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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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Well, time to get Alm's Army annihilated.

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Still blind due to her age, but man, do i wish to use her right now

Nyx, but actually useable.

The good Rev right here.

2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Honestly i find Nyx and Odin easier to use and better than Leo. I would personally put Leo as a very low Tier unit tbh.

I'd say Leo's easy to make good as he has enough bulk to take hits and his magic is good, but they're around for longer in CQ and can be pushed up to near if not where he is by then.

The shame is that he's in DK to start with and can't get Shadowgift for Nosferatu in a physically tankier class, alongside a Spd stat that can end up disappointing.

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2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You forgot the best mage in Conquest, Ophelia with a magically inclined mother, although I am kinda saving her for when I need a really good replacement later in the game.

I usually exclude the children when talking of available units. In part because I prefer waiting until Offspring Seals on most children.

There are -including Felicia and Jakob but not Azura- 19 unpromoted units on Conquest in the first generation. That is more than enough units to have to experiment with and have to feed EXP to make useful. Waiting longer on the kids gives you "free" EXP in the sense they level up (and gain WEXP too for what it's worth) without consuming any of the EXP available on the battlefield, and also increases the levels of the enemies you're fighting. Recruiting children early does give EXP sooner, but in the long run less than if you waited, and the curving of EXP gains on Lunatic keep you from slingshotting ahead of the main maps in terms of level.

The benefits to recruiting children early would include more availability for those kidsat the aforementioned cost of more resources being needed to make them good. For Mitama or another kid who might want an early reclass, early recruitment is also good. There is also the question of if the associated map has any goodies, like Ophelia's set of awesome free tomes! -Though most paralogues lack good item rewards in Fates.

Variable parentage is another variable, but it's mostly a question of when you recruit the children that makes me leave them out discussion. Ophelia is the most flawless mage of CQ, but when she shows up is up in the air; Odin, Nyx, and Leo are all fixed in that regard.


2 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Honestly i find Nyx and Odin easier to use and better to Leo. I would personally put Leo as a very low Tier unit tbh.

I must be more into BDSM than you then. Bases Dictate Smooth Maneuverability. (Brynhildr is also Thunder with twice the Mt if you don't forge.)

I mean, I could fix Nyx's problematic start with an early Dark Falcon or Witch promotion, but then I strongly abide by my principle of not doing that to units that aren't at level 20/0 or higher. Leo comes promoted, so I don't flinch at throwing the Ebon Wing on him.

20 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Thanks. I might have to try my hand at some Fates world-building rewriting.

One question if you know/there is answer- why is the giant inland sea west of Nohr glowing purple ingame? -If it is an inland sea, the map cuts off so it could be a gulf/bay instead. What is certain, is that it is definitely purple, not blue like the Nohr-Hoshido Sea. If no reason already exists, I'm declaring it salty.



*Yawn* Another easy Birthright map, a problem that plagues the midgame. It’s the obligatory beastmen battle, and the unicorn-wolf-apes of Nohr are far less diabolical than the kitsune of Hoshido; I do like their Little Red Riding Hood styling. Enemy Atk values are either 23, 27, or 35 -37 in two instances. The 10-15 Crit on the Wolfssengers could lead to single-digit rates, the Beaststones give them good 16-20 Spd, the thick terrain can contribute to some dodginess, but it’s all too easily too manageable. There are some seemingly non-strategic skill assignments here on the Wolfssegners, which I wish Birthright had more of. The Dragon Veins apply Enfeeble to every enemy on the map, as if I needed it to be any easier, I used the first one of these early on.

I ditched Hinata to make room for Scarlet, I don’t need to keep everyone paired up here and I’d like more combat units. Ryoma and Reina also stayed on the bench. I gave Silas the Beast Killer Benny dropped last battle just in time for this map, and Rinkah as a backpack yet again for the durability. B/c his birthday, he got a +Spd/Lck bonus before the battle; I skipped the tonics but made a Str & Def meal.

The few couple turns were fairly mindless. I did have to make one slightly risky maneuver- I couldn’t OHKO the Life or Death Wolfssegner and get them to 0% crit, but the odds of them landing an OHKO themselves was extremely low between an 80-something followed by a 90-something % hit. Did I have to do that or somebody would be sure to die? No. But I did it anyhow. I'm not entirely beyond risking the most microscopic chance of unit death.😆

On turn 4, two more Wolfskin spawned, on turn 5, six more showed up. Nominally they threatened my rearguard, but not in actuality whatsoever (ignore the time Sakura was one-tile in the safe zone). Another four on turn 6, four again in different locations on enemy phases 9 and 10, including two ‘ssegners with Quick Draw. The two 'ssegners did drop an unpaired Corrin below 50% of his HP, so this map was a less of snoozefest than the last. Amazing what a difference enemies that actually move on their own makes. Another factor- the Wolfskin move through forest without a penalty and this map is heavy in them and mountains. The winding flat path through this map makes the reinforcements capable of readily striking at your flanks without those reinforcements being cavalry or fliers. All in all, as a much simpler parallel to the Kitsune map of CQ, this isn't a bad take on such an idea.

Silas promoted mid-fight to Paladin thanks to all the OHKOs he dealt; two Master Seals are generous dropped here. Azama baited Keaton, as Silas couldn’t attack him b/c Beastbane. Keaton attacked from a mountain so finishing him and the map on turn 13 required a modicum of thought, but I had so many units available for attacking him that it would have taken him the devil's luck to avoid them all and survive.

Level Ups:



  • Str/Res
  • Res (Not a happy camper on your birthday, are you?)
  • HP/Str/Skl/Lck/Res 
  • Str/Skl/Lck/Def (No Spd on either of these good levels, but these compensate for the earlier bad ones.)

Scarlet: Str/Skl/Res (Probably should've fed her a few less kills to get someone else to 20.)

Takumi: Str/Spd/Lck/Def

Oboro: Str/Lck (She has not been doing well lately, has she?)

Sakura: HP/Mag/Spd

Felicia: HP/Str/Mag/Spd/Lck/Res (Atta girl! Shurikenfaire too!)

Saizo: Str/Skl/Spd/Lck  (His Str is capped now.)

Azama: Skl/Spd/Lck (Also hit D Shuriken rank.)


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I must be more into BDSM than you then

doubt [x]

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bases Dictate Smooth Maneuverability

Leo's bases aren't that good tho, and the chapter he joins in is very anti him.

You got lotsa pegasi which counter him, you have a boss with counter magic, you have a hex staff, etc.

Then the next chapter is Corn/Azura fiesta in Valla, and the chapter after you get Xander who does the tanking and damaging part much better.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but then I strongly abide by my principle of not doing that to units that aren't at level 20/0 or higher.

Yeah i don't have such a restriction unless i am doing some kinda challenge run xD

But i also only make Corn a grandmaster, because i find that to be the best lord class. The other dlc classes i usually use later on, by the time peeps are promoted yeah.

(Also don't have an answer to that map question, sorry)

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3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Honestly i find Nyx and Odin easier to use and better than Leo. I would personally put Leo as a very low Tier unit tbh.

*presses X to doubt*

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Bases Dictate Smooth Maneuverability

*thumbs up*
I like that kind of BDSM.

20 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Leo's bases aren't that good tho, and the chapter he joins in is very anti him.

You got lotsa pegasi which counter him, you have a boss with counter magic, you have a hex staff, etc.

Then the next chapter is Corn/Azura fiesta in Valla, and the chapter after you get Xander who does the tanking and damaging part much better.

I would say Nyx and Odin aren't very good bases wise either. Especially Nyx, who's insufferably inaccurate and joins right before the dreaded chapter 10.

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First off is to try and get the first bow knight to enter the first army so I don't have to face them in an ambush. Sadly, looks like it won't move for me, so I just go onto the first and accept the consequences. Fernand fights the ghost of Clive, hoping to cause a morale hit by looking so crazy Zofia wouldn't want to fight him. Unfortunately my concern rises when I see witches. First turn I attract the archers and deal with them, then cleared them and the lancers coming right behind them. Then one of the witches warped to attack Gray, who survived and levels. He finishes on PP and Python hits the other with Heavy Draw as she's on the bridge, then I have Forsyth and Lukas wait for Fernand to attack them. The witch doesn't do as I expected and attacks Python, who misses (Woof) and Fernand goes for Lukas despite him having the Ridersbane (Lukas tilted him in their last scene I see). This next turn is where I worry: my squad is facing a bunch of enemies and I don't know how ready I'll be for the arcanist or Zakson. Clair finishes Fernand, I manage to clear out all but the boss and one of the cavs and am safe enough with where everyone is to go from here. Tobin can 3-hit kill the boss, the cav can't threaten anyone, the map ends after that and Faye learns Rescue.

Next map sadly has some reinforcements already, not to mention the madness of dealing with all these mages. I'll play it later.

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Like I said, I expected this map to be rough. But not quite "Warp Python out of range so he can survive" rough. Yeah, the bow knight didn't mess around. So that aside, focused on getting the arcanists to come at us, but of course by the time we had them gone barring two of the two range ones and the mire assholes the bow knight and his paladin friends showed up. Hence warping Python away from him so he didn't die in EP. I end up in a tight spot that gets eased when Clair of all people crits and then finishes one of the paladins, which gives me the space to beat the other three units. From there, it's clearing them off and then getting the Mire Mooks. Which I can bait no question with the Dracoshield. I get the first one with bows, then call over the other. Alm crits the boss to low health and Lukas finishes. Whew that was closer than it had to be with the reinforcements, but they're done.

Course Desaix called in reinforcements who are with Berkut now.... I ain't facing them on that map, I pull back to get then separated. I clear out the reinforcements, then move to fight Berkut. At this stage Berkut breaks my Alm (He doubles for 7*2, you do the math). You know who doesn't take as much crap? Silque! But the actual plan is I focus on getting one of the armours in range of all three of them with a Ridersbane on some forest tile so he can whack all three at once. Forsyth proceeds to crit Berkut, removing him at once (And ending him rightly) and leaving the other two in such a bad way as to make the map a two turn. Come at the Forsyth of Nature, you better not miss. Slayde should have joined them, give him another named unit to body.

After that I go to the mage village to get some quests and forging. Only to of course get Luthier, who is thankfully still available. More Excaliber is welcome. I force Desaix's new reinforcements forward and fight them (Faye got multiple kills somehow and I had to avoid the archer cornering Clair in the north of the map), then go for him.

Another Witch means that I have to try and deal with them first, but Python misses and I try to get her to go for Luthier. This goes poorly as she doubled him (!) and of course my hit rates are going to shit. Thankfully I do remove her, but I have also triggered the bulk of the men with Desaix moving at me. This includes Desaix. Sadly I get him to the front, so he's the first thing I have to beat to save Mathilda. I pull Forsyth back back again and this results in him tanking a bunch of armour knights, but after a while things settle into Foryth holds the line while I try to keep everyone alive, occasionally rotating in Lukas if need be. Eventually I get the armours dead or retreating and get the Iron bow archer to attack Luthier, leaving himself easy pickings for the team and ensuring Mathilda is in no danger with Physic in my party. Few turns later the archers and armours are gone leaving me with Desaix and the cantor + revenents to defeat. Desaix's 20 Def is tough, but Forsyth can hit him for 13 with Tempest Lance and this along with Lukas and Alm eventually defeat him. After that, it's a matter of beating the Cantor, which I do when I've gotten a few waves of zombies and a few levels. After this I clean out the fort and pick up the Sword of Bloodlines, Spice and a lance unit who has more than 9 Spd.

Kliff has been avenged.

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Moving on, I deal with more reinforcements, then face the next bunch of Rigelian troops. I come to the conclusion Forsyth can take the western forces alone with the forged Iron and only some paladins don't get 1-rounded. Nothing does more than 1 damage to him either. This leaves everyone else the east, which is good when there's a bunch more cavs there with the main force and reinforcements. Forsyth does his job and the rest of the army does good enough to fight off Lawson and his underlings. I finish the stragglers and then go to Sylvan Shrine, which sees me clear out a run of enemies and get the gold coin at the end, then promote Faye, Silque and Forsyth, only to reclass Forsyth to Villager so I can make him a merc, I kinda need one of those at the minute. Lukas also follows, but I end up asking if I want a second DF or if a cav would be worth making. Alm's army likes having the movement option, but does it need another so much? I decide ultimately two DFs could be enough. Definitely more than I'd like to have done there, but with any of these units being liable to die, having the armours in a better position seems to be the right call. And they're still mercs now, anything can happen between now and then.

After that, I push the ones that can ambush me forward (STOP ADDING REINFORCEMENTS) and defeat them, then move to the second last map at last. The next map has a bunch of archers, some witches and paladins to the side. A witch immediately warps in, complicating my chances.with the paladins (who are reinforcements again) and archers on the move, but I think I have a good formation until I realise the snipers, bow knight and other witch are going to be a problem if I don't deal with them. Silque warps up Forsyth, only one injured archer's left on the south after I defeat the other and the paladins and that's the map simplified. Python has an unfortunate moment in not finishing one of the snipers and taking damage in the forest, but at this point I feel like I've got a good position. Gray ends up reaching promotion threshold after the boss dies to him (And he defeated another sniper and the second witch), Faye gets a great level while healing, I get Python to level 9 Sniper (I never get him this far this early, but I suppose the circumstances have been messy this time), Luthier gets a level with Spd (I usually get him pretty slow, especially compared to Sage Kliffs) and then make for the Sluice gate because I am done dealing with reinforcements.

The sluice gate is of course a danger. Delthea is a possible nightmare but at least I have subdue, the mages are of course a threat and I am concerned. I first of all deal with the 4 Miasma grunts, but Delthea telelports to attack Tobin, which does a lot of damage. I proceed to bring her to 4HP with Heavy Draw and get the guy crossing the bridge. Then the fucking ASSHOLE Fortify guy uses it and Delthea tries to attack Gray and he barely doesn't kill her by missing twice. Python gets this guy and I can then subdue with Alm. Delthea fucks with me by trapping Python, but I can get him back to everyone else with Rescue. I then get Tatarrah over with Silque (who takes 5 damage from Death) and try to get him. Python and Gray kill him and Delthea's no longer an issue. From there it's just dealing with the mire guys beside him and the map ends. Tatarrah I was lucky to get a crit on but I think I would have managed regardless at that stage because Delthea was on 1 HP.

From here, the plan is to clear quests and finish Act 3. First off is getting the Lima Armlet quest, which gets Delthea a level or two and a light concern until the stronger zombies died, then back to the castle for some rewards, then back for the quest involving fighting promoted units there again (Python got to 14 Spd, yo what the fuck), after which I promote my bow knights and Tobin, go back to the Sylvan Shrine for a quest and promoting characters who were close anyways (using the exp shrines to accelerate this) and on Celica's side getting Est one level off promotion so I can get here there with a Mila Shrine and get Sonya one level off it. After all that, I open the floodgates and end Act 3.

From here, the doors of hell slide even wider open.

Note all this does include sleep, don't worry about that.

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On 11/1/2022 at 9:55 AM, Imperator Squilla said:


Still blind due to her age, but man, do i wish to use her right now

That's a big improvement over what we got in the vanilla game. Too bad it's still Nyx.

On 11/1/2022 at 12:30 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

I usually exclude the children when talking of available units. In part because I prefer waiting until Offspring Seals on most children.

There are -including Felicia and Jakob but not Azura- 19 unpromoted units on Conquest in the first generation. That is more than enough units to have to experiment with and have to feed EXP to make useful. Waiting longer on the kids gives you "free" EXP in the sense they level up (and gain WEXP too for what it's worth) without consuming any of the EXP available on the battlefield, and also increases the levels of the enemies you're fighting. Recruiting children early does give EXP sooner, but in the long run less than if you waited, and the curving of EXP gains on Lunatic keep you from slingshotting ahead of the main maps in terms of level.

The benefits to recruiting children early would include more availability for those kidsat the aforementioned cost of more resources being needed to make them good. For Mitama or another kid who might want an early reclass, early recruitment is also good. There is also the question of if the associated map has any goodies, like Ophelia's set of awesome free tomes! -Though most paralogues lack good item rewards in Fates.

Variable parentage is another variable, but it's mostly a question of when you recruit the children that makes me leave them out discussion. Ophelia is the most flawless mage of CQ, but when she shows up is up in the air; Odin, Nyx, and Leo are all fixed in that regard.

Honestly, I think the benefits of waiting are eclipsed by the downsides - sure, they get WEXP over time, but it's utterly glacial. Waiting until like chapter 17 just for them to leave D rank is utterly laughable when with early recruitment, I could have had them at C rank or even B rank before then. Also, Offspring Seals are a trap. Long story short, I prefer early recruitment for various reasons, like actually getting my A-Team online sooner by kicking the chaff (and boy, does Fates have a lot of chaff in the first generation) to the bench.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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That is chapter 15 completed with no deaths, although one slightly close call.



I actually had to feed the group twice, as TeeHee, the one unit I can use next chapter, wasn't on the food list the first time.


Although this flair does nothing for her.


And here the writers are putting down their own doubts about if they can make the story Conquest promised.


Must you doubt yourselves so much Conquest writers.


At least they know where their story's heart lies.


Even TeeHee can see the parallels between herself and Azura in the story.


At least the obnoxiously obvious lamp shading about the "mysterious singer" is going to end soon. 


Why does TeeHee's mind go for taking a bath, and not going for a swim? Is this a cultural thing?


She died chapters ago TeeHee, its not like drowning now will make things worse somehow.



Azura did try to warn us, this is where the story takes a dive into the brown waters of Valla.


We already know part of this statement is a lie, we have seen one of those "soulless killing machines" communicate with us through a battle quote


Way back in chapter 5. Then again Azura lying to us about Valla seems par for the course of this trilogy of stories.


I guess I can forgive her for failing to tell us the truth this time around, given her being as dead as her mom.


So I am trying to do the harder objective of this map for some stat boosters that I will probably forget about in the convoy. I really should get around to using all the ones I have in the box already...


And I seperate the replica TeeHee into some enemy phase combat first turn.


And she gets an interesting little level off of this.


This map is a little counter intuitive, as the replicas share their original's health stats


And equipped weapon, so I can get that kill with the Grim Yato on the other side, and switch over to the 1-2 range Kodachi on this side to counter the Ninja on that other map. Also, giving TeeHee enemy phase action on one map, and Gunter enemy phase action on the other is a bit of a trend I do to keep up a brisk pace (I do only have 20 turns), and keep track of the damage I will be taking on each unit easier.


Although it is hard to find the time to heal in such target rich environments.


Grinding TeeHee up to promotion is the main objective of this map.


Unfortunately, our only source of healing is from consumables, but I at least remembered to get all the Vulns into the convoy before this map. Unfortunately only the real TeeHee has access to the convoy, so I have to be a bit careful when I heal.


Ah Gunter, leveling like a true Jagen. Admittedly his best use is access to level 15 skills kinda early, but I doubt I will end using him.


Things do get a little spicy after missing a 94% hit. To be fair this was down to my own greed, as I could have just killed this Ninja with Gunter using TeeHee's attack stance at 100% accuracy, but I wanted TeeHee to get the kill


So TeeHee needs to back off a little and heal, and as long as I don't expose either of them on the other side I am fine.


Although it isn't long before I am back in this, and claiming another level for TeeHee.


Theoretically its stat booster drops like this that incentivizes doing the Replicate way, but truth be told the exp was incentive enough.


Now I do end up making a dire blunder here. The numbers here are tight due to one of the Lancers having seal defense, and I overlook that one of the Axemen further ahead can add an attack stance to the one with a Javelin, so if the enemy hit three 44% hits, and a 71% they could have killed TeeHee and ended everything here, but almost as soon as I realize the mistake, I am fine as the first (well all the) attack at 44s miss her entirely.


And Gunter does level on the attack stance hit that kills the Soldier that only had melee


This is a little dangerous, but killing this eliminates the defense sealer


And I still have the option to shelter her in my tool belt.


Really this is a nice remindere to slow down. I still have half my turns left, and on what it normally the harder half of the map, there is only two axemen and the boss left. I guess it is fitting that the side I should have the option to dance on has more enemies left.


Ok, so I might not be the best at this whole slow down strategy...what can I say playing this map fast makes it funner.


But TeeHee finally reaches level 20, and thanks to the nature of this map, on the same turn


She promotes as well.


And there is just the boss left on the bottom map.


I did end up reaching a fair magic stat, and I had a little bit of a plan in my head to try and get out of the E rank hump on this map (so I forged up an E rank tome in the preps), but I don't think there are enough enemies left to reach D rank at this point


And I do end up taking down that last group of enemies a little slow, but I still have 4 full turns to deal with a boss that will take two if I am cautious


As he deals less damage on enemy phase.


 I didn't quite hit one round range on enemy phase, and I think I will play it a little safe


By using a Vulnerary on the other side, so even if I double miss, and he hits it wont be a game over.


Although that was entirely unnecessary as she hit just fine.


No wonder this plot goes so far off the rails, Azura was writing in the cursed lands of terrible plots.


I guess this is a nice little detail about how Gunter survives, but it is a little odd that these hiding techniques never really come up in Revelation


It is madness, but ~


Ah like the Deep Realms, only its our world that is moving faster in time, which is one of many things about Valla that have weird implication for Revelation


And now we get to the terribly written curse of questionable mechanics. It doesn't come up much in Conquest, because it doesn't actually matter here, but how these bozos think it works is utter nonsense.


Would you jump off a cliff if Azura did?

and TeeHee immediately answers Azura jumped off a cliff? I better do the same immediately.


The way she explains how she knows this is either clearly flawed


As it could just as easily be Gunter that is the exception here, and not TeeHee


Unless she secretly knows something about TeeHee's real origins, which she is going to keep secret, despite this being the ONE PLACE (assuming the curse is as real as these goofballs pretend). She even had this whole thing in the story before the map about how she wants to get the chance to tell TeeHee the truth, and just doesn't. She continues to lie to us by omission.


...Well duh.


Although its nice that TeeHee brings up the obvious source of her reluctance to murder in cold blood the man she considers her father.


Good I guess we can go bring to him and show all the sibli-


Or we can break this thing right now, conveniently where the more competent, and far less naive Leo can't see it.


And we get a definitely real, and not illusory image of the Slime Father, which was in no way shown to manipulate the naive TeeHee into extreme actions.


At this point, her admitting it so TeeHee can stop lamp-shading the obvious truth of the matter is a relief.


I do appreciate that their parallel path extends to their sense of personal responsibility as well.


I do like how they return to the emotional core of the Conquest here just before the whole plot declares how awful it is going to be


...How will mentioning the other world in any way help. Would saying a magical orb from a magical land, that TeeHee never even learned the name of, showed her that father isn't real help in any way, and not sound crazy. By Anankos, how is she even going to trigger the curse without knowing it is named Valla, this plot point is such nonsense in Conquest...


And Azura definitely doesn't have a revenge motive against the Nohrian Kingdom which abandoned her for years to the Hoshidan, or the Hoshidans that kidnapped and tried to kill her at the start of this war, and definitely wouldn't want both kingdoms to suffer for her death.


To be fair to Conquest's story, this is actually set up, and isn't the magical ass-pull it sounds like.


Garon has already made it clear that he full agrees with this, your happiness is a small price to pay.


If she actually followed through with this path of evil plan, it might actually make Conquest's story interesting, or if she committed to the whole change things from the inside with crafty Leo tactics, which TeeHee was considering at the this map, but TeeHee is instead going to waffle the whole way through, just following Garon's order in a similar way she has been doing the whole time.


We also get Felicia, but at this point I have an abundance of units I would like to use, so she is probably on bench duty.


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


She died chapters ago TeeHee, its not like drowning now will make things worse somehow.

The crash was months ago Teehee, you have to move on

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And Azura definitely doesn't have a revenge motive against the Nohrian Kingdom which abandoned her for years to the Hoshidan, or the Hoshidans that kidnapped and tried to kill her at the start of this war, and definitely wouldn't want both kingdoms to suffer for her death.

Azura the villain is an understandable motivation.

Corrin being a puppet who showed up at the right time for her across all routes, but I still have to figure out BR's ending and how it benefits her in particular.

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@Edelguardiansing you can advance now!

Just be sure to check beforehand if you are with us or not^^

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Azura the villain is an understandable motivation.



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Time for a double update because i have to do 16 and 17 together. Thx Rev.

Also we get a Zombie and a soon to be Zombie!



Lobster lord and his soon to be dead wife enter the battle!


Corn with the Magic offensive trinity and what Mozu needs 




Why the hell is "Sorry about this" a crit qoute?


Gorochi is now Norochi


Fates' I win Button. Even in the Conquest cast swap he is so damn much stronger than Xander


Lucina was a Myrmidon all along


Beruka yes!




Oh nonononononononono


Fortune truly favors Gorochi




Before Orochi risks more RNG that would make Reina jealous leading to her death, i sind mr. I win button to finish the map




Cocky much?

Tbf, he can back it up, so...


I hope i don't regret not deploying Ryoma to this. He will solo the rest of the game anyway... 

Before starting the map, i gotta use this double chapter special occasion to mention something...

I hacked this in as the prep theme 😛

Anyway, let's do this!



I send in Tankura to take on this gang. With 26Def/29Res she should be safe


Is that how you repay my trust in you?


Me when i play RD part 4

Xander and Leo join us, and that means...




Getting ready for the Re-union, eh, Severa?


A princely duet!


The rest of the gang is here! Promoted, too, thanks to balance patch they no longer need 20 training skirmishes to be useful!

Let's take a look at them, shall we?

Also i should hack in Together we Ride sometimes Fates' recruitment theme is weak af


You love to see it!


#AwakeningGang +Setsuna


Eh. Fine.




Severa pls i want one run where i can use the whole gang


I should turn her into a Zerker. Her skl makes her crit all day. Best Berserker in the game from my experience


After clearing the forward group i start advancing


Pegasi overextension is a legtimate tactic!


Do i get an Overkill Bonus?


Apparently not


I need to get her a flame shuriken...i just don't have the money lmao


I don't need a Flame Shuriken XD


That lvlup qoute is quite...ironic lol




Setsuna proving she's not a pitfall! @Saint Rubenio rejoices


2 Girls 1 Axe


Alrighttttt! Spd on Beruka, you love to see it!




I sentence you to death by Luigi!


he get's it this time




I let our dimensional triving lord daughter seize and finish the map!

The clean streak continues!

Next: To Valla!

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42 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:




DESTROYED! Then again, when you're as despicable as Hans, you deserve it.

By the by, I find it hilarious how Hans's stats are piss-poor compared to the generic Berserkers on this map. He has better luck and defenses, but that's about it. Making matters worse for him, he starts out with a Tomahawk equipped, which means he's easy pickings for anyone who gets in close to him.

50 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Before starting the map, i gotta use this double chapter special occasion to mention something...

I hacked this in as the prep theme 😛

That's a downgrade tbf.

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4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also i should hack in Together we Ride sometimes Fates' recruitment theme is weak af

Which version?

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


You love to see it!

>Peri with axes


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And it's around here where my team completely snowballs.


Mid-chapter promotions are my favorite


Double level up, baby!


Unnecessary crits are also pretty great.


I'm debating on whether or not to swap out Stahl for Say'ri.




And we got the second couple going.

10 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

@Edelguardiansing you can advance now!

Aye aye, captian. Making sure I have our checkpoints on screen at all time alongside the links as well.

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:
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Oh nonononononononono


Fortune truly favors Gorochi




I'm not even using Henry yet that gave me a heart attack.

Losing Orochi and Niles would be a huge loss for the Fates folks.

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:
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Also i should hack in Together we Ride sometimes Fates' recruitment theme is weak af


Guest of Light would like to have a word with you.

It was actually my Castle theme for when I played Birthright.


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4 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Losing Orochi and Niles would be a huge loss for the Fates folks

Well, when it comes to those 2 they don't die with their linked units. However, if both die, their linked units die in Awakening/SoV.

You could say they are semi-free XD

5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Guest of Light

Not really a fan, ngl.

Then again, i don't like any of the modern recruitment themes.

Together we ride, Comrades or Stalwards unite, those were the themes that gave me recruitment hype feeling. Miss that.

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4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Before starting the map, i gotta use this double chapter special occasion to mention something...

I hacked this in as the prep theme 😛

Also how dare you use this theme you literally have the best prep theme in the entire goddamn franchise right there.

I haven't even played all the games yet I have a feeling nothing will top this.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Well, when it comes to those 2 they don't die with their linked units. However, if both die, their linked units die in Awakening/SoV.

You could say they are semi-free XD

True, but a loss is still a loss, especially with the kidnappers.

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8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Also how dare you use this theme you literally have the best prep theme in the entire goddamn franchise right there

I am playing Rev., not Conquest XD

It's not bad, but...

Also, with how much i play Fates, i gotta listen to something different every once in a while XD

This should've been Rev preps tbh

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

True, but a loss is still a loss, especially with the kidnappers.


Especially with how much i invested in Orochi.

Might give her the Robe, who knows.

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43 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Does this count?

Together we challenge the Elite Dragons!

I mean, it's not that close-

Get about 70 seconds in


Should IS sue?

Edited by Punished Dayni
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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I am playing Rev., not Conquest XD

No I know, I was just talking about how you could've changed it to that song.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


This should've been Rev preps tbh

That would've been amazing.

I like Birthright's soundtrack more than most, and the fusion here is just beautiful.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also, with how much i play Fates, i gotta listen to something different every once in a while XD

Fair enough.

Were it up to me though, I probably would've done something like this.

Actually now that I think about it, how do did you change the music anyways?

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9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Actually now that I think about it, how do did you change the music anyways?

Just putting the right files in the appropiate location (which is romfs/sound/stream)

The harder part is finding the music in the appropiate type that 3ds/citra accepts (or changing it to such)

Thankfully there's a music mod on gamebanana with lots music stuff, and when it comes to SD prep theme i used the file from the FE1 mod for Fates

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9 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:


I should turn her into a Zerker. Her skl makes her crit all day. Best Berserker in the game from my experience

Being the best Berserker in Fates is about as meaningful as being the best archer in Blazing Blade. AKA, not at all because you're still in a bad class. Also, in the context of this run, it's just not worth it.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Play Awakening they said, it's the easiest in the franchise they said

Well, I was the one who suggested I play Awakening but that's besides the point.

Turns out, Awakening is only easy if you allow powercreep to take over your strategy. If you play it like an actual Fire Emblem game even with overpowered units, it can be more stressful than fucking Conquest.

I'm prolly just bad tho

Alright, great Tree Mila. This one certainly hits different after playing Shadows of Valentia.

Only one screenshot for this one because I decided to funsies to play it on the big screen and didn't want to go trough the trouble of getting up and taking screenshots, so I'll just explain the jist.

The strategy was simple, have the high defense boys edge in and allure the enemies allowing for the lower level units to finish them off and get EXP. I kept mind of any and all reinforcements that pop up, but here's the kicker.

I misread a thing.

Four bow knights would come out at the bottom of the map, I know that much but it ended up happening a turn earlier than I expected and I was left with a problem. Both Anna and Cherche were in danger as I was not only dealing with the bow knights but also remains of the previous reinforcements of Hero's and Fighters. I had two choices, both would potentially sacrifice the other, Cherche could move in and kill and Pegasus knight wielding a silver lance, the only unit that Anna would for sure be hit by alongside the bow knights, but by doing this Cherche would have to face the onslaught of axeboys who would certainly kill her.

I held my breath and decided that even if Cherche was the lesser unit, she was more worth keeping alive as Anna isn't linked to any other units.

But something unexpected happened.

The pegasus knight and two of the bow Knights all went for Say'ri. She did well to dodge the fighters but she was no match against the arrows and fliers.

Say'ri perished the first chapter I used her in

The loss of Kagero, Mathilda and Peri is no small thing, so I can only fear for the future at the hands of my carelessness.

But it's not over, Say'ri was also parried up with Vaike who as we know, has terrible defense and in came a new problem. A Hero that moved in could one round him in an instant but Vaike had no one or where to go in order to escape him as everyone else I had used to dispatch enemies that would've likely caused further losses. He could've moved in up close and killed the Hero with a silver axe, but that would put him in range of several other enemies that would surely end his life. On a coin roll, I had Vaike use a hand axe against the Hero while adjacent to Gaius hoping that Gaius would double attack and kill the Hero.

Gaius did not attack.

But a miracle happened. The following enemy turn the Hero attacked Vaike but Vaike was saved by Gaius in a duel guard that had an 8 percent chance to happen. Vaike counter attacked and killed the Hero leveling him up to 20. Later that chapter I promoted him into a Hero because Sol is broken.

Everything else went smoothly, Tharja promoted to a Dark Knight and I finished the map with only one casualty

Also this happened.



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