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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, now it's off to the Zekr Marga Quarry... but that will be for tomorrow.

At this rate I may finish this this very weekend. FC is not quite long, but I suppose it's understandable.

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I'd say, I'm still not fully convinced the Bionis' Shoulder was never meant to be used in the original version beyond testing and cutscene purposes. Even in its unfinished state, it's too... complex and large of a map for only those purposes. Specially with details like the town, the ether crystals, and even those treasure chests placed throughout. But ah well, if nothing has come out to light at this point, perhaps there never will, so whatever we got, it's all we'll get.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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14 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh cool

I still gotta beat the final boss of broforce XD

I seem to recall having beat the game eons ago. With luck, this update will fix whatever issue it is that caused the game to make my computer's fans go wild. A game like that shouldn't be taxing on the hardware lol

13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

He's going senile, be patient with him.

Hah! True, I sometimes forget.

13 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Încă vorbesc doar o singură limbă Rubenio.

I have no idea what you said.

10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


No fear

>enemy with item drop

1 fear

That's a really stupid weapon ngl. Just throw it on the protag and that's it, the game's over, nothing can win. Even if your damage is garbage, who cares, just spend 10 more turns. Unless the enemies are so powerful that 100 in every stat isn't enough to counter them. And of course droppable items are an issue.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a really stupid weapon ngl. Just throw it on the protag and that's it, the game's over, nothing can win

Problem A) 2 Lords

Problem B) None of them have the Sword rank to use it. They are a mage and a archer lord.

Problem C) Both 2 lords are more multi purpose, and while they do gain swords on promotion, limiting them to just Swords would be limiting their potential

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And of course droppable items are an issue.

Yeah had to reset because of that lol

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Problem A) 2 Lords

Problem B) None of them have the Sword rank to use it. They are a mage and a archer lord.

Problem C) Both 2 lords are more multi purpose, and while they do gain swords on promotion, limiting them to just Swords would be limiting their potential

Blair gave me a sword lord vibe. Withdrawn, then.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Blair gave me a sword lord vibe. Withdrawn, then.


Going from C Swords (which she gained on promotion) to S is not fun lol

Especially not when Magic is everything

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Going from C Swords (which she gained on promotion) to S is not fun lol

Especially not when Magic is everything

Clearly you've never undergone the sacred journey of bringing your GBAFE healer to S magic. Few things in FE6 frustrate me as much as the fact that you can't buy light magic until chapter 11. I've had plenty of Sauls and Elens promoted by chapter 9, you dicks. And of course, nothing more iconic than forbidding Moulder from using staves for half the game so he can get S anima. Whoever decided to make only one S rank attainable in FE7 and 8 is a horrible person.

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>Be Bandai Namco

>Make new Gundam show

>Leads of that show are confirmed lesbians

>They get married

>The creatives of the show confirm it again

>Company statement after the show ends claiming that "it's up to interpretation"

>Destroy any goodwill you had immediately

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Going from C Swords (which she gained on promotion) to S is not fun lol

Especially not when Magic is everything

So the character named Blair is a witch huh....

Edited by Armagon
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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Be Bandai Namco

>Make new Gundam show

>Leads of that show are confirmed lesbians

>They get married

>The creatives of the show confirm it again

>Company statement after the show ends claiming that "it's up to interpretation"

>Destroy any goodwill you had immediately

Archaeologists believe they were roommates.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

>Be Bandai Namco

>Make new Gundam show

>Leads of that show are confirmed lesbians

>They get married

>The creatives of the show confirm it again

>Company statement after the show ends claiming that "it's up to interpretation"

>Destroy any goodwill you had immediately

The Witch from Mercury?

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It's one of the least weird things Rean has seen in the past two years.


OOF. Though his options include Elie, Rixia, and Noel, so I guess I can't blame her too much for being invested.

Cold Steel IV end of Act 3:


Two more of the Rivalries are complete, and we have several new and returning allies (Sharon, George, Leo and Xeno, probably Ines and Ennea). Rutger got to pass on with no regrets and Black Alberich got verbally annihilated by Schmidt, which is nice to see.

In Crossbell, heroes must unite… to stage a show to distract the military. Elliot threw everyone and the kitchen sink in there, and it was quite fun to watch. I’m sure Sully made Ilya and Rixia proud…  Rean and co. fight Victor and McBurn at the same time, the heroes have sure come far in terms of strength at this point. McBurn still doesn’t use his full power, but he’s nice enough to promise to go all out the next time we see him, so it seems there will be answers as to what he is during the final chapter. Bringing Emma along to the fight suggests that he’s not from "this world”, and he’s probably an ancient demon of some kind (I previously thought he was somehow connected to the Holy Beast of Fire, before the reveal earlier).

Duvalie development good. Lastly is the final battle with Arianrhod, and which is tough since she can use her S-craft whenever just like the good old days of Trails to Azure. She confirms that destroying Ishmelga was her goal all along, so it seems she wasn’t very loyal to Ouroboros's cause in the first place. Surprisingly she's actually convinced to help the party, but unfortunately she's subject to the Loewe clause of being too overpowered to join the heroes...


I am mad, I will boost Duvalie's strength to ludicrous levels for when we fight Rufus later. Even the other members of Ouroboros show up to pay their respects (contrast everyone's reaction to Weissmann's death). The mortality rate for the Anguis is pretty high, now that I think about it... Lianne was nice enough to leave us as parting gift of enabling Valimar and Millium to talk with us once again, which is much appreciated.

We are now in the endgame as Musse would say, since the gates of Armageddon have been opened and the final chapter looms (after a trip to Mishelam, it seems). I was thinking that maybe Rean and Crow would fight Cedric and Rufus together as a 2v2 as an alternative to the final dungeon having three Rivalries, but now I'm not sure...

Aren't there almost 40 characters in this game? It seems the final dungeon will dump another ten characters on you, not that I'm complaining.


Edited by Lightchao42
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Etrian Odyssey IV is nice, but I was feeling the dearth of novelty and the severe gameplay-orientation of it.

So, I decided to go from Atlus-developed to Atlus-published. I finally took off the plastic wrap and popped in 13 Sentinels, being a VN puts it at the opposite extreme, not sure if that'll sate me or leave me wanting for an intermediary.

I had some desire to play 13S yesterday, but I chose not to and focused on EOIV, getting the first labyrinth done quenched me there. Of course, I got cold feet as I held my Switch in hand. A cool morning, alone, clear skies, no bugs, and I chose to sit outside and get some fresh air as I would play. Everything was perfect to start up a new game, and yet I still had legs stuck in the chilly depths of the Inferno with only Satan to converse with. I decided to recite the nembutsu as a tool for meditation, which seemed to work at first -until I remembered who the nembutsu is about. Then I started imagining 13S and Muramasa canonically sharing a world, which ruined the tranquility I was working towards as I turned towards laughter. I lamented my inability to achieve a clear and serene mind capable of Sekiha-ing the Sun into defeat, but then questioned whether or not I was demanding more of myself than I humanly should.

The only way to feel underwater is to be underwater, so after waaaaay too much needless delaying, so I shoved myself into starting 13 Sentinels at last. I got my head below the surface, and avoided coming up for air for longer than I had expected. I stopped once difficulty settings and the main menu unlocked. (I think I'll stick to normal difficulty since the map looks kinda hard to read and I'd not lose if things become too hectic.) Knowing I shall know nothing about the game until it's finished, I shall not speculate, ever. There is no point to theorycrafting when it shall all prove futile when all my edifices crumble each and every one having been discredited. Thou shalt not think. I watched the kaleidoscope of characters come and go, not judging, not analyzing, not putting serious cognitive effort into anything. I was naught but a silent sentinel on high, seeing, hearing, and nothing more.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Company statement after the show ends claiming that "it's up to interpretation"

No quantity nor quality of mobile suits is sufficient defense against angry cishet males who insist that every female from nun to newly-14s is available to them.

Corporations know this. Incels must never have to defy canon-sexualities to make fictional characters their own. Let the queers put up with that reality as they have for decades, yet one simply cannot force this undue burden on the str8s.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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17 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Pikmin has always sold decently--every game sold over a million copies, which is more than most Nintendo series can say--but it's still good to see Pikmin 4 doing well. It will sell a Pikmillion copies! Though Final Fantasy XVI is both PS5 exclusive and catered exclusively to Western tastes to attract the Call of Duty audience, so it's not an entirely fair comparison in terms of Japanese sales.

I was a bit apprehensive about Oatchi as a mechanic when he was first revealed, since I didn't want him to take too much focus away from the Pikmin, but I like how he was implemented as a leader/mega-Pikmin hybrid. Don't worry, Pikmin 2 has Louie so it's good.

Most Nintendo series, eh? I'm not sure about that, but I'm too lazy to do a simple internet search so I'd be pleasantly surprised if I found out Pikmin truly was one of the best selling Nintendo franchises considering it's in my top 5 favorite Nintendo IPs. 

Hold up, you're telling me that Final Fantasy XVI was made to cater to me and my fellow Americans (Even though I stopped playing COD after Cold War)? Well, I oughta put that beautiful disc into my PS5 and play it one of these days... As soon as I finish a few other games in my backlog.

I'll take Oatchi over Louie any day of the week, considering Louie is...






Well, I just simply don't trust him is all. 

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