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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, BrightBow said:

Carving out content to sell as DLC at day 1? Classic.

Hard to say if this was the case.

Game was done since 2021, so who knows when the DLC was made. Could've been ready for the launch date, so they figured they could release it already. Also likely why the wait for Wave 2 took less than a month. It's all ready, they just need to space it out.

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41 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wyvern is quite better than Dark Falcon, galeforce (a lvl 35 skill) aside. Not to mention Bolt Axe > Naginata.

Malig Knight is Top 3 classes in Fates


Honestly, I never used dark falcon, but from where I’m standing, malig knight just seems like a bad hybrid class, like all hybrid classes. Is bolt axe really good enough to justify having lower magic overall?

Edited by Sooks
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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

malig knight just seems like a bad hybrid class

Class skill gives +5 damage againast non-mounted, ie most enemies

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

like all hybrid classes


The only bad hybrid class is like, the chieftain classline. And Basara, but basara also gives Rend heaven

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Is bolt axe really good enough to justify having lower magic overall?

Highest MT magical weapon iirc, and it's C-rank. Forged bolt Axe and tonics/food can hit one shot benchmarks

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Class skill gives +5 damage againast non-mounted, ie most enemies

Fair enough.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The only bad hybrid class is like, the chieftain classline. And Basara, but basara also gives Rend heaven

First of all, dark knight, but I meant FE wide, not Fates specifically (for the games that have them anyway). Usually they have lower strength and magic than non-hybrid options, which is rarely worth it.

Again, I never used Hoshido classes in Conquest because they’re just that out of the way (other than like Sky Knight, Ninjas, and Archers).

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Highest MT magical weapon iirc, and it's C-rank. Forged bolt Axe and tonics/food can hit one shot benchmarks

I’ll trust your judgement, that was never needed on hard.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

This still doesn't narrow it down in the slightest.

Also the title is Japanese so I really just can't remember.

Think Ephraim and Eirika, though.

Why am I like this

Edited by Benice
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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wyvern is quite better than Dark Falcon


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Literally the sole reason this is the case. The Galeforce complaints from Awakening players was crazy! Xd

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@Saint Rubenio


5 minutes ago, Benice said:

Also the title is Japanese so I really just can't remember.

Think Ephraim and Eirika, though.

Why am I like this

Is it the Kiseki franchise?

I don’t know why you’re blaming yourself for a franchise being the way it is

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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

dark knight

I hate the class, but some people swear by it. Especially combined with horse spirit for some magic tankiness.

Although malig does that bettee anyway xD

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Usually they have lower strength and magic than non-hybrid options, which is rarely worth it.

Depends really.

Malig knight gives great skills and flying. More important than stats. Or in Engage Mage Knight gets +3 Spd with chaos style. Also hybrid classes can use magic swords/lances/axes more effectively, and these weapons tend to have either higher MT or some cool side effects.

For example, Thracia had Nana's Earth Sword with Nosferatu iirc, Wind Sword with + 5 Spd, fire +5 Mag, thunder + 5 Skl, Bolt Axe in Fates while gives -20 avo, also gives Weapon advantage against Lances, and weapon advantage is big in Fates (even if calamity gate is better at that, bolt axe has the big mt), and Engage you got breaks, nuff said, or the modern magic bows, which classes like Adventurer/Priestess can make great use of.

Also being able to choose which def stat to target has it's uses.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Is it the Kiseki franchise?

Oh Sooksy, if you only knew...

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know why you’re blaming yourself for a franchise being the way it is

I blame myself for consuming it

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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ya know, one thing i think Engage really does alot worse than Fates....


I don't need to talk about Classes in Fates, everyone knows about how cool and unique the classes were there. Engage is pretty much standard FE class wise aside from the Dragon classes thanks to their uniqueness and the Elusia sisters. Well, tbh, most of the customizability here went to the emblems, but man i want my flying Archers and magical Axers pls.

So allow me to offer a counterpoint: Class Types. While it's true that Engage's classes are pretty standard, what sets them apart are the Class Types, allowing each and every one of them to fill in a niche. From Armored units being Unbreakable to Covert units getting avo bonuses, etc. In addition, Class Skills are limited to that class. Wolf Knights are good because they get Hobble, Warrior is good because they get Merciless, etc. 

Now in Fates, you could get Rend Heaven from the Basara Class but it's not like you need to be a Basara to use Rend Heaven. Fates' Classes can be very unique when it comes to weapons but the way reclassing works there (and in Awakening) means you can just hop around until you get the perfect skill set. Classes lose their uniqueness and this is taken to it's logical conclusion in Three Houses. When every Class is special, no Class is.

Don't get me wrong, huge customization is always welcomed and i liked playing with that in FatesWakening. But when it comes to SRPGs i think, the more unique something can be, the better. Fates' classes are unique in the weapons front but the classes themselves are extremely interchangeable and don't really fill any niches.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That is absolutely true. Fates's class variety was some of the best in the series, especially with the Hoshido/Nohr split mixing things up. I maintain that in this aspect, Fates wins by a long shot. No other FE goes to such lengths to grant its countries their own identities through designs, classes and even weaponry like Fates does. Heck, I'd go as far as to say that they should very much be counted as part of the world-building. People are always like "Fates no worldbuilding", but even if I were to remove name labels and allegiance coloring, you could recognize each country's army with one glance. Even the locations, with their vastly different aesthetics. Other FEs? Not so much.

Now this, i do agree with.

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

have you read The Trials of Apollo yet?

Actually i haven't. I've been meaning too but i think i want to reread Kane Chronicles first.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, if you stop to think about it, what really makes Fateslandia worldubilding that much worse than say, Magvel worldbuilding? Archanea worldbuilding? Elibe worldbuilding? The lack of continent name?


Well there's.......shit, you're onto something. Quick make a Reddit post about it.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Also the title is Japanese so I really just can't remember.

Think Ephraim and Eirika, though.


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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:



I was thinking of this character. I dunno, they have the same energy to me for some reason.

Speaking of which,

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:



I think I need some of the restaurant's pope stuffs to cure my sins...

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Just now, Benice said:


I was thinking of this character. I dunno, they have the same energy to me for some reason.

I think you fell for the Atelier marketing trap. Because they make Marie look sexy (and she is ngl) but the actual game is

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36 minutes ago, Benice said:

I think I need some of the restaurant's pope stuffs to cure my sins...

Make sure you specify which popes aren't in your diet. I would advise leaving out Stephen VI, Johns XI and XII, especially Alexander VI, and certainly a few more I'm forgetting among the hundreds of men to hold the office.

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Oh, (supposed) final boss music is starting to get uploaded.

Yeah, it might be time for me to exit Octopath YouTube.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Oh Sooksy, if you only knew...

No Benice, if only you knew. You haven’t played Cold Steel.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Besides, if you stop to think about it, what really makes Fateslandia worldubilding that much worse than say, Magvel worldbuilding? Archanea worldbuilding? Elibe worldbuilding? The lack of continent name?

I think I can explain the issue with Fateslandia worldbuilding with a simple image


Can you tell me where the Ice Tribe is without looking it up, because I can't, and I have played Fates a fair bit. Were was Kohga? What about the homes of the Kitsune, and Wolfpeople? I can only tell you where the Kitsune are because I am about to start the chapter with them next in the linked Ironman. What about the Fire Tribe? I can't even tell you what is actually considered Nohr, and what is actually considered Hoshido. If you showed me for instance


This similar map of Magvel, despite it being one of my least favorite games, I can still point out where the major countries are, because the game actually bothered to point out where they are, and when our armies crossed into these nations. Knowing where these borders are is important in a story/game about war. For instance, not knowing if Fort Dragonfall is a border fort, or an internal defensive installation, has a tangible impact on the story of both Birthright and Conquest. Also

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

People are always like "Fates no worldbuilding", but even if I were to remove name labels and allegiance coloring, you could recognize each country's army with one glance. Even the locations, with their vastly different aesthetics. Other FEs? Not so much.

,this isn't as exclusive to Fates as you are acting. Sure Fates did this the best, but I think I could recognize the country's armies from Genealogy of the Holy War, and The Binding Blade that way given enough time, as they have distinct classes that they specialize in, and there are minor differences in aesthetics, like differing castle designs, and different general terrain.


4 hours ago, ping said:


Pokemon name length really is way to restricted. This is supposed to be KnuffelCthulu's brother Schnuff-Niggurat. Iä! Iä!

I do think the cute-hulu names you are using are great.

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22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Can you tell me where the Ice Tribe is without looking it up, because I can't, and I have played Fates a fair bit. Were was Kohga? What about the homes of the Kitsune, and Wolfpeople? I can only tell you where the Kitsune are because I am about to start the chapter with them next in the linked Ironman. What about the Fire Tribe? I can't even tell you what is actually considered Nohr, and what is actually considered Hoshido. If you showed me for instance

I see the point you're trying to make but you should've picked the image that didn't have shit labeled lol.

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

but I think I could recognize the country's armies from Genealogy of the Holy War, and The Binding Blade that way given enough time, as they have distinct classes

I'm surprised cause they all look the same. Sure, there is like, wyvern country and whatnot but there's no visual difference. 

27 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

like differing castle designs

This shit still looks the same ngl.

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