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Legendary Hero - Shez: Sharpest Blades


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Me: IS, how much do you hate the idea of giving M!Robin or M!Corrin a Legendary?

IS: Yes.

This is just me shit posting. I do not have anything against Legendary F!Shez and would consider pulling for her (I don't have L!Myrrh or CYL Chrom either).....but Winter Cordelia's banner kinda isn't cooperating with me at all. My luck is in the pits right now (at least on the banners I'm actually spending orbs on).

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I'd say this is a skip but I need Seiðr merges (got only 2 copies of her during the banner, the freebie and the spark for a +3 right now) and wouldn't mind getting L!Ninian or B!Tiki merges. 

As for Legendary F!Shez: Prf is an improved version of M!Shez with the dual phase Brave effect and +5 Spd but this time without the Def/Res penalty. It changes the dmg reduction for penalty neutralization and the condition for the accelerated specials changes from an HP requirement to outspeeding the opponent. A-skill is an easy +8 to all stats and player phase effectiveness against every weapon type as long as Shez outspeeds them (+20 Spd for non-Beast/Dragon infantry foes and +5 Spd for everything else including the Beasts/Dragons). It looks crazy at first glance but in practice I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal. 

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Well, that's terrifying. I forgot the banner was even showing up this soon.

That said, she's the only blue I'm missing here, so I'll pass for now.

And hey, we finally have a Fire/Spd legendary. That's neat - it was the last missing one.

Edited by Othin
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I mean ... in theory, I'm not opposed to Shez, but

1. She was literally just added to the game.
2. She's yet another female avatar who gets a legendary before her male counterpart. Meanwhile, male Robin and male Corrin don't have legendary alts despite their female versions having gotten one a long time ago, and male Shez might be the same - although being from Fodlan he might have a better shot than the other two. The only male avatar who got their legendary before the female one was Byleth, and f!Byleth got her legendary form what ... before the end of the year m!Byleth was added?

Point 2 is ridiculous. I really don't know how they keep on giving us, like, Nanna and Deirdre and Ninian before male Robin or male Corrin. Not that I necessarily have an issue with the ladies, but I'm pretty sure none of them are more popular than m!Robin and I'm pretty sure at the very least the Jugdral ladies are also less popular than male Corrin.

Edited by Sunwoo
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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I mean ... in theory, I'm not opposed to Shez, but

1. She was literally just added to the game.
2. She's yet another female avatar who gets a legendary before her male counterpart. Meanwhile, male Robin and male Corrin don't have legendary alts despite their female versions having gotten one a long time ago, and male Shez might be the same - although being from Fodlan he might have a better shot than the other two. The only male avatar who got their legendary before the female one was Byleth, and f!Byleth got her legendary form what ... before the end of the year m!Byleth was added?

Point 2 is ridiculous. I really don't know how they keep on giving us, like, Nanna and Deirdre and Ninian before male Robin or male Corrin. Not that I necessarily have an issue with the ladies, I'm pretty sure none of them are more popular than m!Robin and I'm pretty sure at the Thracia ladies are also less popular than male Corrin.

This is pretty much my take, as well. I'm not opposed to Shez, I'm pretty neutral on them to be honest, but they were only just added to the game while other characters like male Robin have been waiting literal years. The Fodlan bias in Heroes is SO strong and it's getting very tiring.

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  • Shez has only been in the game for three months.
  • She's a Blue Dagger despite very clearly wielding the Asura's twin swords.
  • Also despite wielding the Asura's twin swords, she has no form of Close Counter, and in fact has her PRF skill hogging the slot.
  • Because her PRF skill specifically says "weapon types", she might actually not be effective against Sothis, who neutralizes effective damage against her dragonstone.

...Alright, I'll ask. Did IntSys hit the eggnog early this year?


I'll die laughing if they add a Close Counter (Dagger) seal in the New Year's Tempest Trial.


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W!Cordelia is still around, not to mention the inevitable debut banner of Engage coming next month + a possible mythic from said game.

Was not expecting her at all. M!Robin and M!Corrin will have to wait, only if Elincia doesn’t steal February’s spot.

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So... I guess being a fast Brave unit is gonna be Shez's "thing."

I almost feel like Shez's permanent effective damage conditions were swapped just to make sure it doesn't actually become permanent effective damage. Non-Dragon and non-Beast infantry units historically have been pretty fast, while almost all other unit types, especially dragons and some beasts, have shafted their Spd in favor of higher defenses. So Shez shouldn't even have any problem having permanent effective damage unless she's up against one of those demihuman infantry units... but then again, units have been getting faster lately.

I feel like this is the first time in a while that every single unit featured is a winner in some way. Even the obligatory Freebie unit's appearance is hard to argue against.

Edited by Xenomata
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Seal Spd 4 is finally released, and there is a decent number of units that really want it.

Swift Slice is stupid. However, due to the fact that it grants effective damage based on weapon type instead of movement type, the dragons that have immunity to effective damage against dragons don't have to deal with that bullshit. Hopefully, Winter Sothis has a good refine because it would probably make her the premier Shez counter. Otherwise, it looks like they're really trying to push infantry tanks over Save tanks without actually addressing the reason why people use Save tanks instead of infantry tanks (hint: ranged offensive units are too strong, and Shez isn't helping).


Due to my budget (and the fact that I'm actually putting in an effort to stay under budget), I'll probably be waiting until the New Year characters are announced before I pull past the spark.

Blue is okay for me. Shez is new, and Chrom is S/D Near Trace fodder, but Myrrh is a dud since I already have a ton of spare copies of her from before, and her one useful skill is Dragon Wall, which is also on Seiros, who I also have a ton of spare copies of. If I remember correctly, I have enough copies of Dragon Wall from Seiros alone to give it to one third of this game's dragons.

Green is actually better in terms of the number of useful units, but isn't as useful in terms of quality since Shez is kind of worth a lot. I do need merges on Seidr since I held back from pulling on her release banner, but she's not very high on my priorities. Ninian is another source of Atk/Spd Catch 4. Tiki is a source of Atk/Res Finish 4, though it's only just Legendary Fae that really wants that right now.

Red and colorless only really have the CYL units that I'm interested in, though Claude is good fodder with both Atk/Spd Catch 4 and Spd/Def Rein.

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And the usual translation notes:


Shez's epithet, "Sharpest Blades", is "修羅の如き双刃" (shura no gotoki moroha), "Asura-like Dual Blades".

Asura Blades is "アスラの双刃" (asura no moroha), "Asura's Dual Blades".

Swift Slice is "連閃" (rensen), "Chain Flash". The word "連" (ren) means "linked together" and is often used to mean "repeated in quick succession".

Seal Spd is "速さ封じ" (hayasa fūji), "Spd Sealing". As usual, contrast with Chill Spd, which is "速さの封印" (hayasa no fūin), "Spd Seal". "封じ" (fūji) is the stem of the verb "封じる" (fūjiru), "to seal", which is used here as a gerund, whereas "封印" (fūin) is a noun meaning "seal".


Unrelated, but Shez's name in the internal files is apparently spelled "Sheds".

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I suppose I might have to start collectively calling them Two Sheds, in spite of the fact that I only have one.

The banner as a whole isn't anything special so just going for the blues across the ticket rounds is probably the play here. As for Shez, I have no strong feelings either way because I ignored Three Hopes completely after buying Warriors and having it easily be the worst Switch game I've ever purchased. Her kit looks scary obviously but I don't really enjoy using infantry and being a PvE player will probably forget she exists most of the time.

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I honestly don't care that Shez was only added in FEH 3 months ago, but I am a little surprised that it is her the Legendary for this month, or even that we got our first Dagger user Legendary Hero and it's not Sothe.

She is very strong but she has counters. She doesn't have Close Counter, so melee units can initiates against her without problems, her Effective Against Everything is only in player phase, so again... Initiating on her sounds the best. And she doesnt have NFU on her kit, so she would need to run that in the B or S slot (or have an ally granting that).

I still believe she is very strong, but I am not annoyed by her like how I was annoyed by Arval and Embla in their reveals.

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Counterpoint Take: It probably makes sense to release Legendary F!Shez now before the Three Hopes train fully stops. 2023 is going to be Engage year and everyone will be asking for the fancy new characters from the newest title, so this banner is probably the last chance for Shez to do "peak" numbers. Besides, OG F!Shez was released as a Reward/Demote and I recall a lot of people saying she deserved better.

Not sure if I'm pulling here. F!Shez looks crazy OP and finally having a Dagger Legendary is tempting, but I can see them releasing someone I want in the NY banner, so I think I'll wait until that one is announced.

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Kinda weird timing since Shez literally only just got in the game.

I also think that if Fodlan was in need of a legendary Hero I'd rather have Holst or Count Bergliez since both have a reputation within Fodlan as being.....well, legendary. Though IS already killed that dream for Holst in order to make him a freebie. 

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Shez: Sharpest Blades got a Meister dagger with Flashing Blade. Her A gives her effectiveness against Beorc infantry units if her Spd is 20 or more over them; she gets effectiveness over everyone else if her Spd is 5 or more over them. She is better off with Slaying and Tempo in her Weapon though if they really want her to take down tanks more effectively.

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So ... Harmonic Cordelia is kiiiinda busted just for the pair-up effect she can give to people around her? Summer Eirika took full advantage of being able to quad-attack to take out a good number of enemies on the map, including Shez I think. The other half of the map was cleared/weakened by Winter BK, who was able to dive in with his save skill to make sure Eirika didn't get exploded by strong ranged units.

I almost feel bad for Shez.

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Since a thread for the Legendary Hero Battle hasn't been made yet, I'm just going to put this here:

Giving Phantom Spd to a unit with 80+6 Spd is just plain mean.

That didn't stop me from Save tanking her, but it's still mean.

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The turn around between Shez debuting and becoming a legendary was quite short. At this rate legendary Alear and Default Alear will be on consecutive banners! Though I'm seriously wondering why we haven't seen legendary Robin. Surely they can't actually count Grima, nown when they have so few good legendairies left.

Being a blue dagger unit is cool. I'm all for turning sword units inti dagger units. Though we actually have few sword infantry legendairies so I wouldn't have been all upset if she was a swordie. That said, I do hope male Shez uses a tome since Asura could use them in Hopes. The ability to freely warp around the map should also, ideally be in there somewhere.

I'm not really getting thr A skill. You need to outspeed a unit by 5 for effective damage, but if you outspeed them by 20 you get more limited effective damage? The skill is less effective against slow dragons?

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