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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you happen to be reading this rant, Armagon, how do you simply watch?

Honestly, I just have to be in the mood for it. And that was before work and uni started taking up time, now i'd rather be playing a game than watching a movie or show. Of course, that's at home, catching a movie with friends is a separate thing altogether.

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I was thinking up some themed teams for future laps of the Seraphic Gate, if I end up getting that far, and it just hit me...

Despite being a super dark and edgy and evil game, I can't do a dead people team because not enough people die in every route lol


Wyl, Darius, Heugoe and the Haughns die in one route each. Cheripha and Lockswell are also guaranteed to die by plume in the C route. Technically Lenneth and Ailyth as well, I guess.

Darius, Earnest, Natalia, Lieselotte, Rosea and Kristoff die in two routes.

Gwendal, Mireille, Mischka, Duwain, Ushio and Fauxnel never die unless you plume them. Never realized the sheer amount of characters who just live.

That leaves Ancel, Langrey and Roienbourg as the only characters that are always dead by the end of the game. I'm missing one for a full team... If Dad joined, it'd be perfect, but Arngrim hasn't even been born yet!

Honestly, kinda hate Arngrim as a bonus character. I get why he's here, he's kind of a big deal, but in gameplay he's just... Dad has a hilarious moveset that would've been super interesting to have. Arngrim is a recolor of Ancel. They really could've gotten more creative with him and Hrist, they both feel like super fillerish picks. But at least the joke with Hrist is funny. Arngrim is just there to get called Berserker Beefcake by Ushio lol


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I read that as Steins Gate at first

I do wish I could get Okarin in this game. He'd attack by throwing microwaves and phones at people, and also by coiling his neck around his foes.

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You know one thing that makes Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume really cool?

It doesn't have Berwick Assassins.

This is a fact that makes every game except Berwick Saga really cool.

Berwick Saga is still cool, but hot damn... I miss that shitty circlet Reese's sister-in-heat made for him so much.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

9 Spd is truly Etie moment

Gonna have to rush to Ch.11 to get Lyn on her ASAP lmao.

At least she's hitting really hard.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


18 Str would be 5th highest on my Team...and i am at ch.17

9 spd is just

Can't even double Armors xD

The good news is that SP Books exist now so Speedtaker or even just the speed buffs from Lyn shouldn't be too hard to get now.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:


@Saint Rubenio this is where the fun begins.


You know I really should hate that design more than I do. Fashion-wise it's absolutely terrible, it manages to make something as cool as a trenchcoat look really bad by virtue of having no idea how to wear it.

...It just suits Etie.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, I just have to be in the mood for it. And that was before work and uni started taking up time, now i'd rather be playing a game than watching a movie or show. Of course, that's at home, catching a movie with friends is a separate thing altogether.

I suppose I'm overstating my own obsession with being the right mind for things.😅

That, and perhaps it's autism magnifying something perfectly normal into a fault. That could also be why like this.🙃 But then Hamlet would have to be autistic b/c Shakespeare's "tragic" prince of Denmark could've ended the play in Act 1 had he just grabbed a dagger and stabbed his uncle without hesitation. As opposed to feigning insanity and then putting on a play within the play, then getting on a ship out of the country, only to turn back, fight a rapier duel, and anticlimactically stab his uncle as he and everyone else dies.

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway, time to go beat Sigurd, preferbly by BBQ'ing him


  • 1 thick slice of good white bread, crust removed.
  • 1 1/4 Cup (300 Milliliters) of White Wine.
  • 1/4 Cup (60 Milliliters) of Red Wine.
    • Optional- 1 Tablespoon of Red Wine Vinegar, adds astringency, if desired.
  • 1 Teaspoon of Ginger.
  • 2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon.
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Nutmeg.
  • A pinch of Saffron threads.
  • 2 Tablespoons of (Light) Brown Sugar.
  • A pinch of Salt.

Can alter the spice mix to taste.


  • Tear the bread into small breadcrumbs. Soak them in cold water for several hours.
  • Mix the ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and saffron together. And then add the white wine to them.
  • Add the red wine to the bread once it has been properly soaked.
    • Add the red wine vinegar too if you're using it.
  • Then mash the wet bread, and and strain it into a saucepan, pushing the bread through the fine mesh strainer (it's for thickening).
  • Add the spiced white wine mixture to the saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  • Simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the sauce is half-reduced.
  • After simmering, whisk in the salt and brown sugar. 
  • Lastly, simmer for another 5 minutes or it reaches the thickness you desire.
    • Note- you can skip this simmering process altogether if preferred. That was not unheard of.

And verily, thou shalt have Cameline Sauce! Popular throughout Western Europe in the Middle Ages.

I have heard this variant of cameline sauce described as "fancy, spiced, not as sweet" Medieval barbecue sauce. My source for this recipe says it should go well on any kind of meat.😛


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


No, which is precisely why she didn't.😝

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They really could've gotten more creative

Agreed. They were lazy in the Seraphic Gate choices. And SRPGs often have that one character who seems like they should be playable, but inexplicably never do.

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Some Fauxnel Gaming soothed my wounded heart before bed.

Ull says "defeated by mortals..." even though three out of four people that killed him were deities just the same as he. And Fauxnel's assholery is quite godlike on its own right!

...I really ought to get back into drawing, though. Minimum Ranks has proven to be a way bigger timesink than I expected and I've kind of casted the new hobby aside. I've been working on and off on a quaint little forest scene, but there's nothing much to it, really. Perhaps I shall have to draw Fauxnel again.

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But then Hamlet would have to be autistic b/c Shakespeare's "tragic" prince of Denmark could've ended the play in Act 1 had he just grabbed a dagger and stabbed his uncle without hesitation. As opposed to feigning insanity and then putting on a play within the play, then getting on a ship out of the country, only to turn back, fight a rapier duel, and anticlimactically stab his uncle as he and everyone else dies.

You know, when you consider the chain of events, perhaps the insanity wasn't so feigned

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No, which is precisely why she didn't.😝

I was so upset I didn't even realize the double entendre in my words of fury lol

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Agreed. They were lazy in the Seraphic Gate choices. And SRPGs often have that one character who seems like they should be playable, but inexplicably never do.

Eh, truth be told, I think they're mostly fine.


Playable bosses is always the best kind of bonus character - getting the old man was the biggest hype moment since I realized Fauxnel was playable - and the bizarre weirdness of Ailyth's moveset and the sheer power of Freya are something to behold. Hrist being a recolor of Lenneth works in context. I mean, one of her combat quotes even is "where is MY leading role?!" She got completely shafted, and that's the joke.

It's just Arngrim that stands out as being profoundly uninspired, really. He has no joke, he's an Ancel recolor which REALLY doesn't suit him, and overall he's just... kinda there because he's Arngrim and he HAS to be there. Really feel Thyodor would've been a better choice - but then, I guess then we would've missed out on the joke of having him just silently appear by Lenneth's side as "Papa" and getting increasingly condescending names as the gate goes on.

Maybe we should've gotten Marleigh the Merciless. Remember that truthade profile? I look forward to seeing those ingame haha

Plus this game spoiled me enough as is with its cast, I can live without Papa


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Got a random idea for an Engage headcanon, or at least, fanfic fooder.

So, Fabrications are pretty much artificial golems. Not reanimated corpses like the Corrupted, but transformed stuff into a human shape. Their limited autonomy is also artificial, as such.

In-game we see plenty Corrupted with Emblems, but Fell Powered Emblems can only Sync, not Engage.

But now then, what happens if a Corrupted or Fabrication had a Divine Powered Emblem? They would Sync as usual... but what about actually Engaging? And considering Fabrications aren't exactly people...

I don't know. I could see that if an Emblem Engages with a Fabrication they could... take over, so to speak. Have their own Emblem energy sustain the body, and they could actually be able to interact with the world indefinitely instead of just float around as spirits. At the very least, the idea has potential...

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Agnea 4 is a chapter that exists. Except it randomly has the hardest boss in the game, Jesus Christ. That was fun, the gimmick was just that the boss would give herself more actions per turn the longer the fight went on, but it also means you pretty much insta lose when she gets to 4+ actions and you have to play fast. Although half my team was also under leveled.

Edited by Sooks
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59 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You know, i do wish there was a version of Maddening without the cringe player nerfs Maddening has.


The nerfs aren't that bad imho. It's not like 3H where you get like 0 exp. 

I am at ch. 18 and 3 of my units (Alear, Celine and Anna) already hit the Lvl cap and i had to second seal them, and most of the Army is above lvl 10 promoted. Only exception is like Alcryst (because he sucks) and Goldmary (because i reclassed her to Great Knight)

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't remember it slowing down for me... then again, hmm...

The battle animations are lagging. The map itself is fine.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Only exception is like Alcryst (because he sucks)

In character tbh.

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