the fish anyhow, ergo this is definitive proof that Byleth is the strongest Fire Emblem character in the franchise

...Any objections, Mr Wright?

Yes, Hanneman is better.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Standard neurotypical vs neurodivergent conversation

"Depressed? Just smile!"

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


So summoning Fire on the stove out of nowhere is probably not unheard of in the FE world but still, Bernie pointing her hand at the fan and it instantly setting ablaze is so fucking funny


5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh hey, peg sisters.

Eh, no not like that.

Oh my, Quetzal.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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