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I wish I had comments, though. I tend to get bad luck on that front. Good to see people showing they like what I write... but I wish they would actually say something about it in addition. Comments are just so rare...

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6 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Critique when it comes to writing?

I'd be open to it too. But in general, I rarely receive comments. Like, with the Ivy one-shot, all those Kudos on AO3 but not a single comment.

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The bad part about playing a demo of a game with a GOATed OST is having to wait forever for the music after you’ve already had a taste. Like those battle themes are on YouTube, but then there’s this super nice track that plays at the end of Castti’s story that I can’t find and I’m 99% sure no one has taken the time to upload. A shame.

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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



8 hours ago, Sooks said:

They say money can’t buy happiness, but, well, they didn’t know about Osvald Octopath.

Must not have seen him. Curious too, man's an absolute unit. Hard to miss.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Also I’m just now noticing that the guy he mugged is on the ground in his nighttime artwork. And getting a proper look at his outfit. He is quite the interesting combo of traits, isn’t he.

Yep. That's why I like him. You don't see this kind of combination every day.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

He kinda feels like what Walter White would be in a fantasy setting. Now I can have Breaking Bad and Omori on my team!

Osvald will send Partitio to Belize before he can send him to jail again

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's..... actually a really good explanation

Yes, except for the part where I said "staff." Staves aren't a thing in Berwick. For shame, me, you know that!

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

The funniest part of this joke isn’t even the punchline, it’s me struggling not to make a way too dark joke in response to this hypothetical.

C'mooon dew it. Murica jokes are always fun. Don't make me drop a Palpatine on ya.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

The duality of memes.

I do love how everyone and their mom agree the game is peak. Honestly, they just need to hire a better writer and they'll be set for next FE to be everyone's favorite. Also not give Treehouse the localization

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

The bad part about playing a demo of a game with a GOATed OST is having to wait forever for the music after you’ve already had a taste. Like those battle themes are on YouTube, but then there’s this super nice track that plays at the end of Castti’s story that I can’t find and I’m 99% sure no one has taken the time to upload. A shame.

Yeah, people are too busy uploading the boss theme for the 4th time. It's cool people, but there's more!

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10 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So, what are you fine gentlemen going to be up to this coming Singles Awareness Day?

Thats a thing? I dont need the world celebrating my singleness to remind me that im single. I can remember it 24/7 just fine, thank you

And i will be chomping at food while playing games that day maybe

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Berwick Saga Chapter 3: the troublesome priests

edit: some typo & grammar

at this point, the scale of balance between Story and Gameplay leans very heavily towards the story. The story just has right amount of pacing, with critical stuff mentioned here and there but not dumped onto player at once and with some interesting intermission. The dialogue also feel engaging, partly because of the superb translation im sure. the gameplay has been.. okay. Abusing save-state still feel needed when playing, so thats still a minus point.

lets get into it


Seven siblings huh. thats.. not that much to me but im sure it is a big number to many other people.

My Father has 10 siblings while my Mother has 9... just imagine how many names and faces i must remember between my uncles, aunts, nephew, cousins, etc.. and i do forget some of them that lives far away... oh man


running off your own is not enough, but now you block me from killing the boss too?!! smh.. these priests.

oh wait ,its actually grunt that takes up that spot while the boss already dead kek. is there additional reward for saving all 3? Aside from the juicy sidequest ofc.

funnily enough we can just leave them be for many, many, many turn since the one taking damage will keep being healed by the other priest at this point. despite quarelling with each others, they do in fact have some teamwork when facing common enemy lmao

oh boi i made a blunder by letting Garros run. will we see him again? that near guaranteed crit kinda scary tho

if i follow the suggestion you all keep saying "to not play this like i play any FE", then by turn 16 or 17 this map is already finished. BUT NO i grind the hell out of the reinforcement until turn 25! and turns out Esteban also comes with the last reinfrcement with everyone situated nicely on the middle ready to get into business HAH. im glad i still play however i want.



im just glad they are at least not corrupt priest tropes. (or is it..?)

so far; story 9/comedy ,  while gameplay 7/pain


Edited by joevar
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13 minutes ago, joevar said:

Berwick Saga Chapter 3: the troublesome priests

edit: some typo & grammar

at this point, the scale of balance between Story and Gameplay leans very heavily towards the story. The story just has right amount of pacing, with critical stuff mentioned here and there but not dumped onto player at once and with some interesting intermission. The dialogue also feel engaging, partly because of the superb translation im sure. the gameplay has been.. okay. Abusing save-state still feel needed when playing, so thats still a minus point.

Well, you do get saves every five turns, at least. I'm glad you're enjoying the story, at least. I may not play FE for the stories, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good one when I see it. Berwick delivers.

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

lets get into it


Seven siblings huh. thats.. not that much to me but im sure it is a big number to many other people.

My Father has 10 siblings while my Mother has 9... just imagine how many names and faces i must remember between my uncles, aunts, nephew, cousins, etc.. and i do forget some of them that lives far away... oh man


Dang. Meanwhile I'm an only child with a single aunt and a single uncle lol

You got any siblings of your own, if you don't mind me asking?

13 minutes ago, joevar said:


running off your own is not enough, but now you block me from killing the boss too?!! smh.. these priests.

I love those three dumbasses. This is one of my favorite maps in the game in general. Such a delightfully busy map full of little challenges.

And hey, they may be annoying, but at least the three stooges have the decency to be predictable. They will simply run full speed ahead, following their roads, not caring a fig for any dangers in their way. But that does mean they won't run off in some random direction and ruin any plans you might have. You can even block the road with your units to slow them down and buy some time.

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

oh wait ,its actually grunt that takes up that spot while the boss already dead kek. is there additional reward for saving all 3? Aside from the juicy sidequest ofc.

It impacts the tactics rank, one of the ranks at the end of the game. You get tactics points for doing certain things in each main map. If your tactics rank is high enough there is a gameplay impact, too, but it's not imperative to keep track of this.

The one you really REALLY wanna keep alive is Grimm. Orbell does nothing but give you trouble and Sakhalin only needs to reach the manor halfway through, but Grimm I'm pretty sure has to survive the map, otherwise you lose a playable character. One of my favorites too, incurring the wrath of Ruben.

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

funnily enough we can just leave them be for many, many, many turn since the one taking damage will keep being healed by the other priest at this point. despite quarelling with each others, they do in fact have some teamwork when facing common enemy lmao

Hahaha, yeah that's always fun when it happens. Their AI is set to move as far as possible while following the road every turn, and use their healing orbs if at all possible - which is great, since even if you deploy Izerna she can only follow one path, so you'll inevitably end up relying on them and vulneraries for healing.

Of course, that means they will potentially end up healing each other. I suppose Sakhalin thinks Grimm can't pay him back for what happened 37 years ago if he's dead!

13 minutes ago, joevar said:



oh boi i made a blunder by letting Garros run. will we see him again? that near guaranteed crit kinda scary tho

Don't feel bad. Garos is one of the hardest bounties to get, between his Hide skill, how quickly he leaves and how terrifying he is at this point of the game. Most people miss him the first time around.

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

if i follow the suggestion you all keep saying "to not play this like i play any FE", then by turn 16 or 17 this map is already finished. BUT NO i grind the hell out of the reinforcement until turn 25! and turns out Esteban also comes with the last reinfrcement with everyone situated nicely on the middle ready to get into business HAH. im glad i still play however i want.

Well, to be fair, if this were a normal FE the LTC pro thing to do would be to just leave. Berwick Saga is probably the only time you'll find the game actively encouraging you to be a casual and take things slower. Plus, experience is more scarce here than in FE, so there is merit to waiting out reinforcements. Therefore, technically I was right!

13 minutes ago, joevar said:



im just glad they are at least not corrupt priest tropes. (or is it..?)

Nah, those three are okay. Sakhalin even proves to be outright heroic. If Faye dies/gets captured, or the manor boss is killed instead of speaking to Faye, a different event happens when Sakhalin reached the manor, where he confronts three thugs to save a young maiden. Good man, fighting against the Kaga.

13 minutes ago, joevar said:

so far; story 9/comedy ,  while gameplay 7/pain


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59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't feel bad. Garos is one of the hardest bounties to get, between his Hide skill, how quickly he leaves and how terrifying he is at this point of the game. Most people miss him the first time around.

Easy, just let Dean take a crit from him and Vengeance him! Its what i do every time at least.

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54 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Easy, just let Dean take a crit from him and Vengeance him! Its what i do every time at least.

I didn't use Dean in my first run. Aversion to top tier losers and all haha

38 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I almost lost Ruby's Dad to that fucker xD

Clifford's usually my go-to Garos option, but even he's pretty unreliable. Garos is a force of nature.

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