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1 hour ago, Safy said:

Maybe they can be used together or split up to fight separately and even swap places on the map.

I was going to say this didn't make sense for Emblems, but Lyn creates clones so who knows? I think creating one strong unit instead of her (seemingly) small army of weak units seems like a worthy trade to me, and being able to swap places across large distances could be really fun to mess around with too~

2 hours ago, Ayra said:

Female Alear's engage form with Byleth (where she Aymr an axe armor) was clearly inspired by female Byleth and not male Byleth. For example, she had the medallion on her chest from female Byleth instead of the crest of flame logo from male Byleth (that was present on all the males we've seen engaged with Byleth).

Does it mean that female Byleth is in? Nah, probably not. We have seen the unknown "emo skull girl" start the engage animation with male Byleth (but not the result), and it's far more likely that female character engaging with male Byleth = outfit inspired by female Byleth instead. A bit odd, but understandable.

Interesting, and another detail really well spotted, thank you very much, Ayra!

2 hours ago, Ayra said:

Regarding people complaining regarding Ephraim, I think it's probably Alm fans that would be most upset with Ephraim being in and not him.

Yeah, that's a fair point. Also a funny one given FE8 is seen as a spiritual successor to FE2 too. If the Eirika/ Ephraim thing is real though, that leaves us with one more guy than girl when the original 12 seemed to be going for a gender balance, so I'm left wondering if one of the guys will have a dual mechanic too. If we had Chrom, pairing him with Lucina would have been an obvious second choice for that. Who knows, maybe there is a M!Kris on the cards after all...

Edited by DefyingFates
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I hope not. Kris is a waste, Archanea is well represented by Marth already. It makes little sense to go for the unpopular irrelevant avatar character over all the lords they left out including Robin themselves.

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3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Ooh, thank you for the sleuthing, Ayra!

On one hand it sucks that the one time Eirika seemingly makes a solo appearance she gets overshadowed by her brother yet again - especially if this is true and she switches out for someone else entirely while everyone else just gets a weapon and outfit switch. And especially especially when we've already seen other Emblems with multiple weapon types (I was personally hoping Eirika would use Reginleif like her Brave alt in Heroes).

On the other hand, I can't deny that's a neat gimmick to have, especially if both twins had completely different Synchro and Engage skills on top of having different weapons. Maybe they'd share the Sacred Twins between them; for example Eirika has Sieglinde, Latona and Gleipnir while Ephraim has Siegmund, Nidhogg and Garm (if there's a 3 weapon limit) with one of them also having a horse?

I wonder what that means for the opposite Corrin and Byleth genders too. I can already imagine all the arguments about Eirika/ Ephraim being treated equal to gender swaps - or people complaining about Eliwood and Hector being left out (justifiable) or the Fates Royals (less justifiable), even if those two getting the same treatment as the Avatars seems funny (in a good way) to me.

...also yes, if the reason why Eirika is the last to appear in promo material really is that she has a completely different function to the other Rings, that would make me a little happy as well I suppose. Even if it just means she gets half the screentime of the others.

tl;dr: As an Eirika fan I'm upset at the prospect of her sharing screen time with Ephraim, but if I detach myself I can see potential for a lot of interesting mechanics. I just hope Eirika and Ephraim individually aren't lackluster to justify the toggle. Also I'm curious what their Emblem will be called too: the "Twin Emblem"?

Okay, I'm done whining. On with the discussions! Hopefully the next reveal will be another story tidbit or non-Emblem or Anna character reveal I can skip again 😛

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Eirika or either twin but even I'M blown by Ephraim sneaking his way into the game. His sister can't have ANYTHING to herself, huh? Not even Lyon!

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3 hours ago, Azz said:

(as much as I would also like Eirika to have a solo appearance, I think her ring have two heroes makes the most sense out of all the rings).

Alm is crying as we speak

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55 minutes ago, KoriCongo said:

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Eirika or either twin but even I'M blown by Ephraim sneaking his way into the game. His sister can't have ANYTHING to herself, huh? Not even Lyon!

Wow xD

And yeah, Eirika getting overshadowed again is a bummer, but if the twin thing is true at least they have a really unique dynamic compared to the other rings! Thanks for commiserating though, I appreciate that~

15 minutes ago, Crubat said:

Alm is crying as we speak


Seriously though, I do see the case for Alm and Celica, considering they theoretically complement each other's strengths to counteract their individual weaknesses.

Also, I'm still suspicious of a 13th Ring showing up eventually, so maybe that'll be a woman to balance the scales again. I thought it'd be the other Alear at first, but maybe it'll be Lumere's spirit, or even Veyle. We'll see.

Going back to Sigurd though, he gives bonus perks to cavalry but the overview trailer said Dragon units (i.e. Alear) got bonuses from all Rings, right? I mean, it still seems like Marth is going to be Alear's best choice either way since he explicitly mentions Dragons in his skill descriptions so would be an unbuffed Ring for everyone else, but I'm curious about the lack of Alear mentions in this new trailer.

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3 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Going back to Sigurd though, he gives bonus perks to cavalry but the overview trailer said Dragon units (i.e. Alear) got bonuses from all Rings, right? I mean, it still seems like Marth is going to be Alear's best choice either way since he explicitly mentions Dragons in his skill descriptions so would be an unbuffed Ring for everyone else, but I'm curious about the lack of Alear mentions in this new trailer.

I was wondering about that too, where did they mention that Alear gets bonuses from all the rings again? I swear I used to be on top of info about engage but the amount of info we've gotten recently made me fall behind lol

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Saw brief image title on MCs uniting 

Thankfully I never watch yeah about time a go into sleep beside gameplay stuff while it’s very obvious I’d rather not show it like cmon surprise in a game like this is a great thing to see!

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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10 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Saw brief image title on MCs uniting 

Thankfully I never watch yeah about time a go into sleep beside gameplay stuff while it’s very obvious I’d rather not show it like cmon surprise in a game like this is a great thing to see!

Yeah, that's what I was scared of too. The especially annoying thing is that I didn't even see it via NoJ themselves but from Pheonixmaster1 uploading a clip of it . I've unsubbed until Engage releases, obviously. But hey, as you said that was an obvious thing to happen so it's not too bad.

12 minutes ago, Crubat said:

I was wondering about that too, where did they mention that Alear gets bonuses from all the rings again? I swear I used to be on top of info about engage but the amount of info we've gotten recently made me fall behind lol

No worries, you've been busy gathering all of this info too! The news came with the Overview trailer apparently, though I don't recall seeing it myself. There was some talk of it a few pages back.

Edit: Found the source!

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8 hours ago, Ayra said:

I'd say it's extremely likely that it's Ephraim, and that the Eirika ring can switch back and forth mid-battle between the two.

On that same Twitter post of the same map, we (barely) see Timerra equipped with Eirika. Everything else matches between the screenshots; the same characters wearing the same rings (Ike on Ettie, Roy on Chloé, etc); the only difference is that Timerra has an unknown ring instead that looks like someone like Ephraim.

So mid-battle switch between Eirika and Ephraim is the most likely option in my opinion.

I'm going to take the wrong side here and point out that Goldmary has a javelin in one shot, and a Spear and an Elixir in the other. The elixir could be a drop though, since we see that enemies have loot. In fact both could be and she'd simply have convoyed the javelin to make room.
I will say though... that that isn't Ephraim's hair color. And Timerra somehow went from full bar to empty. And Sigurd's engage has its counter back at 4. There's probably an explanation for these too however. And there's a ridiculous amount that does match as you pointed out, more than we've had in basically any other scene.

... it also happens another time, with Timerra having a filled out "Ephraim" instead when Alfred has Sigurd. So chances are none of those are the exact same scene, but regardless... That's a lot. Too big a coincidence.

6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Edit: Found the source!


... Er... how did I completely miss that image? That's an unpromoted(capped) Alear with A swords implying weapon ranks do grow still, and this feels very prologue-y considering Marth isn't identified. Did we all miss that, or just me...?

Also, you're all completely correct, it's Micaiah, in 3-13. Didn't expect us to fight the emblems themselves in those maps.

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, I'm still suspicious of a 13th Ring showing up eventually, so maybe that'll be a woman to balance the scales again. I thought it'd be the other Alear at first, but maybe it'll be Lumere's spirit, or even Veyle. We'll see.

The 13th Ring will probably be the Fire Emblem of this game

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4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Going back to Sigurd though, he gives bonus perks to cavalry but the overview trailer said Dragon units (i.e. Alear) got bonuses from all Rings, right? I mean, it still seems like Marth is going to be Alear's best choice either way since he explicitly mentions Dragons in his skill descriptions so would be an unbuffed Ring for everyone else, but I'm curious about the lack of Alear mentions in this new trailer.

I think Override will have bonus for Dragon, since as we see in a trailer, it does not have type bonus for Calvary

2 hours ago, Cysx said:

... Er... how did I completely miss that image? That's an unpromoted(capped) Alear with A swords implying weapon ranks do grow still, and this feels very prologue-y considering Marth isn't identified. Did we all miss that, or just me...?

There are also other weirdness in that image, like max level max bond Alear in what looks like the prologue (if your guess is correct), and 8 build Alear (she normally has 4). I guess the lesson here is that don't try to overanalyze pre-release images of a game

But seriously though, I still think weapon rank growth won't be back, since we don't see any kind of exp bar for weapon

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On 11/22/2022 at 8:34 AM, KoriCongo said:

Byleth's trailer shows off something neat: the Emblems do have thigns to say to the other cast members, not just Alear!

Here's him intimidating Alcryst, probably for being bow-locked!


Seeing that reminds me of seeing this one fanart where Innes is shocked that his country's legendary bow is given to a unit that isn't bow-locked.

17 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

if skills like Lunge and Draw Back are included that's going to be a hilarious (albeit niche) way of killing a bunch of enemies at once.

Has the player ever gotten a way to kill a bunch of enemies at once, besides the Geosphere? Most of the multi-kill options I can think of are used AGAINST them. And iirc, only appear in 3H.

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28 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Has the player ever gotten a way to kill a bunch of enemies at once, besides the Geosphere? Most of the multi-kill options I can think of are used AGAINST them. And iirc, only appear in 3H.

There also was some AoE stuff in Gaiden/SoV and RD too.

But yeah, the player almost never got to use them.

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2 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

I guess the lesson here is that don't try to overanalyze pre-release images of a game

That's the easiest "touché" I could give you, guilty as charged !
... but when it comes to that... the ??? in place of Marth's name alone has no practical reason to exist in the game. That whole setup reminds me too much of how Awakening's prologue is, with pre-built Lv 20 Chrom and Robin that are nothing like your own units.
Though I won't try to justify the Bld and Weapon Rank, because you're right, that's be largely meaningless.

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5 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Don't know how I missed it, but Byleth's engage skill's name in Japanese is literally "Gambit: Dance of the Goddess"

There's a gambit in the game with the exact name and effect.

Just an interesting thing I want to point out

Yeah, that's a really neat reference, thanks for pointing it out!

Also, does this mean Blue Lions is canon? It means Black Eagles isn't, at the very least 😛

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5 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Has the player ever gotten a way to kill a bunch of enemies at once, besides the Geosphere? Most of the multi-kill options I can think of are used AGAINST them. And iirc, only appear in 3H.

I'd say those turrets from Fates, but those only weakens up to five enemies.

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Shameless plug, but I made this thread detailing all the gameplay mechanics we know of so far, if anyone wants a refresher or to help out. I also want it to be spoiler-free, so feel free to pay a visit if you just want the technical info without any story details too!

On a related topic, has anyone been keeping track of the different classes we've seen so far?

P.S. Maybe the Eirika/ Ephraim switch works like Galeforce? A full Galeforce for an Engage Attack compared to Celica's "split your damage in 50%" Engage Skill, I mean?

Edit: For what it's worth, the reveal trailer now has subtitles too. We don't get any new info there, but it's nice that NoA went back and added them all the same.

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11 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

On a related topic, has anyone been keeping track of the different classes we've seen so far?

Alear is an "Dragon Child" and subsequently an Divine Dragon.


The twins are an Mage and an Qi Adept; the latter might promote into Dancer, but I'm mainly basing this off their movement type.

There's an Wolf Rider with 5 Mov, but I'm not sure if their movement range is nerfed from being engaged with Lyn. Vander is an Paladin, which appears to be an promoted class.

Louis is an Lance Armor, but I'm not sure if the prefix carries over to stuff like "Sword Armor." Maybe we'll find out around next week, or so.

Let's see: Axe Fighter, Archer, and an Thief were also occupied by the tertiary characters.

Wing Tamer is an little bit weird on account of them being used by the two princesses from Illusia.

There's also an Griffin Rider or something, not exactly sure how it fits in with the other fliers.

Enemy Bow Knights are in one of the desert/beach map, for some reason.

There's Sentinel & Pickett.

Alcryst's promoted class is "Elite Sniper" in French.

Rosemary is an Hero

Noble is character-specific.

And one of the earlier trailers featured an enemy swordsman, but it appears that those are kind of rare, for some reason.

So, that's around 20 classes. Out of all of them, we get at least 4 mages and 2, probably 3 healers. Most of the cast appears to favor lances, but I doubt if this will be as an big as an deal as this sounds.

And one thing that I've noticed is that there hasn't been an generic barbarian or an mounted mage.

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13 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

On a related topic, has anyone been keeping track of the different classes we've seen so far?

Dragon Child / Dragon (Sword) -> Divine Dragon / Dragon (Sword & Body Art) - Alear's personal class

Noble (Alfred) / Calvary (Lance) -> Avenir* / Calvary (Lance & Sword)

Noble (Céline) / Mystical (Sword & Tome) -> ??? (Sword, Tome & Staff)

Lord (Diamant) / Backup (Sword)

Lord (Alcryst) / Covert (Bow) -> Tireur d'élite / Covert (Bow)

Sentinel (Timerra) / Backup (Lance) -> Picket / Backup (Lance)

Sentinel (Fogato) / Calvary (Bow)

Wing Tamer (Ivy) / Flying (Tome & Staff) -> Dragonlord* (Tome & Staff)

Wing Tamer (Hortensia) / Flying (Tome & Staff)


Martial Monk / Qi Adept (Body Art & Staff)

Mage / Mystical (Tome) -> Sage / Mystical (Tome & Staff)

Archer / Covert (Bow)

Axe Fighter / Backup (Axe)

Lance Fighter / Backup (Lance)

Thief / Covert (unconfirmed weapon, seems to be Dagger)

Dancer / Qi Adept (Body Art) - can go past level 20

Lance Armor / Armored (Lance) -> General / Armored (Lance)

Lance Pegasus / Flying (Lance) -> Griffin Knight / Flying (Lance & Staff)


Paladin / Calvary (Vander exclusively uses Axe so far, while Amber only has Lance in his inventory) - promoted class

Great Knight / Calvary (Sword; only Bonet* is shown with this class, and he only has Sword in his inventory) - promoted class

High Priest* / Mystical (Tome, Body Art & Staff) - promoted class (with 6 movement, interestingly, despite apparently being an infantry class)

Wolf Knight / Calvary (Dagger & Sword) - promoted class

Wyvern Knight / Flying (Axe & Lance) - promoted class

Hero / Backup (Sword & Lance) - promoted class

Bow Knight / Calvary (Bow & Lance) - promoted class


* No official English name yet

If I miss anything, please let me know




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Looks like we're skipping retainers and going straight to royals

Today is Ivy











@kienquocsi Since they're bringing back Lindwurm/Dragonlord for Ivy, I wonder if Hortensia gets Enlil/Seraph Knight

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