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Remixed Legendary Heroes: New Skills Speculation!

Diovani Bressan

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Alm getting Time's Pulse makes me think that he could get Slaying effect or any type of special charge in his refinement. If he gets Slaying, Lunar Flash would become a 1CD special, and it would be ready with Time's Pulse.

I'm expecting Alm to get Tempo and a defensive effect, which will guarantee an activation on the second hit. Given that he has Windsweep on both his regular version and his CYL version, it's entirely possible that his defensive effect here will also be Windsweep. Assuming his defensive effect is good enough, he should be able to go back to running his default Null Follow-Up over the more popular Desperation, which secures his ability to get a follow-up attack to activate Lunar Flash on.

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New Remixes coming soon!

Sothis: Girl on the Throne

  • Sirius is evolving into Sirius+. The special's description says "Neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit. When Special triggers, boosts damage by 35% of unit's Spd and restores HP = 35% of damage dealt.". From the previous versions, it is getting the part of Tempo skills that nullify Guard effects on unit, so she has no problems charging her special now, and the Spd damage and healing got boosted by 5%.
  • Her new added skill is Null C-Disrupt 3... but why?!

Julia: Crusader of Light

  • Light and Dark II has "Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe, neutralizes unit's penalties and foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" during combat.". From the previous version, it got extra -3 debuff on foe and also it now nullifies Julia's penalties.
  • Her new added skill is Atk/Res Menace, which makes sense.

In my opinion...

I really need to see her refinement, because her remix looks... ehh. The tempo effect is welcomed at least, and the 2-5 extra damage on special is cool I guess, but ehh. Why Null-C though? It's a very weird skill to give her, considering she is a AR-D Mythic Hero. I was expecting Dragon's Wrath or even Dragon's Ire... very weird in my opinion. Maybe her refinement will make good use of it.

Julia got some nice stuff. I already expected Atk/Res Menace on her. It's a good boost compared to her Atk/Res Oath 3 (there is no Atk/Res Oath 4 yet, so she can't have that), and her tome before refinement has a visible Atk check so Menace works well with it. And now Julia nullifies her own penalties and get soem extra stats during combat by debuffing foes. Curious about her refinement now, since she pretty much competes against her mother now.

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The next Remixes are Julia and Sothis:

Julia: Light and Dark II

  • Nullifies own penalties (new)
  • -5 to all stats on opponent in combat (previously -2)
  • Nullifies opponent's bonuses to all stats
  • Nullifies effects on opponent that calculate damage based on the lower defense stat

Gains Atk/Res Menace as a new skill.

Light and Dark was already quite good. Light and Dark II is pretty busted, considering the best inheritable stat-boosting skills in the B slot only grant 4 points to three stats in addition to a non-stat effect.

Nullifying the opponent's bonuses was already extremely powerful in the Arena, and with the increasing prevalence of skills that inflict penalties, nullifying your own penalties is also quite strong.

Atk/Res Menace makes sense.

Sothis: Sirius+

  • Cooldown 2
  • Deals damage equal to 35% of Spd (previously 30%)
  • Heals HP equal to 35% of damage dealt (previously 30%)
  • The offensive half of Tempo (new)

Gains Null C-Disrupt as a new skill.

Sirius+ notably gains the offensive half of Tempo, which prevents the opponent from stopping Sothis from activating her Special. That's nice and reduces competition in her B slot.

The extra damage and healing is pretty minor and amounts to about 3 additional points of damage.

What's more interesting is the fact that they're giving her Null C-Disrupt to replace Wrath. Null C-Disrupt is a rather underwhelming skill, so assuming that the developers aren't idiots (which is unfortunately not a valid assumption), they're planning on giving her refine something that can replace Wrath and actually makes Null C-Disrupt viable on her.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Julia: Light and Dark II

  • Nullifies own penalties (new)
  • -5 to all stats on opponent in combat (previously -2)
  • Nullifies opponent's bonuses to all stats

Don't forget "disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" effect. I usually forget she has that in her B skill and think it is on her tome instead.

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5 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Don't forget "disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" effect. I usually forget she has that in her B skill and think it is on her tome instead.


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I'm thinking they might have decided to ditch Sothis' value as an AR-D mythic entirely and instead focused on making her a good PvE unit since she's part of the current starter support pack. Dazzling Staff appears a lot in Legend/Mythic battles, making Null C-Disrupt pretty valuable there.

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54 minutes ago, Florete said:

I'm thinking they might have decided to ditch Sothis' value as an AR-D mythic entirely and instead focused on making her a good PvE unit since she's part of the current starter support pack. Dazzling Staff appears a lot in Legend/Mythic battles, making Null C-Disrupt pretty valuable there.

There's also Mjollnir Strike 😂

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13 hours ago, Florete said:

I'm thinking they might have decided to ditch Sothis' value as an AR-D mythic entirely and instead focused on making her a good PvE unit since she's part of the current starter support pack. Dazzling Staff appears a lot in Legend/Mythic battles, making Null C-Disrupt pretty valuable there.

12 hours ago, Rinco said:

There's also Mjollnir Strike 😂

And I guess she could even have some value in AR Chaos...

Until we see the refinement, I only see this skill on her as another source of the skill... which also doesn't help much considering takes a long time for these heroes to rerun. Like Hríd, that have a 11 months gap between appearences.

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24 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

And I guess she could even have some value in AR Chaos...

Until we see the refinement, I only see this skill on her as another source of the skill... which also doesn't help much considering takes a long time for these heroes to rerun. Like Hríd, that have a 11 months gap between appearences.

And the gaps will just keep getting longer as more heroes enter the pool, unless they do something about it.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

And the gaps will just keep getting longer as more heroes enter the pool, unless they do something about it.

Honestly, they should increase the amount of units on it. They are using the banner format from Double Specials (8 heroes, 2 for each color), so maybe should go to the same format as Legendary/Mythic Banners (12 heroes, 3 for each color).

Remixes being monthly could help too. Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not.

Like... We had a remix in August and we will have it in September, then no remix in October. November we are back with remixes, for not having one in December. Then we have 3 months in a row with remixes (January, February and March), with a break in April and then returning in May. Like... why?! 

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  • 1 month later...

New Remixes announced!

Eliwood: Blazing Knight

  • Vision of Arcadia II grants Atk/Spd/Def+6, [Null Panic] and [Canto 1] to allies with highest Atk stat AND himself if there is a Dragon or Beast ally on the team.
  • Eliwood's new inheritable skill is Flow Refresh 3, which is good enough. He has Death Blow 4 in his base kit, and I wouldn't expect them to change that. 

Yune: Chaos Goddess

  • Chaos Named+ had the base effect completly changed. Now it has Chill Atk, Chill Spd, Chill Def and Chill Res, but with a twist: On those foes with the especific highest stat, they get inflicted with -7 on that stat and [Panic], and then all foes within 2 spaces of that target gets a -7 on that same stat (example: the foes with the highest Atk stat gets inflicted with Atk-7 and the Panic status, and all foes within 2 spaces of that unit will get Atk-7). 
  • Yune's new inheritable skill is Atk/Res Unity... which is fine. Considering the upgrade on the C skill, I am surprised they didn't change the B skill instead although ranged fliers have a limited selection of B skills.

In my opinion...

That's huge for Eliwood! Now the only way to counterattack Eliwood's support would be skills that nullify bonuses on foes, since Panic skills have no effect on them. That's great and horrible at the same time. I can see Eliwood in every Book 3 Prior Duels team now (actually, in every Duels Team in general). Since he grants himself Canto 1, a Flow skill is nice on him.

Yune got a big upgrade too. She is a top tier debuffed now, and an annoying one. Pretty much tanks in Light/Dark will have panic all the time. I wished she had Atk/Res Catch 4 instead, since it makes total sense with her debuffs.

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Eliwood: Vision of Arcadia II

  • If there is at least one dragon or beast ally, grants the following effects to self and ally with highest Atk (previously only ally with highest Atk):
    • +6 Atk/Spd/Def (previously only Atk/Def)
    • Null Panic (new)
    • Canto (1) (new)

New skill is Flow Refresh.

Vision of Arcadia II is pretty insane. It now also applies to Eliwood himself and additionally grants +6 Spd, Null Panic, and Canto (1). I expect Ardent Durandal's refine to be updated so that Bonus Doubler also applies to himself.

Somewhat notable is the fact that this means you only need Res Opening to fully buff a single unit (as long as that unit has both the highest Atk and Res in the team, excluding Eliwood and the unit with Res Opening) instead of Spd/Res Gap, and it also grants +6 Res instead of +5 Res.

Flow Refresh is okay, though it's already available from the Legendary/Mythic rotation on Otr and from the standard pool on Sain. There's the possibility that Ardent Durandal gets Guard on it, which would at least make Flow Refresh a better option than Flow Guard.

Yune: Chaos Named+

  • At start of turn:
    • Inflicts -7 Atk and Panic to enemy with highest Atk and -7 Atk to enemies within 2 spaces of it
    • Inflicts -7 Spd and Panic to enemy with highest Spd and -7 Spd to enemies within 2 spaces of it
    • Inflicts -7 Def and Panic to enemy with highest Def and -7 Def to enemies within 2 spaces of it
    • Inflicts -7 Res and Panic to enemy with highest Res and -7 Res to enemies within 2 spaces of it
  • (Entire skill effect is new. Previous skill effect was -5 to the highest stat of [Atk - 15]/Spd/Def/Res on enemies in 3 columns centered on unit if Res is at least 3 greater than opponent's Res.)

New skill is Atk/Res Unity.

That's... interesting. It looks like they want to make Yune a more offensive unit by removing the stat comparison and the positioning requirements on her debuffs, allowing her to run an Atk Asset and more easily activate her weapon's guaranteed follow-up effect. The splash effect also punishes staying clumped up in a ball, and Panic makes it harder to utilize Bonuses, especially since Ashera is on the other season.

Atk/Res Unity is pretty underwhelming. Sure, it's the extension of her default Atk/Res Bond, but they already gave Eir Atk/Res Unity as her remix skill in February, and Eir is even on this same banner.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Atk/Res Unity is pretty underwhelming. Sure, it's the extension of her default Atk/Res Bond, but they already gave Eir Atk/Res Unity as her remix skill in February, and Eir is even on this same banner.

I agree. I think Atk/Res Catch 4 would be a better pick, considering how easy is for Yune to debuff foes now.

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  • 2 months later...

Remixes have been announced:

Leaf: Noba's Zeal II

  • Cooldown 3
  • Quickened Pulse (new)
  • Galeforce
  • After activation, inflicts Gravity on self and Pair-Up partner

New skill is Joint Drive Atk.

Fairly tame remix, as this only adds Quickened Pulse to the skill. Functionally, this allows you to replace S Drink with a better skill, so it's a pretty decent buff. Alternatively, you can continue to run S Drink to get the cooldown down to 1 at the start of the first turn if the first opponent you need to kill dies in one hit.

Joint Drive Atk is pretty meh, and we already have it on Corrin in the Legendary/Mythic pool.

Altina: Ashera's Chosen+

  • Iote's Shield
  • If there are no non-dragon, non-beast units within 1 space or if the opponent's HP is 75% or higher at the start of combat (previously only the positioning condition):
    • +9 Atk/Def/Res in combat (previously only +6 Atk/Def)
    • If unit's Res is higher than opponent's Res (new):
      • Deals additional damage in combat equal to 70% of the difference in Res, maximum 7 (new)
      • Dragon Wall 3 (new)

New skill is Atk/Def Hold.

Ashera's Chosen gets a pretty substantial buff to its activation condition given that positioning is usually cramped in Aether Raids. The stat boost has been increased from +6 to +9. She also gets a brand new boost to Res and extra damage and damage reduction based on having more Res than the opponent.

Atk/Def Hold is pretty nice since it's currently only available from Ninja Cherche.

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Leif's refinement better be good, because geez... This remix is not interesting at all! I was expecting him to get Tempo on the special, like how Sothis and Veronica have... but just a basic Quickened Pulse? It's not even Time's Pulse. I guess now you don't need to run S Drink on him and can use a better B skill, but still... And Joint Drive Atk? Really? Very disappointed here.

Altina's remix is quite interesting. It gives her some extra Atk and Def, and now Res as well. It also gives her a 3rd condition that is not based on her position, which I appreciate it. The true damage being based on Res check is kinda lame though... I wished it was a fixed percentage, like... 10-15% of unit's Res. Dragon Wall is cool. It will help her in getting into Vantage without taking too much damage.

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43 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Joint Drive Atk is pretty meh, and we already have it on Corrin in the Legendary/Mythic pool.

39 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

And Joint Drive Atk? Really? Very disappointed here.

I wanna say this suggests a mix-phased refine for Leif, something like he's expected to attack, then retreat to the safety of his nearby allies. Maybe he'll get some sort of Vantage effect that triggers after taking recoil damage from ARpush4?
...I'm not saying it's great, Menace or Rouse 4 would have been better, but it's a theory anyway. Can't exactly give him Oath 4.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Remixes have been announced in the Feh Channel:

Thrasir: Killing Intent+

  • At start of turn, inflicts Exposure on closest opponents within 5 spaces and opponents within 2 spaces of them (new)
  • If opponent's HP is 99% or lower at start of combat or if opponent has a penalty:
    • -5 Spd/Res to opponent in combat
    • If unit initiates combat:
      • Desperation effect

New skill is Atk/Spd Ideal 4.

Adds Exposure with a splash range. Useful since she can now activate the other effects of Killing Intent without needing someone else to supply debuffs or running Menace. Exposure is also just a really strong debuff that's a pain to deal with alongside units with Brave weapons or Triangle Attack.

Another source of Atk/Spd Ideal 4 is nice, especially since I have a few spare copies of her lying around.

Peony: Gentle Dream+

  • Counts as Sing/Dance
  • Has Sing/Dance's effect
  • Grants the following effects to target and allies in orthogonal directions from target and unit, excluding unit:
    • +4 to all stats as a visible bonus (previously +3)
    • Formation as a status effect
    • Penalty nullification as a status effect (new)
  • Cannot be used on an ally with Sing/Dance

New skill is Cross Spur Res.

Penalty nullification is useful, especially since she's on the same season as Yune. And also just because penalties are really common in Aether Raids due to how common structures that inflict stat penalties are.

Cross Spur Res looks like it's there specifically because her weapon has Cross Spur Atk/Spd, though it's rendered less useful by the fact that Embla inflicts Feud and is in the same season.

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Wow, no replacement for Peony's duel skill. Have you ever seen such cruelty? Oh well, no bother because I've somehow manage to avoid pulling a single copy of her ever so I only need the freebie one with her base kit in order to copy F2P strats.

Edited by Humanoid
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I really hope I can pick up Thrasir. I keep trying to get her, but she keeps getting lost on the way to my barracks.

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I am a little disappointed that Peony's Null Penalties do not fully work against Yune.

The one unit Yune is fighting will have their penalties nullified, but not the allies within 2 spaces of the target even if they have the Null Penalties status effect.

So to make it work, the unit with Null Penalties has to be super solo (no allies within 2 spaces).

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10 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I am a little disappointed that Peony's Null Penalties do not fully work against Yune.

The one unit Yune is fighting will have their penalties nullified, but not the allies within 2 spaces of the target even if they have the Null Penalties status effect.

So to make it work, the unit with Null Penalties has to be super solo (no allies within 2 spaces).

I have my own workaround: just let someone else absorb all of Yune's penalties.
Seriously, Ashe with Fortress Def/Res 3 and FDR2/Ylgr with Life and Death 4 and LnD3 are both able to absorb all of Yune's Penalties (Ylgr needs help from Fae's bonuses though, otherwise my Brave Marth becomes higher by default), so all I need to do is keep them away from the main group of Brave Marth/Muspell/Summer Leonie/Fae and Yune is useless!

This exact scenario I'm pretty sure is why Yune was given that extra line of text.

Edited by Xenomata
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  • 4 weeks later...

New remixes are announced:

Celica: Soul of Zofia II

  • Null Follow-Up 3
  • Desperation effect with only Blow condition (previously Desperation 3)
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • -5 Spd to opponent in combat (new)
    • Halves percentage damage reduction from non-Special effects (new)

New skill is Atk/Spd Menace

It would've been better if they had given her Atk/Spd Oath 4 instead of Atk/Spd Menace as her new skill, given that she already has Atk/Spd Oath 3, and Atk/Spd Oath 4 has slightly worse distribution.

Nothing too out of the ordinary with this upgrade. The Desperation effect has been improved to be always active on player phase instead of just being identical to Desperation 3, and she gains +5 Spd and Thjalfi's half percentage damage reduction piercing.

Gaining the Desperation effect at full health makes it difficult to land an offensive Special in one round of combat (even though she has Miracle by default), so I'm expecting her refine to get some form of Special acceleration. Otherwise, not much else to say.

Mila: Mila's Turnwheel II

  • At start of turn, grants self follow-up prevention as a status effect (new)
  • At start of turn, inflicts Isolation and Guard to opponents orthogonal to unit if Def is higher than opponent's Def (previously only Isolation)
  • On Light season in Aether Raids offense, +1 turn limit

New skill is Dragon Wall 3

Did they make a mistake in the announcement? The skill is announced as "Mila's Turnwheel II" instead of "Mila's Turnwheel+", though it's their fault in the first place for using a different naming scheme for the two unit types.

The only changes to Mila's Turnwheel are the addition of follow-up prevention and the application of Guard at the same as Isolation. I'm not entirely sure why they implemented the follow-up prevention as a status effect since the only real difference it makes right now is that it's blocked by False Start, which never appears on Aether Raids defense due to still being locked to Elimine. I suppose they could give her an effect that depends on the number of status effects she has. Guard is... fine. There are a lot of units with Tempo now, but it's still nice to have.

Dragon Wall is okay, though it would've been better to give her one of the tier-4 dragon skills instead. I suspect she's either getting a guaranteed follow-up or a damage boost on her first attack on her weapon's refine.

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

New remixes are announced:

Celica: Soul of Zofia II

  • Null Follow-Up 3
  • Desperation effect with only Blow condition (previously Desperation 3)
  • If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat:
    • -5 Spd to opponent in combat (new)
    • Halves percentage damage reduction from non-Special effects (new)

New skill is Atk/Spd Menace

It would've been better if they had given her Atk/Spd Oath 4 instead of Atk/Spd Menace as her new skill, given that she already has Atk/Spd Oath 3, and Atk/Spd Oath 4 has slightly worse distribution.

Nothing too out of the ordinary with this upgrade. The Desperation effect has been improved to be always active on player phase instead of just being identical to Desperation 3, and she gains +5 Spd and Thjalfi's half percentage damage reduction piercing.

Gaining the Desperation effect at full health makes it difficult to land an offensive Special in one round of combat (even though she has Miracle by default), so I'm expecting her refine to get some form of Special acceleration. Otherwise, not much else to say.

Mila: Mila's Turnwheel II

  • At start of turn, grants self follow-up prevention as a status effect (new)
  • At start of turn, inflicts Isolation and Guard to opponents orthogonal to unit if Def is higher than opponent's Def (previously only Isolation)
  • On Light season in Aether Raids offense, +1 turn limit

New skill is Dragon Wall 3

Did they make a mistake in the announcement? The skill is announced as "Mila's Turnwheel II" instead of "Mila's Turnwheel+", though it's their fault in the first place for using a different naming scheme for the two unit types.

The only changes to Mila's Turnwheel are the addition of follow-up prevention and the application of Guard at the same as Isolation. I'm not entirely sure why they implemented the follow-up prevention as a status effect since the only real difference it makes right now is that it's blocked by False Start, which never appears on Aether Raids defense due to still being locked to Elimine. I suppose they could give her an effect that depends on the number of status effects she has. Guard is... fine. There are a lot of units with Tempo now, but it's still nice to have.

Dragon Wall is okay, though it would've been better to give her one of the tier-4 dragon skills instead. I suspect she's either getting a guaranteed follow-up or a damage boost on her first attack on her weapon's refine.

Thank you for always keeping us up to date in such a detailed way, Ice!

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I was really hoping Mila would be the hero bringing False Start to the Light Season in her remix... Sadly, that's not the case.

Right now, I am a little disappointed with her remix. It's not bad... but not something I actually needed.

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