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A Hero Rises: Fire Emblem Engage Cup


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So the way A Hero Rises works this year. For 12 days, each day we get to vote for our favorite version of the 12 Lords featured in Fire Emblem Engage, and then a Summon event will happen with the 12 versions of the Lords most voted, where every player gets a free summon.


Day 1: Marth
Day 2: Celica
Day 3: Sigurd
Day 4: Leif
Day 5: Roy
Day 6: Lyn
Day 7: Eirika
Day 8: Ike
Day 9: Micaiah
Day 10: Lucina
Day 11: F!Corrin
Day 12: M!Byleth

Each poll gets added every day, and they last until the end of the run.

Edited by Jave
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Here are my votes

Marth: Legacied Hero
Celica: Queen of Valentia
Sigurd: Destined Duo
Leif: Destined Scions
Roy: Blazing Lion
Lyn: Wind's Embrace
Eirika: Beach Restorer
Ike: Close-Knit Siblings
Micaiah: Radiant Queen
Lucina: Future Fondness
Corrin: Child of Dusk
Byleth: The Fódlan Star

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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I think they all last until the 25th, it's just that a new one opens each day.

Interesting event. I'm not missing any versions of Marth, Leif, or Byleth, so I don't have much stake in those, but it'd be nice to pick up one or more others. Looks like the notable contenders are:

  • Marth: Duo or Brave
  • Celica: Ascended (maybe Legendary)
  • Sigurd: Legendary (maybe Duo)
  • Leif: Harmonized
  • Roy: Harmonized (maybe Legendary)
  • Lyn: Flame (maybe Duo)
  • Eirika: Duo, Brave, Summer
  • Ike: Duo
  • Micaiah: Duo, Legendary, Summer
  • Lucina: Valentine's
  • Corrin: Duo, Halloween (maybe Legendary)
  • Byleth: Legendary

Marth, Eirika, Micaiah, and Corrin seem like the biggest toss-ups. Legendary Sigurd and Micaiah would be great for me, as well as Celica and Roy but those are less likely.

If we guess the most likely colors for everyone except Marth and Eirika, that's 2 red (Sigurd/Ike), 1 blue (Lyn), 4 green (Roy/Lucina/Corrin/Byleth), and 3 colorless (Celica/Leif/Micaiah).

Edited by Othin
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Why did IS even bother putting this to a vote? For pretty much all of these characters, their latest alt is going to win easy.

The only ones where I can see an older alt winning are Marth (Legendary or Duo wins instead of CYL), Eirika (CYL wins instead of Summer) and maybe Micaiah (Bride or Legendary wins instead of Summer).

Edit: I forgot about Summer Micaiah like a dumbass.

Edited by Tybrosion
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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

Why did IS even bother putting this to a vote? For pretty much all of these characters, their latest alt is going to win easy.

The only ones where I can see an older alt winning are Marth (Legendary or Duo wins instead of CYL), Eirika (CYL wins instead of Summer) and maybe Micaiah (Bride wins instead of Legendary).

Legendary actually isn't Micaiah's latest version. But yeah, a lot of these seem pretty skewed.

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Well of course the latest versions will probably win which makes sense, though I would honestly like legendary Micaiah but that's me.  Oh well at least there will be several I don't have on this if it goes like that.

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Free Godlike Reflexes is all I really care about. If the banner has a spark (which it probably will), I'll probably grab Valentine Lucina for Savvy Fighter to give to Rearmed Robin. I'm hoping Halloween Corrin wins her category since I'd like to have another good blue unit to have as a pity breaker, especially with how much she evaded me during her original banner.


Do we know if backpacks count or if Masked Marth counts for Lucina? That would add 2 more options for Lucina (Masked Marth and Harmonized Mia) and 1 more option for Byleth (Duo Sothis). Byleth's options kind of don't exist otherwise.

Here's a breakdown of options and colors (likely frontrunners are bolded):


  • Red: Base, Legendary, Young, Brave
  • Colorless: Duo


  • Red: Base, Fallen, Brave
  • Green: Legendary
  • Colorless: Ascended


  • Red: Base, Duo, Legendary


  • Red: Base
  • Colorless: Legendary, Harmonized


  • Red: Base, Brave, Legendary
  • Green: Harmonized
  • Colorless: Valentine


  • Red: Base
  • Blue: Valentine, Summer, Festival
  • Green: Legendary
  • Colorless: Bride, Brave, Ninja


  • Red: Base, Tome, Legendary, Duo
  • Blue: Brave
  • Green: Summer
  • Colorless: Winter


  • Red: Base, Legendary, Valentine, Fallen, Duo
  • Green: Brave


  • Red: Festival
  • Blue: Base
  • Green: Brave
  • Colorless: Duo, Legendary, Summer


  • Red: Base
  • Blue: Spring, Brave, Legendary
  • Green: Valentine


  • Blue: Base, Summer, Halloween
  • Green: Dream, Duo
  • Colorless: Fallen, Legendary


  • Red: Base
  • Green: Legendary


And by color, only counting frontrunners (characters in multiple colors in italics):


  • Sigurd: Duo, Legendary
  • Eirika: Duo
  • Ike: Duo


  • Lyn: Festival
  • Eirika: Brave
  • Corrin: Halloween


  • Roy: Harmonized
  • Eirika: Summer
  • Lucina: Valentine
  • Corrin: Duo
  • Byleth: Legendary


  • Marth: Duo
  • Celica: Ascended
  • Leaf: Harmonized
  • Micaiah: Legendary, Summer
Edited by Ice Dragon
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Interesting. I have to wonder if this is an actual replacement for the usual A Hero Rises, or just something in addition to it. Either way, this'll be a great way to get merges and/or brand new units, there's a few in the selection here that I still haven't summoned yet. I think my votes will be...

  • Marth: Prince of Light
  • Celica: Queen of Valentia (would be new)
  • Sigurd: Fated Holy Knight (would be new)
  • Leif: Destined Scions (would be new)
  • Roy: Blazing Lion, or Roy: Blazing Bachelors
  • Lyn: Blazing Whirlwind
  • Eirika: Beach Restorer (would be new)
  • Ike: Close-Knit Siblings (would be new)
  • Micaiah: Radiant Queen, or Micaiah: Wavecrest Maiden
  • Lucina: Future Fondness (would be new)
  • Corrin: Starry Seer (would be new)
  • Byleth: The Fodlan Star
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BTW, this tweet makes it sound that everyone can pull one of the 12 winners of their choice (Essentially like a free CYL pick), in addition to having a banner with the 12 winners as focus units.

@Ice Dragon Duo backpacks and Masked Marth don't count. The site in the link I posted in the OP has banner-style artwork for all characters and those aren't among the choices.

Edited by Jave
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17 minutes ago, Jave said:

Duo backpacks and Masked Marth don't count. The site in the link I posted in the OP has banner-style artwork for all characters and those aren't among the choices.

Huh, it looks like Grail units as a whole aren't available. I suppose that makes sense since they aren't going to be on a banner, after all.

Sucks that we can't get Duo Sothis to pad stocks on blue even more since Byleth literally only has two options.


I've edited my list.


EDIT: It looks like the voting format works like this:

  • One character opens up for voting each day, with voting open for all characters through the last day.
  • You get 1 vote per day.
  • It looks like once you make a vote for a character, you can no longer make another vote for the same character (including other alts).

The last point is a guess, but is really the only way any of this would make sense based on the first two points.

So it looks like even if you miss a day, you can still go back and add a vote for someone other than the character that opens up that day at the cost of not being able to vote for a later character.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Not an overly whelming event but I'll take a Duo Sigurd or Harmonic Leif I guess. Nothing else seems to be at stake really so no point in me voting for anything but Duo Sigurd over his Legendary version.

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I don't really see much of a point in voting but I might anyway. More invested players (I'm fairly casual, but serious about collecting my favorites) are going to probably choose good units, so I can just ride that tailwind.

Edit: Hmmm for Marth... His brave version gives great fodder. But his kid version is the cutest one so I chose him.

Edited by Mercakete
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Wait, Halloween Corrin F is the blue one? Huh, I'd thought she was green. Guess they didn't want a repeat of Adrift.

If there's a spark, that'll probably get me to actually pull on the banner.

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12 hours ago, Jave said:

So the way A Hero Rises works this year.

I'm not sure about this. Doesn't the regular AHR start early in the year? This seems to be a bonus AHR for Engage cross-promotion. It's great that we're getting a free pick (and surprisingly consumer-friendly for this time of year, but a 12 person banner is going to be a nightmare, especially since there's no guarantee of color-balancing.

Also I agree that the newest version is likely to win for most of these, but I don't think that's a bad idea since they're all really powerful units 🙂

And also: those posters! Yes please to all of them!

Edited by DefyingFates
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I think no one is surprised by this, but I tihnk it's valid to be commented: you can't vote on the same character twice. You can't vote for Marth like yesterday, and then vote for Marth again today.Once you pick a Marth, that's it. You can't vote for any other Marth... which makes total sense.

Anyway, Celica: Valentia's Hope got my vote today.

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I've already pulled two Ascended Celicas off-focus after getting her on her debut banner, but there really is no alternative pick so hey.

...even if the look in her eye makes me deeply uncomfortable inside.

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7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I've already pulled two Ascended Celicas off-focus after getting her on her debut banner, but there really is no alternative pick so hey.

...even if the look in her eye makes me deeply uncomfortable inside.

You could pick Legendary Celica! She'll get a remix soon!

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11 hours ago, Othin said:

You could pick Legendary Celica! She'll get a remix soon!

I was never going to pick either Celica as the freebie for this event (as above I'm after Duo Sigurd or Harmonic Leif), but fortunately I've had a +1 Legendary Celica forever, so I'm fairly well positioned even if she gets a transformative revamp. I do prefer the Legendary art slightly, but then I think I prefer all three other versions in that regard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Predictably, my ballot was almost entirely just [insert latest alt here] for each character.

The only exceptions were Ballroom Sigurd & Deirdre and Legendary Roy, because Sigurd and Roy are the only two characters here who I do not have every alt of (minus no longer having Bride Lyn and Winter Eirika). I do not have any faith in Legendary Roy winning over Groom Roy though, so I don't know why I even bothered there.

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