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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How would they when they can't be bottled? This is true of OoS&A too.

Looks like HD changed some things because you can bottle them here.

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Alright, finally, have the chance to answer that comment.

Also, gonna start outlining the fanfic version of the one-shot. I'm kinda torn between just continuing the one-shot itself, or rewrite the whole sequence. Which is mostly less flashbacks and more spaced out perhaps, and make the present day scenes longer or so. Hmm...

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Crazy Tracy potions were the only potable source of healing/revival in the GB(C) versions.

Those are still here too. At first i thought it was redundant but then Turtle Rock (the boss to enter it) was harder than like all the other bosses combined and i learned the hard way. I reloaded the save.

Speaking of Turtle Rock, the funny block generator thing you have to control controls more awkwardly in this version i feel.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Those are still here too. At first i thought it was redundant but then Turtle Rock (the boss to enter it) was harder than like all the other bosses combined and i learned the hard way. I reloaded the save.

*Memories of Trinexx*

The premise of placing a boss right outside a dungeon is pretty odd for a Zelda game. That they haven't really done it again is... weird?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of Turtle Rock, the funny block generator thing you have to control controls more awkwardly in this version i feel.

Those things were probably why I remember struggling getting through Turtle Rock. Did the game give any clues you had to fill in all the hole spaces using them?

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did the game give any clues you had to fill in all the hole spaces using them?

Well in HD, the Compass beeps whenever there's a hidden chest or key in a room. It beeped in one of these rooms. I figured it out.

I don't remember that being the case in DX though.

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Although I will say, Hikari’s musical buildup to his boss fights is insanely good. I don’t really remember Castti’s, I just remember hearing it and going “nice, these are back, and this one’s pretty good, time to fight the boss”. Hikari’s made go “ah hell yeah, I’m really about to beat up this one dude in fantasy desert Japan”. Like yeah it’s Octopath and they’re all (probably) good, but Hikari’s is that good.

Of course it won’t be uploaded for a while now because life is unending sufferings.

Edit a minute later: NVM I LIED


Edited by Sooks
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I had to order a replacement charger for my laptop. I really hope it's the charger that's the issue (it's not the battery, I already checked).

23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, the other side does have it cracked.

I think you did it in reverse from what's intended. You're meant to bomb the wall from the other side, not this one.

I looked up a walkthrough to figure it out. This was the solution.

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Berwick Saga Chapter 4: the painful but bountiful

The story just like before is very good but nothing big to shake things up, but it seems the plot is cooking some foreshadows in the background.. 

The gameplay tho.. PAINI just plain hate this whole chapter with its sidequest. the only thing that redeem it is.. one of the sidequest that gives me opportuniy to Rocket Boost the 2 cleric thats available to the point a cleric lvl up 4 times in the span of one full chapter, in the expense of turn count and 3 healing orb. And the new recruits that seems just better to replace the similar role some previous character has

lets get to it, then. (in spoiler to not flood the page with images + not an exciting chapter)

Main chapter



SUS... very sus. well, Its not hard to guess her identity since i paid attention to dialogues most of the times. not to mention when she dies... someone appear.

speaking of Sus, priest Owen also had Mid level Dark orb as default equipment despite not having the ability to use it at all.. again another Orb user that is SUS


The Story map should be interesting except its not. everything is on avo tile that impede movement. misses here, misses there, while cant move more than 2 tile horses or not. worse, cleric only can move 1 tile outside road. easily no less worse than any FE desert map. while having objective that need protection, with enemies that need killing, and a frickin tim elimit on top of that where anyone will be captured if not withdraw. Not fun at all.

not even Ward manage to do much here. at least Clifford manage block some chokepoint. and Daoud.. he's good. friendship ended with Dean, now Daoud my best (axe user) friend here. he manage kill many enemies using desperation despite low hit, in a games where you misses 8 out of 10. weird


finally a JP protagonist that just basically say "NO! dont go joining my army or worse, defecting from your former allies for unclear / weak reasons. we're at war here. " and need convincing at least twice.


not bad? hey at least she's the first flier, thats somethign already. even more so in this god-forsaken map


last turn, almost forgot priest can only move one tile outside road here. this is like defusing bomb at the last second


Side mission



and okay side mission. not too shabby. axel with swimmer ability really help crossing here. and of course im going to attack those high level Imperial bast***!

Aegina really shines here, one Rounding high lvl enemy in a game where almost everyone attack while blindfolded. whew, her attack cant be stopped since i fed her Mag+ food... as long as she stays behind strong allies to block the enemy attack, that is.


clear house. an okay chapter with good exp harvest at least, plus one captured magician. its not pictured, but CLifford and Ruby actually crippled here. Like Father like Daughter lmao. but i accidentally hit load state that RUby back in action again, kek. leveling up Izerna and Saphira till all their orb broke


the port side mission with sherlock should be a breeze right? NO!

another painful one. 90% axe users that somehow hit me more than axe user in FE6, while my army hit like those in FE6 axe user... wtf..


At least Faye lvl up was nice. and sherlock back to bench again

also feeding Saphira here to the point her Orb broke again. Saphira reaching Lvl 5 within one story Chapter, nice


TLDR; even worse than the chapter before this. its like the units fight while blindfolded. this could even make Axe user in FE6 blushing in embarassment seeing this. At least the new recruits are nice and good.

current chapter;  Story 8/foreshadows , Gameplay 6/slog

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4 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

The fact that so many people seemingly had the exact same royal army that led to a grumpy broken record repeating himself, I was only further motivated to be the only person that Ruben can leap to, probably breaking all my bones for being too big to carry.

Really though, I just loved the other units more

Why be humble? I'm not Alcryst.

Binding Blade reference.

Use him. He is absurd as a berserker. 100 crit man won't stop killing. His heart won't give out until it's conquered 500 more. Sweet old man. I shed a tear.

I'm sure someone will forgive you.


dunno about others, i just use all royals since it was first blind playthru. all essentials characters (no vander tho, i didnt realize he is essential too), no reclass, no min maxing, or anything really. and just enough support only with fixed main units.

and i just saved other unit for another playthru. not about inherent qualities whatsoever


you got it

i might. no promises


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10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now I’m more convinced than ever. Shave off all that hair and this is actually just a shot from scene 5 of Breaking Bad.

Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but I looked at the finished doodle and my first impression was "yeah that's the Walter White face."

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

And he can totally conjure fire because chemistry. That’s the reason for every plot convenient thing.

You got one thing wrong.

This... is not magic.


10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now I’m imagining him doing that hand to Ochette saying “you are my child now”.

We have to cook, Ochette.

You are my assistant now.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Anyway, good work. I’m very proud.


10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now you need to draw—

Way ahead of you.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Fun concoct shenanigans + mysterious tragic backstory + “I have no cure for evil”


10 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’ll do your character’s demo chapter if you do mine.

And I’d be doing two chapters, so you’re getting a great deal!


10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Ah yes, the funny speedrun strategy.

I mean, Castti gets you a skill that restores HP and SP by quite a bit between battles very quickly which… might have been in the base game?

Don't remember. I'm pretty sure SP recover automatically between battles, but I may be wrong.

10 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

The one who is disgusted by your crass religious views


...wait holy fucking shit 40 strength on Lindon what

Incredibly based team, Shakes. I would have expected no less.

10 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

He told a message. About Fire Emblem. About Jeigans. About character. About the Divine Dragon. About beards. He was in every lategame cutscene. He is canon. He is eternal. He is a return to the classics, but somehow, even more based, and balanced to be awesome. This is the best part of playing Engage. Thank you Vandad. You made Engage one of the most fun FE runs I've had since I started this franchise. This game gave me so much to love. The old! They're back in business baby!


Brought a tear to my eye, it did.

10 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

There's also Rosado if you're that down bad.

I've already seen a couple warrior Rosados in the discord servers where I lurk lol

10 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

They're wrong in all the right ways. I love the ominous vibe that comes from it.

Fear the man who can cast a fireball despite his fingers being broken.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

Also they put Load but not retry/restart sm.

Holding select and pressing start lets you restart. It's really weird, but it's there at least.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

No Royals?! exactly opposite of me, nice.

Meanwhile it's like three characters off of my team

9 hours ago, joevar said:

Some reclass are.. interesting to say the least. Berserker old man is something that i dont expect to see lmao.

I am just amazed at the strength on the man. Goodness...

6 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:


The thumb is also all wrong but let's not dwell.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Hikari is literally an FE protagonist. Straight up.

His story is also kinda generic and not super interesting. The change in setting and an actual established nation existing is cool though, so there’s that. There is one semi-twist near the end that is a little interesting, just because it partially shatters  the formula I assumed the rest of Hikari’s story was going for. His ending somewhat reaffirmed it however, so I guess the formulaic story will be modified. It’s interesting that Hikari’s story doesn’t really have a final dungeon, you walk through an area with random encounters for like, two minutes, that seems like it’s just a normal road/danger area, and then boom, boss. And speaking of that boss fight, it is just as hard as the one with the apothecary by herself (if not more so, since she at least has reliable healing access. For him it’s either healing grapes or die.), I was impressed. Hikari’s latent power seems pretty fun. His day time path action is one from the previous game with a bit of added flair, which is nice, and his night time… seems like a complete waste of money. But it depends how expensive it gets, I dip.

Yeah I was afraid Hikari would be really generic. Guess I'll look forward to that little twist you mentioned.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

More important of note, however, there is one very concerning plot point. As in, one of my least favorite plot points out of all the plot points, and potentially story ruining, depending on how they deal with it. Hopefully it’ll be okay. Either way, Castti better.

...Dear dear...

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

It’s interesting that they’re all optional, however. I wonder why they included that

Perhaps for those who played the first chapters on the demo / are replaying the game and want to get to the teambuilding goodness faster?

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Although I will say, Hikari’s musical buildup to his boss fights is insanely good. I don’t really remember Castti’s, I just remember hearing it and going “nice, these are back, and this one’s pretty good, time to fight the boss”. Hikari’s made go “ah hell yeah, I’m really about to beat up this one dude in fantasy desert Japan”. Like yeah it’s Octopath and they’re all (probably) good, but Hikari’s is that good.

Of course it won’t be uploaded for a while now because life is unending sufferings.

Edit a minute later: NVM I LIED


Least he's got that going for him.

3 hours ago, joevar said:

The gameplay tho.. PAINI just plain hate this whole chapter with its sidequest.


3 hours ago, joevar said:



That scene is so funny.

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3 hours ago, joevar said:

The Story map should be interesting except its not. everything is on avo tile that impede movement. misses here, misses there, while cant move more than 2 tile horses or not. worse, cleric only can move 1 tile outside road. easily no less worse than any FE desert map. while having objective that need protection, with enemies that need killing, and a frickin tim elimit on top of that where anyone will be captured if not withdraw. Not fun at all.

Frontier terrain does not impede Light Infantry at all. So units like Sherpa, Dean, Volo, Faramir, Sylvis or Aegina do great here. Axel is Infantry. Not Light Infantry. So he sucks here. Probably better to pick Czene to get the shiny tile.
The point of cavalry is primarily to run up the street quickly and intercept the imperial pursuers. Something Daoud can also participate in because while his movement type is terrible here, he starts close enough to the action where it's not much of obstacle.

Clerics are primarily needed on the road anyway. As Daoud implies and the Game Hints state, while standard healing orbs cannot fix cripples, the more HP a crippled unit has, the less likely it is that their movement is canceled prematurely.
The faster the convoy goes, the sooner the cavalry can make their way back South.
Owen may be a better choice in supporting the actual fighters because he has a long range heal staff among his personal possessions. He also has an ability that allows him to withdraw from the map at any time, so reaching the escape point is not much of a concern for him.
Still, healing potions are probably the most reliable source of healing for this one.


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7 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Frontier terrain does not impede Light Infantry at all. So units like Sherpa, Dean, Volo, Faramir, Sylvis or Aegina do great here. Axel is Infantry. Not Light Infantry. So he sucks here. Probably better to pick Czene to get the shiny tile.
The point of cavalry is primarily to run up the street quickly and intercept the imperial pursuers. Something Daoud can also participate in because while his movement type is terrible here, he starts close enough to the action where it's not much of obstacle.

Clerics are primarily needed on the road anyway. As Daoud implies and the Game Hints state, while standard healing orbs cannot fix cripples, the more HP a crippled unit has, the less likely it is that their movement is canceled prematurely.
The faster the convoy goes, the sooner the cavalry can make their way back South.
Owen may be a better choice in supporting the actual fighters because he has a long range heal staff among his personal possessions. He also has an ability that allows him to withdraw from the map at any time, so reaching the escape point is not much of a concern for him.
Still, healing potions are probably the most reliable source of healing for this one.


Thank goodness you're here. I'm too terrible to offer solid advice like this.

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4 hours ago, joevar said:


not bad? hey at least she's the first flier, thats somethign already. even more so in this god-forsaken map

Some things to note about fliers.
Since fliers are in the air, their movement cannot be blocked. But they also cannot block the movement of ground units either.
It's also impossible to initiate combat against them with a 0 range attack. But 0 range attacks can still counter a flier if they initiate a 0 range attack themselves.
Attacking from the Air with a 1 range attack also ignores the rule that defenders with 11+ speed can still counter attack with a 0 range weapon, for obvious reasons.
With her middling stats, Larentia does not take counter attacks well. But with Windsweep and Throw she has a good kit to get around that limitation.
So yeah, being a flier provides a lot of safety.

That being said, in complete violation of common sense, crippled fliers can be captured just fine by ground units. So careful there.

Fliers also do not benefit from the avoid bonus of the terrain there are on. But that does not mean they don't get an avoid bonus at all.
Being in the air is the same as being under the effect of an 3% avoid tile.
Of course if they initiate a 0 range attack against the defender, they take on the avoid boost of the tile the defender stands on. Same as any other 0 range attacker. Because attacking at 0 range means you are moving onto the tile the defender is standing on.

But apparently there is an interface glitch here, where if a flier initiates a 0 range attack against an opponent on a cliff tile (which set avoid to 0), the battle preview thinks the 3% air boost is still in effect. The math during the actual battle still works properly, though.

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