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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


...what is going on in FEH lmao

Seeing the memes is amusing even if i don't know anything kek

I like how it's all AI-generated waifus, and then a random-ass old guy. Who apparently becomes one of the AI-generated waifus.

Frankly, I don't care. If it keeps funding new FEs, it might as well exist.

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Just tried tackling Lyn's paralogue.

...Jesus Christ, base class lvl 19 my ass. I don't think I can do this until like, chapter 17, at minimum. In retrospect, I should've seen this coming. Lucina's paralogue, by far and away the easiest of them, had enemies that one-shot half my army and I only managed it because... Well, it's Lucina's paralogue. Two enemies coming at you at a time, plus you get Lyn to distract Lucina herself. But this? No, this is impossible at the moment. Need more emblems, more stats, more everything.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Aaaand that's all the time I have today. Got to go to this event. Welp. At least I finished chapter 14. Reclassing Zelkov, getting Seadall, waving Etie goodbye and all that jazz will have to wait till tomorrow.

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Fudge, I can't believe I forgot to take a screenshot.😆 I had baited Shapiro and five out of six Gradosian commanders around the Zeorymer (Gosterro was too obsessed with Eiji, I shouldn't have moved him out of the way until the following turn). Had to use a Zeal to reposition for optimal effect, then used another Zeal and an Enable (a great rarity for me, usually I deem it a waste of SP) and Strike. Then came two Valor'ed Hades Attacks and a third without Valor (should've spent for it), which killed two enemy command units, left one with less than 1000 HP, and took away about half of Shapiro's and Ru Kain's HP too. T'was beautiful. These persistent ugly gnats, nuked into oblivion by just one unit with a little support, sweet revenge for what they subjected me to back on the Moon and near Nelly's abode.💥😄 

And then the next Puzzle Robo challenge ends up being taking out twelve nuclear missiles with Hades Attack. A little late to educate me on that.😆


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Doesn't Aria also has something like that? A soul effect where the more you have overall, it becomes stronger?

Yes. But it's not the same as Dawn. The Headhunter soul in Aria doesn't care what souls you gather, nor does it affect the attacks themselves. In Dawn, if you want to more HP suction out of Persephone, you have to take your time and grind Persephones, which isn't that bad actually, but for some other enemies it does get tedious. Considering a run of an Igavania takes maybe 10 hours, 15 perhaps for a first play, grind in general interrupts the briskness -if the player chooses to undertake it.

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The recommendation: "You get to make 06 angry!"

Who would pass this opportunity?

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really was way too chipper about that, wasn't I. Poor, poor Alistair... And then the fucker had the audacity to come back for the DLC, I should've fucked him harder

Finish Awakening, Ruben

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yes. But it's not the same as Dawn. The Headhunter soul in Aria doesn't care what souls you gather, nor does it affect the attacks themselves. In Dawn, if you want to more HP suction out of Persephone, you have to take your time and grind Persephones, which isn't that bad actually, but for some other enemies it does get tedious. Considering a run of an Igavania takes maybe 10 hours, 15 perhaps for a first play, grind in general interrupts the briskness -if the player chooses to undertake it.

Ah, I can see.

Also the way you worded it with the example you used sounds so wrong... lol

19 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:




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13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also the way you worded it with the example you used sounds so wrong... lol

Completely unintentional innuendo I swear!🤣 This is what I get for picking the vacuum maid as my example, should've chosen the Great Axe Armor or something.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well Gen Z becomes more eligible to vote each year and the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade was a big reason why Gen Z fucked up the "red wave".

I also think that the Republican party's increasing radicalism is causing even moderates to flock away from them.

Again, Trumpism was the best thing that ever happened to this country for this very reason.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sony has been porting their games to PC recently so there could be hope.

Even if it does, I can't be sure if my dinky little laptop would be able to handle it.

I have been considering getting a ps4, they have dropped down in price recently.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's amazing how even seeing that some of them are still doubling-down.

Unless, of course, they might know their days are numbered so they want to make as much damage as possible so the other side spends a lot of time undoing it so then they can go: "See? They're not doing enough!" or "Look at what they are doing!" As a slogan to make a comeback.

It's the reactionary fear-mongering mostly, that whole "if they come for trump they'll come for you next" thing.

Slightly unrelated but I remember hearing about an anti-abortion rally the other day where a priest was quoted saying "if the mothers don't want them, we'll adopt them, we'll adopt them all"

...As if there aren't millions of orphaned children in the US already that rarely get adopted or even mentioned by that "think of the children" group.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Completely unintentional innuendo I swear!🤣 This is what I get for picking the vacuum maid as my example, should've chosen the Great Axe Armor or something.

You know, you just reminded me. Looking up stuff about Aria, apparently in the Debug menu the Living Quarters area is actually named The Harem. Where the Persephones mostly are located.

This is what happens when Castlevania manifests over Japan and not Romania...

13 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

It's the reactionary fear-mongering mostly, that whole "if they come for trump they'll come for you next" thing.

Slightly unrelated but I remember hearing about an anti-abortion rally the other day where a priest was quoted saying "if the mothers don't want them, we'll adopt them, we'll adopt them all"

...As if there aren't millions of orphaned children in the US already that rarely get adopted or even mentioned by that "think of the children" group.

And that's the crux of the matter.

If they truly cared for the lives of the children that would be aborted, then they'd also support policies to help them and their families as they grow... but then that's the very things they want to axe too. So it truly makes their cries of being pro-life quite hollow.

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I'd say. I've always found it fascinating how well researched the whole thing was regarding the solar eclipse plot detail.

The fact there was a solar eclipse over Romania in such a symbolic year as 1999. Then it being in the same Saros Cycle as the eclipse that would happen in Japan in 2035, the year Aria takes place. Then making Soma be 18 years old, which means he was born in 2017, the year of another eclipse in the Saros Cycle.

It's just too... perfect of a set-up.

But hey, I'm not complaining. Not when the Saros Cycle includes the 2071 eclipse over Baja California. So it benefits me too as it's also the perfect fanfic fuel, hehehehehe.

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It's amazing how even seeing that some of them are still doubling-down.

Unless, of course, they might know their days are numbered so they want to make as much damage as possible so the other side spends a lot of time undoing it so then they can go: "See? They're not doing enough!" or "Look at what they are doing!" As a slogan to make a comeback.

Conservatism always loses eventually. I believe Republicans know that and are desperatly trying to cling to power.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


...what is going on in FEH lmao

Seeing the memes is amusing even if i don't know anything kek

What's the incest on this looking like?

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

also think that the Republican party's increasing radicalism is causing even moderates to flock away from them.

There was a time where Republicans at least acted civil. Now a lot of them are showing their true colors.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

As if there aren't millions of orphaned children in the US already that rarely get adopted or even mentioned by that "think of the children" group

Same group would only adopt them to make themselves feel better too. Add in several states trying to pass laws banning gay couples from adopting kids and the orphan crisis only continues.


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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Currently trying to make up my mind on how to handle Engage's really low deployment slot total.

I am having trouble.

Oh I see. Btw how is engage's story? I'm planning on getting it soon

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You could start with J, most Super Robot Wars are independent of each other narratively and could be someone's first. However for a beginner's Super Robot Wars, Original Generation 1 on the GBA or the PS2's Original Generations is worth considering as well. Since OG is all original characters with no licensed anime involved, the story of OG1 is easier to follow, while everything retains the same style as found in mainline, non-OG SRWs.


Points to the difference in tone between the two games.

Oh cool.🦊 Thanks for the information.

Edited by Wartortle94
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4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Finish Awakening, Ruben


54 minutes ago, Wartortle94 said:

Oh I see. Btw how is engage's story? I'm planning on getting it soon

The story is, uh... It exists. If you don't mind a simple, not-too-deep adventure and woefully unearned, drawn-out melodrama scenes, you can turn off your brain and get some decent enjoyment out of it. The characters are pretty enjoyable, though. Some surprisingly high quality support chains in there. And the game is really funny when it wants to be, I even wish it went harder on the comedy in the main plot.

Gameplay is what you should play this game for, tho. Best gameplay in the series, bar none. Also, Sommie.

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



What, this? I can share that.

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26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


i just saw you were able to finish your Marth entry

Ohh, yeah. I can't now, but if you like, I can put it up tomorrow. It's nothing special, but hey. It was a fun pastime for my vacation.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ohh, yeah. I can't now, but if you like, I can put it up tomorrow. It's nothing special, but hey. It was a fun pastime for my vacation.

sure, thankies!

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Marth entry?

a one chapter hack contest on feu

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