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Three Hopes - Rate their Chances

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I'm leaning towards 9/10. She's popular among the fanbase, a great unit, Stellar voice acting, good back story, - yeah I the only reason I can't see her as a playable character, is that she is just a "generic " mage compared to Lysithea and Annette, but that's just a very minor hiccup. 


Personal want, 10/10. Her VA is stellar, as well as supports and depth of her character, and she's always consistently been an excellent one of my excellent character in my playthrough. Arguably one of my favorites, heck I even have signed art of her from Allegra Clark herself !

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Dorothea averages 8.44. Every rating was either an 8 or a 9.


Day 23 - Ignatz


Gonna keep this simple. 2/10 chance. 2/10 want. Ignatz is the most forgettable character, even in a game that also includes Cyril. Nothing wrong with him - he's just not popular, important, or unique. The biggest point in his favor is that uh... he's a student.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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3/10 from me, his biggest connection is with Raphael  and he doesn’t have a high chance either.

For personal… 5/10 I think? As I have said in the Ashe post that Ignatz is someone I just forget exists. In my over 500 hours of play on 3 houses he is the only character in my game to only have mastered 1 class… being commoner.

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It's funny, I can see a scenario where Raphael gets in without Ignatz, but not the other way around. Ignatz is just...wholly unpopular and often forgotten, and he's the least likely for his class. The only one who might possibly be more unlikely as an archer is Cyril. 3/10

I like Ignatz as a character, though, and it's a shame he isn't more popular. Personal want is a 7/10

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Ignatz is a 5/10 for me. I can see him coming in as an Archer/Sniper, Assassin (Light Sword Wielder), or even magic user/Mortal Savant if need be. Personal want is a 7/10. I like him well enough, and he's always served me well as a mid-game unit, but he's a little flat IMO. There's not enough depth to his motivations or arcs to make me connect to him like I do others. 

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Same score I gave Raphael, 3/10. I think he basically needs All Students to be a thing. There's a very slight possibility we get him anyway just because one of the devs likes him or something.

Personal want is 4/10. He rates a bit above "don't care" for me, but...yeah I never really connect with him much.

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Ignatz is in if all the students are in. The Golden Deer already have an Archer in Claude, and potentially Leonie. Ignatz has no Crest, no personal weapon, and very little story significance. I'm giving him a 4 out of 10.

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I feel sorry for Ignatz. He loves art and is shy and wears glasses, and I find him very relatable. Sadly, I can understand why he is not very popular, doesn't help that he wasn't that great of a unit on my playthroughs. 

Personal Want: 6/10

Actual chances: 4/10

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Ignatz gets 3.1.


Day 24 - Catherine


I figure Catherine is a solid 7/10, if not higher.


As for want score, 3/10. While I acknowledge her as a solid character, I find her unsympathetic (I guess I just can't resonate with people who choose religious fealty over personal friendships) and I can't see myself choosing to play her over Felix.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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I gotta give Catherine a 7/10 as well, she feels pretty much like Rhea’s retainer as Seteth feels more like a Lord. As others have debated on she even feels like the game’s Jagen. With both her nickname and weapon name Ryoma’s move set is made for her.

As for personal score it’s a 4/10, I just don’t care much for her.

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Catherine gets a 3/10. Yeah, I really don't see it. Hard to imagine we'll get more than a small handful of Church characters barring a truly giant roster, and Catherine's nowhere near the front of the line for those. She's not as important as Seteth or even Flayn, and she's not popular (unlike Shamir).  If you subscribe to "classes matter" than Felix and Petra are gonna take her build for sure. Catherine could miss out even in All Students cases, though it's offset by the fact she could be chosen because of her connection to Rhea. But at minimum, she's dramatically less likely than Dedue.

Personal want is 4/10. I like Catherine's design a lot. As a character she's incredibly unpleasant but she's interesting in that unpleasantness. I probably wouldn't play as her much though.

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Catherine is a 6/10 IMO. She's likely to get in if there is a Church faction, but she also shares swords with Rhea and/or Manuela if either or playable and the game doesn't want or need their alternate specialties (Fist/Gauntlet and Magic respectively). I don't think she's more popular than Shamir, but she does have some minor plot and background plot relevance over Shamir...but she's also partners with Shamir, so if one gets into the game, the other is almost guaranteed...hmm...

My personal want is also a 6/10. I like her well enough and shipped her with Ashe before the Ashen Wolves DLC came out and I read Ashe and Hapi's epilogue, but since then, I don't really care for her too much. I don't hate her, but she's definitely in the lower tier of characters. (Now if she, Byleth, and Rhea could have an OT3, that may raise my opinions of her a bit...) 

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I'd say Catherine is the most likely "Knight of Seiros" to be playable. We don't know what their narrative role will be, but if the intent is "golden route", then I have to imagine they'll be on the player's side. She shows up as a green unit as early as chapter 3, and she's used to demonstrate the power of Hero's Relics. I'd be surprised to see this game without a usable Thunderbrand, and I'd be shocked (heh) to see Thunderbrand without Catherine. There are a few other sword specialists (Teach, probably Felix, possibly Yuri and Dorothea), admittedly. She gets a solid 7 out of 10.

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6 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

As for want score, 3/10. While I acknowledge her as a solid character, I find her unsympathetic (I guess I just can't resonate with people who choose religious fealty over personal friendships) and I can't see myself choosing to play her over Felix.

I think its more like her choosing Rhea's hips over her friends, instead of religion. Catherine's devotion seems to Rhea in particular rather than to the church in general. But yes I find her quite unlikable. 

7/10. She's kind of the ''Lu Bu'' of the church. 

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31 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think its more like her choosing Rhea's hips over her friends, instead of religion. Catherine's devotion seems to Rhea in particular rather than to the church in general. But yes I find her quite unlikable. 

7/10. She's kind of the ''Lu Bu'' of the church. 

Fair enough.


(But I also thoroughly dislike Rhea as a person, so the distinction doesn't matter to me).

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Catherine feels pretty likely to me. I would not be surprised if Seteth, Flayn, and Catherine was the "church brigade." She's Rhea's right-hand woman and she has a relic. 7/10

Personal want is about a 4/10. I don't really like her, she'd be the kind of person I don't think I'd get along with. But she at least has an interesting history.

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Catherine seems decently likely. She has strong competition for swordmaster in Felix and Petra, but if church units are playable in this game, which I think has a reasonable likelihood of happening, then she's very likely to be one of the playable ones.

Overall, I'd say 5/10.

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Gonna play catch up real fast.

Dorothea - 9/10. One of the most popular characters in the fandom, and is still the most deployed unit in the game, iirc.

Ignatz - 5/10. Not very popular, and unfortunately is surrounded by infinitely more popular characters.

Catherine - 8/10, only one rank higher than Shamir because she's given more screen time than her partner, especially in CF. Otherwise, I feel like the likelier Church characters are ones we haven't ranked yet.

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Catherine is in a weird spot. If she had even decent popularity, I think she'd be really likely, because she's got the story presence working in her favor. But her popularity is modest at best and her relevance isn't strong enough that you can't realistically just leave her out. She's also kind of in the middle for church likelihood; Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and Shamir are all more likely, but I'd put the rest as less likely. I could also see them wanting to include Shamir specifically and letting Catherine in alongside her.

She feels like the perfect benchmark of a 50%.

Edited by Florete
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Catherine gets a 6.2.


With the Wolves down, NPC's are working their way into the rotation.


Day 25 - Nader


1/10. It's unclear how much the Fodlan and Almyra conflict would even come into play since it's a secondary narrative. And I could only see him happening if they use their existing assets and clone movesets to really deep-dive into the roster.


But 4/10 want because I could see him having interesting support conversations with both fellow Almyrans and Fodlan's leaders, or other outsiders like Petra.


(The death of his VA does complicate things in either direction. It certainly hurts the chances of new dialogue, but they may feel his inclusion a fitting tribute).

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Nader is almost certainly not in. But I could see a bigger case for Nardel, Claude's retainer/secretary. He was criminally underused in the base game, after all!

All jokes aside, depending on how "Lord-focused" the narrative is, we could see more prominence given to adults like Nader, Judith, Rodrigue, and Ionius. A playable Nader is less likely than a playable "any given student", but not quite out of the question. He'd be more explicit representation of Almyra, although his class is kind of redundant with Claude and (possibly) Seteth. I'll give him a 2 out of 10.

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Nader...I'm not really sure what they'd do with him. He's an NPC, and Judith would almost certainly get in before he's even a thought. He's in the category of "only if everyone INCLUDING most NPCs get in." 1/10

As for personal want, I'll stick him directly in the middle, average 5/10. He's at least a somewhat interesting NPC.

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