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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have the terrible feeling that they released this one knowing it's the most popular one, and later they can make an even more low-effort remake of the first one using the same engine to squeeze a few more 50 buckses out of the big Paper Mario fans.

Joke's  on them. I've already played the hell out of it on my Gamecube.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I just think Nintendo should respect the economies of their fans more lol. If this remake at least included both OG Paper Marios, I still wouldn't be interested, but I would find it less of a greedy nostalgia-bait move, at least. 50 bucks is a lot, especially when 10 years from now both the OG and the remake will be just as unobtainable. And then what? Do we wait for Nintendo to sell the game to us again for another 50 bucks? This isn't how you preserve games, this is how you exploit people's nostalgia to make quick money

But to be fair, they did improve the lighting and alter the UI, an little bit. And it's not as blatant of an cash grab as that time they've released 3 Mario platformers, an while back. But Sega is almost as bad with Sonic, in a way.



3 minutes ago, gnip said:



Peak game design

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Flying Today.


Miku keeps looking quite different. I guess you can get away with that when you're talking about a virtual being.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Might just be the trailer, and I know most of you don't care, but still, remaking a game on 20 year younger hardware so it can run worse is just kinda... interesting?

Not phased by it. Besides fps not being a problem for me, it's not the first classic GameCube JRPG to be hit with this. Tales of Symphonia GC original was 60, the PS2 port was halved to 30 and all subsequent releases have remained that way since.

I'm more concerned for anyone for anyone who plays this with Joy-Cons. Hammertime is gonna be drift time -although contrary to what you may have thought before, Nintendo repairs the issue for free, I had it done once. I have a Pro Controller now so it doesn't personally affect me.

As for the original Paper Mario, selling it separately would be a bit of a hard sell. While I love it 100%, content-wise, it's TTYD-.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Hmm, Atelier looks... different from what I expected.

Direct was good, I'm just glad that I could tell Unicorn Overlord was made by Vanillaware before it actually said so.

16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To think I grew up with GSC thinking it a perfectly smooth, wonderful experience where almost nothing seemed out of wack. Only to discover that they worked on the game to the last available minute and the final product was built upon a far from solid foundation.

But if you thought it was perfectly smooth (despite development being rather... disorganized?), then surely Game Freak must've done something right.

Some other oddities I like are Umbreon being the only Dark-type available before Kanto, Wooper replacing a Farfetch'd evo at the last minute to the point that its footprint was still in the game, and Dunsparce and Wobbuffet probably being the last Pokémon added (and the latter originating as a Girafarig preevolution, of all things).

14 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Suffers from a severe case of "Baby's first anime" syndrome

True, it's the first of three anime I've watched.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Graphically it holds up perfectly well, all it needs is a bit of upscaling and, y'know, actually being obtainable.

Want a GameCube rerelease that isn't a remake, got a bit of upscaling, and is actually obtainable? Play Pikmin 1 and 2.

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know what was the game's price back in 2004 when it got released? 50 dollars.

When you count on inflation and the work being done to redo the graphics and stuff, the game's actually cheaper now than back in 2004.

To your credit, the game eventually got discounted to 20 dollars a few years later, but compared to the initial release price...

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If this is to be believed:


50 USD in 2004 are now 81 USD today.

While 20 USD in 2006, when it got the discount, are 30 USD today. So pretend the extra 20 USD come from the graphical overhaul work or something...

Hm. Still feels a bit too much to me for a remaster that appears so minimal, but... oh well. It's just my opinion, feel free to disregard. This is all assuming they do charge 50 bucks for this, too. I'm pretty certain they will, but if they don't, I'll have to swallow my words.

4 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:


Of course you would.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, if capitalism was fair we would be working 15-20hr/weeks and still living well

You know that line, "if everyone's super, nobody is"? Same principle applies to being the 1%. Can't let those pesky peasants below have too much, or we might need to earn our easy lives.

3 hours ago, Armchair General said:

But to be fair, they did improve the lighting and alter the UI, an little bit. And it's not as blatant of an cash grab as that time they've released 3 Mario platformers, an while back. But Sega is almost as bad with Sonic, in a way.

Oh, it's definitely not as bad as All Stars 3D. Now that was just rancid, and they knew it was rancid, because they made it a limited release to make people's FOMO supersede their better judgment. By comparison this is much better. Overpriced, perhaps, but the fans have been asking for it and to its credit, it does look rather slick... even if not as much slicker than I would want for the price tag.

Honestly, I'm iffy on the character sprites. They've gone from being 2D sprites in a 3D world to... thin 3D polygons with dynamic lightning? They look like plastic pieces, it feels rather odd to me.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not phased by it. Besides fps not being a problem for me, it's not the first classic GameCube JRPG to be hit with this. Tales of Symphonia GC original was 60, the PS2 port was halved to 30 and all subsequent releases have remained that way since.

Fair, I suppose.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm more concerned for anyone for anyone who plays this with Joy-Cons. Hammertime is gonna be drift time -although contrary to what you may have thought before, Nintendo repairs the issue for free, I had it done once. I have a Pro Controller now so it doesn't personally affect me.

It's still a pretty huge hassle when they could just fix the known problem. In fact, I'd argue perhaps the intent is for folks to become sick of the hassle as their cons fail more and more, and just buy a new joycon, which is easier for them... and more profitable for Nintendo. But at that point we're digging deep.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for the original Paper Mario, selling it separately would be a bit of a hard sell. While I love it 100%, content-wise, it's TTYD-.

That's why I'm rather puzzled by this choice. Remaking the original using the remaster's engine would've been relatively simple, and it would've made the package a much more robust offer. Two games, given a face lift and included together in one pack. I'd... still probably find the 50 bucks a tough sell, but to be completely honest, I've played enough cheap-ass games that have thoroughly impressed me, so AAA prices in general kinda stink to me nowadays. At least it'd be less bad, though.

51 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh new OnK leaks dropped...

and the internet is in flames, just like the last 7 chapters


More daring incest, I take it?

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Want a GameCube rerelease that isn't a remake, got a bit of upscaling, and is actually obtainable? Play Pikmin 1 and 2.

I mean... That's the thing I described as being good if they threw it on NSO. Selling two ROMs and an emulator for 50 bucks is, in fact, less reasonable lol

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Since Vanillaware announced yesterday...


Time for magical RTS.

I'll avoid cluttering this forum by jumping in a spoiler tag.:



Newly enrolled student of magic from the countryside meets the Totally Original Name head honcho first thing.


Dream come true for sure I imagine.


I suppose the inclusiveness of a more liberal mindset would be welcoming of witches, and not burn 'em at the stake.

Apparently there is a "Magic Society" and the unnamed kingdom does have wizards in royal employ, it's accepted by at least the elite of society. Silver Star tower is for the chosen lucky few.

Also, frog on head.


First tutorial battle. Professor Gammel teachs Lillet the basics of Glamour magic, the realm of elves, fairies, and unicorns.

In order to do anything, you need Mana- lower left symbolized by the crystal. Mana allows for the creation of Runes -magic circles- which allows for the summoning of Familiars.

Elves take up only 1 Familiar Point (you cannot have Familiars out than the cap allows, looks to be 50 outside of this tutorial), and gather infinite Mana at a finite rate from crystals. Elves are laborers, not fighters.

Churn out these cheap Elves -or similar creatures in other branches of magic- in enough quantity first thing until your rate of Mana acquisition is sufficiently fast. Then shift over to summoning offensive Familiars like Fairies, which then go out and kill enemy Familiars and Runes and win the battles for you. Simple enough.

Will say this game would be great with a PC port, keyboard & mouse would be a natural fit.


Not sure what to think of letting students reside in a tower where an evil witch ghost can kidnap them at night, and some doors still have traps and minions of the evil Archmage behind them.😐


The game hits me with an art bomb right away😄 ...and it doesn't let up.


Why does Vanillaware love black cats?


...Wait, are they serious about her and him being related?🤔


Not what I was expecting from a game with so wholesomely-dressed a main character.


Dude leaves an impression.



Also, "Chartreuse". That's a shade of green, and an alcoholic spirit that is distilled from a secret blend of like 40 different herbs. Girl With Frog earlier was named "Margarita", a cocktail, Amaretto is a spirit made made from almonds. 

Does everyone have a alcoholic name? *Checks Wikipedia*


The last one is Advocaat.

So yes, Vanillaware hit the liquor store, and margarita aside, and grabbed every bottle of fancy European spirit in sight.

I like it!🥃🥴


Someone at Vanillaware loves 'dem lady 🍑. Every single game has some lady with a real firm one.🙄


Back to this guy, explanation of why he like this.


More professors caught up in deep passions.😳


Reminds me of what Canas and Knoll said.

Also, Opalneria Rain (I can't figure out what alcohol thing she is named after🤔) being the Necromancy teacher explains her longing for a slender, pale Chartreuse. True attractiveness for her must be the qualities found in a fresh corpse, she's necrophilic.


I like this in-universe explanation.


Necromancy magic unlocked. Feels cool to command like Odette now.👻


Difficulty settings are always good!


Quick reminder and digital manual's explanation of the Quartet of Magic.


Time to learn Sorcery!


Gnosis you be, got it.




Sorcery gives me cats. With sleep magic.



...It also gives me dragons.🐉 Huge, slow, a massive 6 Familiar capacity each. They aren't invincible, would be foolish to try mindlessly spamming them to win. But a force.


They also cost an exorbitant 800 Mana and have to waste additional time being useless hatching from a Dragon Egg. But still, there ain't nothing quite like watching lil' Leventhan go to work.


Skill trees! These I think are new to the OnceMore release? Not as pretty as OS Leifthrasir's skill trees with their little metal baubles representing each skill, but functionally this looks good. Elves potentially gaining the ability to heal adds utility, Fairies can become the bane of dragons. There's a separate skill tree for each type of Rune, each School of Magic has two Runes each (Glamour has Fairy Ring for Elves and Fairies, Wicca can summon Unicorns and allows Elves to construct Talisman turrets) with different Familiars in them. Plenty to think about for investments.

I tried the next story battle, I kept losing. The blend of Sorcery and Necromancy familiars tore through mine real fast, I couldn't destroy the enemy Runes. Not sure what I was doing wrong. I need to figure things out because woe if I'm struggling this early on Normal.😅

And that's as far as I got in my first session. I'm liking this game, a summoner-witch is a nice gameplay concept. Even if I need more time to get a good grasp of it.


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Cursed and lays in bed all day. Relatable. Though it has mostly lifted now.

29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If violence doesn't solve the problem then you're simplying not using enough of it 😄

For a tenth of a second, I read this as "you're not simplifying the problem enough".

Which may also be true.😛


1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

But if you thought it was perfectly smooth (despite development being rather... disorganized?), then surely Game Freak must've done something right.

I mean, I was like 5-6 when GS came out. Not exactly a reputable arbiter of quality at that age.😆

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Some other oddities I like are Umbreon being the only Dark-type available before Kanto, Wooper replacing a Farfetch'd evo at the last minute to the point that its footprint was still in the game, and Dunsparce and Wobbuffet probably being the last Pokémon added (and the latter originating as a Girafarig preevolution, of all things).

...Annnnd it was originally going to be Poison-type too evidence may suggest.

The footprint thing is also so random.🦆 Oh what it must've been like to be a fly on the wall at Game Freak in those days.😄

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The other big thing is that the framerate appears WAY choppier in the remake. Might just be the trailer, and I know most of you don't care, but still, remaking a game on 20 year younger hardware so it can run worse is just kinda... interesting?

Imma keep it real chief, I can't tell a difference.

As in, I don't see any difference that's *specifically* the frame rate.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

When you count on inflation and the work being done to redo the graphics and stuff, the game's actually cheaper now than back in 2004.

Yeah the cost of gaming has largely stayed the same regardless of inflation and whatnot. Even tho I'm sure the actual costs have gone up.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To your credit, the game eventually got discounted to 20 dollars a few years later, but compared to the initial release price

And then it's like $300 on eBay lol (probably).

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Well, if capitalism was fair we would be working 15-20hr/weeks and still living well

It used to be.

*And then Reagan-*

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Not what I was expecting from a game with so wholesomely-dressed a main character.

This somehow became the most sexual Vanillaware game.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The game hits me with an art bomb right away😄 ...and it doesn't let up

I Iike that it has the credits.


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah the cost of gaming has largely stayed the same regardless of inflation and whatnot. Even tho I'm sure the actual costs have gone up.

Well, kinda. I mean, Gamecube games were sold 50 USD on average. If it's true that today those 50 USD are now 81 USD, then Switch games sold at 60 USD, even those few 70 USD ones, are still cheaper in relative comparison.

Though yes, development cost has likely indeed increased... maybe.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And then it's like $300 on eBay lol (probably).

Well, we know that's a separate problem altogether. XD

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, kinda. I mean, Gamecube games were sold 50 USD on average. If it's true that today those 50 USD are now 81 USD, then Switch games sold at 60 USD, even those few 70 USD ones, are still cheaper in relative comparison.

Oh for sure but even NES games went for $60 back then. So it just depended on the console itself.

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37 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah the cost of gaming has largely stayed the same regardless of inflation and whatnot. Even tho I'm sure the actual costs have gone up

they also sell a shitton more.

37 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It used to be.

*And then Reagan-*

As always. It's all him

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

they also sell a shitton more.

>Square Enix's recent failures walking into the room


3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

As always. It's all him


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Magic. Activate.


The proof that this is a jrpg.


Well, finished the 2nd dungeon on the 3 hour limit on the dot.

2nd dungeon made it obvious how stupid party Ai is....


Also Dual Protag just hits different

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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