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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, FE7 states that much, but does it feel that way? Neither Eliwood nor Hector ever mention their past experiences with dragons.

I feel like these two might be a bugbear for you? As the fathers of Hero and Awkwardly-Not-As-Important "Heroine", Blazing Blade can feel like it's trying to be a direct prequel? (And perhaps on some level it is.)

Imagine if E&H were replaced by... random nobodies. Let's call them Orange and Lime, let's pretend they're sons of traveling merchants (who know who to fight b/c highwaymen are everywhere and you need to protect yourself) who grew up as close friends. Orange's father -Tangerine- went missing a year ago and hasn't been seen since. Let's pretend Nergal manipulating the Black Fang intended to have the most powerful merchants of Elibe bribe the continent into war, Tangerine disagreed, and the story beats follow almost identically to how they do in the actual game.

Would that make it less problematic? Would it feel more like "a story in the same world as Binding Blade, but a little in the past" instead of a -implicitly direct- prequel? Would that help?

Or, are you of the opinion that, "if a world is going to be reused, the new story (and characters) has to greatly relate to the already-extant one"? A stance that would say FE Gaiden (or SoV to a lesser extend) should be in its own dimension b/c of how little it connects to FEs 1&3?

Thoughts of FE13's criticisms now come to mind, how Awakening feels so distant from Marth's era -2000 years- that it barely feels connected. As with Blazing, it is factually connected, yet the connections aren't as strong as they could be. And thus Awakening and Blazing alike might fall into a kind of limbo, for some critics at least.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why did he never think "hey I know of a gate that leads to the dragon realm, maybe Bern's dragons are connected to that, might be worth for Roy to check it out"?

Cue a Binding remake removing the Western Isles and replacing it a Dread Isle diversion.

...Actually, I wouldn't want that. Nils would likely show up again, except they'd have to then decide on whether or not to take the final step and totally entirely no excuse canonize Ninian as Roy's mother or not. They could leave her on the other side of the Gate if she didn't make Roy, so maybe IS could keep it totally ambiguous.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Neither does Lyn, or 90% of 7's cast for that matter (Vaida is a big one here)

Vaida's unpaired ending does leave open the possibility she died an outlaw. Heath's paired ending is more optimistic she might've lived. Yet we could just say the grim reality is her luck a deserter ran out in the 20 years that passed.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

in fact, Niime outright states that she tried to convert Canas's wife, but relented upon seeing how talented she was at anima. That doesn't sound like the same woman that would destroy her children's minds in her dogged pursuit of a worthy dark heir.

Did she though?

Canas: …I do believe this is the last surviving copy of this book. …As I told you before… Knowledge of the ancient magics has been passed down in our family for generations… Even this book…was to be passed to one of my three brothers.
Pent: And all three are now dead!! Good, Lord, man, you must be…
Canas: Oh, no! They are alive! But…barely. They merely subsist… As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness… It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is…great. …Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers… They live…and breathe…their eyes open and close… But…they do not move. And they do not speak.
Pent: ……
Canas: There is no guarantee that I will not join them… …… Truthfully, it scares me… However, I must see the other side. My curiosity pushes me ever deeper. It will be my undoing.

It doesn't sound like Niime forced them into their comas of darkness. Yeah she wanted to continue the family's studies of dark magic, but their practical deaths are the result of their own decisions to get too close to the dangerous fire.

Like, you could retcon the fact that Niime hasn't died despite decades of studying dark magic as evidence she was wise enough to avoid going near the danger zone and instead continue her magical studies in different ways. Blazing Bramimond is proof letting the fire brush against your skin can have pay off -he used that power to make his legendary weapon able to slay very powerful dragons- but Niime knows the odds are like 1 in 1 billion and knows losing this lottery has very negative repercussions. So she won't try to get rich quick.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Potentially, if he gets to exist instead of an entirely extraneous FE7 OC.

Hey, what's wrong with Astram?!😛

Blazing has this weird either-or thing going on. Four-Fanged Offense- do you fight Lloyd or Linus? Do you recruit Karel or Harken? When Hector goes to get the Armads in his exclusive chapter, he fights Kaim the Hero; while Eliwood in his exclusive chapter to pick up Durandal, fights Georg

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

or even Athos (though in his case I'm more hesitant to criticize because he's just cool) is neat

Agreed, Athos good. Makes the final chapter too easy yes, but Archsage has nice animations and it's the only chance you get to use him. Wasn't sure of your thoughts on on Athos. I know you've no liking for Gotoh. And a hero of legend existing almost 1000 years after his era is a wee bit of a retcon -although TBF they did pick the hero of Arcadia the hidden oasis.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

This Italian movie from the 60s called 8 1/2 is peak incoherent plot. Like textbook definition. And this movie was critically acclaimed? Bro what the fuck, the entire class and I basically fried our brains trying to figure out what the fuck was even happening.

Like I really tried to follow along but I genuinely can't tell you what the plot is, because it's too much of a cluster fuck.


Hopefully this isn't a harbinger of the semester to come if this is the first flick you have to watch.

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Vaida's unpaired ending does leave open the possibility she died an outlaw. Heath's paired ending is more optimistic she might've lived. Yet we could just say the grim reality is her luck a deserter ran out in the 20 years that passed.

I'm reminded years ago I once made a list about where could the Blazing Blade be doing by the time of Binding Blade. Being done so long ago, I no longer have the file, and also I think I killed off like a third to half of them, pft. XD

I do remember I followed the latter half of Vaida's solo ending, and had her working for Zephiel. Showing up somewhere in Chapters 21 or 22... I think it was 22, guarding one of the two switches.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Blazing has this weird either-or thing going on. Four-Fanged Offense- do you fight Lloyd or Linus? Do you recruit Karel or Harken? When Hector goes to get the Armads in his exclusive chapter, he fights Kaim the Hero; while Eliwood in his exclusive chapter to pick up Durandal, fights Georg

And of course, Binding has its own share. Two different paths in the Western Isles, Sacae/Ilia split...

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7 hours ago, gnip said:

So why not make it the standard that, for example, the content of a box of cookies is labled as 100 g (3.52 oz)?

Yep, we do that


or at least when it comes to the ingredients.

Now that I think about it, Americans just flip flop between which sounds more convenient at the moment. "Should I get the 2-liter soda or buy two 20 oz?"

Or how about "gallon of milk"? Like we'll just use liter for one thing then switch to gallon for another.

On that note, South America is metric of course but they (my family at least) also does seem to flip flop.

Idk just pick what's best for you. If you're not working in infrastructure, who cares.

34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hopefully this isn't a harbinger of the semester to come if this is the first flick you have to watch

Class is cancelled next week cause football game lmao.

Edited by Armagon
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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And of course, Binding has its own share. Two different paths in the Western Isles, Sacae/Ilia split...

I heard the way they're listed, Elffin route at the Isles and Sacae are both listed in finished Binding Blade's chapter/map data after the final chapter. This I read here and the beta chapter outline...

Chapter Title Synopsis New Units
1 Dawn of Destiny Valley Lord, Cavalier, Paladin, Archer, Knight
2 Escape Checkpoint Priest, Thief, Myrmidon*
3 To the West Flat town (ruins) Cavalier, Fighter*, Fighter
4 Under Bern’s Reign Coast
5 (A Mysterious Girl) Mountain with many forests Mage
6 Battle for Whose Sake Plains with many forests Nomad, Nomad
7 The Price of Betrayal Within a large town Troubadour, Myrmidon
8 The Reunion Castle interior (many chests) Priest
9 In Search of New Land Coast (landing battle) Mage, Knight, Pegasus Knight, Nomad
10 Legendary Berserker Search for enemy (fog, river) Fighter
11 For Independence Town Dancer, Cavalier
12 Birth of a King Castle interior Myrmidon
13 The Rescue Plan Island Paladin, Shaman
14 The Sword that Vanquishes Darkness Desert
15 Whereabouts of Truth Oasis town Wyvern Rider, Hero, Archer, Cavalier
16 Restoration of Etruria Castle interior (big castle) Manakete, Bishop
17 Challenging Bern Coast Pegasus Knight
18 The Winter General Forest and frozen river
19 Snowy Mountain Ascent Snow mountain Sniper, Sage
20 The Liberation of Ilia Castle interior General, Falcon Knight
21 Decisive Battle Plains (all-out war) Wyvern Lord
22 Final Gambit City interior (town surrounded by city walls)
23 The Dragon Temple Temple interior Sage
24 Beyond the Darkness Last boss map

shows a Dancer and speaks of Ilia, but no Bard nor mention of Sacae.

So it would appear that these involuntary splits came rather late into Binding's development and heading west/Elffin at the Isles and Sacae were what was created as a result.

Aside, I do wish that there a single line explaining what happened in the country Roy didn't invade. This is especially true if you went to Ilia, since Roy would still have to go through Sacae to reach Bern! It is said by Yoder that the Elimine Church found the other legendary weapon, but that is all. Given Ilia is a land of mercenaries -nefariously not the most loyal of troops-, and Sacae is a bunch of tribes -plenty of little points for disunity- and also nomads with a very distinctive identity apart from a more normal sedentary Elibean one, it is easy to imagine that once Bern and their other ally got trounced, the unvisited country bailed on its alliance and chose to abandon Bern. A second Etrurian army invading the other country is possible too, but never mentioned. One or two sentences is all Binding would need to fix this!

-A second aside, the possible idea in the above list that Roy might've be come king of the Western Isles in the beta story is interesting. Given how little time he spends in the Isles however, and that Roy's ultimate fate in the final product is nothing greater than King of Lycia, that would be weird.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Aside, I do wish that there a single line explaining what happened in the country Roy didn't invade. This is especially true if you went to Ilia, since Roy would still have to go through Sacae to reach Bern! It is said by Yoder that the Elimine Church found the other legendary weapon, but that is all. Given Ilia is a land of mercenaries -nefariously not the most loyal of troops-, and Sacae is a bunch of tribes -plenty of little points for disunity- and also nomads with a very distinctive identity apart from a more normal sedentary Elibean one, it is easy to imagine that once Bern and their other ally got trounced, the unvisited country bailed on its alliance and chose to abandon Bern. A second Etrurian army invading the other country is possible too, but never mentioned. One or two sentences is all Binding would need to fix this!

I'd assume so. Specially in the Sacae path, since Murdock had to get back to Bern somehow. Or simply took a ship down the eastern coastline.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-A second aside, the possible idea in the above list that Roy might've be come king of the Western Isles in the beta story is interesting. Given how little time he spends in the Isles however, and that Roy's ultimate fate in the final product is nothing greater than King of Lycia, that would be weird.

Or he could've simply helped a local who is the one who becomes king.

Well, King of Lycia only if married to Lilina, as she's the one who reorganizes the Alliance into a Kingdom... hm? That sounds familiar...

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd assume so. Specially in the Sacae path, since Murdock had to get back to Bern somehow. Or simply took a ship down the eastern coastline.

What eastern coastline?


Admittedly, this isn't as bad Tellius. With Elibe, you can readily imagine the unseen land would gradually narrow until it becomes a peninsula. Yet it's still an odd choice.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or he could've simply helped a local who is the one who becomes king.

I had considered that. Maybe Elffin? Which would be reasonable a temporary position until he returned to Etruria, when presumably he'd grant the Western Isles freedom from Etrurian imperialism. ...Although another beta document suggests that while Elffin was from Etruria, Mildain was a separate character who wasn't an Etrurian prince but some kind of Sacean originally.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What eastern coastline?

Admittedly, this isn't as bad Tellius. With Elibe, you can readily imagine the unseen land would gradually narrow until it becomes a peninsula. Yet it's still an odd choice.

I mean, yeah, unless we do have confirmation that Elibe actually is connecting to something else, it's likelier it's just completely surrounded by ocean.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had considered that. Maybe Elffin? Which would be reasonable a temporary position until he returned to Etruria, when presumably he'd grant the Western Isles freedom from Etrurian imperialism. ...Although another beta document suggests that while Elffin was from Etruria, Mildain was a separate character who wasn't an Etrurian prince but some kind of Sacean originally.

Posible, or an actual local instead.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yep, we do that

Ah, that's cool.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Did the value remain the same tho?

Do you mean the exchange rates between the old currencies and €? That one was fixed some time (three years, iirc) before the official introduction of the Euro for every country joining the Euro - for example, 1 € = 1.956 DM (Germany), 1 € = 166 pesetas (Spain), or 1 € = 13.76 Schilling (Austria).

Of course, with inflation, 1 € today is worth less than it was 10 years ago. Germany had an average inflation rate of 2.7% (between 1960 and today, this is not going to be an exact calculation), which means that 1 € today is worth about as much as 1 DM 25 years ago (1.027^25 = 1.947, so almost exactly the exchange rate). But the gradual devaluation of money is quite different than a drastic overnight change of what one "unit of money" means.

I have to say, Germany with its exchange rate of almost exactly 1:2 had it the easiest out of all the early adopters. Italy (1:2000) and Portugal (1:200) are the only ones with an almost as easy calculation.

(also, fun fact, the Irish pound was the only currency among the first adopters where 1 IEP was worth more than 1 € (= 0.7876 IEP))

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So, you know how Kaga stated that he modeled Thracia after Spain? You know, the desolate country with impossible terrain?

Well, TIL he also dropped this smoking bomb of a line in the same infamous interview:

"Thracia was modeled after Spain, while Leonster, in the north, was modeled after Italy. That’s why Leonster appears more highly-civilised and polished in comparison."



dare you, old man.

I'm going to grab my Berwicksign and beat him over the head.

11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Possibly. I still feel Juno gives more overall vibes of being a young woman. Too young to show up in the matter you wish she did.

I suppose part of it is that, well, there's two options for fictional women: Really old (rare), or young. Even middle-aged women or just adult women consistently look far younger than they are meant to be, with few exceptions. This is exacerbated in Japanese media. So when Juno is established as a seasoned military veteran that is married to a dude that looks 20 years older than her, I'm more inclined to chalk up her youthful appearance to anime and assume she's meant to be 30-something.

But of course, like I said yesterday, since nothing is canonically stated, it's all up to anyone's interpretation.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Who did Trump bribe to tell the press he weighs 215 pounds?

That's 97 KG

There's no way that's right, I got to a point where I reached 110 and I didn't look as bloated as Trumpet boy. The man's actually only a few centimeters shorter than me, he has to be at least 110. At least.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I feel like these two might be a bugbear for you? As the fathers of Hero and Awkwardly-Not-As-Important "Heroine", Blazing Blade can feel like it's trying to be a direct prequel? (And perhaps on some level it is.)

Imagine if E&H were replaced by... random nobodies. Let's call them Orange and Lime, let's pretend they're sons of traveling merchants (who know who to fight b/c highwaymen are everywhere and you need to protect yourself) who grew up as close friends. Orange's father -Tangerine- went missing a year ago and hasn't been seen since. Let's pretend Nergal manipulating the Black Fang intended to have the most powerful merchants of Elibe bribe the continent into war, Tangerine disagreed, and the story beats follow almost identically to how they do in the actual game.

Would that make it less problematic? Would it feel more like "a story in the same world as Binding Blade, but a little in the past" instead of a -implicitly direct- prequel? Would that help?

Or, are you of the opinion that, "if a world is going to be reused, the new story (and characters) has to greatly relate to the already-extant one"? A stance that would say FE Gaiden (or SoV to a lesser extend) should be in its own dimension b/c of how little it connects to FEs 1&3?

Thoughts of FE13's criticisms now come to mind, how Awakening feels so distant from Marth's era -2000 years- that it barely feels connected. As with Blazing, it is factually connected, yet the connections aren't as strong as they could be. And thus Awakening and Blazing alike might fall into a kind of limbo, for some critics at least.

Like I told Acacia yesterday, part of the problem here is that if I were John IntSys himself, if I had to make a FE6 prequel, I would've set it in the Scouring, not 20 years before FE6 where absolutely nothing noteworthy is established to have happened. The problem with using these characters it that FE6 never intended for them to be major, leading to the classic situation where the FE7 fan plays FE6 and is seriously disappointed to find Eliwood vanishes after chapter 1, Hector unceremoniously croaks in chapter 3 and Lyn... yeah.

Still, truth be told, it was probably the better choice compared to just summoning new protagonist out of thin ai-- oh wait lol

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Cue a Binding remake removing the Western Isles and replacing it a Dread Isle diversion.

...Actually, I wouldn't want that. Nils would likely show up again, except they'd have to then decide on whether or not to take the final step and totally entirely no excuse canonize Ninian as Roy's mother or not. They could leave her on the other side of the Gate if she didn't make Roy, so maybe IS could keep it totally ambiguous.

No. Absolutely not. I don't care if it'd retroactively turn FE7 into the greatest prequel in history, the Western Isles and its Etrurian conclusion are perhaps the best part of FE6 and I will not have it vanquished for a Nergal connection.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Vaida's unpaired ending does leave open the possibility she died an outlaw. Heath's paired ending is more optimistic she might've lived. Yet we could just say the grim reality is her luck a deserter ran out in the 20 years that passed.

Yeah, that's the way they had to write her ending because she doesn't exist in FE6, so they can't just let her reach the natural conclusion.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did she though?

Canas: …I do believe this is the last surviving copy of this book. …As I told you before… Knowledge of the ancient magics has been passed down in our family for generations… Even this book…was to be passed to one of my three brothers.
Pent: And all three are now dead!! Good, Lord, man, you must be…
Canas: Oh, no! They are alive! But…barely. They merely subsist… As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness… It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is…great. …Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers… They live…and breathe…their eyes open and close… But…they do not move. And they do not speak.
Pent: ……
Canas: There is no guarantee that I will not join them… …… Truthfully, it scares me… However, I must see the other side. My curiosity pushes me ever deeper. It will be my undoing.

It doesn't sound like Niime forced them into their comas of darkness. Yeah she wanted to continue the family's studies of dark magic, but their practical deaths are the result of their own decisions to get too close to the dangerous fire.

Like, you could retcon the fact that Niime hasn't died despite decades of studying dark magic as evidence she was wise enough to avoid going near the danger zone and instead continue her magical studies in different ways. Blazing Bramimond is proof letting the fire brush against your skin can have pay off -he used that power to make his legendary weapon able to slay very powerful dragons- but Niime knows the odds are like 1 in 1 billion and knows losing this lottery has very negative repercussions. So she won't try to get rich quick.

Fair enough. My memory of the sequence of events was faulty, I seemed to recall she forced the kids to use dark magic. It would add up, seeing how she did pressure Hugh, but still.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wasn't sure of your thoughts on on Athos. I know you've no liking for Gotoh. And a hero of legend existing almost 1000 years after his era is a wee bit of a retcon -although TBF they did pick the hero of Arcadia the hidden oasis.

To be fair, my opinion of Gotoh is less actual, level-headed dislike for his character and more theatrical hatred for his utterly nonsensical actions in FE12. Like, I'm aware Gotoh only makes Marth hike through deserts, volcanos and frozen peaks full of dragons and barbarians because we need to have chapters in the videogame. I'm also aware that's the reason his house is full of thieves. I'm also also aware that the reason he twiddles his thumbs in the final battle instead of joining to help is that FE3 was bursting at the seams and couldn't handle more character data (though why FE12 didn't change that is beyond me). But still, it's fun to yell at him for all of these things.

Athos being alive is 100% a retcon, but a legendary, legendarily powerful magician using magic to stay alive for hundreds of years is the kind of retcon that feels natural, and Athos is a fun addition. I don't mind Athos, in fact I like Athos, Athos is cool and probably the best Gotoh in the series. When the game tells you he's the shit, that's not just the game telling you, it feels that way. And when Nergal brushes off an attack of his, it is legitimately impressive.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Aside, I do wish that there a single line explaining what happened in the country Roy didn't invade.

The classic pet peeve. I'll admit, the idea of Yoder soloing a country's worth of Bernese occupation forces alongside a detachment of church templars and nonchalantly coming up to Roy with the corresponding legendary weapon is too funny, so I've never questioned it as much. But it is something that'd be interesting - especially considering if you go to Ilia, Roy passes through Sacae on his way to Bern. What, did the Djute just fall asleep?

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Specially in the Sacae path, since Murdock had to get back to Bern somehow.

That too, I never considered that. Murdock just warps to Bern lol

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-A second aside, the possible idea in the above list that Roy might've be come king of the Western Isles in the beta story is interesting. Given how little time he spends in the Isles however, and that Roy's ultimate fate in the final product is nothing greater than King of Lycia, that would be weird.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or he could've simply helped a local who is the one who becomes king.

I mean, let's be honest here, there's only one worthy candidate to be Queen of the West.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Admittedly, this isn't as bad Tellius. With Elibe, you can readily imagine the unseen land would gradually narrow until it becomes a peninsula. Yet it's still an odd choice.

As a side note, it's always a great moment when a map of Elibe is shown, I remember that it looks like Eurasia and laugh at the fact that Spain's a fucking uncharted desert.

But it does mean got Best Character Igrene haha suck on that the rest of you

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The problem with using these characters it that FE6 never intended for them to be major, leading to the classic situation where the FE7 fan plays FE6 and is seriously disappointed to find Eliwood vanishes after chapter 1, Hector unceremoniously croaks in chapter 3 and Lyn... yeah.

Thankfully I never had that issue.😄

The bigger problem when Binding Remake happens is that it'll turn out units don't start at 0% HP and the game isn't about having Roy spend four turns to do one attack that sends all adjacent enemies flying off the map. Smash has developed an unsustainable international Roy cult and the fact is... he probably isn't the glorious character people have come to think he is. Roy is incredibly unremarkable as an FE lord and a remake would need to light a fire under his butt to liven him up. ...Who am I kidding? Rois Ma Boi Bois will still somehow, stay overexcited.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, my opinion of Gotoh is less actual, level-headed dislike for his character and more theatrical hatred for his utterly nonsensical actions in FE12. Like, I'm aware Gotoh only makes Marth hike through deserts, volcanos and frozen peaks full of dragons and barbarians because we need to have chapters in the videogame.

I mean, Athos says he could've simply warped everyone to the Shrine of Seals from Nabata, but chose not to b/c ya ain't gettin' some fancy weapons from me if you don't prove your own strength, or have that edgelord merc solo everything, I don't care.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, let's be honest here, there's only one worthy candidate to be Queen of the West.


...Or the monotreme/snake-woman. Her ending does say the people wanted her to stay as their leader. Though her ending also says the Isles became the "Western Union", so not sure what title a leader would have there.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As a side note, it's always a great moment when a map of Elibe is shown, I remember that it looks like Eurasia and laugh at the fact that Spain's a fucking uncharted desert.

At least it's visited, unlike that meaningless Portuguese island.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So, you know how Kaga stated that he modeled Thracia after Spain? You know, the desolate country with impossible terrain?

Well, TIL he also dropped this smoking bomb of a line in the same infamous interview:

"Thracia was modeled after Spain, while Leonster, in the north, was modeled after Italy. That’s why Leonster appears more highly-civilised and polished in comparison."



dare you, old man.

Only now you've learned this? I've known this for years. Never once batted an eye at it.😏

Well, historically, it was Spain that conquered Italy as its Renaissance came to its end. The southern half of the Italian Peninsula + Sicily and Milan were underrated possessions of the Spanish Empire who cares about the Americas?. Well actually, the Americas matter b/c thanks to them (and the circumnavigation of Africa, something else Spain did decently) the Mediterranean lost a lot of geopolitical-economic value, but still, Italy was a lot of consistent tax revenue for Madrid, not as inconstant and inhumanely-earned as income from American silver. And Genoa became effectively tied to Spain as its bankers provided the generous loans for financing Spanish Habsburg ambitions. Take some solace in this, you hyper-nationalist.😝

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thankfully I never had that issue.😄

The bigger problem when Binding Remake happens is that it'll turn out units don't start at 0% HP and the game isn't about having Roy spend four turns to do one attack that sends all adjacent enemies flying off the map. Smash has developed an unsustainable international Roy cult and the fact is... he probably isn't the glorious character people have come to think he is. Roy is incredibly unremarkable as an FE lord and a remake would need to light a fire under his butt to liven him up. ...Who am I kidding? Rois Ma Boi Bois will still somehow, stay overexcited.

Roy definitely will have to at least promote earlier in a remake. You know, like in every rebalancd that ever was.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I mean, Athos says he could've simply warped everyone to the Shrine of Seals from Nabata, but chose not to b/c ya ain't gettin' some fancy weapons from me if you don't prove your own strength, or have that edgelord merc solo everything, I don't care

Yeah, but see, in his case it's less bs because he doesn't know Eligood and his merry band as well. Meanwhile, Gotoh knows Marth already from the war of Shadows, where Gotoh already saw the lengths to which he's willing to go and already approved of him! It begs repeating, Gotoh already said Marth is cool! Why does he feel the need to test him again by making him hike through volcanos and wastelands, wasting everybody's time when the world does NOT have the luxury?! Senile buffoon!

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Er... That is certainly an opinion.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Or the monotreme/snake-woman.

Good Observer.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Her ending does say the people wanted her to stay as their leader. Though her ending also says the Isles became the "Western Union", so not sure what title a leader would have there.

She's a natural leader.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Only now you've learned this? I've known this for years. Never once batted an eye at it.😏

Well, historically, it was Spain that conquered Italy as its Renaissance came to its end. The southern half of the Italian Peninsula + Sicily and Milan were underrated possessions of the Spanish Empire who cares about the Americas?. Well actually, the Americas matter b/c thanks to them (and the circumnavigation of Africa, something else Spain did decently) the Mediterranean lost a lot of geopolitical-economic value, but still, Italy was a lot of consistent tax revenue for Madrid, not as inconstant and inhumanely-earned as income from American silver. And Genoa became effectively tied to Spain as its bankers provided the generous loans for financing Spanish Habsburg ambitions. Take some solace in this, you hyper-nationalist.😝

I think I feel more insulted by you calling me a hyper-nationalist, actually.

Expect me to go to your house and pee on the seat.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Or the monotreme/snake-woman. Her ending does say the people wanted her to stay as their leader. Though her ending also says the Isles became the "Western Union", so not sure what title a leader would have there.



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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

my opinion of Gotoh is less actual, level-headed dislike for his character and more theatrical hatred for his utterly nonsensical actions in FE12.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gotoh knows Marth already from the war of Shadows, where Gotoh already saw the lengths to which he's willing to go and already approved of him! It begs repeating, Gotoh already said Marth is cool! Why does he feel the need to test him again by making him hike through volcanos and wastelands, wasting everybody's time when the world does NOT have the luxury?! Senile buffoon!

When the old is senile:


Unlucky. Seethe and cope. 

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I can't believe Echidna was a capitalist all along, I'm so disappointed

43 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

When the old is senile:


Unlucky. Seethe and cope. 

That Gotoh is positively horrifying.

10/10 good work.

19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Boy oh boy, it's your second-favorite thing in FE, after garbage bags.

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Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.


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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

Oh boy, human interaction. The most underrated pastime.

Nice to have you back!

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

That's awesome, glad things are looking up in that front.

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5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

Conquest was a nice game to return to while I was gone from my computer. I didn't beat it since I was mostly busy with things like human interaction while I was away, but I'll probably continue playing it on the sidelines while I keep playing Radiant Dawn.

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

Oh, hey, welcome back!

For once I actually remembered someone had stopped posting!

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28 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



dare you, old man.

Hey could've been worse, he could've unfavourably compared you to the French. Or *shudder* Germans. Or maybe Portuguese? I don't know if you Iberians have a similar funny sibling rivalry as the Scandinavians cultivate.


Random DA:O thought: It took me a bit too long to realise that the seemingly rather stupid "we need two of the legendary Grey Wardens to flick a light switch" plot point near the start of the game actually makes a lot more sense when you know that Alistair is, at that point, next in line for the throne should Cailan die horribly in the upcoming fight, so Cailan is sending him on an Very Important mission that happens to keep him out of the fight. Good job on not being a complete dumb-dumb, Cailan.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Boy oh boy, it's your second-favorite thing in FE, after garbage bags.


Dragons here in this case are more like Wyverns in FE lol

And yeah they absolutely dominate here as well

My strongest unit is the healer...who controls Wyverns in her squad. She just decimates the game lol

44 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey folks. I've returned from my two week long slumber

welcome back!

45 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

That's good to hear!

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Holy shit, Reinhilde's damage though. Every time I use her the stopping power of that little crossbow never ceases to amaze. @Interdimensional ObserverWe were talking before about the manner in which Auguste should've helped Valmur with politics after retiring. How he'd come in, crumble a boulder to dust and put the fear of God in any jerks trying to bully his son?

Well, better him than Reinhilde. Reinhilde would just turn them into a splatter on the wall lol

...Speaking of Valmur, he seems to have a really high parry chance. Either that or I've gotten super lucky, but he's proving more durable than expected. When Kristoff and an archer targeted him I thought "yeah that's him gone" but then he parried everything. It's Auguste that keeps dying. I guess when you go to the battlefield unarmed and shirtless, your durability turns out not to be the best. Still way cool, though I hesitate to call him the coolest with a wife like that. Best couple?

1 minute ago, gnip said:

Hey could've been worse, he could've unfavourably compared you to the French. Or *shudder* Germans. Or maybe Portuguese? I don't know if you Iberians have a similar funny sibling rivalry as the Scandinavians cultivate.

Ehh, not really. Some aren't too fond of the French but we really don't have that kind of signature rivalry, I don't think. I'm just kind of offended Kaga says the country that has elected a nazi into presidency is more "high-class and polished" than us.

5 minutes ago, gnip said:

Random DA:O thought: It took me a bit too long to realise that the seemingly rather stupid "we need two of the legendary Grey Wardens to flick a light switch" plot point near the start of the game actually makes a lot more sense when you know that Alistair is, at that point, next in line for the throne should Cailan die horribly in the upcoming fight, so Cailan is sending him on an Very Important mission that happens to keep him out of the fight. Good job on not being a complete dumb-dumb, Cailan.

That... actually makes a lot of sense, and all things considered, he was very wise to do it. Good on you, Cailan.

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My strongest unit is the healer...who controls Wyverns in her squad. She just decimates the game lol

That's a hilarious concept, I like it.

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