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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Nailah likes him submissive and breedable clearly

She's so good.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Both Telius games are gayer than the games that actually allow gay relationships and I stand by that.

Until I got my hands on them. That's right I take credit for all of Gay Fates now.[/s]

Anyway, congratulations on joining the proud ranks of Sorike shippers. You will find great opposition. Prepare a counterargument for Priam's existence, it WILL be brought up.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Also shout out to Ashnard doing the Garon face

Ashnard really do be salting the earth.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Ack, who am I kidding, they're all the bisexual army

I dunno, I think Almedha is just Sad.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Enough order and stability makes it easy to forget the troubles of the world. As long as the average person is comfortable with their position they might be terrified of any kind of chaos, even if it means letting those less fortunate suffer under a mountain of apathy.

...At least that's my interpretation of this scene

Better than interpreting it as "Tibarn is a barely contained murdering maniac" lol

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

In the Fire Emblem games I've played to completion thus far, those being FE3, FE8, FE9, FE11, FE13, FE14, FE15, and FE16 each had some form of the protagonist witnessing the death of their mentor figure, yet often failed to make it hit an emotional core for similar reasons.

For one, the initial shocked, angry, and sad reaction from the protagonist during the death gets very quickly booted out as the protagonist goes throughout the next few chapters as if nothing happened. It's hard to care about a character's death if they meant so little to the main character that they seem to get over it in like a day. They aren't mentioned much at all throughout the rest of the game and they don't have an effect on the psyche of the protagonist.

Two, the deaths don't make any risks and are too obvious because of that. I feel like a death in any media needs to weigh out the potential benefits and setbacks of said death, and to make the death impactful they need to make it so the death truly feels like a loss of something, but you also don't want to lose too much if the loss from that death doesn't outweigh the narrative potential of them staying alive. In Fire Emblem most deaths have neither loss nor gain. These mentor figures are engineered to not have any relevance to the plot so the story doesn't actually lose anything but by doing so makes the deaths feel pointless because...well they didn't lose anything. The plot of Three Houses remains the same regardless if Jeralt stays alive or not which is a problem. It's pretty easy to tell if these characters are going to die because of how little plot relevance they have while alive.

Three, they fail to be interesting characters for the player and for the protagonist. The main character may like their parents but they like them in the same way that someone likes a good looking vase, and the response to that parent's death is much the same how'd they react to a good looking vase of theirs breaking, they seem to forget about it completely as the story continues which definitely makes it look like they never really cared that much about them. You don't get much of anything on how much or what their parental figure means to them, you just assume that they care about them because they're their parents, and family typically care about each other. Corrin meets Mikoto as their mother for pretty much the first time in their conscious life and only knows her for half a day before she dies, and despite Corrin explicitly saying that they don't feel any connection towards Mikoto, they respond very strongly to her death, as if the writers forgot what they were doing and decided to just default to the usual.

Pelleas's death hits none of these, his mother reacts to it in a way you'd expect her to considering her only child just fucking died. She's distraught, depressed, and unreasonable. Even if Pelleas wasn't the most fleshed out character it remains an emotional death because I can tell how much Almedha cared about him

This. All of this. Pelleas might just have the best death in all of FE because of all these factors. 

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think they flat out just do not have time to grieve. 

But they never do. Even going by this argument, the only one who acknowledges their dead parent at the end of the game, when they have that precious time, is Roy, whose dad is the only one who lives.

The parent death in most of FE is just completely pointless. It's there because it's tradition. They all might as well exist as a nebulous passive figure like Eliwood. Or join. I really would like for FE to take the incredible risk of letting Dad join st some point.

EDIT: Nice I fucked up the format, thanks a lot Phone Serenes.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I might tackle the Prey DLC first, but I think I'll replay Vestaria soon. It's been long enough and I could use a bit of cozy familiarity as I wait for this absolutely terrible year to finally end. And it gives me an excuse to replay VS2 afterwards!

Despite the fact that it's been ages, I don't want my run to be exactly the same. There's going to be blood in my hands in the name of alternate events. I know I want to kill Beorn and Marlena so I get to see the VS2 mercs in their original inception, Eddard and Lianka so I can see Cromwell and OG Nelke's deal and, of course...

...Okay, actually, back when I made an attempt to replay the game and only made it up to chapter 5 my idea was to see Silken Merida, but... I don't know if I want to do that. I found a video that does show it and... Yeesh Kaga. At least unlike in TRS you get to murder the slaver instead of letting him off with a slap on the wrist (rare Kaga improving moment), but for fuck's sake the whole event is so horrid.

It does make her a worse unit, at least, which is good for me, but I mean, it doesn't amount to much when Troy's still around the entire game. I think I'd rather have Merida, thanks. Leave the dying for the sake of easter egg units to Haldyn. Maybe it was her absence that made me drop the game lolololol

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Strange, Pelleas' death never really seemed to affect me.

Like... What was it supposed to do? I had no attachment to Pelleas in any way. And from character PoV, neither did Micaiah really.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But they never do. Even going by this argument, the only one who acknowledges their dead parent at the end of the game, when they have that precious time, is Roy, whose dad is the only one who lives.

Tbh if we want to look at it:

Marth's parents died a few years ago before he actually set out. The grieving time has passed.

Alm didn't know his parents. Celica hates her dad.

Sigurd couldn't mourn his dad's death on account that he himself was killed like two seconds later.

Seliph never met his parents.....I mean he did when they were ghosts.

Leif never met his parents either.

Roy doesn't have to mourn.

Elwood mourned his dad for a bit on the way back but then got attacked but his mom is alive. Pherae boys kinda stay winning. They get to keep a living parent.

Lyn's parents were already dead. Same goes for Hector.

Erikia and Ephraim.....you can actually make the criticism here. Erikia didn't have time to mourn but Ephraim straight up doesn't know until like later and he just shrugs it off. But also their dad existed for like 1 second lmao. Even Lumera had more screen time.

Ike got a whole chapter about not knowing if he could live up to his dad after he got turned into a statistic by the Black Knight.

It's probably been a few decades since Micaiah's parents died.

Chrom hates his dad, Robin doesn't even know who his dad is until he does then he hates him. Lucina still clearly struggles with her dad's original death.

Corrin.....depends on the route. Not by much but it depends.


Alear goes the angry grief route but has to keep moving.

So really, the only ones who you can really make the argument for are like the Renais twins I guess, Corrin, Byleth and Alear. For everyone else, the time has passed.

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I'd argue that with Byleth it's a special case. They already have to deal with the whole


Crest Stone replacing their heart might've messed up their ability to emote

so it's hard to tell. They do cry when it happens and lock themselves up in their room for days, so they clearly reacted. We just don't see it since the game timeskips over it. After that... the usual. They focus on what's next. In this case, chasing after the killer. Which can be part of the process, in a way. The grief is being channeled into a desire of revenge. Though not that we'd actually see if that's the case... maybe.

Even past that we have the five-year coma and war breaking out so... more things to pile up to focus about.

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3 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Strange, Pelleas' death never really seemed to affect me.

Like... What was it supposed to do? I had no attachment to Pelleas in any way. And from character PoV, neither did Micaiah really.

Well, your milleage may vary, as with all things. I was just expressing my opinion.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Tbh if we want to look at it:

Marth's parents died a few years ago before he actually set out. The grieving time has passed.

Alm didn't know his parents. Celica hates her dad.

Sigurd couldn't mourn his dad's death on account that he himself was killed like two seconds later.

Seliph never met his parents.....I mean he did when they were ghosts.

Leif never met his parents either.

Roy doesn't have to mourn.

Elwood mourned his dad for a bit on the way back but then got attacked but his mom is alive. Pherae boys kinda stay winning. They get to keep a living parent.

Lyn's parents were already dead. Same goes for Hector.

Erikia and Ephraim.....you can actually make the criticism here. Erikia didn't have time to mourn but Ephraim straight up doesn't know until like later and he just shrugs it off. But also their dad existed for like 1 second lmao. Even Lumera had more screen time.

Ike got a whole chapter about not knowing if he could live up to his dad after he got turned into a statistic by the Black Knight.

It's probably been a few decades since Micaiah's parents died.

Chrom hates his dad, Robin doesn't even know who his dad is until he does then he hates him. Lucina still clearly struggles with her dad's original death.

Corrin.....depends on the route. Not by much but it depends.


Alear goes the angry grief route but has to keep moving.

So really, the only ones who you can really make the argument for are like the Renais twins I guess, Corrin, Byleth and Alear. For everyone else, the time has passed.

This is missing the other half of the point being made, though - The deaths have zero impact on the characters. They might mourn for like five minutes before being interrupted, but afterwards they're seldom ever mentioned again, their deaths have no impact on the characters and you don't feel the character's presence after their death.

You just gotta get the obligatory parent death in, have a minuscule amount of cheap drama and then it's done, save for two certain cases where the parent is brought back as a hostile ghost so... we can have the exact same cheap """"""sad"""""" scene again and then go right back to not caring. Which, honestly, feels even more insulting than just letting them be bit characters like Fado.

None of this applies to Greil, but Greil doesn't count because he's the exception that confirms the rule. Genuinely good dad death, which if anything only makes it more disappointing that they never pulled it off before or since. All the others suck and if they just got the Eliwood/Eleanora treatment and survived offscreen it would make exactly zero difference.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd argue that with Byleth it's a special case. They already have to deal with the whole

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Crest Stone replacing their heart might've messed up their ability to emote

so it's hard to tell. They do cry when it happens and lock themselves up in their room for days, so they clearly reacted. We just don't see it since the game timeskips over it. After that... the usual. They focus on what's next. In this case, chasing after the killer. Which can be part of the process, in a way. The grief is being channeled into a desire of revenge. Though not that we'd actually see if that's the case... maybe.

Even past that we have the five-year coma and war breaking out so... more things to pile up to focus about.

They do kinda pull off the mourning part with Jeralt, the monastery details are a nice touch. But otherwise? He basically only exists because we need the dad death, which cheapens the drama and ensures you could excise his entire character from the game and it wouldn't matter at all. He does nothing but hint at his demise the entire game and his death only matters until Kronya dies a whole chapter later. Then he's basically a non-entity for the rest of the game, and all of his meaningful contributions are located in long gone backstory. If he had died before the start of the game or right after the prologue like Fado it would be the basically the same.

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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The deaths have zero impact on the characters. They might mourn for like five minutes before being interrupted, but afterwards they're seldom ever mentioned again, their deaths have no impact on the characters and you don't feel the character's presence after their death.

Like I said, for quite a few of them, the time had already passed. I get the other point but you can't apply it to like half the Lords for one reason or another.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Like I said, for quite a few of them, the time had already passed. I get the other point but you can't apply it to like half the Lords for one reason or another.

Yeah, but that's my point. The dad and their death might as well not happen if they're going to have no impact on anything. Or, conversely, when the dad death does have an impact on anything, it stands out far above the rest.

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My favorite case is when Lissa's very first line after her sister's death is her announcing that she will keep acting as if nothing happened.
"You can count me in! I'm tired of crying all the time. It's time to start punchin' stuff!"


Edited by BrightBow
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There he is. The man, the myth, the legend.


Time to recruit him and break the game with his awesome might. Hey where did that black border come from? That wasn't there when I took the screenshot! Steam!

...You know, on the topic we were discussing before, Vestaria's a weird beast. You count sort of Zech as the dad, as he is left behind to die in the prologue of VS1 in very similar circumstances to Fado. However, he continues to play a major role throughout both Vestarias and might keep on doing so in the future.

On the other hand, there's Zade's actual dad, who just... sort of dies offscreen before the game starts. Do we even know his name or his face? He's only refered to as "father" by his children or "Duke of Redessa" by everyone else, and the only one whose face is shown in the grand opening is King Melces of Meleda, who is... about as irrelevant, but at least we know his name and his face lol

18 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

My favorite case is when Lissa's very first line after her sister's death is her announcing that she will keep acting as if nothing happened.
"You can count me in! I'm tired of crying all the time. It's time to start punchin' stuff!"


Plot twist: Lissa is secretly an extremely ambitious schemer. Now she just needs to punch Chrom's lights out and the throne is hers.

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Well this is already going swimmingly. Jean died before I could reach the Lucca group. Alysia didn't come out to heal him for some reason and then he kept missing the one brigand, and then the second brigand came about and they whacked him to death together. Unlike Merida, he doesn't get a secret event, he just bites the dust. Then Zade missed two high rolls, ate a 28% and got brought down to death range.

Good effort, guys. Ahhh I miss Ashram, Sujata and Accorte already...

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17 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

He's gay, ma'am

If you ever tire of starting flame wars by edelposting, this is a very effective approach for getting a reaction out of some people, too. :lol:

14 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nine lights.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, congratulations on joining the proud ranks of Sorike shippers. You will find great opposition. Prepare a counterargument for Priam's existence, it WILL be brought up.

That one's very easy, tbh. Marthipan is "Anri's descendant". Anri did not have any children. Checkmate, atheists.

Although I think "Priam is fucking dumb, so I don't even consider his existence" is still my favourite way to go about it. Canon is a bourgeois concept, etc.pp.

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51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well this is already going swimmingly. Jean died before I could reach the Lucca group. Alysia didn't come out to heal him for some reason and then he kept missing the one brigand, and then the second brigand came about and they whacked him to death together. Unlike Merida, he doesn't get a secret event, he just bites the dust. Then Zade missed two high rolls, ate a 28% and got brought down to death range.

Good effort, guys. Ahhh I miss Ashram, Sujata and Accorte already...

Alysia comes out after enemy phase. NPC phase is after enemy phase, so if Jean hurts himself from a counterattack he is not getting healed before the next enemy phase.
Still, them dying should not be possible before turn 4. It takes 3 hits to kill Jean and Jean is not in range of 2 enemies until turn 4. Did you not send Troy?

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43 minutes ago, ping said:

That one's very easy, tbh. Marthipan is "Anri's descendant". Anri did not have any children. Checkmate, atheists.

Although I think "Priam is fucking dumb, so I don't even consider his existence" is still my favourite way to go about it. Canon is a bourgeois concept, etc.pp.

What's the other argument? I seem to recall Sorike detractors having another argument.

6 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Alysia comes out after enemy phase. NPC phase is after enemy phase, so if Jean hurts himself from a counterattack he is not getting healed before the next enemy phase.
Still, them dying should not be possible before turn 4. It takes 3 hits to kill Jean and Jean is not in range of 2 enemies until turn 4. Did you not send Troy?

I didn't, no. I misremembered how quickly the western village came under fire, so I sent him that way and Zade north. Then Jean died exactly on the first opportunity he could get, turn 4.

Second time he successfully killed the first dude, so he was safe. Heck, he needed to fend for himself, because Zade got his ass handed to him on the way and would've died to the second one if he had tried to interfere.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I didn't, no. I misremembered how quickly the western village came under fire, so I sent him that way and Zade north. Then Jean died exactly on the first opportunity he could get, turn 4.

If it wasn't him, it would have been Dune. Guy doesn't even survive 2 hits. Once the 2nd axe guy gets there, someone is going to die.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Somm at the top, as he should be.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

If it wasn't him, it would have been Dune. Guy doesn't even survive 2 hits. Once the 2nd axe guy gets there, someone is going to die.

Oh, well. Things worked out in the end, and that's the important part. I'm one map closer to Karajan.

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Just now, BrightBow said:

Karajan is not in VS1.

Yes. I know.

Just now, BrightBow said:

We do have Frogduck, though.

Oh yeah, Frogduck... Oh God, it's coming back to me now. He has Karajan's portrait doesn't he? He was in... the map where you escort Athol, perhaps? Dang, I really needed this refresher run.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, Frogduck... Oh God, it's coming back to me now. He has Karajan's portrait doesn't he? He was in... the map where you escort Athol, perhaps? Dang, I really needed this refresher run.

He is in the map you rescue Lyttia. Just a random meteor mage who has a name. For some reason.

He has Karajan's design, but not his portrait. It's the completely forward facing version.

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Pictured: IS rushing to preserve the canon when they see a lord who still has a living parent


20 hours ago, Armagon said:

I don't think they used it more than the other.

I guess it's more like how they each used the Godzilla theme, rather than how many times it played. Singular Point used it every time Godzilla showed up, even before he really did anything, whereas Minus One doesn't play it until Godzilla attacks Ginza.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The dad and their death might as well not happen if they're going to have no impact on anything.

The dad dies because they usually would be the leader of the army (and by extension, they would be the main character) if they didn't. Hey, you know what JRPG doesn't have a dead dad-

42 minutes ago, ping said:

Canon is a bourgeois concept, etc.pp.

Everyone knows that Chrom canonically died in Awakening's prologue. Everything he did afterwards was actually done by Garrick, but he was replaced by Chrom as the main character because IS thought he was more marketable.

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1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

Everyone knows that Chrom canonically died in Awakening's prologue. Everything he did afterwards was actually done by Garrick, but he was replaced by Chrom as the main character because IS thought he was more marketable.

Ylisse is not even Akaneia. If it was, the continent would have been destroyed by the Earth Dragons centuries ago. In fact, restoring the Shield of Seals seems to awaken evil dragons instead of keeping them under lock and key. The exact opposite.

If it wasn't for the lack of beards, I would assume it's a mirror universe. But I suppose Ylisse and Akaneia do not even have enough in common to qualify as any kind of parallel world, mirror or otherwise.

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"They're trying to surround me... They have the numbers, but I have a horse."

Proceeds to ride to a dead end, stand perfectly still and potentially get kidnapped and turned into a sex slave

Thanks a lot, Kaga.

8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

The dad dies because they usually would be the leader of the army (and by extension, they would be the main character) if they didn't.

Implying that'd be a bad thing

I mean, FE6 solves that pretty handily. Eliwood is sick, so Roy takes up arms in his stead. Boom, it's that easy.

Not that I'm saying you can't have the dad death, in the grand scheme of things it's a minor nitpick, but when 10-something deaths are exactly as impactful as Eliwood's nondescript illness, it feels kinda lazy.

8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Hey, you know what JRPG doesn't have a dead dad-

I remember him. He was my favorite character until Team Rocket kidnapped him, except not, and then he just... left. Too old to play a major role in a game like that. Nah, we need more time for the generic anime teens.

10 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Everyone knows that Chrom canonically died in Awakening's prologue. Everything he did afterwards was actually done by Garrick, but he was replaced by Chrom as the main character because IS thought he was more marketable.

I disagree. Garrick is way more handsome.

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