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Byleth: The Fódlan Star (June's Legendary Hero)


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Nice to see that the Male Avatar get a Legendary Variation before their female counterpart. I wonder when we are going to get female Enlightened One someday. Also gotta love how they made the tome a sword, even though times don’t exist in Three Houses.

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I know a lot of the community is kind of tired by 3H, but I think Byleth looks really cool. I'm glad we got such cool art of his Enlightened One class.

Also Tome-Sword lol

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Can we swap Corrin and Byleth blessings ? xD  Anyway nice Fallen Edel counter.

Since August its going to be wind, I wonder who will be there since we got Byleth here but thats still some months for that.

This our first green water unit, btw.

Edited by Naoshi
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Obvious counter to F!Edelgard is obvious. Although Legendary M!Byleth is only going to work during Water season, so Edeldard is free to cause terror whenever that's not active. 

As for Byleth's skillset. His Prf is amazing, it has the usual +5 stats for existing, slaying and a conditional NFU which is nice. The crazy part is that he gives the conditional NFU as a drive. That's pretty nutty when you consider now you can pair NFU with Dodge skills or with NCD to cover a wide spectrum of foes (as long as your unit is speedy enough, of course). It's not L!Sigurd levels of disgusting, and it's likely to fall flat for the AI as it is pretty easy to separate, but Legendary Byleth is going to be quite the boon for the player. Fodder is great, if a little restrictive as all his skills are premium.

Rating colors: Green=Colorless>Red=Blue. Red could go last if you don't care about anything Annand brings, but Lif has amazing fodder and Plumeria is still a great unit so that brings it up to par with blue, in my opinion. Green gets dragged down to Colorless level due to Hel not bringing much to the table and all the colorless units are really solid at their worst.

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Funny enough, while F!Edelgard doesn't like L!Byleth the Legendary TH Lords also won't like facing him. The damage reduction nullify on his skill hits both L!Dimitri's Areadbhar and L!Claude's Fallen Star while (Drive) NFU messes with L!Edelgard. He basically doing a Silver Snow run as he's not siding with any of his students.

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10 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Edeldard is free to cause terror whenever that's not active

I don't know. People are still using L!Sigurd balls on their AR Defense teams in VoH even though it's not Wind season.

11 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

The crazy part is that he gives the conditional NFU as a drive.

I feel like this is gonna be insane for AR-O (and Arena for the player side). You can pretty much assume everyone is gonna have NFU now. Surprised they added it.

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Seems like a fun unit in player hands. Null Follow-Up as a Drive is definitely nice.

43 minutes ago, Athos said:

Also Tome-Sword lol

Not to mention it is a green sword!

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Six months into 2021 and we've gotten:

  • Plegian Raphael and Dorothea (+ Lene)
  • Mythic Serios
  • Legendary Claude
  • New Heroes with Marianne, Ingrid, Dedue, Linhardt, and Solon
  • Fallen Dimitri and Edelgard
  • Summer Three Houses
  • Legendary Byleth
  • Brave Marianne and Gatekeeper in August

And I'm absolutely positive we'll get another New Heroes Three Houses banner later this year. They're doing to Three Houses the same thing they did to Fates. They're overloading it (although, fans voted for Brave Marianne and Gatekeeper). That said, I am very happy that this is Male Byleth. I prefer Male Byleth to Female Byleth, personally. I really like the art, and he looks like a really solid unit.

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The artist who drew this version of Byleth is a favorite of mine, so I'm going to aim for him.  Here's hoping that my luck holds!

Of the colors, I have none of the units in blue or green, but green has Byleth so that's what takes priority.   Of the others, I have one of the three red units, and won't complain if I wind up with any of them.  While I have all the colorless units, each of them wants a merge or three.

Green > Blue = Colorless > Red, but the gap between green and red is fairly small.

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"He's green. And Dagr's green. And Hel's green. This isn't a bad banner for me to-! Oh wait; I have no orbs." XD Word for word, my reaction at the end.

Anyway, liking that they decided to go with M!Byleth for this, as opposed to his fem version. Also, thank you for the sword whip animation! ^_^ He's kind of crazy with that weapon of his, though. o_0 Looks like he'd do very well on speedy teams. I want him. And I guess he's our first green sword unit? XD Anyway, he'd be helpful against certain foes who have been giving me a hard time... I want him! ...But I'm still trying to summon some summer students, so I'll have to pass. I'll definitely free pull green, though! If I'm lucky, I'll get him or Dagr.



In regard to the elements for Corrin and Byleth, I thought the same thing! XD

Edited by Mercakete
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I am surprised his weapon doesnt have 3-4 additional effects to round it out.

IS why didnt you also give Byleth Damage reduction, Healing, Windsweep all in one on top of that weapon? 🙄

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1 hour ago, Athos said:

I don't know. People are still using L!Sigurd balls on their AR Defense teams in VoH even though it's not Wind season.

I feel like this is gonna be insane for AR-O (and Arena for the player side). You can pretty much assume everyone is gonna have NFU now. Surprised they added it.

That's the thing. L!Sigurd is a unit tailor made for the AI to wreck havoc so people don't lose much using him out of season because he just has to proc his special and his teammates will take care of the rest. Byleth, on the other hand, is a unit that gives more benefits to the player than the AI and running him out of season means you're taking a hefty hit to your score. 

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Obvious Fallen Edelgard counter was obvious and right on schedule. Maybe even a bit early.

Ranged magic green sword is amusing. The animation is hella cheesy, though.

Looks like sniping green is sufficient for me. Hel and Dagr are both worth pulling for for me since both are still at low merges. As nice as it would be to get a few more copies of Nott, Ferry is a nice-to-have at best, and Julia is a hard pass since I already have her at +10, and she has very low skill inheritance value.

Unless the game decides to be extremely nice to me this time, I'm not going for a +10. I'm not putting up with the bullshit from the Ashera banner again.


I know it's because some things just can't be preserved during translation, but it's really kind of a shame it couldn't.

The Japanese names of Sublime Heaven and Ruptured Heaven (Ruptured Sky in Fates and Heroes) are homophones in Japanese. Sublime Heaven is 覇天 (haten), "Conquering Heaven", whereas Ruptured Heaven is 破天 (haten), "Rending Heaven".

Not immediately relevant here, but Heaven's Fall is not a homophone in Japanese, but is close, being 崩天 (hōten), "Crumbling Heaven".

At the very least, they matched the Combat Art's name with the weapon's name in both languages. The Sword of the Creator is 天帝の剣 (tentei no ken), "Sword of the Progenitor", in Japanese with the Sublime Creator's Sword being 天帝の覇剣 (tentei no haken), "Conquering Sword of the Progenitor". (Loose translation of 天帝 (tentei) as "progenitor". It refers to the supreme deity or progenitor deity of Chinese folk religion, and having still not had the time or motivation to play Three Houses, by the localization alone, "progenitor" seemed to fit the localization's "creator" pretty closely while also having enough of an air of sophistication, especially if interpreted as "Progenitor with a capital P".)


No complaints about the weapon translation. It's "Tome of the Professor's Guidance" in Japanese.


3 minutes ago, Hilda said:

IS why didnt you also give Byleth Damage reduction, Healing, Windsweep all in one on top of that weapon? 🙄

Because it doesn't need them to perform its intended function. His kit is clearly designed to one-hit kill everything with Sublime Heaven.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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So glad they went with male Byleth for this.

Female enlightened one robes is one of the worst lord designs in the entire series. Period. Male byleth makes the look work so much better. Plus it spices up the whole avatar legendaries being all female up until now.

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18 minutes ago, Faellin said:

So glad they went with male Byleth for this.

Female enlightened one robes is one of the worst lord designs in the entire series. Period. Male byleth makes the look work so much better. Plus it spices up the whole avatar legendaries being all female up until now.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they had Female enlightened Alt in the future. They probably went with Male Byleth because he has 0 Alts while Female has 1. Looking at the remaining candidates for Legendary Heroes, only Male Robin and Corrin, female Byleth and Maciah are protagonist candidates. Curious what they’ll do after that. 

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27 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

Wouldn’t be surprised if they had Female enlightened Alt in the future. They probably went with Male Byleth because he has 0 Alts while Female has 1. Looking at the remaining candidates for Legendary Heroes, only Male Robin and Corrin, female Byleth and Maciah are protagonist candidates. Curious what they’ll do after that. 

They'll probably expand into other major non lords like Sothe, Caeda, and Xander. They've already done this a few times over the years. Lilina and Ryoma both got one before actual lords.

Or they could throw a curveball and give Itsuki one.

And I wouldn't be surprised if Kris got one at this point now. Since he's the last avatar without one.

Edited by Faellin
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