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A Hero Rises 2022 - discussion


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Don't forget to vote every day for your favorite heroes! The Top 8 will battle it out for one of the four spots in the banner, and the top winner will be handed out for free to all players!

Feel free to discuss your picks in this thread. Maybe win some people over to your side as to why we should vote for... I dunno, Thorr.

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I'm voting for Harmonized Catria for all of my votes.

In other news, I'm surprised at Eitri getting more than a million and a half more taps than second place. Did that many people actually pull a copy of her to get her poke count up that high, and is she actually that interesting to poke?

Halloween Nowi getting second is also surprising, but not quite as much, as I'm sure it's because a bunch of players pulled their first copy of her after she got such a good refine last year.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Going all in on Legendary Sigurd this year. There's a lot of strong green units that would make for a pretty great banner, but I already have all the popular ones (literally got Bride Catria yesterday) so I don't get anything out of that. 

Someone over Reddit mentioned that Eitri having that many taps was because someone on 4Chan made a bot that keeps clicking their Eitri 24/7, and then another anon decided to do the same thing for H!Nowi. I don't know if that's true or not, but it doesn't seem that farfetched.

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1 minute ago, Alexmender said:

Someone over Reddit mentioned that Eitri having that many taps was because someone on 4Chan made a bot that keeps clicking their Eitri 24/7, and then another anon decided to do the same thing for H!Nowi. I don't know if that's true or not, but it doesn't seem that farfetched.

Okay, that's actually really funny, and the number actually checks out.

It's been about 5.3 million seconds since Eitri's release, so a bot tapping her once every second would definitely get her in the ballpark of 5.5 million if you account for a delay between her release and when the bot is set up and also account for "normal" people tapping.

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First day Thorr

Second Day Legendary Claude

Brave Marianne will get a vote eventually

might give Desert Azura a vote because I could use a cavalry dancer

not sure about others, after 2 spouts of bad luck, I'm not as interested in Gatekeeper copies

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I've voted for Elimine and Hatari Azura so far. Maybe I'll throw a vote for Winter Lysithea. Then there's Eitri and Thorr. I already have Thorr, but I see a bunch of people mention they were voting for her so a free merge wouldn't be bad.

2 hours ago, Lemmy said:

Second Day Legendary Claude

Brave Marianne will get a vote eventually

I'll probably ditto these. I still don't have that Claude, and if the Edelgard kids want to do their thing then I'll just do mine.

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I voted for Summer Surtr yesterday. Not sure who I'm going to vote for this time. Maybe I'll actually go for wallpapers again, but I don't really change my wallpaper anyway, so...

Eh, I'm not putting much into this. That said, shouldn't the OP have a link to the online vote?

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I'm gonna vote for someone different each time, with Day 1 going to Young L'arachel.

...Walhart has given me a taste for blood. I want that Dazzling Menace...

35 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

That said, shouldn't the OP have a link to the online vote?

The link is INSIDE the tweet. You just need to click the picture in the tweet and it'll take you right to the voting page.

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I'm gonna vote for the ascended heroes we have so far. That should theoretically guarantee an extra Floret for all players who don't have those units (should any of them actually win, that is). I hope that's how it works.

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I guess I would do it for the wall papers too. I went with the two Plumerias on my English and Japanese account.

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I suppose this might change when we get the midterm results, but there honestly isn't anyone in particular that I'd want to see win right now.

For now, I'm just voting for characters I don't have (as usual) that might have a chance at getting into the VG.

Day 1: Spring Myrrh & Nah
Day 2: Valentine's Lif & Thrasir

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I just don't want F!Edelgard to win because the thought of two of her on arena teams when one is bad enough gives me a headache.  I went with duo!Lif and ascended Joshua so far.  I need to think about who else I would want, I may just keep voting for the ones I already voted for because they are the only 2 I am really interested in.

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It's good to vote on heroes who aren't in the main pool, as they always come back lots of times in other banners, while seasonals are harder to get and have a smaller window of opportunity... 

I'm going with Ninjorrin, Desert Azura and maybe NY!Dagr because of that

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I'm going all in on the Harmonics, but I can't pick one, so I'm voting for a different one each day, with the exception of Caeda & Plumeria (I have them) and Catria & Thea (Hero Fest)

  1. Tiki & Ninian: Harmonic Hope

  2. Myrrh & Nah: Spring Harmony

  3. Mia & "Marth": Harmonic Blades

  4. Veronica: Harmonic Pirates

  5. Lysithea & Lute: Gifted Students

  6. Leif & Seliph: Destined Scions

  7. (Altina & Sanaki, Azura & Leanne, or Dorothea & Lene)

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I know the casual players regard Fallen Edelgard as the most powerful unit in the entire game, but in reality she's nowhere near as good nowadays. I know because I have 2 of them and they've been rotting in my barracks for months. But well, I can understand that people would really want the unit that dumpsters on their invested Gen 1/2 units. 

At least L!Sigurd is part of the top 5, which is pretty cool for me. Aside from him, I wouldn't mind getting Byleth or Elimine but I'm not really expecting either of them to win the VG. I already have the others so at best they'd be a merge, at worse (Azura) fodder. 

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27 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I know the casual players regard Fallen Edelgard as the most powerful unit in the entire game, but in reality she's nowhere near as good nowadays. I know because I have 2 of them and they've been rotting in my barracks for months. But well, I can understand that people would really want the unit that dumpsters on their invested Gen 1/2 units. 

She's not good because you don't use her?

Wow, LSigurd must suck, I don't use him at all.

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At least that is the green Byleth. But I rather have Thorr on the top8 than him.

Sigurd is ok, but F!Edelgard must go on the first round of the VG. We can have the full green banner if we play things right.

Gonna vote for Dagr and Azura so they don't fall out of the top8 till the end.

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hey, can you feel it?
mmmh, yes, it's the smell of Democracy, which lets us know that the A Hero Rises event midterm results are here, and of course people can't but give a regular pool version of Edelgard an unnecessarily solid chance of winning, even though it's almost a one year-old unit, the game's full of counters and, truth be told, she's never been THAT unstoppable to begin with


back being serious if only, the only legitimally good picks here are LSigurd, Ninja Corrin, Athari Azura and NY Dagr
i understand Elimine, people are doing with her literally the same thing they did with Seiros last year
what my brain fails to fathom is Eitri: are people really that lazy that they just vote for the most tapped hero on the green pool and don't scoll down the screen? i refuse to consider these creatures as anything more than amoebas if anyone reading this actively voted for Eitri because you legitimally want her to win, please don't take what i said as an offense
and then, Edelgard... i'll just refrain from expressing what i think any more than i already did, it really doesn't deserve more of my already short time on this planet

tl;dr please let LSigurd win

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