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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

And that doesnt male it immune to critique either, like any other series/game, the story elements being perceieved (X) way is totally on the viewer.

I never said it doesn't, my point is some stories aren't written in a way that makes them heavily critiqueable. It's all about intent and weight.

This doesn't mean it's free from criticism, it's just that you have to know how much of it it needs.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

Engage just feel cheesy at best

Cheese is good.


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Tried to play some GBAFE hacks during the flight....

Key point being tried xD

Didn't want to take switch with me so to not just play on trip, but could've used it on the plane and now on the bus lol


When i am back home dlc for both FE and Mk8 should've dropped, so until then...time to enjoy the trip 😄


What a messy airport organisation tho lol. Wasn't that bad last time i was here... Truly made me appreciate the airport organisation at home


That said, my spirits have been quite high since i started the trip back at the airport at home Ü

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahah! Partitio's chapter 2 is funny.

Partitio’s story in a nutshell.

I hope I remember to go back and read these spoiler boxes.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Incidentally, it looks like the game understands that it sucks having to get an NPC for a main objective and lose your current companion, because the former companion is stated to return after the mandatory one's role is finished. That's very nice!

Good because I spent 15k on Partitio’s NPC.

I wish side quests did something like this, tho.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I could do Osvald and Partitio's shared sidequest next. Maybe I'll see about it tomorrow. I'm curious to see what common ground these two wildly different characters could find.

Osvald: “The only reason Harvey felt it was necessary to steal my magic and kill my family is because researchers are paid basically nothing outside of getting a new discovery all to themselves. Until capitalism dies by my hand, the fire in my breast will never be extinguished.”

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He was Athos.

He wanted to become Garon.

Rebellions, Sooks.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So basically...

  Reveal hidden contents

The Unbread Twins

Do nothing but teleport bread for three days.


Ah, I missed this in my first play through. The theme is really good tho…

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Deeper Well is... certainly a place.

Time for wholesomeness.

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That said, my spirits have been quite high since i started the trip back at the airport at home Ü

That’s good!

Edited by Sooks
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@Saint Rubenio If you’re interested, I just found out that the main story section of the journal in Octopath 2 lets you view all the travel banters for chapters you’ve done, even if you didn’t seem them initially. I don’t think this was in the first game? Either way, it’s great for me, since now I can stop fiddling around with my party all the time to see as many of these as I can and just use who I want. And, let’s see…

oh, Ochette is too dumb to understand the more serious stories. She thinks the sanctum knights calling Temenos a hound is a good thing and asks if she can do it too and she asks Throné what freedom tastes like. Well, that’s something.

Anyway, Throné father route chapter 2 is pretty good. Her story hasn’t missed at all so far.


I really like the way her character is developed in this one. The flashback added so much.

It’s kinda dumb that her father knows that she’s trying to leave the blacksnakes just because “im dad” but… damn, I completely fell for the reversal of the “killers drop their guard when they get the kill” plot point. I didn’t even consider that coming up any other way lol. Cool moment and subversion of expectations.

I also fought the boss while slightly under leveled and it was hard as hell. He almost wiped my party several times so I spent a bunch of time spamming healing items and healing skills… only to find that he was like, 40 health away from dying the last time I did this. RIP.

Boss was fun tho, and concoct is so incredibly broken when you use it to give full BP restore.

44 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay! Next stop, the empty house...

... it's already night...

Yeah, I'll continue tomorrow. XD

But playing the late game of Omori at night is a classic combination.

Edited by Sooks
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You know, i got to thinking about something: how often is Zelda's "princess" title accurate?

  • Zelda 1: I don't think there's any plot in this one outside of the manual. We can likely infer that she is a princess.
  • Zelda 2: the original Zelda (not the Skyward Sword one) never got crowned so she's a princess. The manual explicitly mentioned a king and a prince as well.
  • Link to the Past: Zelda's father King Hyrule is explicitly shown. She is a princess.
  • Ocarina of Time: Zelda explicitly brings up her father. She is a princess.
  • Oracle games: They don't take place in Hyrule so Zelda's title is irrelevant here.
  • Wind Waker: Hyrule's been dead for centuries, there is no royal line. Tetra may be descended but her princess title is purely for show.
  • Minish Cap: see Link to the Past
  • Four Swords: we never see or hear any mention of a king. But Four Swords is pretty light on plot so we can assume she's a legitimate princess.
  • Four Swords Adventures: same thing
  • Twilight Princess: alright nah, Princess Zelda? She's Queen Zelda by all accounts. She commanded troops from the throne, ordered the surrender of the entire kingdom to prevent needless deaths. That's not something a mere princess can do. She's a queen.
  • Phantom Hourglass: it's literally Tetra so just apply Wind Waker
  • Spirit Tracks: Zelda seems to be at the highest political power, as no one else is above her in station. But because she's young maybe she hasn't been crowned yet so she's still technically "princess" Zelda? Either that or she by all accounts is Queen Zelda.
  • Skyward Sword: she's not actually referred to as "Princess Zelda" in this one, she's just Zelda.
  • A Link Between Worlds: she sits at the throne room, she is Queen Zelda in this one.
  • Breath of the Wild: the one game in the series that dives the most into Zelda's life of royalty. Though since Hyrule is a fallen kingdom by the time the game takes place, Zelda is effectively it's last princess and the title is simply just that.

So while in most games Zelda is legitimately a princess, the times where she shouldn't be by one reason or another, she is still referred as one because it's just series tradition. Skyward Sword being the exception and that's because it's actually important to the plot.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:


  • Zelda 1: I don't think there's any plot in this one outside of the manual. We can likely infer that she is a princess.

Well, doesn't the manual refers to her as a princess then? No need to infer.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:
  • Twilight Princess: alright nah, Princess Zelda? She's Queen Zelda by all accounts. She commanded troops from the throne, ordered the surrender of the entire kingdom to prevent needless deaths. That's not something a mere princess can do. She's a queen.

From what I recall, Zant crashes in on her crowning ceremony. So yeah, she was en route to be declared queen... but since it was interrupted, she's still a princess. Perhaps after the game is done the ceremony can be actually done.

So De Facto a queen, but still De Jure a princess.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I feel like i should be killing this thing.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, doesn't the manual refers to her as a princess then? No need to infer.


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

From what I recall, Zant crashes in on her crowning ceremony. So yeah, she was en route to be declared queen... but since it was interrupted, she's still a princess. Perhaps after the game is done the ceremony can be actually done.

Oh is that what happened? Huh.

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I just watched Ex Macina for the first time, definitely the film to show your neighborhood incel to

Anyways, lets play more Pokemon.


I kind of love how the first Pokemon game's introduction to ghost Pokemon had no filters "Yeah, your Pokemon can fucking die and become ghosts, hope that's child friendly enough for ya"


Yeesh, you look like you've been connecting pictures on a pinboard for far too long.


Hey! That doesn't look like the creepypasta!


If they don't do something creepy like this in any of the future titles I will be very disappointed.


Obviously I prefer Meowth but Persian is good too.




Edited by GuardianSing
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1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

I kind of love how the first Pokemon game's introduction to ghost Pokemon had no filters "Yeah, your Pokemon can fucking die and become ghosts, hope that's child friendly enough for ya"

And this comes from 90's Nintendo, of all things.

1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey! That doesn't look like the creepypasta!

Yeah, can't make spaguetti out of it. Now this, on the other hand...


1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

If they don't do something creepy like this in any of the future titles I will be very disappointed.

Ironically there was some censorship in this version. A different channeler asked for your soul, not just blood. But FRLG took out the world soul. So she's just "Give me... your..." and just cuts off. So seeking your soul was not okay... but your blood is totally fine! Go figure.

1 minute ago, GuardianSing said:

Obviously I prefer Meowth but Persian is good too.

Due to how calculations worked in the original, Persian was quite a beast back then.


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I'd prefer not to be introduced to this abomination.

12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yes. Her parents died, so she was gonna assume the title of queen. But then Zant happened.


But then this still leaves A Link Between Worlds Zelda. Which, by extension, Hilda as well.

5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I just watched Ex Macina for the first time, definitely the film to show your neighborhood incel to

Oh hey i had to watch that in one of my film classes.

I watched like half of it then half-assed the assignment (it was a discussion board thing).

6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I kind of love how the first Pokemon game's introduction to ghost Pokemon had no filters "Yeah, your Pokemon can fucking die and become ghosts, hope that's child friendly enough for ya"

There's one Pokemon Ranger game where you can actually die.

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4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I kind of love how the first Pokemon game's introduction to ghost Pokemon had no filters "Yeah, your Pokemon can fucking die and become ghosts, hope that's child friendly enough for ya"

There is a fun little fan theory here, that the reason you run into your rival here is that he is mourning the death of the Raticate he had on his team before fighting him here.


4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



If they don't do something creepy like this in any of the future titles I will be very disappointed.

Pokemon does occasionally have some creepy things in it, although I am not sure if they ever take it all the way to Lavender Town levels.


4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Decided to use one of the best known powerful pokemon I see.


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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Cheese is good.



well, lots of people love cheese.. that much is true




now im curious how similar/cahnged the localization for Goldmary since i didnt use her


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11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So basically...

  Reveal hidden contents

The Unbread Twins

Do nothing but teleport bread for three days.


And have one of the top boss themes in a game filled with top boss themes, for absolutely no reason.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Good because I spent 15k on Partitio’s NPC.

I wish side quests did something like this, tho.

...Yeah, side quests don't do it. Baby steps, I suppose. Small indie company, please understand.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Osvald: “The only reason Harvey felt it was necessary to steal my magic and kill my family is because researchers are paid basically nothing outside of getting a new discovery all to themselves. Until capitalism dies by my hand, the fire in my breast will never be extinguished.”


"It's not your life I want...

It's Roque's"

Beats the shit out of Giff again

9 hours ago, Sooks said:



8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


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Don't forget, that comes right after what can only be realistically interpreted as Sunny's wet dream.

My guy's a man of culture.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio If you’re interested, I just found out that the main story section of the journal in Octopath 2 lets you view all the travel banters for chapters you’ve done, even if you didn’t seem them initially. I don’t think this was in the first game? Either way, it’s great for me, since now I can stop fiddling around with my party all the time to see as many of these as I can and just use who I want. And, let’s see…

I heard about that, yeah. Definitely wasn't in the original, if you missed banter there you were donzos. Might check them out at some point.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Anyway, Throné father route chapter 2 is pretty good. Her story hasn’t missed at all so far.

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I really like the way her character is developed in this one. The flashback added so much.

It’s kinda dumb that her father knows that she’s trying to leave the blacksnakes just because “im dad” but… damn, I completely fell for the reversal of the “killers drop their guard when they get the kill” plot point. I didn’t even consider that coming up any other way lol. Cool moment and subversion of expectations.

I also fought the boss while slightly under leveled and it was hard as hell. He almost wiped my party several times so I spent a bunch of time spamming healing items and healing skills… only to find that he was like, 40 health away from dying the last time I did this. RIP.

Boss was fun tho, and concoct is so incredibly broken when you use it to give full BP restore.



They brought up that little point, and then used it against you the player. It got me too, that was very clever.

The boss suffered from my massive overleveling. They accomplished nothing.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

But playing the late game of Omori at night is a classic combination.

Flashbacks to marathoning the entire endgame in one night.

Didn't sleep so well that night. Zero regrets.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Yeesh, you look like you've been connecting pictures on a pinboard for far too long.


Still not as fun as Ghetsis.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Hey! That doesn't look like the creepypasta!

Eyes aren't bleeding hyperrealistically enough.

3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There is a fun little fan theory here, that the reason you run into your rival here is that he is mourning the death of the Raticate he had on his team before fighting him here.

Oh I remember that! It was one of the classic creepypastas.

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