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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

In quite a few way I am still a bit unsatisfied, but I think it is a testament to how powerful sleep is that bug types can do this at either of these levels, and while it requires a fair bit of luck, I was rolling a fair number of dice to look for that one lucky roll. I might as well show off the team.

Honestly, beating the E4 when you're roughly at a 20-level disadvantage and mostly using low-tier Pokemon and facing the rival's ace with a type disadvantage is quite impressive, sleep cheese or no. In the end, it was a nice showcase of Venomoth's strengths in particular, with its Sleep Powder backed by high SPECIAL and SPEED (I think Jynx is the only faster Pokemon with a semi-reliable sleep move), plus the unintended advantage of its Psychic weakness.

I also feel slightly validated by your run:

On 4/23/2023 at 11:00 PM, ping said:

I'm worried that a Bug monorun would involve more Sleep cheese with Butterfree in the earlygame than would be interesting :lol: It has some nice options later, though, like Pinsir or Venomoth.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Supposedly, we were once good at trains. The post-US Civil War Industrial Revolution that saw the creation of a transcontinental railroad, so glorious this age for the locomotive that it led to the rise of ultra-rich families like the Vanderbilts who were known as "robber barons". Towns alongside wherever the tracks ran grew, those that were unfortunately further away from the iron ribbons were at risk of dying.

When did things go downhill? Maybe when Ford-General Motors-Chrysler and whoever else created the American automobile industry established the "Tyranny of the Automobile" -my phrasing.🚗 Once enough highways were built to support cars, the spiffy newly-rich automobile lobby bribed governments across the US into making pro-car cities, pro-car states, an entire pro-car country. Public transportation via rail began to die, it still lives in a few places, yet hauling freight aside, it is pretty dead. This is especially true further out west in like California. The Atlantic seaboard megapolises like NYC, Boston, and Washington DC were denser and older and I suppose they already had a public transportation element built in that the automobile manufacturers could only castrate, not kill. The skyrocketing boom of say Los Angeles didn't start until close to the automobile's rise, and Ford and the ilk had freer reign to shape it in their preferred image. All attempts to modernize America's existing public transport infrastructure and expand it, have met challenges that have prevented it from ever changing the automobile-centric landscape established around a century ago.

There are entire books that could tell you how public terrestrial (to set aside airlines, and I'm told the various USA big airlines rank quite poorly globally as an aside) transportation in America was murdered by the Model T, I read excerpts from them in college in my "History of Urban America" course, -but I don't remember of any of their names.

Soooo basically, trains died in the US because money.


...Do people at least drive well in the US?

4 hours ago, Benice said:

Conservapedia? What's-




This might be the best thing I've ever seen.

Hold up, hold up, I just found the screencap I took of what I think might be my favorite line in the entire site.




A chess match a day keeps the gay away, apparently.

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It's kinda funny how Armstrong is designed around fighting him with an unupgraded Murasama. So once you do have it upgraded, he just melts. Seems like a weapon's attack power is something like times 3 when fully upgrades. Pretty ridiculous for this kind of game. No wonder attacking barehanded actually deals a ton of damage against Armstrong. Because barehanded uses the modifiers of Raiden's standard HF-Blade, which is most likely fully upgraded by that point.
But man, Metal Gear Rising really did predict the future. I mean, a US politician kidnapping thousands of Mexican children without it undermining his election chances? Back then I thought everyone who went "I would vote for him!" simply didn't actually play the game. Never considered the possibility that this level of evil could be seen as a selling point.

The Bladewolf DLC is still bad. Stealth is the weakest part of the game, so making a DLC revolve around it does not result in a good time.
Also platforming for good measure. Yeah, that does not work well with this game's jump physics.
To think it's Bladewolf who gets to fight an all new boss with it's very own vocal theme. Meanwhile Sam just gets rematches against Armstrong, Ray and... well, Bladewolf. Forgot Sam gets to fight against Ray. Would be pretty cool if the camera was a little more cooperative.

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I am SO willing to accept that if I can finally, FINALLY get through this horrible map.

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Okay no but seriously, even with 19 I was hesitant to say this, but I can't deny it now. They dropped the ball with this map. They dropped the ball really hard, and it's entirely because of one, very specific thing: The infinite batch of reinforcements from the south. I could methodically take on each batch of enemies and beat this relatively reliably, even without Emblems. The problem is, these pieces of shit on horses spawn every three turns, and it's straight up impossible to handle any of the encounters with three motherfuckers added on top. So I'm just doing an awkward kind of shuffling back and forth to keep them separated from the bulk of the enemy.

And guess what, I fucked up. I was too impatient and tried to take on the final grop of enemies too soon instead of turtling another wave of reinforcements. And now everyone's coming at me, alongside the three fucking amigos, and I have no crystals and EPing is impossible and I've lost again, haven't I.

I'm going to have to go through this hellhole of a map again. I don't know if I have it in me, to be completely honest. I'm very close to being completely fucking done with this shit.

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38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm going to have to go through this hellhole of a map again. I don't know if I have it in me, to be completely honest. I'm very close to being completely fucking done with this shit.

Is this Maddening mode? Sorry if this is a silly question!

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I did not know this about XC3:FR!


If you use a vision with A and Alpha uses Monado Purge, your vision is gone since it seals "talent arts"! That's some attention to detail from XC1!


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ohhhh, that's where the "trans folks can double-jump" meme comes from. Although I think I remember seeing it with bisexuals, but I might just be wrong.

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8 hours ago, Benice said:

Conservapedia? What's-




This might be the best thing I've ever seen.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hold up, hold up, I just found the screencap I took of what I think might be my favorite line in the entire site.




A chess match a day keeps the gay away, apparently.

The Dead or Alive section is actually the funniest one man

  • Dead or Alive series: The fighting game franchise had several conservative messages. One of which was pro-family, as the main character, Kasumi, joined the Dead or Alive tournament specifically to avenge her brother when he ended up critically injured by her uncle, and Kasumi, despite being on the run from her clan due to her technically violating their laws to do so, ultimately wants to return to her clan and family someday throughout the series, and in Dead or Alive 4, 5, and Dimensions, Ayane eventually managed to put aside her murderous jealousy against her half-sister and try to aid her. Similarly, Hayate, her brother, is also reluctant to kill his sister, despite the law mandating it, and their mother, Ayame, also stops Ayane (who was an illegitimate child due to Raidou, the uncle of Hayate and Kasumi who was responsible for the former's injury, having previously raped Ayame) from committing suicide and specifically stated not to kill Kasumi specifically because she was family, which was stronger than any Shinobi code. Similarly, in Dead or Alive 5, the character of Helena Douglas attempts to honor her deceased father's memory by restoring DOATEC to what her father Fame envisioned, and her overall character arc had her trying to avenge her deceased mother when she was murdered during a performance. In addition, the reason Helena's mother had died was because she took the bullet to save her daughter, due to said assassin, Christie, actually aiming for Helena herself during the performance. In addition, the character Hitomi in Dead or Alive 4 took control of the dojo specifically because her father had succumbed to an illness and needed money to help him and his dojo, with the character Gen-Fu having a similar motive regarding his granddaughter Mei Lin in Dead or Alive 1 and 2, entering to gain money for an operation to save her, and in Dead or Alive 3 to pay the medical bills, retiring only after she was fully cured and he fully paid off the debt and spending time with her afterward. Helena Douglas is also depicted as a Christian as well as depicted in a more positive light. In addition, even though it was a Japanese-created game series, it is also notable as featuring a surprisingly pro-American message in the form of the Armstrongs, as their patriotism was depicted in a positive light, and the character Tina was depicted as also trying to follow through with the American Dream. Also has an anti-cloning message, as the villainous DOATEC (and later, MIST) created various clones of Kasumi, with all of them being depicted as either villains (Alpha Kasumi, later known as Alpha-152) or victims (Phase 4). There is also a slight condemnation against feminism in Dead or Alive 5, as Tina tells Mila that "pretty girls shouldn't fight." On a related note, similar to Isabelle in Animal Crossing: New Leaf below, one of the expansions for Dead or Alive 5, Last Round, featured the debut of the character Honoka, who is depicted as being very positive and eager, and is the antithesis of a modern feminist.

You know, Dead or Alive. Famous conservative video game. 


good conservative values.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Not what i expected to wake up to today

His legacy


3 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

^ i dont get it. Xd

Yeah so Japan has these things called girl rental services. If my understanding is correct, it's basically a dating app but like you pay for it (i am aware dating apps do have paid services but this isn't the same thing). Lonely desperate men probably use them to "buy" a date although iirc there was one headline where this guy's family wanted him to touch grass and so they hired one of these girls to get him out.

Anyways this guy just wanted someone to play Yu-Gi-Oh with and it seems to have turned into something more.

Edited by Armagon
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I'm still furious. I've had lunch and still I am fucking seething at this. Legit, if it wasn't for the fact that I have absolutely nothing else I'm all that interested to play right now I'd be dropping this like a sack of potatoes. I'm not getting an ounce of enjoyment out of this map.

Like hell, I straight up considered knocking the game down below New Mystery for this. But then I remembered New Mystery has The Final Battle (not actually the final battle) with its funny ring of reinforcements, which is also horrible, so...

Maybe Fire Emblem's just kind of a shitty series

19 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Is this Maddening mode? Sorry if this is a silly question!

Yeah. This wasn't nearly as bad on hard. I don't remember the horrible reinforcements on hard, for one.

11 minutes ago, ping said:

Ohhhh, that's where the "trans folks can double-jump" meme comes from. Although I think I remember seeing it with bisexuals, but I might just be wrong.

I don't know if this is where it originated, but I can certainly tell you it killed me to see it.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You know, Dead or Alive. Famous conservative video game. 


good conservative values.

Nah, that adds up. Big G Gamers are very consistent about the evil Woke Empire being the ones trying to take their precious boobies away from them. Because God forbid there be a game that can exist and do things without also trying to titillate my dick on the side to absolutely no end.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nah, that adds up. Big G Gamers are very consistent about the evil Woke Empire being the ones trying to take their precious boobies away from them. Because God forbid there be a game that can exist and do things without also trying to titillate my dick on the side to absolutely no end.

This is only if it's "censored" or a previous entry had more revealing fanservice. If Dead or Alive 7 comes out and there's no fanservice, it's "the woke mob".

But also the traditional conservative values are "women need to be dressed modestly" and on the extreme end "just don't show skin at all". Conservatives see a woman wearing short pants and it's "and then they cry about being raped".

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is only if it's "censored" or a previous entry had more revealing fanservice. If Dead or Alive 7 comes out and there's no fanservice, it's "the woke mob".

But also the traditional conservative values are "women need to be dressed modestly" and on the extreme end "just don't show skin at all". Conservatives see a woman wearing short pants and it's "and then they cry about being raped".

Bold of you to assume Big G Gamers actually think farther than "at this very moment the wokes are taking my eye candy away."

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And now, naturally, turn 1 is not going like it did before, so I have to restart five times and go through a million loading screens before the game will actually let me lose against the wolf knights again.

I am so tired of this map. Just, so very tired.

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

I have no idea what this is...

Well you know how most jobs are like you have a manager, workers, buyers and sellers right? And most of the money is funded towards managing these different aspects so the workers get only a quarter or less of the cut. Basically you have a company that operates around a specific good that sells that good to different buyers who then sell it to the consumers. Like at a cafe the coffee beans most likely weren't grown and harvested by the people there, they were probably bought from a different company in the southern hemisphere where most coffee beans are grown and barely a penny you spent on that cup of coffee is actually reaching the workers who harvested and fermented those beans.

Worker cooperatives, fair trades, and worker coalitions, is the practice of workers being the sole organizers of the company, there's no single manager or CEO and every laborer gets a say on how things are run or what the pay is. Sometimes they'll sell to various local fair trades stores but some cut the middle man entirely and sell directly to consumers, so all that money goes directly to the workers.

I try to buy fair trade for all my material goods, especially for goods that come from the southern hemisphere because it's there where you often find the most worker abuse from companies selling to the US and abroad. Lots of goods have a huge history of being produced by slave child laborers in Central Africa to be sold to buyers in the US and Europe, it's where the biggest candy companies get their chocolate and sugar and that's horrifying.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hold up, hold up, I just found the screencap I took of what I think might be my favorite line in the entire site.




A chess match a day keeps the gay away, apparently.

Like the trans people can double jump meme is small enough where I feel like a real conservapedia wouldn't even know of it's existence, either the entire site is a shitpost, or trolls pop in daily to edit in ridiculousness, which I approve of.

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But also the traditional conservative values are "women need to be dressed modestly" and on the extreme end "just don't show skin at all". Conservatives see a woman wearing short pants and it's "and then they cry about being raped".

Gasp You're telling me the largely nonsensical and reactionary attributes of the conservative mindset have views that are largely inconsistent and hypocritical?!

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Kinda tried something a little different by giving Larentia's dismounted Dragon Knight class +3 defense compared to the mounted version. Not that Larentia needs a buff or anything, but it does make her a bit less dead weight indoors. It's definitely fun.

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bold of you to assume Big G Gamers actually think farther than "at this very moment the wokes are taking my eye candy away."

Honestly most of them are just chronically online porn addicts.

13 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Gasp You're telling me the largely nonsensical and reactionary attributes of the conservative mindset have views that are largely inconsistent and hypocritical?!

Conservatism is just contrarianism with extra steps.

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Funny how anger works. I spent the entirety of lunch seething over chapter 22. Then I started playing it again and I've been sitting here for an hour with the most apathetic pokerface ever, just going through the motions of the first half of the map. I'm not even reacting to RNG bullshit when it happens. I think the map's broken me.

The martial masters actually got distracted by the bullshit reinforcements and didn't charge with the swordmasters and wolf knights. This has allowed me to complete the hardest part without crystalling. That's nice, but I'm sure I'm still going to lose later because this map is impossible.

...Also, Bunet can't double and neutralize both martial masters when they stand next to each other, because of Citrinne's horrible meal. I am so glad that Citrinne is not a real person, because I don't think I could resist the urge to decapitate her with my bare hands.

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Yeah, see? I've lost two more crystals during clean-up because my guys can't land a hit that is below 100% accuracy. Excellent. I am going to lose again right at the end, and maybe that will be the motivation I need to just quit this fucking game already.

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Okay, will finally start the main story of TH... but first, will finish the Ether Mines. It will bother me leaving it unfinished (even if for a bit) so close to the end...

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, see? I've lost two more crystals during clean-up because my guys can't land a hit that is below 100% accuracy. Excellent. I am going to lose again right at the end, and maybe that will be the motivation I need to just quit this fucking game already.

The skill issue is crazy with you today.

I am surprised to just now learn that you actually placed engage that high at all in your funny list. I loved Engage too, but no way im putting it above Games of the Century tier DSFE supremacy, and also Conquest. Conquest doesn't have stupid reinforcements and 5 trillion defense lategame enemies. 

Think the only chapter in engage that broke me was chapter 10. I had your Ruben rage then. Boss with 2 life bars and killer weapons. Yeah, amazing game design, but ch19 and ch22 are nothing to write home about. Not good chapters other than you get Saphir in one of them. Wonder how you will do in ch24 and ch25. Just use Vander you scrub. 

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Watched the Great British Antiquated Ceremony this morning. Being a history nerd, it was nice to watch, sorry to those British taxpayers who find it a total waste. The British monarchy is also a guilty pleasure of mine (though I only pay attention to the big things), has the veneer of importance, but it isn't really. It lets me feel like I'm staying in touch with something serious, but without the depressiveness/scariness of say anthropogenic climate change and the fact the US is 25 days away from a potential economic catastrophe.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Do people at least drive well in the US?

I am reminded that one nickname I heard of for people from the state of Massachusetts is "Mass Ass", owing to their supposed lack of driving skills.

"Carmageddon" I recall is a phenomenon out in California. So the metropolises can still have plenty of traffic slowdown and chaos despite cars being the core form of transportation. Rural areas in this vast country can feel quite different however, empty and not exactly somewhere you'd want to have your car break down alone at night.

Warnings of aging infrastructure such as structurally-deficient bridges are chronic in the US. By the same token, every politician loves to promise they'll fix it, for legislators, it's a chance to bring home the goods to their constituents. The most recent former president held "Infrastructure Week" seemingly every three months at the White House -and usually another of their unending scandals would pop up and override it, to the point it became common satire for late night TV comedians. -But both their predecessor and successor also did and have championed infrastructure. -And yet it seemingly remains perpetually insufficiently maintained.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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