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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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34 minutes ago, ping said:

I believe he also tries to murder children.

Awesome. He is the Garon of Pokemon. I would likely love him.

34 minutes ago, ping said:

And, à propos de rien, his name is a musical pun: Ghetsis = G-Cis = G-C#, which is a tritone, the "devil's interval".

They went to such lengths just to subtly call him a devil.

He sounds like an absolute joy to watch.

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this is actually funny. when someone becomes too deep in their hobby, giving the wrong answer actually the correct answer for them


hmm yes, this story understand why i've been shitting on 3House endings so much. Never expect there wont be any conflict anymore just because you manage to conquer another big countries overwhelmingly. After winning war of conquest, comes the civil war, or rebellion.

so none of that Golden Age BullShit, sweep under the rug style ending. especially soon after bloody war

Edited by joevar
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Looks like Sentient AI is trying to race climate change to see which kills humanity first.

Shame the original story to locked to The NY Times, as the interview I was watching on TV about it- we're all doomed.😨


5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It wasn't bad but it definitely felt like "Baby's first complicated story on Tumblr" if that makes sense. The story brings up some interesting ideas but doesn't really explore them all that much

Personally I didn't enjoy B/W's story. It was more than the basically non-story all prior Pokemon games had, yet the shift just didn't sit well with me for some reason. Had I not spent my childhood enraptured in the first four gens, perhaps then it wouldn't have seen so alien.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's always funny when evil adults in these games are foiled by children because their pokemons got beat up. Dude it's a ten year old and you are an evil person, kick his face and his neck will go buh-bye.

Children's entertainment for you. Some suspensions of logic required. Custom Robo comes to mind for me. Why not just grab a gun and shoot resisters through the heart while they're standing still b/c their minds are distracted in a duel of mind-controlled toys? Nope, clearly evil people don't do that.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Children's entertainment for you. Some suspensions of logic required. Custom Robo comes to mind for me. Why not just grab a gun and shoot resisters through the heart while they're standing still b/c their minds are distracted in a duel of mind-controlled toys? Nope, clearly evil people don't do that.

Haha, yeah. It isn't a bad thing at all, but it's always a fun mental exercuse to apply cold realistic logic to wildly outlandish situations.

Still, obviously resorting to deadly force would be too much, but thinking about it, maybe it'd be a cool little subversive moment if in a future Pokemon game, when the evil team leader is beaten, he just goes "grab 'em" and they toss the protagonist in a cell. And then, since battling failed, the protagonist uses their pokemon to escape and sabotage the evil man's plans indirectly, damaging equipment and such. Something like that.

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7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

And that, my friends, concludes Pokemon Black

Will you attempt the post game? There's still a whole other side to Unova (even if it's kinda barren in this game) that you couldn't access yet. Plus you technically didn't become Champion yet.

7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

The legendary has a higher catch rate here, so you kinda wasted your Master Ball.

I made the same mistake when I played White all those years ago. 

Tbf box Legendaries having the higher catch rate didn't become a thing until DPP.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That just isn't how things are decided in the world of Pokemon.

Yeah but Ash threw hands with Lucario so...

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17 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Xenobros be careful, DLC4 got leaked

I know, there was a trailer with Rex and Shulk and everything.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Given past precedent, I could make an educated guess.

Risky click

That might have been a mistranslation and they were actually talking about her legs instead, or so I heard.

14 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

*Fist bump*

Nice. Odd how we relate on this point, since I first played Club Penguin when you were three years old.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Though it'll be a while, i've begun brainstorming some ideas for my second Engage run.

I admire people who plan out the units they want to use beforehand. I plan out my FE teams like I plan out my Pokémon teams... which is to say I don't, and I use whoever seems interesting at the time.

As for your list, I'm guessing Redacted


is Veyle, and having a second Dragon unit is too useful to pass up?


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36 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I admire people who plan out the units they want to use beforehand

I've never really done so before. Always a first for everything.

37 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm guessing Redacted



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uh what? he appear again as another "mob with proper face portrait" in the very next story chapter. dont tell me this is just Kaga messing with player as his stand-in, and he will appear in the coming story chapter yet again?!

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's always funny when evil adults in these games are foiled by children because their pokemons got beat up. Dude it's a ten year old and you are an evil person, kick his face and his neck will go buh-bye.

You mean the ten year old who would still have at least one battle-capable Pokémon to defend them?

I mean, sure, the humans of the Pokémon world are no slouches, and more resilient than we are. As the Rocket Grunt that eats a Hyper Beam to the face courtesy of Lance's Dragonite demonstrates. But that doesn't mean they can just lunge at the kid with the near six-foot tall winged lizard that can still flamethrower you to the face.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, joevar said:


uh what? he appear again as another "mob with proper face portrait" in the very next story chapter. dont tell me this is just Kaga messing with player as his stand-in, and he will appear in the coming story chapter yet again?!

Ah that

You need to capture him with a certain someone iirc. Was it Marcel? I am not sure

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7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ah that

You need to capture him with a certain someone iirc. Was it Marcel? I am not sure

Then i miss two opportunity already smh...

Not to mention theres no reliable way to cripple-capture enemy. I do have weapon like apeiron which add cripple and give it to sylvis to paor with maim. But that thing NEVER cripple anyone, abd sylvis maim always trigger when the enemy has full health and against sturdy enemy they take less than half current health which means no cripple..

Feels like a bad joke already

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ah that

You need to capture him with a certain someone iirc. Was it Marcel? I am not sure

Nah. Doesn't matter who captures him.

57 minutes ago, joevar said:

Then i miss two opportunity already smh...

Not to mention theres no reliable way to cripple-capture enemy. I do have weapon like apeiron which add cripple and give it to sylvis to paor with maim. But that thing NEVER cripple anyone, abd sylvis maim always trigger when the enemy has full health and against sturdy enemy they take less than half current health which means no cripple..

Feels like a bad joke already

For the player, crippling an uninjured enemy is just not likely. Even if reducing them from full to 1 HP in a single blow. As I said, player units are just more likely to get crippled then enemy units.
That being said, it should be easy enough to capture baby Zelgius here. Because just like some of your previous captures, he has the hidden Weakness skill, making him more susceptible to cripples.

Because of all the different arrows, it's easy for the Apeiron to deal just the right amount of damage you need. The problem is that our baby here has a shield. So you don't know exactly how much damage you need in advance to maximize your capture chance. Probably why they give you several tries for this.
Percival can help in situations like this. Because he has Mercy and access to Lightning. So he can overkill enemies just fine and still leave them alive. And of course shields are of little concern for him. Problem is, he needs 3 levels from his base in order to properly use Lightning.
Bodkin Arrows might also help. Their attack power is a joke, but they do ignore shields. So at least they can provide reliable damage in these kind of situations.

Forget about Maim. It's worthless. I have to imagine Sylvis only has it because she likes to capture people in cutscenes, and they felt this needed to be represented by her skillset.
Maybe at one point it was a Command skill and a little too useful? Who knows.

Edited by BrightBow
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I imagine I'll play the Pokemon Kanto gen III remakes soon after, and see how going through this series will work from chronological path.

Eh, well mostly chronological since I'll be playing the remakes of the games that have them instead of the original, save for maybe Diamond and Pearl where the remakes I hear aren't the greatest in the world.

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It feels rather in line with an obnoxious trend in a lot of main stream media now a days, where any villain with a point has to murder some puppies on screen, or threaten to nuke the world so we know they are the baddies for wanting the status quo to change.

Yep, though I do appreciate N in that they actually do attempt to explain why he believes the things he does as opposed to most other villains of this trope where they just give them the ideas but no real backstory to back it up.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, when your franchise relies on having the Pokémon fighting each other, it's a hard sell to have someone preaching to... stop doing it.

Hence it ends up more as "don't treat Pokémon badly" and "the Pokémon have a say on this too, and they do like to fight".

This is why we needed a Pokémon Contests spin-off

Something that would've given it a nice little nuance is show Pokemon who genuinely don't want to fight, show that just as humans may want to do other things beside battling like with Bianca, some pokemon also don't want to fight and want to do other things.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

HAHAHAHAHA that man looks funny!

I nearly spat my drink. I'm just picturing a random kid in the background of the battle pointing and laughing at Ghetsis

9 hours ago, ping said:


Ah yes, my favorite gay couple.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Will you attempt the post game? There's still a whole other side to Unova (even if it's kinda barren in this game) that you couldn't access yet. Plus you technically didn't become Champion yet.

One of these days I'd like to return and explore post-game, maybe even try and catch all the Pokemon, at least all of them in my version of the game since I can't really trade with anyone, but currently I'm ready to move onto the next game.

12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

The legendary has a higher catch rate here, so you kinda wasted your Master Ball. Should've used a Quick Ball or a Dusk Ball if you're playing at night.

What the hell else was I gonna use that Masterball on? The shiny I was never going to encounter?

No but seriously, I just like the thematic action of having the legendary be in the master ball, and it's not like I plan on playing more of this game for a little while.

12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I mean, it's pokemon, most stories are just "kid strolls around beating everyone in their path until they catch [insert legendary here] and wins the league. BW is a step up.

It's a step up for sure but I still want to give my thoughts on where they apply.

12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Do you take me for a furry?

Hey, when you're on the internet you can never know for sure.

12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

If you have a DS(i) or a 3DS, you can just mod it and install Twilight Menu

If you don't, DSi XL are pretty cheap nowadays

Modding my console is a very nice middle ground to the issue. I am terrified to mod my oldest console but I hear it's easy so...

Though now I'm curious, can you mod physical copies of games on 3DS or does it have to be digital?

9 hours ago, ping said:

And, à propos de rien, his name is a musical pun: Ghetsis = G-Cis = G-C#, which is a tritone, the "devil's interval".

As much as I like music, I don't know much about Western European music theory so I can't confirm there are tritones in this song but it certainly sounds like there could be.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Nice. Odd how we relate on this point, since I first played Club Penguin when you were three years old.

Heh, funny how that works huh?

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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Something that would've given it a nice little nuance is show Pokemon who genuinely don't want to fight, show that just as humans may want to do other things beside battling like with Bianca, some pokemon also don't want to fight and want to do other things.

Pokémon Adventures actually dabbled on this, in fact.

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Plot finally started getting serious in Atelier Iris 3. Good, I'm like 22 hours in, although I'm at just 4/8 of the orbs (after which a final dungeon shall surely unlock), feels like this will be a bit longer than the other two AIs.

I am starting to think that the five Alterworlds don't exactly have enough visual variety. Posporia has the whole "silly war between the fairies and the bears" sounds gay going on in the background, yet it resembles Valtessa too much; the Ishtar Gardens and Dakascus could use more internal variation of their aesthetic. Grimoire Castle is so far the best of the five.

One nice thing about AI3 is that the Blades don’t take an inordinate amount of time to master. The last skill alone requires any significant amount of time to unlock, so I'm finding myself impatiently waiting to acquire the next one so BP is actually worth something b/c I've mastered all the Blades I presently have. The Blades have just five skills each, and can only be swapped in the workshop, which is a little limited. Nonetheless, none of them appear to be useless, they all have their good skills (Fanatos looks to be the worst so far, hard to say if there is a best). (I also like Siren Blade being able to insta-kill monsters into sweet stuff you can’t find elsewhere, it’s a charming skill inherited from AI1. Shame the desserts aren’t restoratives now.) Iris might get a new skill each time a Mana is acquired, yet not being able to use Blades does leave her bland both visually and functionally in combat.

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26 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

As much as I like music, I don't know much about Western European music theory so I can't confirm there are tritones in this song but it certainly sounds like there could be.

Absolutely. The percussion instruments right at the start are already tuned to a tritone to each other.

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Random small Engage opinion: The "meta" names for the emblems really don't work for me. In-universe, why would Lyn be connected to the "Emblem of Blazing"? That name is referring to Eliwood's endgame weapon (which isn't even blazing, but that's beside the point) and if there's an element one would associate with Lyn, I'm pretty sure it would be wind, not fire.

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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Time to Maddening

Good luck and use the Old People Squad.

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Risky click

That might have been a mistranslation and they were actually talking about her legs instead, or so I heard.

I dunno, there's also Corrin, Azura, Sothis, Veyle... Even Panne in the game with no feet, funnily enough. For the past few games they've seemed to love their waifus that are barefoot for no reason. And given their, uh... online reception, it's not like the fanbase is complaining about it.

4 hours ago, joevar said:


uh what? he appear again as another "mob with proper face portrait" in the very next story chapter. dont tell me this is just Kaga messing with player as his stand-in, and he will appear in the coming story chapter yet again?!

Like Shrimpy said, he needs to be captured. I don't think it has to be a specific unit that captures him, but Daoud is the person of interest. Also, the guy has Weakness and appears multiple times over the game, so at some point you're likely to cripple him by accident.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You mean the ten year old who would still have at least one battle-capable Pokémon to defend them?

I mean, sure, the humans of the Pokémon world are no slouches, and more resilient than we are. As the Rocket Grunt that eats a Hyper Beam to the face courtesy of Lance's Dragonite demonstrates. But that doesn't mean they can just lunge at the kid with the near six-foot tall winged lizard that can still flamethrower you to the face.

Y'know... I hadn't thought of that. That's a fair point.

Of course, nothing's really stopping him from sneaking to the side while the pokemons are distracted, or throw a second pokemon out and sic it on the child, or doing both of these things at once, or ordering a few grunts from his huge evil team that vastly outnumbers the singular child to grab him. Really, there are ways, but Ghetsis is so evil that he wants to savor the kill by massively handicapping himself. It's all good, I understand the fun in that.

52 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I nearly spat my drink. I'm just picturing a random kid in the background of the battle pointing and laughing at Ghetsis

I may be huge and bearded, but I would definitely be the random kid pointing and laughing at Ghetsis. Even his name is funny. Get sis? What is he, a siscon? Haha he's a weeb on top of funny, I love him, favorite Pokemon character already. He's right up my alley. Old, ugly, cartoonishly evil to the point of hilarity, an abusive parent...

Just now, ping said:

Random small Engage opinion: The "meta" names for the emblems really don't work for me. In-universe, why would Lyn be connected to the "Emblem of Blazing"? That name is referring to Eliwood's endgame weapon (which isn't even blazing, but that's beside the point) and if there's an element one would associate with Lyn, I'm pretty sure it would be wind, not fire.

The names in Engage are stinky just in general. The national naming themes are super on-the-nose and don't even sound like names more often than not and the Emblems' nicknames don't work most of the time because they had to force their game title in there somehow. Not to mention the emblems whose titles don't even match the right games, like Leif and localized Camilla.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno, there's also Corrin, Azura, Sothis, Veyle... Even Panne in the game with no feet, funnily enough. For the past few games they've seemed to love their waifus that are barefoot for no reason. And given their, uh... online reception, it's not like the fanbase is complaining about it.


They really uploaded way too many meme screenshots onto the Steam page.

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