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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm more of a fan of when she veered to "it's a show for kids so it's okay to do it wrong since they won't know the difference." 

Me teaching kids to grow up as ignorant as me.

2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Does that mean she will be broadcast as one of the two MC's, but not actually contribute and instead get cut? What a tragic fate. Xd

Well she's a Ys prequel heroine so the writers will have to bullshit a reason why she doesn't show up in the other games.


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1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Jezebeth from Might and Magic? Lol

Yeah, I don’t think the young ones are going to get the reference.

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2 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Yeah, I don’t think the young ones are going to get the reference.

Unfortunate if that’s actually the case. Clash of Heroes is a lot of fun for one of them “puzzles” type games

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

In good news, the Phineas and Ferb guy isn't actually involved with Oye Primos. Just to clear up that misunderstanding.

"Ahh, Perry the Platypus! You're just in time. I just finished my Photobombinator! Dramatic sting Using this, I can photo bomb random pictures. When one of these pictures causes controversy, I will scare people with my presence! Waa hahahaha!"

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Let’s see if I can find anything FE related on YouTube today. Geez Louise, I hope I won’t be gambling with my immortal soul while partaking in this fun pastime.

One of Wraith’s search results:

Wraith after watching the video:


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10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Thanks man. My aunt got her inheritance as it was in her will and no one has tried anything yet (that we know of) so apparently everything is going to be fine.

That’s good to read hear.

10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Also, you're playing New Mystery!???? Make Kris a Mage to level up their magic then reclass to Myrmidon for Levin Sword Swordmaster shenanigans

Way too late for that, Kris is level 18 promoted.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Sounds like tryin to level up Knights or Madam Sophia the Squishy in FE6. Knights seem to always get fighters with silver axes dropped on em

Apparently sword units always get knights and generals with a billion defense dropped on them. And fighters with shaky hit but that can them easily. And mages that just 2 shot them.

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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


For a beautiful two seconds my mind was going haywire recognizing the first notes of the music.

Then I realized it sounds like the fucking A-Team theme song.

Fucking incredible. That has to be intentional, it's way too similar not to be, even down to the drums at the start.

Oh, you're right! lol

Likely a parody, or they may have actually licensed the track.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Well she's a Ys prequel heroine so the writers will have to bullshit a reason why she doesn't show up in the other games.

Well, I suppose this could be true. 

Just take lessons from the CS writers! They know how to write BS on a consistent basis! Lmao

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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Apparently sword units always get knights and generals with a billion defense dropped on them. And fighters with shaky hit but that can them easily. And mages that just 2 shot them.

Being a FE unit is suffering.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, you're right! lol

Likely a parody, or they may have actually licensed the track.

I doubt they actually licensed it, but the structure is identical, just some notes are off. Definitely a reference.

Now I have to picture the hamster going "I love it when plans come fumo."

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Checking out the EU4 subreddit after it opened up again..:

Can't ever escape the animememes.

(and yes, they're related, second cousins, I believe)

(also genderswapped)

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Such is the Spanish spirit, after all.

Not to mention that the Habsburgs were yet to arrive.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Have you tried being King of Gonder as Aragon?

Can't, Peasant Republic. ...although that does not stop the Iberian Wedding event from firing. And unfortunately, there never was a Saruhan for me to defeat, either.

And anyway, where was Gonder when Westphalia fell

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You know the problem with spending time making portraits for people who aren't from FE6? That now I feel bad that the portraits I actually spent time on are for lategame joiners. But I already pushed Daniela back, if I push this one back as well the hack's going to have no Gotoh lol

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The Dracodeus looks nice. Visually, if I thought the base Granteed looked like a solar deity, the Dracodeus looks like it flew into the center of the Sun, soaking itself in the radiance that provides the light and warmth that makes life possible. One-hundred-sixty thousand years passed, and the Granteed sensing the time of its need was at hand, flew out to Earth at light-speed, its new adornments the solar plasma solidified.

From a gameplay perspective, it's the Granteed, but a little better everywhere + Orgone Cloud and EN Regen S. Expected as much. It's not a big boost, but then the Granteed didn't need one the way Kira desperately craved the Freedom Gundam. Certainly feels to me like the reason praise Granteed as the best J Original mech is because of its early and midgame performance, far superior to those Aestivalises, SPTs, and SEED units, you're stuck using for a while. The lategame has enough awesome stuff that the Dracodeus, while strong for sure, doesn't stand out so much anymore.

And in my case, the Dragon God is being overshadowed by Ame no Daioh. Masato had 44 kills prior to obtaining the Great Zeo, now, just four battles after acquisition, he has 111. Accuracy is a bit of an issue, but otherwise he snaps everything in half. And since Infernal Hades is huge and can harm allies, everyone else has to keep their distance or waste 10-15 SP to survive. I'm afraid the rest of the crew is going to be starved for EXP at this rate.

Dracodeus is missing its last attack, as I was well aware it would. I've kept a record of each sub-pilot's deployment and haven't reached 20 with any of them. Since I'm told 25 deployments is the actual number needed for any girl's ending, I'll bring out Melua again, get her to 20 so I can have the final attack available for the final battle, but then bench her again, paranoid the number of deployments needed is actually lower than 25. The second-strongest attack of the Draco is 4500, stronger than the Brachium's ultimate, so it isn't a big deal not having it.

As for music, whereas Fate was more subdued than Revenger, Limit Over is heavier than Guardian Angel. Limit Over is a chiptune all-out assault on the senses, though it does have a lull in it. I'll say they're both good. I might prefer Guardian Angel's levity, but then that could be first-playthrough bias.

I am curious what the Brigandi looks like now having seen 2/3 of the J Original upgrades, and the Vorlent/Raftclans are in enemy hands so I've seen them too. -But I'll wait for my third run for that, which won't be for a looooooong while.😆 Yet hopefully it'd be much shorter since I'll have seen all of the story by then and can fast-forward through it. Kill counts, the battleship upgrades, and a few leftover funds aside, I would even consider doing it NG+. Since the third run would be Touya!Bellzelute + Brain + FMP (+ 1 open slot), none of which are being used on this playthrough and so won't already be upgraded.

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Chapter 16 makes me wonder how ironman-able this game even is. Like sure it has the biggest cast in the franchise (I think), but all these surprises are just sort of a massive fuck you to the player. Sure, the game actively televises to you that you’re in for some fun times when a chest gets opened, but you have no way of knowing that those fun times entail effective weapons and siege tomes. I just made a guess that hiding in the chest room would be a strategy I could pull off, and thankfully it was. The other ambush spawns are the same way, sure 99% of them come from forts, but when they’re wyverns you are just comply and utterly fucked.

Anyway, Est is based as always. I might make her a falcoknight because dracoknight’s speed cap is painfully low. So close to doubling all these promoted enemies, and yet so far away. I thought dracoknight would just be better because more strength and defense, which are typically more important for a peg than speed. But it caps speed really early, and that extra three points falco knights can get is the difference between doubling warriors, thieves, snipers, etc. and much more important than a little bit more strength. Especially for Est, whose strength is actually fine. Maybe this was a better call for Caeda but eh… I’m still feeling like she should’ve been one as well. I don’t even know why this class is the one that needs a special item, can units even reclass to this if they didn’t use an Elysian Whip?

So anyway, I benched Minerva and Cain for Est and Abel. Astram would be cool to use but nope, no way I can make room for him, maybe next time (the sign of a good FE). Tune in next time where I bench Merric for Katarina and pray that I don’t need those guys trained for the final chapter.

Also, clearing out all the thieves before they can touch a chest feels great. I just would like to point that out.

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There we go. Final girl of the hack. Five points if you can tell me her name. @BrightBow doesn't count.

I might just make her join during Sacae/Ilia and forego a Karel entirely. Give her a few more chapters of availability, plus Dayan in both routes would be great. Or maybe I should replace one of the nomad boss recolors with her, but I feel like that'd be a bit too much of an indulgence. Tell me what you think, if you like.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Chapter 16 makes me wonder how ironman-able this game even is. Like sure it has the biggest cast in the franchise (I think), but all these surprises are just sort of a massive fuck you to the player. Sure, the game actively televises to you that you’re in for some fun times when a chest gets opened, but you have no way of knowing that those fun times entail effective weapons and siege tomes. I just made a guess that hiding in the chest room would be a strategy I could pull off, and thankfully it was. The other ambush spawns are the same way, sure 99% of them come from forts, but when they’re wyverns you are just comply and utterly fucked.

On hard it works, I can tell you that much. More than the fun times, the problem comes from the fact that like, 75% of the cast are memes. They can be made to work, but as replacements in an ironman... Yeah, good fucking luck replacing someone with Assram on like, lunatic.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t even know why this class is the one that needs a special item, can units even reclass to this if they didn’t use an Elysian Whip?

I have no idea myself. DSFE oddities.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Okay, since tomorrow is Father's Day over here, I may not have time to play. So, while Saturdays are normally Xenoblade day and Sundays Three Houses day, I'll play TH today. Since I am so close to finishing CF. So might as well.

Okay, resuming Chapter 16.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


There we go. Final girl of the hack. Five points if you can tell me her name. @BrightBow doesn't count.

I might just make her join during Sacae/Ilia and forego a Karel entirely. Give her a few more chapters of availability, plus Dayan in both routes would be great. Or maybe I should replace one of the nomad boss recolors with her, but I feel like that'd be a bit too much of an indulgence. Tell me what you think, if you like.

Lovely portrait and choice.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Lovely portrait

Thanks! It's really not that impressive, I mostly traced the original portrait and then gave it some more GBAFE-ish shading. But I am happy with the end result, at least.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

and choice.

On the one hand I'm a bit sad to relegate her to Gotoh duty, but on the other, it does suit her to just suddenly arrive at the very end of the game with no explanation or context as to who she's supposed to be lol

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34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And that's one of the reasons i massively hate this game

A shame, otherwise you would have liked it. I think.

Wait do you like Thracia or no?

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


There we go. Final girl of the hack. Five points if you can tell me her name. @BrightBow doesn't count.

Is that… that enemy unit in Berwick who randomly has a portrait for absolutely no reason? And yes that is a full legal name

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I might just make her join during Sacae/Ilia and forego a Karel entirely. Give her a few more chapters of availability, plus Dayan in both routes would be great. Or maybe I should replace one of the nomad boss recolors with her, but I feel like that'd be a bit too much of an indulgence. Tell me what you think, if you like.

This is an fe6 hack? Make Merlinus a combat unit.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On hard it works, I can tell you that much. More than the fun times, the problem comes from the fact that like, 75% of the cast are memes. They can be made to work, but as replacements in an ironman... Yeah, good fucking luck replacing someone with Assram on like, lunatic.


wait Astram is bad? Noooo

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait do you like Thracia or no?

Thracia has quite a few unique mechanics that make me swallow the stupid bs

Not to mention Thracia enemies are weak af, unlike New mystery enemies, which makes surprises less painful

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