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Book V Speculation and Discussion Thread

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So it appears we will be battling not one, but two Sword-wielding summoners in the next chapter. Very interesting. It seems the background for the final map is the forest where we found Eitri, and the title of the chapter is ''Treachery''. Is it a stretch to imagine Eitri will be turning coat?

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6 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

It would be funny if Nott betrayed the team again just after Otr starts flirting with her again. It would fit in with her being a gigantic dummy. 

That, or she sees Fafnir face-to-face and immediately starts simping for him.

As for my opinion, I’ll just assume that Eitri is the betrayer until shown otherwise. Her having a 02 (from Kirby) hat was always kinda suspect.

Also, it’s worth noting that the coats on the Kiran clones are completely plain. Compare it to Kirfonse from Book IV:




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EDIT: Lol, totally misinterpreted what you said. Never mind!

Edited by Sunwoo
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And just like that, Eitri is now the most despicable villain in this game. She just essentially erased two people from existence and didn’t give a shit in the slightest.

And to think, she had the audacity to call Fafnir an abomination (though speaking of that, I suppose that comment now has very different implications).

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Okay, I told myself I wouldn't play the story maps until I got some sleep. That didn't happen. So, I'm kind of tired while writing this, so please bear with me.

We got more background development on Reginn and her bros this time, which was nice. And all this about Fafnir having awoken on a battlefield one day with no memory of his past and no one claiming him... Yeah, it's really matching with my "he was summoned by Yellow Kiran in the past and he was the one who escaped in that opening bit and awoke on a battlefield" theory. Now, new theory bits: What if Eitri is actually Yellow Kiran? IS could just be using the image of the summoner to represent Eitri as a way to show that, being one who at least kind of summoned people, she has a similar "feeling" to Kiran, hence the image of the summoner being shown. She seems like the main inventor of everything, too, so she may have even made that mirror in the throne room. How she speaks when talking about her trial and error summonings is almost exactly like how Yellow Kiran spoke, too, specifically referring to incompletely-summoned people as "failures." Even the implied tone was the same. Anyway, I'm thinking she's the true big bad here. Otr was working for her to get a gate-destroying weapon (you'd think that kidnapping Bruno or Veronica would work better for that since their family closes gates) but Eitri seemed to be the one calling the shots. And really, she seemed to be using Ort, promising a weapon as a sort of appeasement while he gathered what she needed for her own experiments. Poor Fafnir survived quite a long time, but his soul may be unravelling... She did say that incompletely summoned heroes may only have their bodies brought over. Maybe Fafnir only had part of his soul intact, and it's crumbling over time due to a lack of structural integrity. Eitri could have been at this summoning experiment thing for a long time.

Anyway, those are my theories right now. It's kind of exciting, in a way, what with all the peril. And yes, the theory isn't changing so much as refining now... I must be on the right track.

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Well, the plot got more interesting.I wonder if Otr's motive is to destroy the gates to prevent Fafnir from finding his original world, assuming he is from another world. Destroying the gates sounds like a cool idea, but the last time they were important was in book 3. Speaking of book 3, and perhaps this is off topic, I could imagine the gate to Hel being destroyed to stop future invasions, especially if Surtr took over, but of course that won't happen, it would be to interesting for Heroes (I'm starting to think the books should have been ordered differently).

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Its funny that gates and summoning are suddenly a plot point again despite summoned Heroes always having been an afterthought. Neither the summoned Heroes or the story itself ever pauses to take note of Alfonse and co fighting Heroes. The Black Fang and Oliver were never a real part of Muspel just like how Lugh and Ewan were never really fighting for Hell.

''Oh you can't summon Heroes this way! You'll destroy their soul!'' seems kinda silly when the enemy even having summoned Heroes was barely ever noted by the story. Its also funny that this type of summoning is a line being crossed, but enslaving a good boy like Lugh and making him fight for the goddess of death is fair game. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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So can we confirm that the hooded person in Chapter 1-1 is Eitri, talking to one of her "failures"? She also mentioned that it escaped... Which could be Fáfnir?

Is Fáfnir... One of her experiments? A failure?Is this the secret that Ótr knows but Reginn doesn't?

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Something that occurred to me this weekend, that I'm even more sure of with the latest chapter:

The May mythic will probably be Dark, so we'll get the last party element. After that, Astra will be the element most in need of another mythic, since it only has four and is missing Astra/Res. And we've got a character who would be a perfect fit for an Astra/Res mythic sharing the June New Heroes banner Mirabilis-style: Nott, whose sister was Light/Res, and who no longer has to compete with Eitri for the slot.

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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

Something that occurred to me this weekend, that I'm even more sure of with the latest chapter:


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The May mythic will probably be Dark, so we'll get the last party element. After that, Astra will be the element most in need of another mythic, since it only has four and is missing Astra/Res. And we've got a character who would be a perfect fit for an Astra/Res mythic sharing the June New Heroes banner Mirabilis-style: Nott, whose sister was Light/Res, and who no longer has to compete with Eitri for the slot.



That, and the June banner currently has two open slots on blue. Also for what it’s worth, June is also when Dagr returns.

Even if it doesn’t happen, things sure seem to be aligning for Nott to be the midpoint Mythic. It would make more sense than her (or Freyr) being the May Mythic as Azura + Peony isn’t a particularly great combination to drop the new Mythic into.


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Eitri did make things more interesting, for sure, but...gotta be honest, I'm not super fond of the direction? I've never been a fan of things like soul-erasing in any story I've ever experienced, and that hasn't changed here, either. Definitely made me hate her, though, so I guess that was a success.

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Okay, a theory just occured to me, we all agree that Fafnir is one of Eitri's failed summoning attempts, hense why he's mad and has amnesia, but what would happen if he returned to his world? Would he become whole again? And if Otr destroys that gate so Fafnir doesn't leave him, maybe he destroys Fafnir's chance to become sane again. 

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I'm really enjoying book 5 unlike the other books I am completely apathetic to. Eitri's sassy personality is fun to see playout in her conversations with the Askr trio+Reginn as well as with her own pawn ally Otr. If it wasn't for Otr being found in her forest, the Askr trio would have been completely fooled by her which goes to show how cunning she is. 

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Well I am liking the direction the villains are going, but the soul erase thing not so much since it is a dumb plot point. 


My personal theory is that Fafnir is actually Bruno, since Heroes has never stated how long the time in the game is and Bruno has been missing for two and half books now.  It would make sense if Eitri used him as an experiment first.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Caught up with the story. This book is being carried by the sisters so far for me. Their dynamic resembling actually siblings and not that stupid thing we constantly see in games is really refreshing and they are really fun. Reggin is as boring as it goes as always. I just wish they changed that formula of making the first chapters go as slow as possible and then rushing the final ones, it's pretty tiring. The actual plot so far is interesting though, I am waiting for the mid book sequence for it to actually end up somewhere. Hopefully Nott is sparable like Mira last year. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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23 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

Caught up with the story. This book is being carried by the sisters so far for me. Their dynamic resembling actually siblings and not that stupid thing we constantly see in games is really refreshing and they are really fun. Reggin is as boring as it goes as always. I just wish they changed that formula of making the first chapters go as slow as possible and then rushing the final ones, it's pretty tiring. The actual plot so far is interesting though, I am waiting for the mid book sequence for it to actually end up somewhere. Hopefully Nott is sparable like Mira last year. 

Nott is speculated to be on next month's New Heroes banner. She fits the story role and the month's most open color.

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That's nice then a guaranteed mythic is always good.

Really hoping this book conects with the plot concerning the gods and all that. Getting development from paralogues makes me want to learn even more. 

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Someone contact IS because I think intern-kun messed up again. The queen was in this chapter but I don't think anyone working on the cutscenes got the memo!

We can probably discount the possibility of Henriette dying. Her festival of bonds alt implied really strongly that she has another role yet to play. Its possible for Fafnir to just beat the shit out of her or take her prisoner, but given her dialogue about hidden power it would be funny if Henriette proceeded to beat the snot out of him

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

 it would be funny if Henriette proceeded to beat the snot out of him

I really, really hope that's what'll happen. I would love it. Even if she's out of commission for some time afterwards but I want to see her kick some ass.

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Alright, let's see here.

Yeah, looks like Otr is definitely trying to close gates. It could be that he knows that Fafnir was partially summoned (maybe even witnessed his appearing on the battlefield after escaping Eitri) and is worried that his going crazy may be because he's partially returning to wherever he was summoned from. So, Otr may be trying to prevent that by destroying gates with this weapon, not realizing (or maybe he does realize it and just doesn't care) that it was Eitri who summoned him. Basically, he's just trying to keep Fafnir with him, and maybe even thinks that destroying all gates will stop Fafnir from going crazy, and perhaps even reverse the process. (This could be a deception from Eitri, preying on his insecurity/love for his brother.) Either way, they are definitely in cahoots. Eitri really seems like she's the one pulling the strings, though. Also, I can't really remember when it was that Fafnir appeared, but Eitri hasn't summoned for 5 years (no idea how Anna was able to tell that but okay.)

Anyway, Eitri clearly wants to be a summoner and is heckin' jealous of Kiran. (And if the comics are anything to go by, she's probably all "WHY HIM?!! HE'S STUPID!!") I also wonder if the human form we see is her real form or if it's actually that red eye we see on her weapon. Like, what if she's actually that weapon, and the human form is a puppet used for interacting with others and gaining their trust? Could be the red eye on her hat is the connecter (sender/receiver) bit for the weapon, but the red part of the weapon in her standing sprite looks like it's looking over. Oh right; also, Eitri made a bunch of weapons, but not Thorr's Mjolnir and Thorr's Mjolnir is the weapon Eitri compared the one she's working on to in terms of power. So, I guess it's supposed to be either the most powerful weapon out there, or just really, really powerful. Not really a surprise, but it makes sense why IS is holding back on throwing Thorr at us directly for now.

Also, IS can't seem to decide if Nott is supposed to be smart or dumb. I think it's just that she falls for guys with faces she likes, but eh. Also, Otr taking several blows like he did is kind of impressive. He's sturdier than he looks.

And then Askr invasion! Also, IS officially breaking the trend of keeping the books somewhat isolated since Peony came to deliver the message. Anyway, I wonder if Henriette is going to kick the bucket. That'd be something if she had some hidden power, though, and managed to repel Fafnir. I believe she mentioned that her power wasn't fit for a battlefield in a FB (FE5 blue-haired archer guy FB support, I think), and I wondered if she meant that she's too powerful to fight on a battlefield. Like, there could be heavy casualties on their own side as well since she's too strong.

Anyway, cool. I am excited to see what happens next. ^_^

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I noticed that in this chapter is that every character (as in, every book 5 character + the Askr trio) had some meaningful screentime. Combined with Peony's appearence and hints at something big with Henriette, I think this is one of the best chapters.

I also noticed Fafnir seems to thing Eritri is still on our side, which raises some questions. Also I honestly wonder who will be the final boss of this book, at this point I feel any of the three villians could be it with the right writing. Finally we're coming to the mid-point of the book, in book 3 that meant a big plot twist, while in book 4 that meant a change in tone and setting, (definitely not a change in setting here, we've been jumping all over the place already).

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Really hoping this leads up to a big Henriette moment. She's been in my mind ever since hearing her battle quotes.

Also, if we get a Part 2 trailer like we did last book, I wonder if it'll be before or after the June chapter.

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