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Which game should I reccomend to someone after they play Three Houses?


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I recently reccomended Three Houses to my sis, and she really enjoyed the story and characters. I want to reccomend more games for her to get into, tho I'm not sure which FE game I should reccomend to her next. My sis is generally more interested in story/characters than gameplay, so a more story-heavy entry would prolly be preferred].

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Path of Radiance if you own the game. It is prohibitively expensive.


Could also really recommend Sacred Stones to a newcomer with a more story-focused motivation.


Geneology as a much later recommendation. Since its large levels are a serious time commitment. Maybe it will get an Echoes by then.

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PoR is one of the best FE games for many reasons, and it's also quite easy, so it's great if you're still kinda new to the series; its only problem, as others already said, is that physical PoR copies are very expensive

just warn those people you'll recommend past FE games that 3H is very, very different, and if they're looking for something similar to 3H in them, chances are they won't find it

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43 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Also, since they loved Three Houses, I would strongly recommend Trails of Cold Steel.

absolutely this: as a matter of fact, 3H took A HUGE LOT of inspiration from Cold Steel, and it could feel much more similar to 3H than to past FE games

Edited by Yexin
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Path of Radiance, as most others have said. I actually wouldn't recommend Awakening (even though it's the game I started with). Awakening's gameplay doesn't really go very far in teaching good strategy and thoughtful play, in my opinion.

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For story and characters, Shadows of Valentia is a good option, and it also shares quite a few mechanics of Three Houses. Path of Radiance is also good, but like many others have said, it's very expensive.

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I'mma play devil's advocate here and say a story/character-based player should go with Fates. Calling @Ottservia as my backup as I know he's written quite a bit on the subject of Fates' story. Fates also has more characters to potentially love, and can allow a less-experienced player a chance to get more acquainted with challenge run ideas or slightly trickier map setup easier due to basically doing just that between versions.

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For someone who's a character-driven person, I would recommend

  1. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
  2. Sacred Stones (strongest GBA cast imo)
  3. Path of Radiance
  4. Awakening
  5. Fates

Genealogy also has a very good story, but that's not a game for beginners imo. Not that it's hard to understand, but you really gotta love FE.

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My recomendations, assuming you're looking on the easier side:

  1. Sacred Stones has one of the better villains in the series, although people have mixed opinions on the lords, I personally give this game my heartiest recommendation.
  2. Shadows of Valentia is similar to three houses and has good cast.
  3. By default, I have to say Blazing Blade even though I don't like it very much, it is a fan favorite.
  4. Path of Radiance, also by default. I strongly dislike this game, but most people love it.
Edited by Benice
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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

I'mma play devil's advocate here and say a story/character-based player should go with Fates. Calling @Ottservia as my backup as I know he's written quite a bit on the subject of Fates' story. Fates also has more characters to potentially love, and can allow a less-experienced player a chance to get more acquainted with challenge run ideas or slightly trickier map setup easier due to basically doing just that between versions.

Fates is too expensive for a first time player tho. If I’m being honest the best entry point after 3H is awakening. It’s very casual friendly with a good story and servicable enough gameplay. Now if you liked awakening and 3H then I would recommend fates cause at that point you’re probably more inclined to buy all three paths. Though if you are gonna start with fates I’d recommend birthright first because Fates’s story only makes sense when you start with birthright. 

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For story/characters. I would recommend Blazing Blade (best GBA story and cast imho - even though it's not like there's much competition in that regard) or Path of Radiance (warning: Path of Radiance is hard to find and tends to be expensive). Shadows of Valentia is also worth considering (though it, too, is different from the more traditional FE games). On the other hand, I wouldn't recommend Sacred Stones; while it is good for beginners, both the story and characters are lacking imho.

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Fates is probably the most similar to 3H in terms of style, honestly, being the other game about multiple sides of a conflict being valid, and having some similar strokes in character writing (trauma being a major common theme). It's also got really good gameplay and actually has a casual mode if your sister prefers that, so it's probably my go-to rec. Awakening is solid too though a bit zany compared to 3H so that can be a bit off-putting.

The Tellius games are also a good choice if you can easily get your hands on them (i.e. you or someone you know already owns them), otherwise their price is prohibitive. No Casual Mode if that's a deal-breaker (though PoR is at least one of the easier games to get used to Classic on).

I worry about the adjustment to the polish of any game before Sacred Stones. I got started with Blazing Blade and I enjoy it but the way it handles things like inventory and shops are very frustrating today IMO, as I've encountered when trying to get friends into the series.

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Genealogy of the Holy War is the best answer if you are looking for story, but many are reluctant to suggest it due to the gameplay. Its an old game, with the clear mentality that gameplay should reinforce the story, even if that makes for a more obtuse and slower game. Another FE game with an excellent story that people are afraid to suggest due to gameplay is Thracia 776 (although it should be played after Genealogy of the Holy War for spoiler reasons), its got a great story, but gameplaywise I would describe it as aggressively unfriendly to blind players (If remember correctly Alastar described it as a game never made to be played for the first time...).

Now Path of Radiance is a safe bet, it has an alright story, and its gameplay hasn't aged anywhere near as much, and its rather easy to play and get into (assuming you can find a way to play them)

Blazing Blade does an amazing job with its characters (although there are plenty who will rail against the plot as a whole), and a lot of people grew up with, and feel comfortable with the GBA era games, which makes people view them as safer gameplaywise.

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