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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Back from the initial venture. Didn't take a ton of screenshots, none of the two opening trailers b/c I wanted to watch them, not try to snap images of everything in time. Not badly drawn, though a little lacking in actual animation.

The game does outright call itself "Atelier version 6.0" during the second opening, which *checks chronology* would be accurate.

To save space and post images in spoilers now...


First battle...


Not bad. The sprites look clean and sufficiently animated.

Random encounters it turns out, I only fought one though. No grid, but it seems attacks have some undisplayed degree of area-of-effect. 

Voice acting is fine. Music is unremarkable for better or worse. Just to get these things out of the way.


Level ups give Skill Points, points can be spent to improve skills. Pretty simple, but the points by virtue of a finite number of levels, must therefore be finite.


I see the game has some sense of humor...

Popo annoyed Klein enough here that he proceed to grab his mace and try thwacking Popo, who proceeded to run off the screen, only to run back into view again and then dodge another thwack.


Two shots from separate events/tutorials on this version of alchemy- Mana Synthesis.

  • No need for specific ingredients, you spend a quantity of Elements- Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, etc. to make Mana Items. 
  • You can make Mana Items mid-battle or out of it. But only Klein can make them in battle.
  • The elemental sprites known confusingly as Manas are required to make Mana Items. They have elemental affinities limiting which Elements they can contribute and affects their consumption of each. Sounds like items calling for multiple Elements will need one Mana for each Element used. -I think, it was a lot of information.
  • Manas have Like and Life gauges, if you overwork them, they're more prone to make mistakes. Gift-giving fixes this.
  • As for Mana Item recipes ...it seems like you can something once you find a copy of it while exploring? No inventing new things all on your own it looks like.

There is also Store Synthesis, which seems to be the more in line with typical Atelier crafting?

  • Pick an item you want to make in a store's that can Item Synthesize.
  • Then spend a little money and an ingredient matching each category of ingredient required in the appropriate quantity.
  • You will then receive a copy of that item and be able to purchase more of it.
  • Depending on the specific ingredients used, the detailed qualities like sourness, sweetness, and odor will vary of the final product, which store customers notice and affects the popularity of the store. Sounds like the devil in the details.
  • Can always redo things with new materials.
  • Game claims store items are stronger than Mana Synthesized items and that both will be needed.


Visually, the game has not aged a day. The world map is primitive 3D, but that's just to connect the towns and dungeons, so it isn't a big deal. An excellent 2D world that's plenty colorful, gives it a Mana/Seiken Densetsu vibe.


The One Thing That Matters, Confirmed. Complete with voice acting.

Something important to mention- I can have Klein smash these barrels, as well as those crates and fruit/flower baskets, with his mace. That's how you acquire Elements for Mana Synthesis, you can break other things like boulders too. A boulder I think gave 1 Water and 3 Earth Elements. Since these respawn upon leaving and returning to the screen, Element supply I can't see being a huge issue. Item/material storage might be, only 9 of each allowed.



Character portraits aren't as ageless as the world, they have a varying thin/thick coating of metaphoric dust on them. I'm not happy with male (egads!?) alchemist Klein:


his eyes look like they've been "drawn" on, not good for the protagonist.🤨 Lita the heroine looks better drawn than him, though I didn't take a screenshot of her portrait. Personality for Klein is confident, but not overly energetic nor arrogant. Overall he's moderate, and in pursuit of Mana-related stuff, his book on alchemy belonged to his grandmother, which I assume he'll explain in more detail later.


Popo deserves a bonk. The innocent-looking Wood Mana is not so.

A tutorial on what monsters are, though not combat. It wasn't very explanatory. Instead, Popo invited Lita to explain b/c she's an established Growloon hunter, and told Klein he could leave. Klein proceeded to complain that he is the main character, and I think it was Lita who said he already had his 15-minutes of attention. Lita proceeded to send Klein flying northwest at a 45-degree angle offscreen, and then gave her vague explanation. All of this was voiced.  

Alas, I didn't screenshot any of it. You can watch tutorials on anything you've gotten one on at any time, yet the tutorials aren't the same as the original ones and lack the voice acting.

Oh, and there was a generic alchemist in town called "Rurona", which I thought an odd coincidence given it *checks dates* Rorona was five years away.

I stopped before heading off to meet some knight commander who had earlier been shown going "mwa ha ha ha!". Actual evil? So much for being an Atelier then.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:


The weird thing is

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The way Veyle uses it is completely different from how we use it. She essentially stops time (rewinding time should not have allowed her to steal the rings).

But eh, it's a minor plot device. Byleth not using Divine Pulse to save Rodrigue in Azure Moon is worse.



If it's an actual ZA WARUDO power for Veyle, then that's even worse. Since it means she uses it to get over to retrieve the ring and head back to her original position... and still doesn't kill Alear?


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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is also Store Synthesis, which seems to be the more in line with typical Atelier crafting?

The specifics differ but it looks like it. Down to the restocking mechanic, which also differs depending on the game. Seems this game goes for "you can have shops sell them back to you" style. Other Atelier games simply have your items restocked for a few each time you return to the Atelier but that only applies to in-battle items (though there's still other ways to duplicate synthesized materials).

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Ah, you've met Pamela. She's one of the few recurring characters in the series. In the modern series, she's shown up in every continuity except Dusk (though in Secret, her name is Pamila).

If you couldn't tell by the portrait, she's a ghost. She's always a ghost. Cue shenanigans if another character is afraid of ghosts.

Another recurring character is the bald blacksmith Hagel. Iris trilogy is actually his debut and he's shown up in every continuity since then except Dusk and Secret.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Actual evil? So much for being an Atelier then.

I believe the earlier Ateliers did try to have some bad guys. There are bandit enemies in the very first game i remember. Modern Atelier is definitely more peaceful, even Dusk's declining world and Secret having potentially world-ending monsters. But outside of like mock battles, modern Atelier rarely has you fight an actual person.

For the record, modern Atelier does have one bad guy that serves as the final boss. He realizes the error of his ways and the Mysterious trilogy is his entire development.

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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If it's an actual ZA WARUDO power for Veyle, then that's even worse. Since it means she uses it to get over to retrieve the ring and head back to her original position... and still doesn't kill Alear?



If only makes sense if she's playing with her food. Which, to be fair, Dio did do that in Part 3.


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Just now, Armagon said:


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If only makes sense if she's playing with her food. Which, to be fair, Dio did do that in Part 3.



Which goes back to plot-induced stupidity and "otherwise game would end right there".

Since even when she's like "the corrupted are not enough", she still only releases the Hounds instead of just MUDA MUDA MUDA on the time-frozen heroes.


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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:
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Which goes back to plot-induced stupidity and "otherwise game would end right there".

Since even when she's like "the corrupted are not enough", she still only releases the Hounds instead of just MUDA MUDA MUDA on the time-frozen heroes.



Honestly the bigger question is how did they escape the church in the first place.

But eh, it's w/e in the end haha. I think that just comes with the territory whenever you give a character the power to manipulate time. "Oh why didn't they do this this or that".


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:
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Honestly the bigger question is how did they escape the church in the first place.

But eh, it's w/e in the end haha. I think that just comes with the territory whenever you give a character the power to manipulate time. "Oh why didn't they do this this or that".



Which goes back to "why they made the story be that way". Because the whole thing could've worked if it had been executed different. Even the bit with the Time Crystal could've remained if they and the Emblems weren't actually used during Chapter 11. Maybe Zelkov could've stolen it between the heroes fleeing and Veyle even thinking on making pursuit. Actually... he stole back the crystal, yet Veyle still used it? If it turns out she had a second one it'd be one thing, but then that's its own can of worms.

But yeah, ultimately, what we got is what we got.


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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Protag be like "I can change him."

Actually, Shale is a woman

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I'm butting in just to say that I want Lana Skye to step on me

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile me: please don't be the bad guy please don't be the bad guy please don't be the bad guy

Gant is an old man with a beard, you were doomed from the start

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Which Veyle theory will turn out to be correct?

Kaga theory, Fire Emblem can never escape him.

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This thread is just moving too quickly for me.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Jesus Christ, I swear the romantic tension between Edgeworth and Wright is so strong I cannot believe it wasn't intentional.

How do you know it wasn't?


6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Oh...I have to use the DS microphone to progress?


Yeah, that is an odd quirk of how...I think all of these games end.


5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


It was a breath of fresh air for one thing, after having Fire Emblem as pretty much the only story driven game I was playing for a while, It was so nice to see a story that was structured so differently. I found myself getting super engaged in both the characters and the narrative which is all I truly ask from a story.

Sounds like you need to play more RPGs...I am sure multiple people on the thread (myself included) could make more suggestions than you could play in a decade.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This has been an FE since the very first game, but I still feel need to point out the absurdity of Bernie being too skittish to kill an animal but is totally fine with piercing multiple people's hearts out on a weekly basis in battle.

For some reason this makes me think of Tear Ring Saga's Raquel, a character that vowed to never kill people, and the gameplay backs her up on that, as she will always miss killing blows (on humans at least, as there are times where you face monsters which she will kill). Admittedly there is an event where she will break her vow, although I have never seen the event myself.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Gotta say, Byleth really nails the "Mild disappointment at seeing your dad being murdered" look.

Even she could see the death flags souring overhead, this was a rather expected (if disappointing) outcome.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



I still call bullshit on this, there's no way Byleth shouldn't have been able to save Jeralt there.

I do like that they at least show Byleth try to change that fate with the Divine Pulse, I just wish they had the guts to make it canon that this is part of some power of Thales (or Those Who Slither In The Dark) to counteract the Divine Pulse (and make it one that impacts maps with him/them on it for instance...)


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Nothing says "I totally care about this character death" more than cracking jokes at his expense right there after.

Bah, that whole don't disrespect the death thing is pure poppycock.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Alright so here's the deal, right? I feel like Jeralt's death among other things doesn't land as well because of the lack of plot relevance he actually has to story. I like him as a character so his death stings a little bit but ultimately the story isn't losing anything by killing him off.

And sure, a character death should outweigh their potential in the story, but when said character has no potential at all, it can make the death feel worthless.

Jeralt clearly is suspicious of Rhea so I was surprised to see him never even look into it during the entire School part of the story.

I honestly think that if there was a side plot about him trying to find out what Rhea is up to and getting clues on the way and being killed right before he was about to tell you the great truth, then it would've been more impactful.

It seems my thoughts are all over the place today, as this makes me think of one of the most famous videogame deaths out there, and why it works, while this one doesn't for those very reasons. I am talking about the death which cemented Final Fantasy 7 as a classic, the death of Aerith.

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2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I do like that they at least show Byleth try to change that fate with the Divine Pulse, I just wish they had the guts to make it canon that this is part of some power of Thales (or Those Who Slither In The Dark) to counteract the Divine Pulse (and make it one that impacts maps with him/them on it for instance...)

Fun fact, that originally was going to be a thing, but it got scrapped.


It was going to be a power of Edelgard's, if I recall, in able to counteract the Divine Pulse.


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5 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Admittedly there is an event where she will break her vow, although I have never seen the event myself.

It's a bit tricky and I think it involves sacrificing a character anyways.

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

seems my thoughts are all over the place today, as this makes me think of one of the most famous videogame deaths out there, and why it works, while this one doesn't for those very reasons. I am talking about the death which cemented Final Fantasy 7 as a classic, the death of Aerith.

I can't wait for Part 2 of the Remake where Aerith survives actually (but then Tifa dies instead /s).

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11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Fun fact, that originally was going to be a thing, but it got scrapped.

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It was going to be a power of Edelgard's, if I recall, in able to counteract the Divine Pulse.


...sigh, that makes too much sense, and TH is clearly worse for having dropped that plot point.


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I can't wait for Part 2 of the Remake where Aerith survives actually (but then Tifa dies instead /s).

I must admit, the strangely meta nature of Remake is intriguing, but... it reminds me of the backlash Go Set a Watchman had thanks to the legacy of To Kill a Mockingbird.

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DIE BITCH (all these spoiler tags are spoilers for chapter 10)






Uh, anyway, pardon me. As you can see, I am winner and certified master tactician (the 38 turns is because I stopped to grind staff exp for Jean before continuing twice, which is obviously the best use of turns).

The choice of MVP is a little surprising, but everyone pulled their weight here to some extent, even Chloe and Jade (who barely did anything, but absolutely contributed because maddening).

On to this game’s riveting plot


Preposterous! You mean to tell me that the mysterious magic female child who we saw in the woods not too far from here and literally gave us directions to this place happened to be the only other mysterious magic female child thus far, who’s also a bad guy? This game’s astonishing plot twists continue to shake me to my core.

But actually though, the fact that her eyes are red for the duration of this makes me feel like she’s getting Kaga’d.


Actually, you’ve only stumbled across her three times, and every single time she has immediately left the second you gave her a chance and without any sort of attempts to make any meaningful conversation so… I think she was sending you a sign.

Although now that I think about, if she was super evil the whole time, it doesn’t make any sense for her to save Alear when she absolutely didn’t have to (I mean ig it could but she seems to not care about them anymore and want to kill them). Further proof she’s getting Kaga’d.

Maddening players at this scene be like

And just glancing at chapter 11, I can see what Shrimpy, Armagon, and Acacia mean. I have a very important question for those of you who have finished it (ch. 11 spoilers)


Do you have to kill the enemies with your emblem rings to get them back? Alear’s dialogue implies as much, but I doubt the game would do that.

If they do, first of all, FUUUUUCK, and second of all, Micaiah’s on her own because I’m not stepping near that area with a ten foot pole. Sigurd might be too if he doesn’t move out of there.

But I have options, I’ve been sitting on promoting because I usually promote at max level when I can, but units take so long to level up in this game that it might simply be a waste of time. I’m not sure, however, but I do have units I can promote rn, if this chapter is too hard.

And if it gets that bad, lowering the difficulty is always an option…

…in the Somniel… But this chapter doesn’t let you go back there, and idk if you can do that from the prep screen.

Eh, the game’s right, lowering the difficulty is for the weak. Bring it on.

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is it really bad (in scale of 1 to 5, 5 worst)  if i hold off on promotion to get closer to lvl 20 ? somehow its really hard for me to change this mindset.


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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

And just glancing at chapter 11, I can see what Shrimpy, Armagon, and Acacia mean. I have a very important question for those of you who have finished it (ch. 11 spoilers)

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Do you have to kill the enemies with your emblem rings to get them back? Alear’s dialogue implies as much, but I doubt the game would do that.

If they do, first of all, FUUUUUCK, and second of all, Micaiah’s on her own because I’m not stepping near that area with a ten foot pole. Sigurd might be too if he doesn’t move out of there.



You really want to know right now? Well, if you must, open the next spoiler tag...


No, you can't get them back. Because Veyle uses the Time Crystal to prevent you from retrieving them. The Time Crystal that you recover a few turns in because a character stole it back from Veyle... so how is she using the Time Crystal then if she no longer has it?

So yeah.




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18 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...sigh, that makes too much sense, and TH is clearly worse for having dropped that plot point.

Oh, certainly. Specially since all signs likely pointed to


Edelgard having the power as part of the experiments the Slitherers did to her.

So yes, failing to prevent Jeralt's death would've made sense if Byleth tried but Thales simply used the power to counter that. It's likely that's precisely the reason he warps in and Byleth gives up after the one try, but with the idea scrapped, the scene itself plays out as we see it... and leaves us questioning things.


Did a Gold Skirmish at last. Seems the Gold gain isn't that large. I only gained like, 2K. Then again, it was in an Elusian map which is at Lv2 Development. Maybe I'll gain more if it was higher.

Ah, well, that's it for me for the weekend. I might end up lagging behind since I might not be able to play until next Friday. Well, maybe I can squeeze some play time after work. Maybe.

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Oh yeah, forgot to post my strategy.

The fundamental problem here was that the boss was already crazy strong, but his gimmick


his clones on the other side of the map who follow up attack with him wherever he is

made it so he just nuked everything out of existence, and the only way to fix that was to send units to the other side of the map. So I warped Celica!Celine over there and had Sigurd!Alfred stroll over there and wipe out two on that first turn. The problem is that there were two more that I absolutely could not deal with that same turn, so I had to survive a turn of the boss while clearing the other enemies (who could have easily picked off whoever the boss attacked). This meant body blocking with units who can take a hit fairly well… except the boss has a killer weapon and procced a 9% crit, which I had to use my last pulse for! I adjusted my strategy to have higher luck units in his range instead, but I had to fight him with no pulses. You don’t realize how scary 70 and 80% hit chances are until you have 0 divine pulses (apparently Louis and Jade don’t have the best accuracy), but thank god, no one missed anything. After I got rid of his gimmick, I barely got down his first health bar (he’s tanky too btw), and Emblem Skilled his ass with Marth and Leif, plus an iron sword swing from Diamant because they just barely couldn’t kill him.

Great boss, great map. The only problem is that it’s like Conquest where the constant low% crits make everything really annoying because mistakes here are 10 times as painful (this goes for the whole difficultly). That’s a general Fire Emblem issue but y’all know how it is.



Hyacinth’s AI seems to prioritize making clones over attacking, so if you kill them all every turn he won’t attack you and you can just stall him like that, though that would take forever. I didn’t want to risk being wrong on that guess and him wiping one of my units off the face of the earth, though, so I just planned for every enemy phase like he could and would attack. But there might be some cheese here.


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Double posting because I forgot to quote!

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You really want to know right now? Well, if you must, open the next spoiler tag...

aren’t you the one who looks at spoilers for games before playing them?

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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No, you can't get them back. Because Veyle uses the Time Crystal to prevent you from retrieving them. The Time Crystal that you recover a few turns in because a character stole it back from Veyle... so how is she using the Time Crystal then if she no longer has it?

So yeah.


YES, thank god. Thanks Acacia.


But I’m confused, are you questioning how she’s using the time crystal because it’s a plot hole or because I can get the emblems back after the fact?

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, well, that's it for me for the weekend. I might end up lagging behind since I might not be able to play until next Friday. Well, maybe I can squeeze some play time after work. Maybe.

With how long these maps are taking me, I might end up doing one per day on the week days. Or half a map, tbh.

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

aren’t you the one who looks at spoilers for games before playing them?

I do. But I also keep in mind that others may not want to, hence that little warning.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

YES, thank god. Thanks Acacia.

No problem!

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:
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But I’m confused, are you questioning how she’s using the time crystal because it’s a plot hole or because I can get the emblems back after the fact?



More of being a plot hole, since by that point the Time Crystal was already stolen from her. So she's making use of something she doesn't actually have just so you can't recover the Rings at that point in time.


9 minutes ago, Sooks said:


With how long these maps are taking me, I might end up doing one per day on the week days. Or half a map, tbh.

I feel it might end up the same for me as well.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

How do you know it wasn't?

So I dream, but alas that is unlikely, especially for the time the game was created.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sounds like you need to play more RPGs...I am sure multiple people on the thread (myself included) could make more suggestions than you could play in a decade.

I really do, it's part of the reason why I've been trying out more different games lately, I want to check out what's there.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I do like that they at least show Byleth try to change that fate with the Divine Pulse, I just wish they had the guts to make it canon that this is part of some power of Thales (or Those Who Slither In The Dark) to counteract the Divine Pulse (and make it one that impacts maps with him/them on it for instance...)

Indeed, because it instead comes out looking like the guy simply blocked the attack and Byleth still had the chance to change fate if they approached it differently.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It seems my thoughts are all over the place today, as this makes me think of one of the most famous videogame deaths out there, and why it works, while this one doesn't for those very reasons. I am talking about the death which cemented Final Fantasy 7 as a classic, the death of Aerith.

I've yet to play FF7, I wonder if I'd like that.


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2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've yet to play FF7, I wonder if I'd like that.

It wouldn't surprise me, as the original game basically cold opens on an acts of ecoterror to blow up a power plant from a greedy power corporations that is destroying the planet by burning through the "Mako" fuel they dug up. It does veer a bit hard into more traditional save the world fantasy stuff, and continues on for WAY too long, but the game is rather anti-corporate throughout. Plus the plot mandatory Cloud cross-dressing quest is down right iconic.

Much as I am hyping it up here, I do think the game is a bit over-hyped in general, as for a very long time it was one of the games people would consider the greatest game of all time, with the Aerith death as one of those that people state as the first time they cried in videogames, and other really over the top praise. Also fair warning that this was PS1 era in its infancy 3D graphics, which have aged incredibly poorly. Also FF7 Remake is not actually a Remake, and is its own thing, playing off the idea of the characters trying to find a better ending for their story.

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It's fun to stay at the


It's fun to stay at the



I do think that FF7 is an excellent game, not "the greatest of all time" or anything, but still really good.

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how is the meal prep work anyway. just got scammed by Alfred

> says the menu labeled as expert of the chef
> both guest likes the menu
> put all extra ingredient

> gets an F... wtf

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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I still call bullshit on this, there's no way Byleth shouldn't have been able to save Jeralt there

It's actually really sad that Bad Story Engage handles the time travel issue better than this game even though it doesn't even focus on it.

Seriously, won't go into detail obviously, but there's a moment in Azure Moon that is super infuriating.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Alright so here's the deal, right? I feel like Jeralt's death among other things doesn't land as well because of the lack of plot relevance he actually has to story. I like him as a character so his death stings a little bit but ultimately the story isn't losing anything by killing him off.

And sure, a character death should outweigh their potential in the story, but when said character has no potential at all, it can make the death feel worthless.

Jeralt clearly is suspicious of Rhea so I was surprised to see him never even look into it during the entire School part of the story.

I honestly think that if there was a side plot about him trying to find out what Rhea is up to and getting clues on the way and being killed right before he was about to tell you the great truth, then it would've been more impactful.

Like I've been saying forever, if he was playable and had actual supports, it would be less obvious, you'd grow fonder of him naturally and his death would hit a lot harder. Instead, he's a plot device that leads... Pretty much nowhere lol, like you said, you remove Jeralt from the game and surprisingly little changes.

I will throw Houses a bone here (yeah, me!) and say that this being the first time Byleth shows any emotion is a pretty good idea. Just  a shame the death was so godawful.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I don't even remember what this guy does, he dies literally the next chapter doesn't he?

No, not that one, the other ome. That one is the one that does slightly more.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That's another thing, Jeralt's prowess as a mercenary is something we're told, not shown, so it doesn't really feel like the main cast is losing a particularly powerful ally who up until this point protected the flood gates of danger

As to what I was saying earlier: Case in point.

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Which Veyle theory will turn out to be correct?

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As for my answer.


The one where I kill her because dragon lolis are stupid and she really should be an outright villain, even though she very obviously won't be.


7 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’ve failed at Fire Emblem

Sombron won

Timerra never joined

Alear’s hair is just blue

Vandad is disappointed.

Sommie is crying, how could you?

5 hours ago, joevar said:

is it a consensus now Somniel is way better base than garreg mach or any castle before this? courtesy of Sommie ofc. i also dont know what we need is a tiny cute mascot that follows us around at half speed of our run

I legit enjoy it more unironically. Who needs story when you have Sommie? Little guy makes me smile everytime.

4 hours ago, Green06 said:


Good, 06. Very good.

4 hours ago, Green06 said:

Actually, Shale is a woman

Protag be like "I can change her."

4 hours ago, Green06 said:

I'm butting in just to say that I want Lana Skye to step on me

Oh of course, but when YOU do it nobody pops up to post the gif of the loli. I see how it is.

4 hours ago, Green06 said:

Gant is an old man with a beard, you were doomed from the start

Yes, true.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

how is the meal prep work anyway. just got scammed by Alfred

> says the menu labeled as expert of the chef
> both guest likes the menu
> put all extra ingredient

> gets an F... wtf

Alfred sucks, that's the lesson here.

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