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Not gonna lie, my love for Ace Combat has made it so that if I ever write flying unit participation in any battles of my FE fanfics, I'd just straight up write it AC style.

"This is Jackal 3, Fox Two!" *throws javelin*

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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As i'm nearing the endgame of Atelier Ryza 3, i'm gonna do something i don't think i've ever done before. Restart the game. Sort of.

See, i feel like this game just got fucked over by circumstances beyond it's control. While i do have some real gripes with it, what really took Ryza 3's wind out of it's sails was two thing:

  1. It wasn't until the late game that i've realized i've been playing notable parts of the game completely wrong.
  2. Zelda lol. This was the worst timing.

I'm not restarting the whole game, i have a second save from before Zelda completely took over. And, well, part of this is me not wanting to end the journey yet (insert Z-man here). But i've never meandered on an Atelier game like this yes i have actually, with Firis and Lydie & Suelle. I feel that if i finish the game now.......idk my thoughts won't be as honest.

Edit: to clarify, there's def been times where i was playing the game wrong and didn't realize it (*cough* Xenoblade X *cough*) it's just that the way it played out in this particular instance has me feeling this way. This happened with Lydie & Suelle too but i only had the one save so i wasn't going to restart, nor did the thought cross my mind at the time. I should revisit it, it deserves a second chance.

Edited by Armagon
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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Ya know, there isn't actually a ton on Steam that I desperately crave (owning to my narrow/cautious perspective), maybe on a sale I'll wing it and try one.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:



I'll reciprocate with this.

Third standard battle theme.

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

As i'm nearing the endgame of Atelier Ryza 3, i'm gonna do something i don't think i've ever done before. Restart the game. Sort of.

See, i feel like this game just got fucked over by circumstances beyond it's control. While i do have some real gripes with it, what really took Ryza 3's wind out of it's sails was two thing:

  1. It wasn't until the late game that i've realized i've been playing notable parts of the game completely wrong.
  2. Zelda lol. This was the worst timing.

I'm not restarting the whole game, i have a second save from before Zelda completely took over. And, well, part of this is me not wanting to end the journey yet (insert Z-man here). But i've never meandered on an Atelier game like this yes i have actually, with Firis and Lydie & Suelle. I feel that if i finish the game now.......idk my thoughts won't be as honest.

Edit: to clarify, there's def been times where i was playing the game wrong and didn't realize it (*cough* Xenoblade X *cough*) it's just that the way it played out in this particular instance has me feeling this way. This happened with Lydie & Suelle too but i only had the one save so i wasn't going to restart, nor did the thought cross my mind at the time. I should revisit it, it deserves a second chance.


As someone who has on repeated occasion mentioned before being very moody with playing games, I sure can understand the feeling.

Bolded, things felt totally different on my second incomplete run there.😄 A lot less struggling with the fighting, even pre-Overdrive, infinitely greater clarity made everything better.


Speaking of Atelier, I haven't made as much progress on Mana Khemia 2 as I've planned (today IRL had me become a mass murderer -of ants invading from the ceiling after the previous day had heavy rainfall, not the first time).

So far I'm 32 1/2 hours in, Ulrika's Grow Book is at 69% and the others aren't far behind, might be able to hit 75% on them before the chapter is over. It doesn't feel like all hours are real, something about seems... ephemeral or insubstantial? I know some of that is probably from one-too-many dungeon trips for material gathering, plus leaving the game running while doing IRL stuff, I feel like I could shave maybe 7 hours off the time if I were a more normal player?

Overall, feels mostly like more of the same as Alchemists of Al-Revis? Weaker cast, enhanced alchemy, plot is still very much in the background. I am enjoying it though, the constant alchemizing and immediate gradual benefits in the form of the Grow Books is a quiet progression loop my brain likes. I also can't bring myself to be endlessly hating on the elements I find criticizable and have gotten unemotionally used to the flaws.

I'll say it right now that I do want to do a second run of the game with Raze at some point, to see his perspective. Though not right away, and I think I'd throw that one translated DS spinoff trilogy game between it and my current time with Ulrika.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ya know, there isn't actually a ton on Steam that I desperately crave (owning to my narrow/cautious perspective), maybe on a sale I'll wing it and try one.

Oh, sadly, only Ace Combat 7 is on Steam. The others are scattered around, but from what I recall, a few lack modern ports.

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5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Man I can't wait to start this new Fire Emblem game.

Have fun, as this is one of the odder parts of Radiant Dawn due to it having the most experimental availability.


8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



I sound like a broken record at this point but It really is such a shame that FE hasn't really done a political intriguing story in a long time and focus on just the personal stories of the characters.

I feel like both Tellius games have shown so far that they are definitely capable of combining the two, and in fact can benefit each other greatly.

They knew they would never trump the political intrigue of Jugdral


9 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Oooh, sky map. That's new.

I already knew these were going to be a thing in RD but I wasn't sure how they were going to be done.

Its a cool little gimmick, and I like the moving cloud terrain, but this is its only appearance series wide.


10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



Hehe, I like perfect numbers.

Beautiful work getting him down to exactly 1 HP like that for this kill.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's basically just of how America is represented online. It's not perfect, there are problems. But it's also not as bleak as some people make it out to be.

Yeah, that's only natural. Still feel I'm happier in the country I was born.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

A friend of mine lives with his mom and sister in a four-bedroom apartment in Oviedo (Florida) for $1800 a month, that's not bad honestly. I myself live in Orlando in a two-bed apartment with my mom, rent's currently $1500.

My monthy rent for my four-bedroom apartment is a little over 600€. It's located in a city with almost three times the population of Flowerviedo.

Holy shit, them 'Murican salaries better be great.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Here in Florida it's currently $11, it becomes $12 starting in October. Which isn't amazing but it is keeping up with my rent at least.

From what I can tell, that means a bit under 2000 monthy bucks. Yeah, our salaries tend to be lower than that. All compensates, I suppose... Though that still means your friend's apartment eats up his entire monthly salary and leaves him zero room for even food, so I hope he has a better wage than that.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

And, well, despite right-wing rhetoric, America is by far the most welcoming country to immigrants than anywhere else. Integration goes smoothly and, if you were to move here for example, you'd already be considered an American from a social standpoint by the end of the year lol. Whereas if I moved to Spain, even if I get naturalized, because of how Europe views nationality, I probably wouldn't ever be considered a Spaniard. Perhaps, idk. Spain is destination #2 for Latin Americans, if they didn't have to cross the Atlantic to get there, they'd probably be going there more than the US. But hell, there's even a notable Romani population here in the States, they just go unnoticed because they integrated (while also keeping some migratory habits) and there aren't any Europeans calling for their heads.

That's the part where I'll have to take your word from it. Looking from outside, America doesn't seem... particularly welcoming, generally speaking.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


You folks need to start getting some humanistic ideas.

They are ugly people in an anime fantasy. They never stood a chance.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I sound like a broken record at this point but It really is such a shame that FE hasn't really done a political intriguing story in a long time and focus on just the personal stories of the characters.

I feel like both Tellius games have shown so far that they are definitely capable of combining the two, and in fact can benefit each other greatly.

Berwick Saga also does this really well.

No, no, just saying for no particular reason. Why must everything I say have an ulterior motive?

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Oooh, sky map. That's new.

I already knew these were going to be a thing in RD but I wasn't sure how they were going to be done.

It's a funny idea, and it gives you Best Boy Nealuchi, so I liked it.

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Hardy har har.

There's the first unit where RD's "unique" balancing shenanigans start to work against the game. This man is so obscenely broken that you can just throw him at everything and kill everyone. It's not too bad yet, he doesn't quite ruin part 2. It'll become extremely bad in part 3, so count your lucky stars you don't care about all of that.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Uh, I defeated all the red guys but I still have to wait a few more turns.

D-Do we just search if they're hiding in the clouds or...

lol I didn't remember it did that. That's Haar for ya.

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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bolded, things felt totally different on my second incomplete run there.😄 A lot less struggling with the fighting, even pre-Overdrive, infinitely greater clarity made everything better.

Goetia fucked me up the first run but she was easy pickings the second run.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It doesn't feel like all hours are real, something about seems... ephemeral or insubstantial? I know some of that is probably from one-too-many dungeon trips for material gathering, plus leaving the game running while doing IRL stuff, I feel like I could shave maybe 7 hours off the time if I were a more normal player?

Atelier hours generally get inflated by simply crafting and exploring. I got 40 hours on my main Ryza 3 file, I reached about 30 on Ryza 2.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

They knew they would never trump the political intrigue of Jugdral

Even Judgral messed up by throwing it all away in Gen 2.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy shit, them 'Murican salaries better be great

Unironically, Americans on average do earn higher wages than elsewhere. Your expenses will vary by a variety of factors of course. But that's why people from "the good countries" in Europe come here for work, because they like that higher wage. Maybe they go back after a few years with the extra cash, maybe they stay. But our wages are very attractive.

Worker protections.....again, vary by state (don't be a construction worker in Texas). But I will say that it's a double-edged sword in both cases. On one hand, America's relative lack of worker protections means that it's easier to change jobs. Job market's fucked everywhere but unemployment has been down a lot. On the other hand, it does lead to a lot of bullshit.

On the flip side, Europe's worker protections are good, we should get some of that, but from what I hear, it's harder to change jobs. Something something contracts idk. Leads to a higher unemployment rate and if someone genuinely is being unproductive, you can't just fire them.

Like just comparing the unemployment rates between countries, the US currently has a 3.5% unemployment rate. Spain is at 11.6%. Germany is at 5.6%. France at 7.45%. Norway is the same as the US. Denmark's actually a little bit lower at 2.7%, good job Denmark. UK at 4.2%, Italy at 8.9%, Finland at 6.80%. And for our northern and southern neighbors, Canada at 5.60% and Mexico is doing better at 2.68%.

Spain what are you doing? Or rather, what aren't you doing? Anyways, these are just statistics, obviously once you get to the ground, things become way blurrier. I still want those protections and I think we'll see it soon. But Europe's aging population needs to get their shit together, teach the young ones to not take what they have for granted and fight for it because I'm sure those alt-right parties would love to do away with it. We're already seeing this in the UK with the Tories gutting the NHS so they can eventually say it doesn't work.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Though that still means your friend's apartment eats up his entire monthly salary and leaves him zero room for even food, so I hope he has a better wage than that.

I think he's earning a bit more than minimum but he's also not living by himself. He lives with his mom (who definitely earns way more than he does) and sister (sister is in high school, too young to even get a McDonald's job yet). They even have a cat!

Living by yourself, unless you got really lucky, is unfeasible for most of my generation right now. But that's everywhere really. Cultural shift from 50 years ago, where now people are living with their folks (if they can) until they are truly ready to fly the nest. 

Of course if you're from Latin America, this is nothing new lmao. Multi-generation homes have been a thing since forever.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's the part where I'll have to take your word from it. Looking from outside, America doesn't seem... particularly welcoming, generally speaking

The sheer diversity we have here should dispell that notion. The plaza where I work at alone has an Italian restaurant, a Chinese restaurant and an Honduran bar. There's a Venezuelan restaurant down the street and another one up the street. Latino supermarkets everywhere (I finally found a nearby supply of chicha after all these years). Go elsewhere in the country, large populations of other cultures. Louisiana has a notable French community in New Orleans, the southern borders have a lot of Latinos, New York gets everyone. A blend of Texan and Mexican cuisine gave birth to "Tex-Mex". Etc. There are Egyptians in Tennessee, like half of all Iranians in the US are in California, a fuck ton of Indians, a lot of Japanese in Cali but you also have them in fucking Kentucky. There's a fuckton of Polish in Illinois, etc.

The density will depend on the state (middle of nowhere states like the Dakotas will obviously have less immigrant numbers than Washington state). But the key here is we don't expect incoming immigrants to give up their culture when they come here. It's an objective fact that immigrants have a way easier time integrating into American society than *insert other country*. Like not even Europe, try being a foreigner in Japan for instance. 

And this next part is more of a new world/old world thing but practically every country in the new world that isn't Australia, New Zealand and Colombia has birthright citizenship. As far as the state is concerned, if you were born in that country, you are a citizen of it by default (though they may add some tiny caveats, usually doesn't affect the average person tho). In the US at least, this allows those birthright children to eventually petition their parents for legal status if they came in illegally/overstayed (this is what I did, my parents didn't get their green cards until last year and this year respectively). In the old world, citizenship is determined by your parents pretty much exclusively. Don't even get me started on dual-citizenship lmao if you wanted to go that far.

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13 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Hardy har har.

Whenever I think of Haar in his third tier promotion this immediately comes to mind.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Unironically, Americans on average do earn higher wages than elsewhere. Your expenses will vary by a variety of factors of course. But that's why people from "the good countries" in Europe come here for work, because they like that higher wage. Maybe they go back after a few years with the extra cash, maybe they stay. But our wages are very attractive.

That's fair. Though with what I've heard of your vegetables I think I'd rather have the lower wages thanks

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Spain what are you doing? Or rather, what aren't you doing?

Hey, it's been improving! Rajoy four years ago left it at over 15%.


4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think he's earning a bit more than minimum but he's also not living by himself. He lives with his mom (who definitely earns way more than he does) and sister (sister is in high school, too young to even get a McDonald's job yet). They even have a cat!

Living by yourself, unless you got really lucky, is unfeasible for most of my generation right now. But that's everywhere really. Cultural shift from 50 years ago, where now people are living with their folks (if they can) until they are truly ready to fly the nest. 

Of course if you're from Latin America, this is nothing new lmao. Multi-generation homes have been a thing since forever.

Stupid, stupid societal conventions.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Like not even Europe, try being a foreigner in Japan for instance. 

Oh yeah, Japan has a serious problem with xenophobia. I've been saying it forever to diss them lololololol

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

In the old world, citizenship is determined by your parents pretty much exclusively. Don't even get me started on dual-citizenship lmao if you wanted to go that far.

On an unrelated side note, my parents went to the French embassy yesterday for some paperwork my mother had to do and discovered I'm French. All I need is my carte d'identité, but I am a fully-fledged French-Spaniard because son of French. Neat.

Anyway, fair points. Being serious, it's silly to say that the US is completely horrible in every way. It just has enough horrible things that I'd personally hesitate to even travel there as a tourist. But I guess every country has its warts, when you look deep enough.

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@Saint Rubenio I started Covenant of the Plume. The gameplay seems like it would be an interesting cross of action and srpg until you realize you just mindlessly press the buttons when combat starts lol. Gameplay has still been fun tho. The over the top dialogue is kinda charming, like I really shouldn’t like it but for some reason I do. I’m one battle in to chapter 2 and so far every chapter has been good. The death scene of that one guy whose name I forgot was pretty good, and Cheripha’s dad actually reconciling with her and joining Wyl is unexpected (he looks like a chapter 1 boss who will die), he reminds Gilbert 3H who I like quite a bit. What doesn’t make sense is why Wyl and Cheripha join forces to begin with, like I know the bounty hunters or assassins or knights or whoever they were think you’re with her but you have no stake in this conflict, just run away bro. And then they decide to join him after the second battle, like literally to go where? You have no idea where this guy is going cause even he doesn’t know but I guess we need party members.

The chapter 2 routesplit is weird because you’re basically given no information, all you’re told is there’s a serf rebellion going on in the castle town and that forces to crush them are coming from the keep you started the game at (I think). I rewatched that Part on YouTube cause I didn’t pay that much attention to the exposition since I didn’t think it would lead to a choice, apparently going to the keep sides you with the royalty there and going to the town has you join the serf rebellion. I guess that kinda makes sense if you really think about the exposition and where you can go (for the keep at least, once you’ve realized that’s probably what you do there it just becomes “oh so I guess I join the rebels if I go to the castle town, no idea what the hell is going on with the third place tho”), but this was good for me cause I wanted to join a peasant rebellion and overthrow the corrupt royalty. Having finished that battle, the third place is apparently a foreign government sponsoring the rebellion although it’s not clear what I’d actually do there. But I’m content as long as I get my class rebellion.

Miscellaneously, the plume seems as fun as it sounded. Should I ask what happens if I do too many battles without getting enough sin or leave that as a surprise? Cause I’m really bad it, 90% of kills I get are just barely so I get no overkill and less than 10 sin, and then every now and then I wreck a mage or something for over 100. Guess Hel should’ve picked a better dude to make a covenant with. I’m also spending a lot of money between battles but it seems like I’m getting about as much as I’m spending, so right now there’s no money worries. The normal battle theme is pretty catchy.

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Like just comparing the unemployment rates between countries, the US currently has a 3.5% unemployment rate. Spain is at 11.6%. Germany is at 5.6%. France at 7.45%. Norway is the same as the US. Denmark's actually a little bit lower at 2.7%, good job Denmark. UK at 4.2%, Italy at 8.9%, Finland at 6.80%. And for our northern and southern neighbors, Canada at 5.60% and Mexico is doing better at 2.68%.

As a small note, unemployment rates are famously impossible to compare even if it's within a single country at different points in time, since they can differ a lot depending on who is officially counted as "unemployed" - people who are looking for work, or people who are receiving unemployment support, or every adult below retirement age who isn't employed, in school, or in university, etc. pp.

As an anecdote, in Germany 2003, the government decided that the employment agency wouldn't help people older than 58 to find a job anymore. As a result, even though these people would still receive unemplyoment support, they would not be officially counted in the statistic. Four years later, the decision was reversed, but because the government didn't want the official unemployment rate to increase too much, they decreed to only count these 58yo+ if they had received a job offer in the last 12 months. Needlessly convoluted? Heck yeah.

Bottom line, I wouldn't trust that the US actually has fewer unemployed people than France, or more than Denmark and Mexico. Of course, I do not know what direction the numbers would take if they were internationally standardised - just don't read too much into them.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Started the series with Covenant too, huh. Well, hopefully that doesn't take away whenever you decide to play the other games.


Wait why would it take away?

Edited by Sooks
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23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio I started Covenant of the Plume.

Victoree, victoree!

I can only hope you enjoy it half as much as I did... and do, since I'm still going through the postgame to this day lol

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The gameplay seems like it would be an interesting cross of action and srpg until you realize you just mindlessly press the buttons when combat starts lol

That's one way to do it. The other way is to figure out how to use positioning and combos to obtain red crystals (which grant more attacks) and blue crystals (which grant extra experience), not to mention daze the enemy so they can't retaliate and extend combat as long as possible in order to get max sin.

But don't worry. It's only natural to start like this. It's the natural progression of the game. The game doesn't expect you to be a master of it from the start. That's what the plume is for.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

the over the top dialogue is kinda charming, like I really shouldn’t like it but for some reason I do.

It goes full on Shakespeare and I love it. It speaks to my pompous ass on a spiritual level.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The death scene of that one guy whose name I forgot was pretty good

I initially read a screenshot LP of this game to see if it really piqued my interest. I got to this point and immediately stopped reading. I was fully convinced.

It's a fucking brilliant moment.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Cheripha’s dad actually reconciling with her and joining Wyl is unexpected (he looks like a chapter 1 boss who will die), he reminds Gilbert 3H who I like quite a bit.

Yeah, Lockswell really does have that "bossman" aura to him, doesn't he. Cool characters, both. They make a pretty solid first impression, which they need to, because they're the only characters in the game with only one version of their chapter. Had to get the most of it.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What doesn’t make sense is why Wyl and Cheripha join forces to begin with, like I know the bounty hunters or assassins or knights or whoever they were think you’re with her but you have no stake in this conflict, just run away bro. And then they decide to join him after the second battle, like literally to go where? You have no idea where this guy is going cause even he doesn’t know but I guess we need party members.

The assassins verbally announce their intention to silence him alongside Cheripha. Just an unfortunate coincidence there. A little contrivance because, like you said, we need teammates, I suppose, though I don't think it's that much of an stretch to imagine two people can exist together at once. That, and Hel demands her bounty. Running away from the first battle he encounters wouldn't have been a good look.

As for why they join Wyl, the two of them are marked for death. They have absolutely nowhere to go and no allies to speak of besides one another. So, they join the decently agreeable guy who seemingly fought to protect Cheripha without ulterior motives. And well, I believe Ailyth quite aptly outlined why Wyl has no reason to refuse them.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The chapter 2 routesplit is weird because you’re basically given no information, all you’re told is there’s a serf rebellion going on in the castle town and that forces to crush them are coming from the keep you started the game at (I think). I rewatched that Part on YouTube cause I didn’t pay that much attention to the exposition since I didn’t think it would lead to a choice, apparently going to the keep sides you with the royalty there and going to the town has you join the serf rebellion. I guess that kinda makes sense if you really think about the exposition and where you can go (for the keep at least, once you’ve realized that’s probably what you do there it just becomes “oh so I guess I join the rebels if I go to the castle town, no idea what the hell is going on with the third place tho”), but this was good for me cause I wanted to join a peasant rebellion and overthrow the corrupt royalty. Having finished that battle, the third place is apparently a foreign government sponsoring the rebellion although it’s not clear what I’d actually do there. But I’m content as long as I get my class rebellion.

The ultimate conclusion of chapter 2 doesn't change from your decision, it's mostly just which perspective you follow and which characters join you. You'll want to do all three if you end up running the game three times.

If you'd like to know, I didn't really give much thought to the actual rebellion lol. I went to the keep on my first run in hopes of running into Heugoe again. I went from thinking "yeah you're obviously going to be a villain" when seeing him the first time to really liking the dude after his limited prologue screentime. I wanted to see more of him and his utterly hilarious facial expressions.


Seriously, look at that and tell me it's not the most adorable thing you've ever seen.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Miscellaneously, the plume seems as fun as it sounded. Should I ask what happens if I do too many battles without getting enough sin or leave that as a surprise?

Suffice to say, you don't want it to happen.

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Cause I’m really bad it, 90% of kills I get are just barely so I get no overkill and less than 10 sin, and then every now and then I wreck a mage or something for over 100.

Hahahaha... Again, not to worry. The game fully expects you're not going to be good enough on the first run. Just keep playing, use the plume when you need to, don't sweat it. It's only human lives and broken hearts left behind.

...Speaking of which, who have you plumed so far?

23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The normal battle theme is pretty catchy.

Lots of catchy themes in this game, yeah.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Wait why would it take away?

Well... I could not get into the first game after Covenant lol. But that's me, you have more tolerance for traditional JRPGs than I do.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Though with what I've heard of your vegetables I think I'd rather have the lower wages thanks

Vegetables are icky anyways. Unless it's beans. Specifically of the black variety. Red beans are fine too tho.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, it's been improving! Rajoy four years ago left it at over 15%.



13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stupid, stupid societal conventions.

Thinking about how my aunt married and never moved out (this is in Venezuela btw).

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, Japan has a serious problem with xenophobia

Asia in general.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All I need is my carte d'identité, but I am a fully-fledged French-Spaniard because son of French. Neat.

Frenchmen asking Ruben why he has dual-citizenship with a country that still has a king


17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It just has enough horrible things that I'd personally hesitate to even travel there as a tourist. But I guess every country has its warts, when you look deep enough.

Everywhere has it's seedy underbellies yes. America's is just inflated online because we are that much more prominent in the global media (and we are also a country of 330 million people, even our smallest states out-populate certain European countries, so of course things look bigger). Even within the country, Chicago has a reputation of being crime-city central but it's really just in some specific parts of the city and the average Chicagoan doesn't get robbed at gun point. Racial issues pop up specifically because we're highlighting them so we can do better and not be like Italy where the Supreme Court said it's ok to advocate for the expulsion of the Romani "because they are thieves".

Speaking of seedy underbellies, what are the parts i should exercise more awareness in when i visit Spain?

3 minutes ago, gnip said:

As a small note, unemployment rates are famously impossible to compare even if it's within a single country at different points in time, since they can differ a lot depending on who is officially counted as "unemployed" - people who are looking for work, or people who are receiving unemployment support, or every adult below retirement age who isn't employed, in school, or in university, etc. pp.

As an anecdote, in Germany 2003, the government decided that the employment agency wouldn't help people older than 58 to find a job anymore. As a result, even though these people would still receive unemplyoment support, they would not be officially counted in the statistic. Four years later, the decision was reversed, but because the government didn't want the official unemployment rate to increase too much, they decreed to only count these 58yo+ if they had received a job offer in the last 12 months. Needlessly convoluted? Heck yeah.

Bottom line, I wouldn't trust that the US actually has fewer unemployed people than France, or more than Denmark and Mexico. Of course, I do not know what direction the numbers would take if they were internationally standardised - just don't read too much into them.

Yes i mentioned something like that:

43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyways, these are just statistics, obviously once you get to the ground, things become way blurrier.


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yes i mentioned something like that:

Well, unemployment ratees are especially blurry, even compared to other statistics, because the definition can so easily be tinkered with to a significant degree, and will be tinkered with to a significant degree, because it can be politically advantageous. ;):

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Yeaaah our employment situation... could be better. It's why most people try the public administration exams. A safe, lifelong position is not common in this country.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Frenchmen asking Ruben why he has dual-citizenship with a country that still has a king


I mean, what would they ask me for? If it were up to me, we wouldn't.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of seedy underbellies, what are the parts i should exercise more awareness in when i visit Spain?

Well... uh...

I live in some pretty peaceful areas and I can't say I've ever really scourged the list of dangerous Spanish places.

...Barcelona, though. Barcelona is the city with the most crime in the country, and some time back it became even worse for a time, though I think that might've passed by now? Either way, not saying don't go, it's a pretty touristic town, but do keep an eye out if you have to go out at night in Barcelona, perhaps.

5 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

My man.

I have no cause to argue with you there. More games need to make me google words while playing them. It's a great time.

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>Have you ever applied to a community college or registered for duel enrollment classes before?


>Something was wrong with your application, please fix this before proceeding

>Your records are on file, meaning you have applied to community college before

Bro what? No I didn’t, wdym my records are on file

14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Should I just quote Ruben's reason for giving up on them?

Cause they’re not as good?

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh no (I tend to have issues with postgames)

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's one way to do it. The other way is to figure out how to use positioning and combos to obtain red crystals (which grant more attacks) and blue crystals (which grant extra experience), not to mention daze the enemy so they can't retaliate and extend combat as long as possible in order to get max sin.

Well, I do hope the game gets around to tutorializing that stuff soon.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The assassins verbally announce their intention to silence him alongside Cheripha.

Which is the part where he should’ve booked it:

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That, and Hel demands her bounty. Running away from the first battle he encounters wouldn't have been a good look.

But this is true, forgot about good ol Hel.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for why they join Wyl, the two of them are marked for death. They have absolutely nowhere to go and no allies to speak of besides one another. So, they join the decently agreeable guy who seemingly fought to protect Cheripha without ulterior motives.

I just find it funny that they join a guy with no real destination or end goal in mind. Like he could’ve just gone “actually, I was planning to buy a property here and start a family, but thanks for the offer”. 

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

when seeing him the first time to really liking the dude after his limited prologue screentime

I don’t remember anything he says

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Speaking of which, who have you plumed so far?

No one except the dude the game makes you, it’s only like my 5th battle. I got the mage dude killed like immediately and thought I’d have to plume Cheripha to make it out, but I actually managed to handle the entire map with two characters. There was an attempt before this where I got Wyl killed like turn 3 but I just immediately reset because I couldn’t plume anymore and there was no way I could do this without someone who could take damage.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... I could not get into the first game after Covenant lol. But that's me, you have more tolerance for traditional JRPGs than I do.

This isn’t an SRPG series? There go my chances of playing it

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More games need to make me google words while playing them. It's a great time.

You should play Darkest Dungeon.


Perched at the very precipice of oblivion.

Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade.

Size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.


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